Educator Evaluation Components

Educator Evaluation Program Components
Evaluation Tool
Charlotte Danielson’s Framework for Teaching
Evaluation Procedures
All certified educators (teachers/counselors/library-media specialists/insructional coaches) will
be evaluated each year. Each evaluation will consist of two unannounced 30-minute
observations and the evaluation of documents.
Evaluations will be conducted by administrators and an outside evaluation team. Site
administrators will conduct the classroom observations. A contracted evaluation team will
conduct the document evaluations.
Educator Evaluation Components
 2 Classroom Observations (1 video required)
2 Post-Observation Conferences
Submission of Artifacts
Artifact Evaluation Conference
Self -Assessment
Evaluation Summary Conference
Professional Learning Plan
1. Classroom Observations
At least one 30 minute unannounced observations will be conducted on all educators each
semester. The administrator conducting the observation will make a copy of the observation
notes, and give to the educator. (within 1 work day of observation) Using the observation
notes, the administrator and educator (separately) look at the levels of performance by
component for each domain and highlight or circle the relevant part(s) of each
statement. Looking at the areas highlighted a level of performance is assigned to each
2. Post-Observation Conference
Within five days of the classroom observation, the evaluator and educator meet to discuss the
observation. The evaluator and educator discuss levels of performance assigned to each
component and the related evidence. A final level of performance is determined collaboratively
and assigned for each component.
If the educator has not scored the observation, the conference can’t be held. A copy of the
levels of performance assigned by the educator must be filed with observation
3. Submission of Artifacts
Educators will submit artifacts to support Domain 1 and Domain 4. These domains address
areas of teaching not seen through classroom observations. All educators being evaluated must
submit an artifact declaration form in September. This form indicates the educator’s plan for
submitting documents.
Artifact evaluators will be available to meet with educators if needed prior to the artifact
submission deadline. It is important that educators look closely at the rubrics when selecting
artifacts for submission.
The artifact checklist must be submitted with artifact submissions. This form indicates artifacts
submitted for each component. An optional form is available to be used with any item
submitted that may need additional clarification as to its application to a specific component. A
clarifying statement may be written on the actual document rather than using the form. It is
not required that anything other than the actual artifacts and the artifact checklist be
Once artifact folders are submitted and scored, individual meetings will be held with each
educator to review scores. At this time, educators may give clarifying information to support
documents, but may not add additional documents.
Educators may bank scores for three years on those components receiving a score of proficient
or distinguished.
Teachers new to the system may choose to opt out of this portion of the evaluation process
their first year.
5. Evaluation Summary Conference
Administrator and educator meet for end of year conference to review final evaluation ratings,
close out current PLP, and create the PLP for the upcoming school year.
6. Professional Learning Plan (PLP)
All educators will create a professional learning plan each year. This plan will be based on
evaluation scores and a self-assessment. At the end of each school year, the educator and
administrator will meet to review evaluation scores and choose one component as an area of
focus for the upcoming school year. This component will be “Component 1” of the educator’s
The educator will complete a self-assessment and choose one additional component of focus.
This will be “Component 2” of the educators PLP. When creating a PLP, the educator must
identify the Framework for Teaching components and the EDUCATEAlabama standards to
which they align.
The administrator and educator will collaboratively determine activities to be completed to
address the areas identified for focus. Educators are required to complete a minimum of two
hours of online PD (Educational Impact, Teachscape, SimpleK12) and one additional activity
determined by the educator and administrator for each PLP component.
The educator will have one year to complete the activities proposed on the PLP. If the activities
proposed on the PLP are not completed in the allotted time period, they will be carried over to
the next year’s PLP.
New Educators
New educators will create “Component 2” based on their self–assessment at the beginning of
the school year and “Component 1” once the first classroom observation has been completed.
 Use Educational Impact to complete professional development for their PLP
 First Semester-“22 Components of Great Teaching”
 Second Semester-Two hours of video from “Danielson’s Teaching Framework: Looking
at Great Classrooms” based on area of focus from first observation
Scoring Procedures
Domain ratings will be determined for each observation and for the documents submitted.
Once all observations have been completed and documents scored, educators will be assigned
an overall rating based on scores received from all components of the evaluation.
All evaluations are to be completed online using Teachscape Reflect. Additional forms and
material related to educator evaluation are available on the system’s website under the
“Teacher Evaluation” tab.