English and Maths Toolkit for delivery of Apprenticeships This toolkit is for staff whom are delivering and formatively assessing English and Maths within an apprenticeship framework Contents 1. Employer English and Maths Skill Posters 2. Initial assessment tool 3. Scheme of work 4. Online resources and practice test papers 1. This poster is used by the Apprenticeship unit to identify the English and Maths skills required in each job role and industry. It is sent to each employer to identify specific needs and to inform the planning of each framework. This can then be planned, embedded and prioritised into apprenticeships schemes of work. 2. Access to online Initial assessment, diagnostic, results and ILP practice resources. Each organisation can obtain an online tool for apprenticeship use to embed in their intranet and to enable off site use by employers, assessors and apprentices. 3. This is a template where English and Maths should be signposted and embedded into your scheme of work for delivery of apprenticeship units. Scheme of Work for 2014/15 : Lecturer evaluation and learner feedback Scheme of work: Course Title: Core Unit: Curriculum Leader: Length of Course: Background information on course: Course Code: Variety of learners aged Please see separate learner profile. Scheme is based on a session of ……..hours. Course Leader: Course team members: Names of E.V. Support staff: Lead I.V. Maths, English, wider key skills, Equality & Diversity, employability skills, are highlighted and linked throughout the scheme. How are English and Maths assessed?: Related mandatory Units: How is the course assessed? Practical assessments Any GOLA/Written exam papers Aim of the scheme: Learning Outcomes: When is the course assessed? Link to assessment planner Exam dates: Link to assessment planner Any portfolio evidence: Internal submission date(s): End of June 2014 Final submission date: July 2014 . Wider Skills/Personal Development Teaching and Learning Week/ Date Aim: (what you are aiming to achieve) Outcomes: (what the student s will learn) Try to give a broad overview of the content. Assessment (how will you know they know?) How will you check learning? (including on-line activities and homework) http://www.google.co.uk/sea rch?q=Blooms%20taxonomy Objectives: Skills What are the specific learning objectives? (Activities – how will they get there?) Have you considered how will you develop English, maths, IT and wider skills? How will employability skills be promoted? How will you naturally embed E&D? Stretch and Challenge: How will you achieve this? 1 Click here to enter a date. Lecturer Evaluation: To be completed at the end of the week Student evaluation: What went well? Even better if? Did you feel supported / challenged? 2 Click here to enter a date. Lecturer Evaluation: To be completed at the end of the week Student evaluation: What went well? Even better if? Did you learn something in every session? Did you feel supported / challenged? An example from the Level 2 Civil Engineering Apprenticeship Framework. Aim of the scheme: Learning Outcomes: To ensure learners are equipped with the relevant skills and knowledge to perform civil engineering tasks that conform to statutory rules and regulations with due regard to their own personal health and safety and that of the general public and others around them. The learners will understand the reason for activities being carried out in a specific order and why the following of installation guidelines are important in order to meet a fully cost effective and quality audited activity. At the completion of the programme learners will be able to carry out relevant tasks as directed by their employer with little or no supervison in order to contribute to the economic viability of the employer that they are working for. Teaching and Learning Week/ Date Wider Skills/Personal Development Aim: (what you are Outcomes: (what aiming to achieve) the student s will learn) Try to give a broad overview of the content. Assessment (how will you know they know?) Objectives: Skills How will you check learning? (including on-line activities and homework) What are the specific learning objectives? (Activities – how will they get there?) Have you considered how will you develop English, maths, IT and wider skills? How will employability skills be promoted? How will you naturally embed E&D? http://www.google.co.uk/search?q=Blooms%20taxonomy Stretch and Challenge: How will you achieve this? Induction and Enrolment of learners to Gloucestershire College 15 14/11/2014 Meet and greet and an explanation of where facilities are including a tour of the college campus to establish the location of all learner centred support services. Learners complete feedback sheets and identify location of facilities on a college map. Activities will be reviewed and feedback given to ensure all learners are familiar with what is available at college and the wider. General and directed oral questioning will be undertaken to establish the learners understanding throughout the day. Initial assessment of learners abilities through skillscan Presentation of the and recording of individual leaners achievement of prior type of activities learning. English will be established through the completion of forms and spelling / grammar checked at all opportunities throughout the enrolment process and gathering of information. IT skills will be Teaching and Learning Week/ Date Wider Skills/Personal Development Aim: (what you are Outcomes: (what aiming to achieve) the student s will learn) Try to give a broad overview of the content. Assessment (how will you know they know?) Objectives: Skills How will you check learning? (including on-line activities and homework) What are the specific learning objectives? (Activities – how will they get there?) Have you considered how will you develop English, maths, IT and wider skills? How will employability skills be promoted? How will you naturally embed E&D? http://www.google.co.uk/search?q=Blooms%20taxonomy Stretch and Challenge: How will you achieve this? that wlll be undertaken both in college workshops and classrooms. With an explanation of the required standards. Presentation of the type of activites and evidence required for the building of the NVQ (workplace experience) Introduction to key personnel including Maths and English tutors Ice breaker activities (use Standards Unit Materials where possible) alternative activities include word search, addressed through the process by use of research using internet gfacilities as the learners gain access to the college systems and receive log in details. Maths will be encouraged throughout thesession as naturally occurring and through diagnostic checks to establish learners abilities from the outset of the programme. Opportunites for equality and diversity will be addressed through naturally occurring events including the completion of Teaching and Learning Week/ Date Wider Skills/Personal Development Aim: (what you are Outcomes: (what aiming to achieve) the student s will learn) Try to give a broad overview of the content. Assessment (how will you know they know?) Objectives: Skills How will you check learning? (including on-line activities and homework) What are the specific learning objectives? (Activities – how will they get there?) Have you considered how will you develop English, maths, IT and wider skills? How will employability skills be promoted? How will you naturally embed E&D? http://www.google.co.uk/search?q=Blooms%20taxonomy Stretch and Challenge: How will you achieve this? crossword, team discussion and feedback enrolment documentation where ethnicity, sexual orientation etc. is requested. Employability skills will be discussed through the use of ERR documentation. This will be an on going process and will be picked up by WBL reviewers as all of the learners in this cohort are apprentices. 4. English and maths links—teaching and learning resources for functional skills http://www.pearsonschoolsandfecolleges.co.uk/FEAndVocational/SkillsForLifeAndKeySkills/19plus/FunctionalSkills/ISBN/TeachingandLearningR esourceDisks/FunctionalSkillsEnglishLevel2TeachingandLearningResourceDisk.aspx http://www.pearsonschoolsandfecolleges.co.uk/Secondary/Mathematics/1416/EdexcelFunctionalSkillsMathematics/ISBN/ActiveTeachCDROM/EdexcelFunctionalMathematicsActiveTeachLevel2.aspx http://www.edexcel.com/quals/func-skills/wbl-resources/Pages/english-level-1.aspx http://www.edexcel.com/quals/func-skills/wbl-resources/Pages/english-level-2.aspx http://www.edexcel.com/quals/func-skills/wbl-resources/Pages/maths-level-1.aspx Links to Edexcel example videos and assessments http://www.edexcel.com/quals/func-skills/english/Pages/assessment-videos.aspx http://www.edexcel.com/quals/func-skills/english/Pages/default.aspx http://www.edexcel.com/quals/func-skills/wbl-resources/Pages/maths-level-2.aspx Additional English resources http://www.grammar-monster.com/ http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/ http://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/en/grammar-games http://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/ks2/english/spelling_grammar/ http://www.funbrain.com/grammar/ http://resources.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/interactive/literacy2.htm http://classroom.jc-schools.net/basic/la-grammar.html English resources and advice Edexcel (use the Past Papers search to download question papers, mark schemes and examiner’s reports): http://www.edexcel.com/Pages/Home.aspx Practice online tests (use the onscreen on-demand practice tests with the mark schemes) http://www.edexcel.com/quals/func-skills/Pages/Onscreen_testing.aspx BBC Skillswise (covers Level 1 skills): http://www.bbc.co.uk/skillswise/english Online resources for Maths Functional Skills Mostly Level 1: http://www.bbc.co.uk/skillswise/maths http://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/ks3/maths/ http://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/ks2/maths/ Level 1 and Level 2: http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/maths/ http://www.move-on.org.uk/practicetests.asp Edexcel online tests: http://www.edexcel.com/quals/func-skills/about/Pages/Onscreen_testing.aspx Edexcel past papers, mark schemes and examiners’ reports http://www.edexcel.com/quals/func-skills/maths/Pages/default.aspx Maths requirements for Civil Engineering http://www.ice.org.uk/What-is-civil-engineering/What-do-civil-engineers-do/How-to-become-a-Civil-Engineer https://nationalcareersservice.direct.gov.uk/advice/planning/jobprofiles/Pages/civilengineer.aspx - Nov 14 To become a civil engineer, you will need to have: excellent maths, science, and IT skills the ability to explain design ideas and plans clearly the ability to analyse large amounts of data, and assess solutions a confident decision-making ability excellent communication skills project management skills the ability to work within budgets and to deadlines good teamwork skills full knowledge of relevant legal regulations. http://www.mymajors.com/career/civil-engineers/skills/ Speaking - Talking to others to convey information effectively. Mathematics - Using mathematics to solve problems. http://www.skillsworkshop.org/contextual?page=1&tid[0]=47&tid_depth[0]=4 – Construction, Carpentry and Plumbing http://www.skillsworkshop.org/contextual?tid%5B%5D=47&tid_depth%5B%5D=5 – Electrical, Electronics and Technology http://rwp.excellencegateway.org.uk/Embedded%20Learning/Vocational/Trowel%20occupations/ - resources The following tables are useful when laminated and used as posters, handouts,mouse-mats or keyboard placemats Skills required for Level 2 English Functional skills Speaking and Listening Skill area 1 Speaking & Listening Make a range of contributions to discussions in a range of contexts, including those that are unfamiliar, and make effective presentations Skills needed 1.1 Consider complex information and give a relevant, cogent response in appropriate language 1.2 Present information and ideas clearly and persuasively to others 1.3 Adapt contributions to suit audience, purpose and situation 1.4 Make significant contributions to discussions, taking a range of roles and helping to move discussion forward What it really means for the learners - show active listening by linking their own comments and questions to what others have said - use correct vocabulary and avoid slang terms to avoid being misunderstood - explain their ideas clearly so their audience understands and is persuaded to share their views - use visual aids to support their presentation without replacing or weakening their own role in it - match their words, volume and tone of voice to suit their audience - pay attention to others’ views and to what the group is trying to achieve - explain relevant points clearly - encourage others to put their views forward and support their ideas by comments, questions or nonverbal means - help to keep the discussion moving forward towards a decision - take a range of roles, e.g. negotiate, lead, keep records, summarise, ask questions, chair Remind them to - decide on the points they want to make and research their material well (adds confidence) - be clear about their point of view and what they want to get across. - be clear about their purpose and focus on achieving it. - not to rely too much on visual aids for their presentation and not get distracted by the technology. - make a few brief notes to help them stay on track. - speak calmly and not too quietly or loudly – make sure everyone can hear them and have eye contact - contribute to the discussion in different ways (i.e. range of roles) - listen carefully when others speak - respond politely and treat everyone’s ideas as worth considering - give extended contributions Note: these reminders are now also available in poster format to be used with your learners Reading Skill area 2 Reading Select, read, understand and compare texts and use them to gather information, ideas, arguments and opinions Skills needed 2.1 Select and use different types of texts to obtain and utilise relevant information 2.2 Read and summarise, succinctly, information/ideas from different sources 2.3 Identify the purposes of texts and comment on how meaning is conveyed 2.4 Detect point of view, implicit meaning and/or bias 2.5 Analyse texts in relation to audience needs and consider suitable responses What it really means for the learners - identify the main purpose of the text - find a number of pieces of information and evidence in the text - identify what a text is about and make a summary - decide whether statements they are given are presented in the text as facts or opinions - identify bias in text - give features of the text that convey information - respond to the text – find solutions to questions by using information in the text - make a decision based on comparing information in different parts of the text Remind them to - read each question carefully before they look for the answer. They could highlight key words in the question so that they stay focused. - not to make assumptions about a writer’s purpose, but to find evidence in the text to support their ideas - use different reading techniques: skimming to get the gist, scanning to find a specific detail and close reading to understand the text - read carefully to choose the most correct answer. - name features of text and say how and why they are used. - look out for ideas and views which are suggested indirectly through language or layout of the text. Is it fact or just the writer’s opinion? - some words may give clues about the writer’s point of view or bias. Do they recognise these? Note: these reminders are now also available in poster format to be used with your learners Writing Skill area 3 Writing Write a range of texts, including extended written documents, communicating information, ideas and opinions, effectively and persuasively Skills needed 3.1 Present information/ideas concisely, logically, and persuasively 3.2 Present information on complex subjects clearly and concisely 3.3 Use a range of writing styles for different purposes 3.4 Use a range of sentence structures, including complex sentences, and paragraphs to organise written communication effectively 3.5 Punctuate written text using commas, apostrophes and inverted commas accurately 3.6 Ensure written work is fit for purpose and audience, with accurate spelling and grammar that support clear meaning in a range of text types. What it really means for the learners - use the correct format for their writing (e.g. emails, letters, articles, reports, leaflets, reviews and web forum) - include all the relevant information the reader needs, and present it clearly so that they can understand it - use appropriate register (i.e. formal or informal) for the purpose - give opinions and write persuasively if they are asked to - build an argument and back up their ideas with evidence - organise their writing, using paragraphs and other text features if needed - use a range of sentence types and use joining words to link ideas - ensure their spelling (e.g. plurals, homophones, prefixes and suffixes) and grammar (e.g. subject-verb agreement, correct and consistent use of verb tense) are accurate so the reader can understand their meaning - use a range of punctuation correctly, including commas, apostrophes and inverted commas Remind them to check the following: - Have they made a quick plan first to help them organise their ideas? - Have they planned paragraphs? - Has it got all the features they would expect in the text type? - Do their language, content and presentation suit their audience? - Will their writing achieve its purpose? - Have they backed up their points with evidence? - Have they included the right content? - If they are given ideas for things to include, have they used them? - Is it formal or informal enough all the way through? - Does each sentence make sense? Read the text ‘aloud’ in their head to check. - Check for homophones – have they used the right one? - Read the text backwards, focusing on the spelling of each word. Correct any errors. Note: these reminders are now also available in poster format to be used with your learners Read, write, order, compare number (including negative integers) 6 − (−3) = 6 + 3 = 9 Add and subtract (including negative integers) Read, write, order, compare numbers (up to 2 decimal places) Multiply and divide (Including negative integers) Multiply and divide by 10 100 Use direct proportion in simple problems 1000 Integers are whole numbers (positive or negative) 8 10 Round to the nearest 10, 100, 1000 Understand place value Ratio and Proportion Know and use multiplication and division facts up to 10 x 10 Round decimals to 2 decimal places Convert units of time including: Order and compare simple percentages 19 % Add and subtract decimals up to 2 decimal places Find percentages of quantities Divide decimals up to 2 decimal places (calculator) Calculate percentage increase and decrease Seconds Hours Weeks Years Minutes Days Months Read, write, order, compare money Add, subtract, multiply and divide amounts of money, Household bills Utility bills Finance Interest (for 1 year) 51 % Percentages 0.25 = ¼ = 25% Use equivalencies between decimals fractions and percentages Work out intervals of time Time Decimals Multiply decimals with up to 2 decimal places Divide a quantity into 2 or 3 parts in a given ratio 45 is % of 60 45/60 = 0.75 x 100 = 75% 45 is 75% of 60 Work out percentages of quantities, including VAT Express one number as a percentage of another Money Round money in calculations to the nearest penny Calculate wages and salaries (including deductions N.I and tax) Convert between currencies Order and compare fractions and mixed numbers Write fractions in simplest form Add and subtract simple fractions with the same denominator, excluding mixed numbers Work out the perimeter of shapes Area Fractions 1÷4= Convert simple fractions to decimals (up to 2 decimal places) Use equivalent fractions of 80 = ? Find a fraction of a whole number quantity 45 = 3/4 of 60 Express a number as a fraction of another Know and use units of measure for including metric and imperial units inc ft lbs Length Temperature kg Weight Draw lines accurate to the nearest cm Measures Add and subtract measures Make comparisons and predictions from data. Describe trends and represent data Find the class interval which contains the median middle value when the values are arranged in size order) ig Read, write & use everyday tables, charts Capacity Interpret and compare composite bar charts (made of 2 or more criteria) Draw and interpret Tables and Charts pt Read decimal scales Interpreting data Work out the area of shapes Mileage charts Bar charts Line graphs Timetables Currency conversion table Check solutions to questions and problems by using suitable approximations Bar charts Pie charts Line graphs 2 way tables Check solutions to questions and problems by considering whether the answer is sensible Approximation and Find the modal class interval from a frequency table or diagram the mode is the value that occurs most often ) Formulae Substitute numbers into a formula and complete the calculation. These are the current specifications Functional Skills at level 1 and 2 in English and Maths: http://www.edexcel.com/migrationdocuments/Functional%20skills1/FC026704-Functional-Skills-English-Levels-1-and-2-issue-3-090211.pdf http://www.edexcel.com/migrationdocuments/Functional%20skills1/FC023242-Functional-Skills-Mathematics-Lev-1-and-2-issue-2-1810101.pdf To download past papers