LAW AND RHETORIC BIBLIOGRAPHY: SELECTED READINGS AND RESOURCES Contemporary Composition Theory James A. Berlin, Contemporary Composition: The Major Pedagogical Theories, reprinted in THE WRITING TEACHER’S SOURCEBOOK (GARY TATE, EDWARD P.J. CORBETT & NANCY MYERS EDS., 3D ED. 1994). James A. Berlin, Rhetoric and Ideology in the Writing Class, reprinted in THE WRITING TEACHER’S SOURCEBOOK (EDWARD P.J. CORBETT, NANCY MYERS & GARY TATE, EDS., 4TH ED. 2000). SUSAN MILLER, THE NORTON BOOK OF COMPOSITION STUDIES (2009). GARY TATE & AMY RUPIPER, A GUIDE TO CONTEMPORARY COMPOSITION PEDAGOGIES (2014). COMPILED BY KIRSTEN K. DAVIS, JULIE OSEID, AND KRISTEN TISCIONE JULY 2014 (RESOURCES MARKED WITH * ARE GOOD PLACES TO BEGIN READING) FOUNDATIONAL RHETORICAL THEORY AND HISTORY Classical *ARISTOTLE, ON RHETORIC (George A. Kennedy trans. 1991). EDWARD P.J. CORBETT & ROBERT J. CONNORS, CLASSICAL RHETORIC FOR THE MODERN STUDENT (4th ed.1999). PATRICIA BIZZELL & BRUCE HERZBERG, THE RHETORICAL TRADITION: READINGS FROM CLASSICAL TIMES TO THE PRESENT (2d ed. 2000). A SHORT HISTORY OF WRITING INSTRUCTION: FROM ANCIENT GREECE TO TWENTIETHCENTURY AMERICA (JAMES J. MURPHY ED., 1990). RHETORICAL METHODS Rhetorical Criticism/Analysis *SONJA K. FOSS, RHETORICAL CRITICISM: EXPLORATION AND PRACTICE (4th ed. 2008). JIM A. KUYPERS, RHETORICAL CRITICISM: PERSPECTIVES IN ACTION (2009). Defining the “Rhetorical Situation” *Lloyd Bitzer, The Rhetorical Situation, 1 PHILOSOPHY AND RHETORIC 1 (1968). Richard E. Vatz, The Myth of the Rhetorical Situation, 6 PHILOSOPHY AND RHETORIC 154 (1973) Composition Research Methods GESA KIRSCH & PATRICIA A. SULLIVAN, METHODS AND METHODOLOGIES IN COMPOSITION RESEARCH (1992). Argumentation LAW AND RHETORIC STEPHEN E. TOULMIN, THE USES OF ARGUMENT (2003). Contemporary Rhetorical Theory Books PATRICIA BIZZELL & BRUCE HERZBERG, THE RHETORICAL TRADITION: READINGS FROM CLASSICAL TIMES TO THE PRESENT (2d ed. 2000). KAREN A. FOSS, SONJA K. FOSS & ROBERT TRAPP, READINGS IN CONTEMPORARY RHETORIC (2001). KENNETH BURKE A GRAMMAR OF MOTIVES (BERKELEY 1945/1969). A RHETORIC OF MOTIVES (BERKELEY 1950/1969). LANGUAGE AS SYMBOLIC ACTION (1966). JOHN LOUIS LUCAITES, CELESTE M. CONDIT & SALLY CAUDILL, CONTEMPORARY RHETORICAL THEORY: A READER (1998). CHAIM PERELMAN & L. OLBRECHTS-TYTECA, THE NEW RHETORIC: A TREATISE ON ARGUMENTATION (1969). STANLEY FISH, DOING WHAT COMES NATURALLY: CHANGE, RHETORIC AND THE PRACTICE OF THEORY IN LITERARY AND LEGAL STUDIES (1989). MICHAEL H. FROST, INTRODUCTION TO CLASSICAL LEGAL RHETORIC: A LOST HERITAGE (2005). PAUL GEWIRTZ & PETER BROOKS, EDS., LAW’S STORIES: NARRATIVE AND RHETORIC IN THE LAW (1996). PETER GOODRICH, LEGAL DISCOURSE: STUDIES IN LINGUISTICS, RHETORIC, AND LEGAL ANALYSIS (1987). *AUSTIN SERAT & THOMAS KEARNS, EDS., RHETORIC OF LAW (1996). JAMES BOYD WHITE JUSTICE AS TRANSLATION: AN ESSAY IN CULTURAL AND LEGAL CRITICISM (1990). HERACLES’ BOW: ESSAYS ON THE RHETORIC AND POETICS OF LAW (1985). WHEN WORDS LOSE THEIR MEANING: CONSTITUTIONS AND RECONSTITUTIONS OF LANGUAGE, CHARACTER, AND COMMUNITY (1985). 1 Articles RHETORICAL CRITICISM OF LEGAL TEXTS Linda L. Berger, Studying and Teaching “Law as Rhetoric”: A Place to Stand, 16 J. LEG. WRITING 3 (2010). Robert M. Cover, The Supreme Court, 1982 Term -- Foreword: Nomos and Narrative, 97 HARV. L. REV. 4 (1983). Gerald Frug, Argument as Character, 40 STAN. L. REV. 869, 869-927 (1988). Marouf A. Hasian, Jr., Critical Legal Rhetorics: The Theory and Practice of Law in a Postmodern World, 60 SO. COMM. J. 44, 44-56 (1994). Victoria Kahn, Rhetoric and the Law, 19 DIACRITICS 21 (1989). Gerald D. Klinger, Law as “Communicative Praxis”: Toward A Rhetorical Jurisprudence, 30 ARGUMENTATION AND ADVOCACY, 23 (1994). John Louis Lucaites, Between Rhetoric and ‘the Law’: Power, Legitimacy, and Social Change, 76 Q. J. SPEECH 435 (1990). Francis J. Mootz, III., Introduction to Recalling Vico’s Lament: The Role of Prudence and Rhetoric in Law and Legal Education, 83 U. CHI.-KENT L. REV. 1097 (2008). Kristen K. Robbins (Tiscione), Paradigm Lost: Recapturing Classical Rhetoric to Validate Legal Reasoning, 27 VERMONT L. REV. 483 (2003). *Gerald B. Wetlaufer, Rhetoric and Its Denial and Legal Discourse, 76 VA. L. REV. 1545, 1545-1586 (1990). *James Boyd White, Law as Rhetoric, Rhetoric as Law: The Arts of Cultural and Communal Life, 52 U. CHI. L. REV. 684 (1985). Linda Berger, How Embedded Knowledge Structures Affect Judicial Decision Making: A Rhetorical Analysis of Metaphor, Narrative, and Imagination in Child Custody Disputes, 18 S. CAL. INTERDISCIPLINARY L. J. 259 (2008). Adina C. Carlson, You Know It When You See It: The Rhetorical Hierarchy of Race and Gender in Rhinelander v. Rhinelander, 85 Q. J. OF SPEECH 111 (1999). Robert Danisch, Aphorisms, Enthymemes, and Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. on the First Amendment, 27 RHETORIC REV. 219 (2008). Kirsten K. Davis, The Rhetoric of Accommodation: Considering the Language of Work-Family Discourse, 4 U. ST. THOMAS L. J. 530 (2007). Katie L. Gibson, In Defense of Women’s Rights: A Rhetorical Analysis of Judicial Dissent, 35 WOMEN’S STUDIES IN COMMUNICATION 123 (2012). William Lewis, Of Innocence, Exclusion, and the Burning of Flags: The Romantic Realism of the Law, 60 S. COMM’N J. 4 (1994). Carole M. Parker, The Perfect Storm, the Perfect Culprit: How A Metaphor of Fate Figures in Judicial Opinions, 43 MCGEORGE L. REV. 323 (2012). Trevor Parry-Giles. Character, the Constitution, and the Ideological Embodiment of “Civil Rights” in the 1967 Nomination of Thurgood Marshall to the Supreme Court, 82 QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF SPEECH 364 (1996). C. J. Picart, Rhetorically Reconfiguring Victimhood and Agency: The Violence Against Women Act’s Civil Rights Clause, 6 RHETORIC AND PUBLIC AFFAIRS 97 (2003). J. Clarke Rountree, Instantiating the “Law” and its Dissents in Korematsu v. United States: A Dramatistic Analysis of Judicial Discourse, Q. J. of Speech, 87, 1 (2001). J.K., Wood, Balancing Innocence and Guilt: A Metaphorical Analysis of the US Supreme Court’s Rulings on Victim Impact Statements, 69 WESTERN J. OF SPEECH COMM. 126 (2005). RHETORICAL APPROACHES TO STUDYING/TEACHING LEGAL WRITING Linda L. Berger, Linda H. Edwards, and Terrill Pollman, The Past, Presence, and Future of Legal Writing Scholarship: Rhetoric, Voice, and Community, 16 J. LWI 521 (2010). Blumenfeld, Barbara, Rhetoric, Referential Communication, and the Novice Writer, 9 L. COMM’N & RHETORIC: JALWD 207 (2012). Kirsten K. Davis, Legal Forms as Rhetorical Transaction: Competency in the Context of Information and Efficiency, 79 U.M.K.C. L Rev. 667 (2011). Julie A. Oseid, The Power of Zeal: Teddy Roosevelt’s Life and Writing, 10 L. COMM’N & RHETORIC: J. ALWD 125 (2013). Theresa Phelps, The New Legal Rhetoric, 40 S.W. L. J. 1089 (1986). Christopher Rideout & Jill Ramsfield, Legal Writing: A Revised View, 69 WASH. L. REV. 35 (1994). Christopher Rideout, Voice, Self, and Persona in Legal Writing, 15 LEGAL WRITING: J. LEGAL WRITING. INST. 67 (2009). Michael R. Smith, Levels of Metaphor in Persuasive Legal Writing, 58 MERCER L. REV. 919 (2007). 2 OTHER RESOURCES Rhetoric-Related Blogs Bibliographies Bits: Ideas for Teaching Composition, Bedford St. Martins, Rhetorica, Andrew Cline, Rhetoric and Composition Weblog list (rhetoric, rhetoricians, and the teaching of communication skills), The Blogora, Rhetoric Society of America, Jim Aune, Legal Rhetoric Bibliography, 2005-2010, (January 20, 2011). Nedra Reynolds, Jay Dolmage, Patricia BizzelL & Bruce Herzberg, The Bedford Bibliography for Teachers of Writing (7th Ed. 2012) (searchable at Michael R. Smith, Rhetoric Theory and Legal Writing: An Annotated Bibliography, 3 ALWD: J. of Leg. Comm’n & Rhetoric 129 (2006). The Conference on College Composition and Communication Bibliography of Composition and Rhetoric 1984-1999, (searchable). Rhetoric-Related Journals (Interdisciplinary) Law and Society Journals, List of Communication Journals, communicationjournals.htm. List of Communication Studies Journals that Include Rhetoric-Focused Articles, List of Rhetoric Related Journals, Rhetoric Society of America, Journals, Communication and Mass Media Complete, searchable database that includes key rhetoric journals (ask your library about access). Legal Writing Journals Legal Communication and Rhetoric: Journal of the Association of Legal Writing Directors. Legal Writing: Journal of the Legal Writing Institute. Rhetoric-Related Organizations Association for the Study of Law, Culture and the Humanities. Conference on College Composition and Communication, Kenneth Burke Society and Journal, Law and Society Association, List of Communication Associations, National Communication Association, Rhetoric Society of America, 3