7th Grade Notebook Check pgs. 116-141 Name: _________________________________________________ Graded By: _____________________________________________ Content Page 116: Bell Work 2/4- What is a volcano? Bell Work 2/5: What is the difference between explosive and non-explosive eruptions? Bell Work 2/6- Why are pyroclastic flows so dangerous if they are not really lava? Bell Work 2/9- Why are shield volcanoes so wide and "flat?" Page 117: "When Volcanoes Erupt" notes. Value +1 BW labels +4 BW complete Page 118: Bell Work 2/10- Why are cinder cone volcanoes so small, compared to the other two types? Bell Work 2/11- How are composite volcanoes different from shield or cinder cone volcanoes? Venn-diagram comparing and contrasting the three types of volcanoes. Page 119: "Types of Volcanoes" reading notes. +1 BW labels +2 BW complete +2 Venn-diagram Page 120: Bell Work 2/12- Reflection of the Science Fair. Bell Work 2/17- What are three ways to melt the mantle to form magma, and where do we see each occur on Earth? Bell Work 2/18- 1. What should rock layers look like, according to the Law of Superposition? 2. What are the two types of stress, and where do we see them on Earth? Bill Nye Video Guide- 3 things you knew, 3 things you learned. Page 121: "Causes of Volcanic Eruptions" notes. /5 +1 title +4 notes +3 notes +2 drawings +1 BW labels +3 BW complete +1 Bill Nye guide +1 title +4 notes (Homework Grade) Page 123: "Deforming Earth's Crust- Basic Ideas" notes. +1 title Page 124: "Folding Earth's Crust with Play-doh" lab. +1 title +2 answered fully +2 drawn/colored +1 title +4 notes Page 126: Bell Work 2/19- 1. What causes rock layers to bend? 2. Why type of fold is pictured on this slide? Bell Work 2/20- 1. What kind of stress causes folded mountains? 2. What kind of stress causes fault-block mountains? Bell Work 2/23- 1. What kind of fault is pictured on the slide? 2. What kind of fold is pictured on the slide? Page 127: "Mountains Formation" notes page and "Faulting Earth's Crust with Play-doh" lab. Page 128: "Fault Diagrams" drawn, labeled, and colored. Page 129: "Faulting" notes. /5 /5 /5 /5 Page 122: Vocabulary Pictures. Page 125: "Folding" notes Score +4 notes /5 /5 /5 /5 +1 BW labels +4 BW complete /5 +5 notes sheet +5 faulting lab +1 title +2 drawn +2 labeled +1 title +4 notes /10 /5 /5 Page 130: "Diagram of an Earthquake" drawn and labeled. "The Richter Scale and Mercalli Scale Comparison" worksheet. Bell Work 2/24- (toothpick min-lab) 1. What caused the toothpick to break? 2. What did you feel when you broke the toothpick? 3. How does this simple model simulate the Earth's crust? Page 131: "Earthquakes" notes. +1 diagram +3 worksheet +1 BW +4 notes /5 Page 132: Bell Work 2/25- 1. What causes earthquakes? 2. What two scales are used to classify earthquakes? Bell Work 2/26- Create a Venn-diagram to compare and contrast P-waves and Swaves. Include at least 10 facts total. "Find Detritus" worksheet completed and taped in. Page 133: "Seismic Waves" notes. +1 BW 2/25 +3 BW 2/26 +1 “Find Detritus” /5 +1 title +4 notes /5 Page 134: Bell Work 2/26- Why was the 2004 "Boxing Day" Tsunami so deadly? (not graded yet) Page 135: "Tsunamis" notes. +1 title +4 notes Page 136: Bell Work 3/2- Describe some constructive and destructive forces discussed in this unit. "Plate Tectonics Unit Review" taped in and completed. Page 137: Unit Title Page (not yet assigned). +1 BW 3/2 +4 unit review Page 138: Bell Work 3/4- 1. What do you think a crystal is? 2. How much do you think a crystal is worth? "Five Characteristics of Minerals" Vocab. pics. Page 139: "What are Minerals?" notes. +1 title /5 /5 (homework grade) +1 title +2 BW complete +3 Dr. Birdley complete Table of Contents pages 116-141 (20 pages max.) +1 for every 4 pages +1 title /5 +4 notes Page 140: Bell Work 3/5- 1. What do we mean by "definite chemical composition?" 2. Why isn't sugar and mineral? Bell Work 3/6- 1. What are the three ways that we classify rocks? 2. How are rocks and minerals different? "Dr. Birdley: Types of Rocks" taped in and completed. Page 141: "What are Rocks?" notes. Total Points Earned /5 /5 /5 /5 +4 notes /120 ***Double check the math AND go back through your notebook to make sure everything was graded properly!***