Sumerian Press Conference

Processing Group Activity:
Sumerian Civilization Press Release and Press Conference
Pretend that you and your partner are world-famous Sumerian historians. You and
your partner have been asked create a press conference about announcing Ancient
Sumer as the world’s first civilization. You and your partner have also been asked to
write a press release to document the information you will be presenting at this
press conference. Since you will only be allotted five minutes to speak, you and your
partner have been asked to select which _______ characteristics of the Sumerian
civilization that you determined to be the most important and support them with
both descriptions and visuals.
Partner: ____________________
________________ level
Please use your spoke diagram to list the 7 characteristics of Sumerian civilization
Next, determine which ______ you and your partner agree on as being the most
important characteristics of a civilization. Please draw a star next to your choices.
Lastly, with time being limited in terms of both your preparation and actually press
conference, brainstorm your plan of action for tomorrow’s class.
Pazuzu Public Relations Firm- LCJSMS Grade 6 Social Studies- Processing Group Activity for Ancient Sumer
Sumerian Civilization Press Release
Sumerian Historians ________________________________ &___________________________________
Qualifying Credentials: (a list of materials used to learn about ancient
Sumerian civilization)
Three (3) Artifacts of Sumerian Civilization Characteristics and their Modern Day Equivalents
We have determined ________________________ to be one of the ______ most important of the
characteristics of Sumerian Civilization because
____________________ should also be considered equally as an important characteristic of
Sumerian civilization in
Pazuzu Public Relations Firm- LCJSMS Grade 6 Social Studies- Processing Group Activity for Ancient Sumer
Our final most influential characteristic of Sumerian civilization is
Please anticipate two (2) questions that the press would ask you. Please write down
the question and you & your partner’s response.
Question 1:
Question 2:
Pazuzu Public Relations Firm- LCJSMS Grade 6 Social Studies- Processing Group Activity for Ancient Sumer
Exit Slip
You did a wonderful job in selecting which characteristics of Sumerian civilization
were the most important. Your PR Director couldn’t be prouder of your choices,
descriptions, justifications, and illustrations! ;) She has one more request of you to
really be certain that you will be prepared for tomorrow’s press conference. Please
list the four (4) characteristics of Sumerian civilization that you did not feel were the
most important. You must write a statement describing this characteristic and
defend why you and your partner felt that it was not considered to be the most
Pazuzu Public Relations Firm- LCJSMS Grade 6 Social Studies- Processing Group Activity for Ancient Sumer
Sumerian Civilization Press Release
Sumerian Historians ________________________________ &___________________________________
Qualifying Credentials: (a list of materials used to learn about ancient
Sumerian civilization)
Four (4) Artifacts of Sumerian Civilization Characteristics and their Modern Day Equivalents
We have determined ________________________ to be one of the ______ most important of the
characteristics of Sumerian Civilization because
Pazuzu Public Relations Firm- LCJSMS Grade 6 Social Studies- Processing Group Activity for Ancient Sumer
____________________ should also be considered equally as an important characteristic of
Sumerian civilization in
(Create your own transition and important characteristic of Sumerian civilization
information- follow the prompts above for help!)
Our final most influential characteristic of Sumerian civilization is
Please anticipate three (3) questions that the press would ask you. Please write
down the question and you & your partner’s response.
Question 1:
Question 2:
Pazuzu Public Relations Firm- LCJSMS Grade 6 Social Studies- Processing Group Activity for Ancient Sumer
Question 3:
Pazuzu Public Relations Firm- LCJSMS Grade 6 Social Studies- Processing Group Activity for Ancient Sumer
Exit Slip
You did a wonderful job in selecting which characteristics of Sumerian civilization
were the most important. Your PR Director couldn’t be prouder of your choices,
descriptions, justifications, and illustrations! ;) She has one more request of you to
really be certain that you will be prepared for tomorrow’s press conference. Please
list the four (3) characteristics of Sumerian civilization that you did not feel were the
most important. You must write a statement describing this characteristic and
defend why you and your partner felt that it was not considered to be the most
Pazuzu Public Relations Firm- LCJSMS Grade 6 Social Studies- Processing Group Activity for Ancient Sumer
Sumerian Civilization Press Release
Sumerian Historians ________________________________ &___________________________________
Qualifying Credentials: (a list of materials used to learn about ancient
Sumerian civilization)
Two (2) Artifacts of Sumerian Civilization Characteristics and their Modern Day Equivalents
We have determined ________________________ to be our first most important of the
characteristic of Sumerian Civilization because
Our second most influential characteristic of Sumerian civilization is
_________________________. This is because…
Pazuzu Public Relations Firm- LCJSMS Grade 6 Social Studies- Processing Group Activity for Ancient Sumer
Please anticipate one (1) question that the press would ask you. Please write down
the question and you & your partner’s response.
Question 1:
Pazuzu Public Relations Firm- LCJSMS Grade 6 Social Studies- Processing Group Activity for Ancient Sumer
Exit Slip
You did a wonderful job in selecting which characteristics of Sumerian civilization
were the most important. Your PR Director couldn’t be prouder of your choices,
descriptions, justifications, and illustrations! ;) She has one more request of you to
really be certain that you will be prepared for tomorrow’s press conference. Please
list the five (5) characteristics of Sumerian civilization that you did not feel were the
most important. You must write a statement describing this characteristic and
defend why you and your partner felt that it was not considered to be the most
Pazuzu Public Relations Firm- LCJSMS Grade 6 Social Studies- Processing Group Activity for Ancient Sumer
Pazuzu Public Relations Firm- LCJSMS Grade 6 Social Studies- Processing Group Activity for Ancient Sumer