Tornado Evacuation Plan Procedure

Tornado Evacuation Plan
Approval Signature:
Approval Date: ___3/31/15_____
Title: ________Senior Vice President_____________________ Department: _Safety__________
Tornadoes can strike without warning. Although they are more common during spring and summer
months, they can strike throughout the year.
Tornado Watch: A tornado watch is issued when conditions are right for the formation of funnel
clouds. There are weather alert radios throughout each building. If a watch is announced, the continuing
weather conditions should be monitored.
Tornado Warning: A tornado warning means that a funnel cloud or hook echo has been spotted. If a
warning is sounded, all should move to the marked shelter area and remain there until an "all clear" is
sounded. The continuing weather conditions should be monitored.
Safe Shelters: Shelters are in the sturdiest part of the structure, the basement area, away from windows.
Sturdy furniture, such as a desk or table, blankets, rugs, and other similar items may be used to protect
people in the shelter from flying debris such as broken glass or even small objects.
The Lind Center shelter area is located in the basement break room.
The Business Center shelter area is located in the basement break room. The room has windows
that have been hardened. In the event the windows are struck they may shatter but a film has been
applied to keep the glass from blowing out.
1. When weather conditions are threatening the Safety Committee Team will monitor the
weather alert radio and sound a warning if necessary. When a tornado warning announced,
2. If a tornado warning is announced by the National Weather Service:
A. Storm Emergency Captain will communicate the warning over the Mosaic phone
system's emergency paging system stating, "This is a tornado warning. All employees
should move to the basement immediately." The Storm Emergency Captain is assigned
by the Safety Committee.
B. Safety Committee Team will close the fire doors as they move to the shelter area.
C. All employees will immediately move to the shelter area via designated stairwells. If
involved in a telephone conversation, employees will discontinue the conversation
immediately and move to safety. Conversation should be kept to low tones so that
announcements and the weather radio can be heard.
Tornado Evacuation Plan
Page 1 of 2
Effective Date: January 1, 2012
Revision Date: March 31, 2015
DO NOT bring personal radios to the storm shelter; the “official” storm radios will be on
to keep employees informed.
1. Storm Emergency Captain will bring the charged cellular phone into the shelter area to
provide emergency communication.
2. Safety Committee Team will:
 Check the work area or wing to ensure everyone has been notified of the
emergency and is moving to shelter.
 Close and lock the door to the Foundation offices and direct coworkers down the
north wing stairwell to the storm shelter.
 Bring the flashlight(s), first aid kit and fire extinguisher from the nearest fire
extinguisher closet to the shelter area. Keep fire door keys to allow access to the
storm shelter.
3. Supervisors will account for all department staff once in the shelter area.
4. All Employees will remain in the designated shelter area until an "all clear" is
1. Storm Emergency Captain will summon emergency personnel using the cellular phone.
2. Safety Committee Team will:
 Survey all employees to determine if any injuries have been sustained and provide
appropriate first aid, if required, until emergency personnel arrive.
 Keep all employees together in the safest area of the building until an "all clear" is
3. Safety Committee Team will, once the "all clear" is sounded, determine the safest exit
from the building and start evacuation of the premises.
 Provide instructions on a gathering site to employees as they leave the building,
based on what locations are available after the storm.
 Designate one employee to take roll call as employees reassemble.
 Do not allow any staff to leave the assembly point until it has been determined that it
is safe to do so.
4. If it is determined that structural damage makes exit unsafe without the assistance of
emergency personnel, all employees remain in the area of safety until help arrives.
5. Director of Communications (or designee) will prepare a statement for the media and to
be made to families seeking information about employees in the building during the
1. The Tornado Evacuation Procedure is reviewed by the Safety Committee Team annually.
2. Emergency kits are located near shelter areas and are equipped with a battery operated
radio, blankets and other supplies.
3. Employees are offered a review of the Tornado Evacuation Procedure upon hire or
transfer and annual thereafter.
4. Full facility tornado drills are held two times each year. Results are reviewed by the
Safety Committee Team and are documented in the Safety Committee meeting minutes.
Tornado Evacuation Plan
Page 2 of 2
Effective Date: January 1, 2012
Revision Date: March 31, 2015