Quadrilateral Study Guide[1]

Quadrilateral Study Guide
Part I: Circle all of the quadrilaterals pictured below.
Part II: Read each question carefully. Circle the best answer.
1) If all sides of the polygon pictured are equal in length, the polygon is most likely a –
A. square
B. rhombus
C. rectangle
D. nonagon
2) Which two figures always have four congruent sides?
A. parallelogram and rectangle
B. rectangle and rhombus
C. square and equilateral triangle
D. rhombus and square
3) Lori drew a rectangle on the board. Which statement must be true?
A. the figure is a square
B. the figure is a rhombus
C. the figure is a parallelogram
D. the figure is a nonagon
4) What type of quadrilateral has only one set of parallel sides?
A. rhombus
B. square
C. trapezoid
D. rectangle
5) Which property distinguishes a rectangle from a rhombus?
A. four sides
B. four congruent sides
C. opposite sides congruent and parallel
D. four right angles
6) What is the sum of the measures of all the interior angles of any quadrilateral?
A. 90°
B. 360°
C. 180°
D. 450°
7) Find the missing angle in the quadrilateral –
A. z=60°
B. z=80°
C. z=65°
D. z=70°
8) Find the missing angle in the
quadrilateralA. 134°
B. 129°
C. 124°
D. 114°
9) Find the missing angle in the quadrilateral –
A. 280°
B. 180°
C. 80°
D. 20°
Part III: Check all that apply
1) In order for a quadrilateral to be identified as a parallelogram it must have –
 Four congruent sides
 Four right angles
 Opposite sides parallel
 Opposite sides congruent
 Opposite angles congruent
 Congruent adjacent angles
 Two pairs of parallel sides
 Exactly one pair of parallel sides
 No parallel sides
2) In order for a quadrilateral to be identified as a kite it must have –
 Four congruent sides
 Four right angles
 Opposite sides parallel
 Opposite sides congruent
 Opposite angles congruent
 Congruent adjacent angles
 Two pairs of parallel sides
 Exactly one pair of parallel sides
 No parallel sides
3) In order for a quadrilateral to be identified as a trapezoid it must have –
 Four congruent sides
 Four right angles
 Opposite sides parallel
 Opposite sides congruent
 Opposite angles congruent
 Congruent adjacent angles
 Two pairs of parallel sides
 Exactly one pair of parallel sides
 No parallel sides
Part IV: Complete the graphic organizer by filling in the bold blanks with the correct term.