Grade 9 Academic – Chemistry Unit 2 Outline: Atoms, Elements, and Compounds 2012-2013 Overall expectations: Block assess social, environmental, and economic impacts of the use of common elements and compounds, with reference to their physical and chemical properties; investigate, through inquiry, the physical and chemical properties of common elements and compounds; demonstrate an understanding of the properties of common elements and compounds, and of the organization of elements in the periodic table. Key Topics & Key Terms Homework - Textbook - additional worksheets CHAPTER 5 – Exploring the Nature of Matter 1 2 3 Introductory Activities Diagnostic Quiz - Chemistry basics Safety goggles Lab Safety (PPT #1) Mapping out the classroom General safety rules, safety symbols (WHMIS/HHPS), safe techniques Safety Contract (student signature required) Exploring the Nature of Matter (PPT#2) The particle theory of matter Review matter and its changes of state Classifying matter Key terms: pure substances (element, compound), and mixtures (mechanical mixture, solutions, alloys) Physical Properties (PPT #3) Qualitative properties vs. quantitative properties Characteristic physical properties: density, m.p., b.p., f.p. Chemical Properties Chemical changes (reacts with…) LAB ACTIVITY/demo: investigating physical and chemical properties of household products (ref 6.3 p 218) 4 5 Key terms: physical property (qualitative, quantitative), chemical property, Characteristic physical properties Physical Change vs. Chemical Change Evidence of chemical change LAB DEMOS : observing change Conduct appropriate chemical tests to identify some common gases (e.g. O2, H2, CO2) on the basis of their chemical properties, and record their observations (ref 7.5 p270) Hoffman’s apparatus (decomposition of water) Key terms: physical change, chemical change, precipitates LAB INVESTIGATION: Forensic Chemistry Lab (ref 5.5 p190, GIZMO?) Pre-lab design (TI; wt-1) Observation chart (CM/TI; wt-3) Post lab analysis questions (AP; wt-3) Pink Title page, unit glossary Read safety handout Sect 5.4 Pg 188 1,2,b,c,d,i worksheet QUIZ #1: Lab Safety & WHMIS symbols (KU/TI; wt-1) 5..1 Pg. 178 #2-4, 8-10 5.2 Pg. 182 #1, 2,4 5.6 Pg. 198 #1,3, 5,11 5.3 Pg. 186 #3 worksheet QUIZ #2: physical & chemical properties (KU; wt-1) 5.2 Pg. 182 #5 5.3 Pg. 186 #1, 4, 5, 7 Worksheet Opt Gizmo activities See handouts and rubric provided by teacher Check: Block Key Topics & Key Terms Homework - Textbook - additional worksheets Check: CHAPTER 6 – Elements and the Periodic Table 6 7 8 9 10 Periodic Table (PPT#4) Quick review: Distinguish between elements and compounds Names and chemical symbols for elements (1 – 20, Fe, Ag, Au, Pb, Cu, Zn) Organization of the modern periodic table: Metals vs. non-metals, metalloids (pg. 203) groups (families), periods, atomic number, valence electrons Patterns in the Periodic Table Compare and contrast the physical properties of elements within and between groups/families on the periodic table (e.g. alkali, alkaline earth metals, halogens, noble gases) Atomic Theories (PPT#5) Explain how different atomic models evolved as a result of experimental evidence (e.g. Democritus, Aristotle, John Dalton, J.J. Thomson, Rutherford’s gold foil experiment, James Chadwick, Neil Bohr) Worksheets 6.1 Pg. 215 #1-5, 8-10 6.8 Pg 244 #6 6.4 Pg.225 #1,2,5,6, 8-10 Worksheet 6.6 Pg. 233 #1, 3, 5 Worksheet 6.7 Pg. 240 #1,3, 6- 9 Bohr-Rutherford Diagrams (PPT#6) Worksheet Describe the characteristics of neutrons, protons, and electrons, including charge, location, and relative mass (“P.E.N”, atomic notation, Z, A) QUIZ #3: P.E.N, atomic Describe the patterns in the arrangements of electrons in the first 20 elements notation and Bohrof the periodic table using the Bohr-Rutherford model Rutherford diagrams Explain the relationship between the atomic structure of an element and the (KU/TI; wt-3) position of that element in the periodic table UNIT TASK: Product Advertisement (KU/CM/AP; wt-3) see handouts provided by teacher Assess the usefulness of and/or hazards associated with common elements or compounds in terms of their physical and chemical properties CHAPTER 7 – Chemical Compounds 11 Introduction: read pg. 254 “the attack of oxygen” and answer the question Ions and Ionic Compounds Ions and ionic charges Metal + non-metal (losing and gaining electrons) Know formulae for common compounds (e.g. NaCl, CaCO3, NaHCO3) 12 13 Key terms: ion, cation, anion, ionic compounds, ionic bond, Molecular Compounds (PPT #7) Identify and use the symbols for common elements (e.g. C, S, N, Cl) and the formulae for common compounds (e.g. O2, H2O, CO2) ACTIVITY: construct molecular models to represent simple molecules (e.g. O2, CO2, H2O, NH3, CH4) (ref 7.4 p268) Key terms: molecular elements, molecular compounds, covalent bond Review (see website review handout provided) FINAL EVALUTION: Unit 2 Test (KU/TI/CM/Ap; wt-5) GIZMO activities 7.1 Pg. 261 #1-4, 7-9, 11 7.3 Pg. 266 #7, 10 Worksheet (use Molecular model kits)