Atoms, Elements, and Compounds 2012-2013

Grade 9 Academic – Chemistry
Unit 2 Outline: Atoms, Elements, and Compounds
Overall expectations:
assess social, environmental, and economic impacts of the use of common elements and compounds, with reference to
their physical and chemical properties;
investigate, through inquiry, the physical and chemical properties of common elements and compounds;
demonstrate an understanding of the properties of common elements and compounds, and of the organization of elements
in the periodic table.
Key Topics & Key Terms
- Textbook
- additional worksheets
CHAPTER 5 – Exploring the Nature of Matter
Introductory Activities
Diagnostic Quiz - Chemistry basics
Safety goggles
Lab Safety (PPT #1)
Mapping out the classroom
General safety rules, safety symbols (WHMIS/HHPS), safe techniques
Safety Contract (student signature required)
Exploring the Nature of Matter (PPT#2)
The particle theory of matter
Review matter and its changes of state
Classifying matter
Key terms: pure substances (element, compound), and mixtures (mechanical
mixture, solutions, alloys)
Physical Properties (PPT #3)
Qualitative properties vs. quantitative properties
Characteristic physical properties: density, m.p., b.p., f.p.
Chemical Properties
Chemical changes (reacts with…)
LAB ACTIVITY/demo: investigating physical and chemical properties of
household products (ref 6.3 p 218)
Key terms: physical property (qualitative, quantitative), chemical property,
Characteristic physical properties
Physical Change vs. Chemical Change
Evidence of chemical change
LAB DEMOS : observing change
 Conduct appropriate chemical tests to identify some common gases
(e.g. O2, H2, CO2) on the basis of their chemical properties, and
record their observations (ref 7.5 p270)
 Hoffman’s apparatus (decomposition of water)
Key terms: physical change, chemical change, precipitates
LAB INVESTIGATION: Forensic Chemistry Lab (ref 5.5 p190, GIZMO?)
Pre-lab design (TI; wt-1)
Observation chart (CM/TI; wt-3)
Post lab analysis questions (AP; wt-3)
Pink Title page, unit
Read safety handout
Sect 5.4 Pg 188 1,2,b,c,d,i
QUIZ #1: Lab Safety &
WHMIS symbols
(KU/TI; wt-1)
5..1 Pg. 178 #2-4, 8-10
5.2 Pg. 182 #1, 2,4
5.6 Pg. 198 #1,3, 5,11
5.3 Pg. 186 #3
QUIZ #2: physical &
chemical properties
(KU; wt-1)
5.2 Pg. 182 #5
5.3 Pg. 186 #1, 4, 5, 7
Opt Gizmo activities
See handouts and rubric
provided by teacher
Key Topics & Key Terms
- Textbook
- additional worksheets
CHAPTER 6 – Elements and the Periodic Table
Periodic Table (PPT#4)
Quick review: Distinguish between elements and compounds
Names and chemical symbols for elements (1 – 20, Fe, Ag, Au, Pb, Cu, Zn)
Organization of the modern periodic table:
 Metals vs. non-metals, metalloids (pg. 203)
 groups (families), periods, atomic number, valence electrons
Patterns in the Periodic Table
Compare and contrast the physical properties of elements within and between
groups/families on the periodic table (e.g. alkali, alkaline earth metals,
halogens, noble gases)
Atomic Theories (PPT#5)
Explain how different atomic models evolved as a result of experimental
evidence (e.g. Democritus, Aristotle, John Dalton, J.J. Thomson, Rutherford’s
gold foil experiment, James Chadwick, Neil Bohr)
6.1 Pg. 215 #1-5, 8-10
6.8 Pg 244 #6
6.4 Pg.225 #1,2,5,6, 8-10
6.6 Pg. 233 #1, 3, 5
6.7 Pg. 240 #1,3, 6- 9
Bohr-Rutherford Diagrams (PPT#6)
Describe the characteristics of neutrons, protons, and electrons, including
charge, location, and relative mass (“P.E.N”, atomic notation, Z, A)
QUIZ #3: P.E.N, atomic
Describe the patterns in the arrangements of electrons in the first 20 elements
notation and Bohrof the periodic table using the Bohr-Rutherford model
Rutherford diagrams
Explain the relationship between the atomic structure of an element and the
(KU/TI; wt-3)
position of that element in the periodic table
UNIT TASK: Product Advertisement (KU/CM/AP; wt-3) see handouts provided by teacher
Assess the usefulness of and/or hazards associated with common elements or compounds in terms of their physical
and chemical properties
CHAPTER 7 – Chemical Compounds
Introduction: read pg. 254 “the attack of oxygen” and answer the question
Ions and Ionic Compounds
Ions and ionic charges
Metal + non-metal (losing and gaining electrons)
Know formulae for common compounds (e.g. NaCl, CaCO3, NaHCO3)
Key terms: ion, cation, anion, ionic compounds, ionic bond,
Molecular Compounds (PPT #7)
Identify and use the symbols for common elements (e.g. C, S, N, Cl) and the
formulae for common compounds (e.g. O2, H2O, CO2)
ACTIVITY: construct molecular models to represent simple molecules (e.g.
O2, CO2, H2O, NH3, CH4) (ref 7.4 p268)
Key terms: molecular elements, molecular compounds, covalent bond
Review (see website review handout provided)
FINAL EVALUTION: Unit 2 Test (KU/TI/CM/Ap; wt-5)
GIZMO activities
7.1 Pg. 261 #1-4, 7-9, 11
7.3 Pg. 266 #7, 10
Worksheet (use Molecular
model kits)