SCH 4UI – Organic Families Group Project Rubric Communication Skills Organization of PowerPoint presentation I/R 1 2 3 4 I/R 1 2 3 4 Research information is complete with each element recorded thoroughly Large, simple fonts are used to make presentation easy to read (Slides are uncluttered – not too much information on a page) Diagrams are used to enhance the understanding of the material Presentation is made available for classmates Writing Report is edited for grammar and spelling Conventions References provided Notes are clear, concise and display the students understanding of the concepts Oral Presentation Presentation enhances understanding of the topic audience interest is piqued with an energetic presentation or use of aids, video (YouTube) student relied on his/her own nomenclature and organic reaction examples student is well organized and data is presented in logical order. Overall Communication Skills Mark Making Connections General Structure Nomenclature Nomenclature Worksheet Physical and Chemical Properties Uses Reactions Reactions Worksheet Description using a R-X format(ex: alcohols → R-OH) Describe the functional group Rules governing the naming of these compounds are explained. Examples are explained step-by-step Compounds (going from simple examples to more difficult examples) are named. Worksheet with nomenclature questions. The worksheet has simple to difficult questions. Questions involve drawing structures and providing names given the structure. An answers sheet is provided. Discuss how the structure is related to properties. (polarity, melting and boiling points, state of matter, reactivity). Properties are compared to other organic families especially alkanes. Examples of common or well known members of this family are provided. Examples of how these compounds are used in nature by living organisms and/or in industry to produce commonly used products. Formation of compounds from simpler compounds. Reactions in which compounds in your family are reacted to produce other compounds. Include information about whether catalysts, heat or pressure are needed. Worksheet with reaction problems – some problems with reactants provided and some with products. Problems ask for the reaction conditions. list of websites/sources follow the APA method all text and diagrams are referenced Overall Making Connections Mark Bibliography Student 1 Student 2 Student 3 Student 4 Aldehydes Ketones Carboxylic Acids Esters Amines Amides Research Dates: Research Date #1: Research Date #2: _____________________________ _____________________________ Presentation Dates: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Aldehydes Ketones Carboxylic Acids Esters Amines Amides _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ On the presentation date, groups are required to have their PowerPoint presentation completely ready: 1) Flash drive with presentation and homework exercises – this will allow me to download these presentations onto ClassNet for student study. 2) If worksheets are to be distributed, I need to get them ahead of time for photocopying. 3) Each group should have their presentation order ready and each student should be prepared to present their information! 4) If a physical demonstration is part of your presentation – please let Mr. Snyder know ahead of time what materials are required (if any) and what safety concerns need to be discussed. Since you are responsible for all of the knowledge and concepts for each organic family, Mr. Snyder will request that you add any important data that is missing from your presentation. As a result, the group will be required to update/correct their presentation before it is posted on ClassNet. Mr. Snyder will also relate with the class which elements of a presentation are most important to learn and which elements are more trivial.