TCSS Parental Involvement Policy-English

TITLE I, NCLB Act of 2001 (Elementary & Secondary Education Act of 1965)
August 1, 2015 – May 31, 2016
The Troup County Board of Education affirms and assures the right of parents /guardians and
educators being served in programs and activities funded by Title I the opportunity to participate in
the planning, design and implementation of all programs. Procedures have been established to
ensure that this participation is ongoing, organized, timely, systematic and to the extent possible, in a
language and form acceptable to all. This policy will include parent / guardian representation of
students who may be classified as migrant, homeless and/or neglected. Parental involvement
activities shall be developed to encourage and support the efforts of the home, school, and
community. The goal of these activities shall be to help all students in the program meet required
academic standards.
Part I: Joint Development of Plan and Parental Involvement Policy
A. The local Education Agency (LEA) will involve Title I schools and parents in the joint
development of the local School Improvement Plan and the Parental Involvement Policy and
B. The LEA will involve parents and Title I schools in the process of school review and
improvement through:
 Active participation on various committees such as:
 Parent Advisory Council
 Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)
 The School Council
 Evaluation responses and opportunities for suggestions and comments at
workshops and meetings
 Surveys
 Home visits
 Individual conferences and meetings
 Phone Surveys
 Stakeholder Meetings
 Suggestion box
C. The LEA will ensure that funds for parental involvement are reserved and utilized as
mandated by Title I guidelines. Title I schools and parents of children served in Title I, Part A
schools will be involved in the decision-making process.
D. Parental input for use of Title I funds is sought annually through Parent Advisory Council
meetings, parent meetings, school committees, individual suggestions, evaluations & parent
surveys. All stakeholders will be invited to a district wide review meeting to review/discuss
the Consolidated Application (CLIP). This meeting will also provide an explanation of how
Title I funds may be used and seek input about needs and purchase suggestions for the next
school year. (Currently Title I funds are used to pay staff, buy parent-student handbooks, light
refreshments during workshops, purchase monthly newsletters for Title I schools, equipment,
and training for staff and parents).
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Part II: Assistance to Participating Schools
A. The LEA will provide the coordination, technical assistance, and other support needed to help
Title I schools implement effective parental involvement programs in the following ways:
By providing opportunities for regular parent meetings and educational workshops
(both system-wide & school level).
By providing training for schools and parents to help bridge the gap between the
school and home. Training needs may include, but are not limited to, health and
wellness training, testing / assessment information, and other information of interest
to all stakeholders.
By providing written materials to enhance parenting skills and to increase effective
communication between the home and school.
By providing resource speakers.
By offering opportunities to attend conferences and seminars focusing on educational
/ parental enhancement for parents / families.
Part III: Building Capacity
A. To ensure effective involvement of parents and to support a partnership between schools,
home, and the community, the LEA will share information about the value and utility of
reaching out and communicating with parents by:
 Working with parents as equal partners. (Serving on committees, volunteering,
mentoring & training staff).
 Implementing and coordinating parent programs and building ties with all
 Sharing information (written articles, parent booklets, parent survey results, and
other research based strategies).
 School personnel will be encouraged to make home visits as appropriate and make
regular phone calls to parents. (This will be a regular duty for the family liaison)
B. The LEA will encourage community-based organizations and businesses to participate in and
promote parental involvement activities. Information may be provided about opportunities to
work as partners with schools and parents through:
 Volunteers, tutors and mentors.
 Appropriate services and/or resources.
 Serving as resource speakers at parent meetings or school activities.
 Serving on various committees.
 Transition Meetings (From community daycare centers and Head Start programs) to
Pre-K programs within the Troup County School system.
C. The LEA will establish a district-wide Parent Advisory Council to seek advice and input on all
matters related to parental involvement. Regular meetings will be held at flexible times
throughout the school year. (Each Title I school should have at least two active members.
Invitations to attend these meetings will be extended to all parents).
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Part IV: Coordination and Integration of Strategies
A. The LEA will coordinate and integrate parental involvement strategies under Title I
with other programs such as:
Exceptional Education Program (students with special needs), Twin Cedars Youth
Services (Ault Academy), Troup BELL (Building Early Learners for Life), State-funded
Pre-Kindergarten (Pre-K), Head Start, University of Georgia Extension Office,
Community Action For Improvement (CAFÉ) Success By Six, homeless program,
migrant program, neglected and delinquent program & other appropriate programs
that may be in existence.
B. Assistance will be provided to participating Title I schools and parents to help them
understand areas such as:
Six requirements to build parents’ capacity to be involved:
State’s content and performance standards
School improvement and corrective action process
Components of school wide and targeted assistance programs
State and local assessments
Title I requirements
Provide a platform for parents to work closely with teachers to monitor
their child’s progress and participate in decisions related to their child’s
C. Additional ways parents can participate in decisions related to their children’s
 Title I Annual meetings held at participating schools.
 Parent meetings, workshops and activities held during the year (Coordinated
jointly with the Title I Parental Involvement Coordinator, school
administrators & the School’s Family Liaison)
 Individual parent meetings
 Home visits
 Parent conferences
 Join school committees
 Participation as a Parent Advisory Member
 Written information / correspondence
 Providing training to parent on the use of computers and the promethean
 Suggestion Box
Part V: Annual Evaluation
A. The LEA will conduct an annual evaluation to determine the effectiveness of the
parental involvement policy / program to identify barriers to greater participation of
parents through survey responses.
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B. Responses and comments from surveys and parent group meetings will be
summarized and used to design strategies for school improvement. This information
will also be used to revise individual school improvement plans, parental policies,
compacts, and the system’s parental involvement policy and parental program.
School principal will share survey results with parents in the fall.
C. All unsatisfactory parent comments regarding parental involvement services, school wide
plans and parental involvement policies will be collected and submitted to the LEA. (Principal
should make every effort to correct problem areas quickly).
Part VI: Parental Involvement in School Activities
A. All parental involvement activities shall be developed in order to encourage and support the
efforts of the home, school, and community. The goal of these activities shall be to help all
students particularly educationally deprived students who are not performing on grade level.
B. Additional activities to promote increased student achievement and involvement of parents
may include:
 Extended day academic programs for students
 Assistance to parents in understanding their role in parent / teacher conferences.
 Assistance to parents with assessment interpretations.
 Training to help parents monitor homework assignments
 Training for parents who serve as tutors, volunteers, testing proctors, etc.
 Child care services during parent activities.
 Transportation for families to school activities when feasible.
 Providing light refreshments to parents and students during meetings, workshops
and activities
 The LEA will host an annual system wide Title I Informational Fair in the Spring. The
purpose of this meeting shall be to solicit information from parents regarding their
thoughts on school improvement. (Title I funds may be used to pay for light snacks,
beverages, popcorn and supplies to be used for student activities).
C. To the extent practical, reasonable support may be provided for other parental involvement
activities as requested by parents.
D. The LEA will provide literacy materials and training, including the use of technology, to help
parents provide academic assistance to their children by:
 Offering frequent educational workshops to parents based on assessed parental needs
& requests.
 Offering training opportunities to parents to enable them to work as volunteers and
tutors in the school.
 Making available to parents a list of adult literacy training agencies.
 Supporting / referring interested parents to community agencies which offer literacy
training such as West Georgia Technical College and Literacy Volunteers of America.
 Encouraging the use of school technology as available and the use of technological
resources in the public library.
 Utilizing educational materials and resources on the mobile parent bus, The Learning
Place…Where Parents are making a Difference.
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Utilizing Parent Resource Centers in Title I schools with assistance from the school’s
Family Liaison.
E. Parents will be offered opportunities to provide comments and suggestions for improving
staff training through surveys, written evaluation forms, and use of a suggestion box at the
Part VII: Other Parental Involvement Opportunities
A. The Parental Involvement Coordinator will research model approaches for improving
parental involvement and share information with Family Liaisons.
B. The Parental Involvement Coordinator and the school’s Family Liaison will provide
opportunities for parents to learn about child development and child rearing issues. Services
will be provided through parent training workshops & activities and appropriate resources.
Resources may include written material, audio and video materials, and technological
information & hands on training with school equipment. Parents may also be informed of
opportunities offered by other agencies in the community such as the Community Health
Center, the Health Department, and the Medical Center.
C. To the extent practical, reasonable support may be provided for other parental involvement
activities as requested by parents.
D. To the extent practical the LEA will make reasonable efforts to provide opportunities for
participation of LEP parents, parents of migratory children, and parents with disabilities
information related to the school and parent programs, meetings and other activities in the
language and format such parents can understand. Additional services will be extended to
students with disabilities.
E. The LEA Parental Involvement Policy will be distributed to parents mainly through each Title
I School (Handbook). Additional copies of the Parental Involvement Policy will be available at
parent meetings, at the Liaison’s office / Parent Resource Center. Parents may also pick up the
Policy at the Parent Resource Center located at the Administrative Service Center-Federal
Programs/Title I Office.
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