CERN EDMS NO. REV. VALIDITY 0000000 0.0 DRAFT BEAM INSTRUMENTATION GROUP REFERENCE XXXX Date : 201x-xx-xx [Functional Specifications] ON MEASUREMENTS OF THE BEAM CURRENT IN THE PS BOOSTER ABSTRACT: This document presents an analysis of the anticipated use of the beam current knowledge for machine operation and studies in the PS Booster rings after the LHC Injectors Upgrade program. The targeted parameter space is identified and the required accuracy to cover these anticipated use estimated. These requirements are converted into functional specifications for beam instrumentation. The whole spectrum of possible beams is considered as well as any relevant design constraints. DOCUMENT PREPARED BY: DOCUMENT CHECKED BY: DOCUMENT APPROVED BY: JJ Gras BE-BI HW Experts LIU-PSB PL LIU-PSB-BCT Resp BE-BI SW Experts BE-BI BCT SL PSB-OP Resp … BE-BI SW SL DOCUMENT RELEASED BY: R. Jones DOCUMENT SENT FOR INFORMATION TO: [List of persons to whom the document is sent] This document is uncontrolled when printed. Check the EDMS to verify that this is the correct version before use. REFERENCE EDMS NO. REV. VALIDITY XXXX 0000000 0.0 DRAFT Page 2 of 8 HISTORY OF CHANGES REV. NO. DATE PAGES 0.0 2011-04-01 All DESCRIPTIONS OF THE CHANGES Initial submission REFERENCE EDMS NO. REV. VALIDITY XXXX 0000000 0.0 DRAFT Page 3 of 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction .......................................................................................................... 4 2. Beam Current Related Parameter Space ................................................................... 4 2.1 Main Observable and Related Parameters ............................................................. 4 2.2 Related Parameter Space .................................................................................... 4 2.3 Relevant PPM context information ........................................................................ 5 3. Anticipated Uses of The Beam Current Monitors ......................................................... 5 3.1 Measurement of the injection efficiency into the Booster ......................................... 5 3.2 Observation of the current decay over the first turns.............................................. 6 3.3 Measurement of the circulating beam/gated currents ............................................. 6 3.4 Measurement of the extraction efficiency towards the PS ........................................ 6 3.5 Machine Statistics .............................................................................................. 6 3.6 Machine Protection............................................................................................. 6 4. Functional Requirements ........................................................................................ 6 4.1 Acquisition parameters : Sampling, Gating ........................................................... 6 4.2 Precisions : accuracy, resolution, dynamic range ................................................... 6 4.3 Real Time Considerations : Synchronisation with GMT, beam synchronous timing, PPM handling ........................................................................................................... 6 4.4 Data to be made available .................................................................................. 7 4.5 Data to be logged .............................................................................................. 7 5. Design Constraints................................................................................................. 7 6. Reliability, Availability and Maintenance.................................................................... 7 7. References............................................................................................................ 8 REFERENCE EDMS NO. REV. VALIDITY XXXX 0000000 0.0 DRAFT Page 4 of 8 1. Introduction This document presents an analysis of the anticipated use of the beam current knowledge for machine operation and studies in the PS Booster rings after the LHC Injectors Upgrade program. The targeted parameter space is identified and the required accuracy to cover these anticipated use estimated. These requirements are converted into functional specifications for beam instrumentation. The whole spectrum of possible beams is considered as well as any relevant design constraints. In order to avoid misunderstandings, these specifications will be based on basic instrumental terminology defined in [1]. 2. Beam Current Related Parameter Space 2.1 Main Observable and Related Parameters This chapter describes the main beam observable covered by this document and the beam parameters that will be derived from it and considered in here. The primary observable covered by this document is the number of charges measured by the instruments during the passage of a fraction or of the entire beam. The beam parameters related to the measured beam charge are: The gated (bunch, batch) and beam (all circulating charges) currents The gated and beam loss rates between two consecutive period of time or locations The current of non-nominal bunches (satellites and ghosts) or debunched beams 2.2 Related Parameter Space The ranges and attributes of the expected PSB beam currents is shown in Table 1. Table 1 — [Caption of the table] Particle Bunch Number of Total Beam charge bunches Charge q Protons for LHC 2 109 ? 1011 Bunch spacing length ns 1? ?? RMS Bunch ? -> ? 4σ, ns REFERENCE EDMS NO. REV. VALIDITY XXXX 0000000 0.0 DRAFT Page 5 of 8 ? 109 Pb for LHC 1?? ?? ?? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? -> ? ? 109 Protons for non LHC clients ? ? 2.3 Relevant PPM context information Basic description of PSB USER sequence. Do we have to handle settings/acquisitions depending on something else than the USER like Destination, Particle Types (this is to be avoided as much as possible) ? 3. Anticipated Uses of The Beam Current Monitors This chapter list the anticipated uses of the instruments specified in this document. A subchapter per use cases will describe the aim of the measurement and state the precision requested (accuracy and/or resolution and/or repeatability… see [1]).The main source for these precision estimations should also be given. 3.1 Measurement of the injection efficiency into the Booster Here is a possible explaination The injection efficiency is defined to be the ratio of the beam current measured in the ring to the beam current measured at the end of the transfer line. The current monitors must have the following characteristics: Absolute accuracy and cross-calibration between transfer and ring monitors of ±?% for nominal bunches, which implies an absolute accuracy better than ±?% per monitor for high intensity beam (threshold to be defined), i.e. ±XeY protons. A repeatability (cycle to cycle) of ±?%. This demand on accuracy can be compared to the acceptable or target loss rate in the injection region [xxx]. The requested absolute accuracy provides a safety factor of 2 compared to this level when injecting blabla (for instance)…. For the injection of low intensity beam the demand on accuracy can be relaxed to ±xx%. These measurements shall integrate the whole injected beam and be automatically measured and published at each injection for every played cycle. REFERENCE EDMS NO. REV. VALIDITY XXXX 0000000 0.0 DRAFT Page 6 of 8 3.2 Observation of the current decay over the first turns 3.3 Measurement of the circulating beam/gated currents 3.4 Monitoring of beam intensity and loss rates at predefined markers along the cycle. 3.5 Measurement of the extraction efficiency towards the PS 3.6 Machine Statistics 3.7 Machine Protection 4. Functional Requirements This chapter makes a synthesis of the given use cases. It extracts the most demanding requirements and compiles the corresponding functional requirements per topics. 4.1 Acquisition parameters : Sampling, Gating 4.2 Precisions : accuracy, resolution, repeatability, dynamic range 4.3 Real Time Considerations : Synchronization with GMT, beam synchronous timing, PPM handling BI should be able to derive from this paragraph the front end SW (FESA) real time behavior of these devices. REFERENCE EDMS NO. REV. VALIDITY XXXX 0000000 0.0 DRAFT Page 7 of 8 4.4 Data to be made available BI should be able to derive from this paragraph the front end SW (FESA) interface of these devices. For properties including choices (like acquisition within a specific window for instance), the need to allow or not multi-user, multi-usage should be clarified. 4.5 Data to be logged 5. Design Constraints This chapter should list the identified design constraints for this instrument. 5.1 Radiation Levels An estimation of the radiation levels expected around the tunnel after the upgrade should be provided here for us to know if we can install electronics there. Ideally this would be a map representing all the ring but we could start with extreme expected level in main zones like Arcs, DS, SS and inj/extr areas. Radiation levels, target locations, use of existing devices or instrument type with proven results... 5.2 Layout This chapter could state that for some reasons, we will have to limit ourselves to some specific zones or even to reuse existing slots or monitors. In addition, details on optics could be necessary in some cases. 5.3 Design Constraints I add this one for us It is important to think about and provide as early as possible the ways to check that the installed instrument actually fulfill the specifications. Each instrument should come with: An as exhaustive as possible list a potential sources of errors Methods to evaluate them (monitoring points, laboratory test benches, dedicated measurement campaigns…) Targeted actions to limit them 6. Reliability, Availability and Maintenance This chapter should give some statement (and justification) on the expected Reliability of the systems (see [1]) like REFERENCE EDMS NO. REV. VALIDITY XXXX 0000000 0.0 DRAFT Page 8 of 8 The circulating beam and bunch current monitors are ?critical?important? for machine operation. At least ??? must be fully available during operation with a reliability reaching a Safety Integrity Level of 2. The single-pass bunch current monitors are important as well, though not critical. ... 7. References [1] Concepts and Glossary for the Specification of the Beam Instrumentation ( )