Preliminary Bibliography

Mario Obando
Dr. Ana Rosas
Preliminary Bibliography
“Choosing Spaces: Costa Rica Immigrants and Suburbs of Southern California, 1980 to 2005”
Chapman, Peter. Bananas: How the United Fruit Company Shaped the World. Edinburgh: Canongate, 2007.
Cortez, Beatriz, and Douglas Carranza Mena. Introduction to Central American Studies. Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall
Hunt Pub, 2008.
Falconi, José Luis, José Antonio Mazzotti, and Michael Jones-Correa. The Other Latinos: Central and South
Americans in the United States. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, 2007.
Findlay, John M. Magic Lands: Western Cityscapes and American Culture After 1940. Berkeley: University of
California Press, 1992.
McGirr, Lisa. Suburban Warriors: The Origins of the New American Right. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University
Press, 2001.
Mitchell, Margaret T., and Scott Pentzer. Costa Rica: A Global Studies Handbook. Santa Barbara, Calif: ABCCLIO, 2008.
Molina Jiménez, Iván. Costarricense por dicha: identidad nacional y cambio cultural en Costa Rica durante los siglos XIX y
XX. San José, Costa Rica: Editorial de la Universidad de Costa Rica, 2002.
Palmer, Steven Paul, and Iván Molina Jiménez. The Costa Rica Reader: History, Culture, Politics. Durham [N.C.]:
Duke University Press, 2004.
Rodríguez, Ana Patricia. Dividing the Isthmus Central American Transnational Histories, Literatures, and Cultures.
Austin: University of Texas Press, 2009.
Rodriguez, Richard. Hunger of Memory: The Education of Richard Rodriguez : an Autobiography. Boston, Mass: D.R.
Godine, 1982.
Rodriguez, Richard. Brown: The Last Discovery of America. New York: Viking, 2002.
Roediger, David R. Working Toward Whiteness: How America's Immigrants Became White : the Strange Journey from
Ellis Island to the Suburbs. New York: Basic Books, 2006.
Sánchez, George J. Becoming Mexican American: Ethnicity, Culture, and Identity in Chicano Los Angeles, 1900-1945.
New York: Oxford University Press, 1995.
Sandoval García, Carlos. Threatening others: Nicaraguans and the formation of national identities in Costa Rica. Athens:
Ohio University Press, 2004.
Schmidt Camacho, Alicia R. Migrant Imaginaries: Latino Cultural Politics in the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands. New York:
New York University Press, 2008.
Villa, Raúl, and George J. Sánchez. Los Angeles and the Future of Urban Cultures: A Special Issue of American
Quarterly. Baltimore, Md: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005.
Journal Articles:
Astorga, Pablo, Ame R. Berges, and Valpy Fitzgerald. 2005. “The Standard of Living in Latin America During
the Twentieth Century.” The Economic History Review 58 (4). New Series (November 1): 765–796.
Basok, Tanya. 1990. “Welcome Some and Reject Others: Constraints and Interests Influencing Costa Rican
Policies on Refugees.” International Migration Review 24 (4) (December 1): 722–747. doi:10.2307/2546205.
Canales, Alejandro I., and Carlos Pérez. 2007. “Inclusion and Segregation: The Incorporation of Latin
American Immigrants into the U.S. Labor Market.” Latin American Perspectives 34 (1) (January 1): 73–82.
Casas, Antonio, and Herman Vargas. 1980. “The Health System in Costa Rica: Toward a National Health
Service.” Journal of Public Health Policy 1 (3): 258–279. doi:10.2307/3342089.
Clark, Ximena, Timothy J. Hatton, and Jeffrey G. Williamson. 2007. “Explaining U.S. Immigration, 19711998.” The Review of Economics and Statistics 89 (2) (May 1): 359–373.
Cornelius, Wayne A. 2001. “Death at the Border: Efficacy and Unintended Consequences of US Immigration
Control Policy.” Population and Development Review 27 (4) (December 1): 661–685.
Echeverri-Gent, Elisavinda. 1992. “Forgotten Workers: British West Indians and the Early Days of the
Banana Industry in Costa Rica and Honduras.” Journal of Latin American Studies 24 (2) (May 1): 275–308.
Fernández, Gastón, and León Narváez. 1987. “Refugees and Human Rights in Costa Rica: The Mariel
Cubans.” International Migration Review 21 (2) (July 1): 406–415. doi:10.2307/2546323.
Greenwood, Michael J., and Eloise Trabka. 1991. “Temporal and Spatial Patterns of Geographically Indirect
Immigration to the United States.” International Migration Review 25 (1) (April 1): 93–112.
Hall, Carolyn. 1984. “Regional Inequalities in Well-Being in Costa Rica.” Geographical Review 74 (1) (January
1): 48–62. doi:10.2307/214760.
Harpelle, Ronald N. 1993. “The Social and Political Integration of West Indians in Costa Rica: 1930-50.”
Journal of Latin American Studies 25 (1) (February 1): 103–120.
Høivik, Tord, and Solveig Aas. 1981. “Demilitarization in Costa Rica: A Farewell to Arms?” Journal of Peace
Research 18 (4) (January 1): 333–351.
Hunter, J. Robert. 1994. “Is Costa Rica Truly Conservation-Minded?” Conservation Biology 8 (2) (June 1):
Jones-Correa, Michael. 2001. “Under Two Flags: Dual Nationality in Latin America and Its Consequences for
Naturalization in the United States.” International Migration Review 35 (4) (December 1): 997–1029.
Kraly, Ellen Percy, and Robert Warren. 1991. “Long-Term Immigration to the United States: New
Approaches to Measurement.” International Migration Review 25 (1) (April 1): 60–92. doi:10.2307/2546234.
Lundquist, Jennifer H., and Douglas S. Massey. 2005. “Politics or Economics? International Migration
During the Nicaraguan Contra War.” Journal of Latin American Studies 37 (1) (February 1): 29–53.
Mannon, Susan E. 2006. “Love in the Time of Neo-Liberalism: Gender, Work, and Power in a Costa Rican
Marriage.” Gender and Society 20 (4): 511–530.
Martín, Lara Moragrega. 2004. “Tourist Expansion and Development of Rural Communities: The Case of
Monteverde, Costa Rica.” Mountain Research and Development 24 (3): 202–205.
Massey, Douglas S. 1981. “Dimensions of the New Immigration to the United States and the Prospects for
Assimilation.” Annual Review of Sociology 7 (January 1): 57–85.
Massey, Douglas S., and Chiara Capoferro. 2004. “Measuring Undocumented Migration.” International
Migration Review 38 (3) (October 1): 1075–1102.
Massey, Douglas S., and Kathleen M. Schnabel. 1983. “Recent Trends in Hispanic Immigration to the United
States.” International Migration Review 17 (2) (July 1): 212–244. doi:10.2307/2545976.
Mazzolari, Francesca. 2009. “Dual Citizenship Rights: Do They Make More and Richer Citizens?”
Demography 46 (1) (February 1): 169–191.
Perez, Anthony Daniel, and Charles Hirschman. 2009. “The Changing Racial and Ethnic Composition of the
US Population: Emerging American Identities.” Population and Development Review 35 (1) (March 1): 1–51.
Rosenblum, Marc R. 2004. “Moving Beyond the Policy of No Policy: Emigration from Mexico and Central
America.” Latin American Politics and Society 46 (4) (December 1): 91–125.
Rossomondo, Amy, and María Alonso. 2009. “Explorando El Papel Del Intercambio Virtual En El
Desarrollo De La Competencia Translingüística y Transcultural.” Hispania 92 (3): 567–579.
Rumbaut, Rubén G. 2004. “Ages, Life Stages, and Generational Cohorts: Decomposing the Immigrant First
and Second Generations in the United States.” International Migration Review 38 (3) (October 1): 1160–
Seligson, Mitchell A. 1977. “Agrarian Policies in Dependent Societies: Costa Rica.” Journal of Interamerican
Studies and World Affairs 19 (2) (May 1): 201–232. doi:10.2307/174704.
Sierra, Christine Marie, Teresa Carrillo, Louis DeSipio, and Michael Jones-Correa. 2000. “Latino Immigration
and Citizenship.” PS: Political Science and Politics 33 (3): 535–540. doi:10.2307/420855.
Stycos, J. Mayone. 1982. “The Decline of Fertility in Costa Rica: Literacy, Modernization and Family
Planning.” Population Studies 36 (1) (March 1): 15–30. doi:10.2307/2174156.
VANDEGRIFT, DARCIE. 2008. “‘THIS ISN’T PARADISE—I WORK HERE’: Global Restructuring, the
Tourism Industry, and Women Workers in Caribbean Costa Rica.” Gender and Society 22 (6) (December 1):
Wallace, Steven P. 1986. “Central American and Mexican Immigrant Characteristics and Economic
Incorporation in California.” International Migration Review 20 (3) (October 1): 657–671.
Wiley, James. 1995. “Undocumented Aliens and Recognized Refugees: The Right to Work in Costa Rica.”
International Migration Review 29 (2) (July 1): 423–440. doi:10.2307/2546788.
Oral History
Cuádraz, Gloria Holguín. 2006. “Myths and the ‘Politics of Exceptionality’: Interpreting Chicana/o
Narratives of Achievement.” The Oral History Review 33 (1) (January 1): 83–105.
DeVault, Marjorie L. 1996. “Talking Back to Sociology: Distinctive Contributions of Feminist Methodology.”
Annual Review of Sociology 22 (January 1): 29–50.
Feldstein, Mark. 2004. “Kissing Cousins: Journalism and Oral History.” The Oral History Review 31 (1)
(January 1): 1–22.
Norrick, Neal R. 2005. “Talking About Remembering and Forgetfulness in Oral History Interviews.” The
Oral History Review 32 (2) (July 1): 1–20.
Perks, Robert, and Alistair Thomson. 2006. The Oral History Reader. London; New York: Routledge.
Ritchie, Donald A. 2003. Doing Oral History  : a Practical Guide. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Villarreal, Mary Ann. 2006. “Finding Our Place: Reconstructing Community Through Oral History.” The
Oral History Review 33 (2) (July 1): 45–64.