OUTCOME BASED UNIT WISE LECTURE PLAN EVEN SEMESTER 2015 Course Outcomes: 1) Define organizational behavior. 2) Understand the impact of individual personality in the organizational setting. 3) Appreciate why the study of OB improves a person’s ability to understand and respond to events that take place in a work setting. 4) Analyse the nature of organizational effectiveness. 5) Evaluate the way changes in an organizations external environment continually create challenges for OB. OUTCOME BASED UNIT WISE LECTURE PLAN EVEN SEMESTER 2015 Course Code Faculty Section C26 Evaluation Scheme Course ORGANISATIONAL BEHAVIOUR VAISHALI RAHATE ANIRUDDHA AKARTE Alpha Beta CT1 CT2 ESE AT MT/ AD 1 Hr 1 Hr 3 Hrs GD 5 5 5 5 5 5 Credits:5 L:3 HETAL GAGLANI Gamma T:2 P: 0 Total:30 Marks Unit Outcomes: 1. Define organizational behavior. 2. Analyse the causes for similarities and dissimilarities among individuals 3. Appreciate why the study of OB improves a person’s ability to understand and respond to events that take place in a work setting. 4. Understand the role of OB in virtual organisations. 5. Analyse the contributions of various disciplines to OB Unit -1 Contents: Organizational Behaviour - The nature of organisations: Components of organisations; Organisations as open systems, Managers in organisations, Productivity and managerial performance, Organisational behaviour and the workplace, Managing human rights in the workplace, Managing developments in information technologies, Managing organisational transitions, Managing new forms of Organisation. OB in virtual organisations. Case Title : Mobile Money man Organisation Behaviour, 9th Edition, K.Ashwathappa, HPH Pg.48 No. of lectures required 03+02(L+T) Lecture wise pedagogy Lecture No. Lecture Objective(s) (Key Concepts to be learned by students) Pedagogy/Process Details L/Case/Num/Stu. Presentation /GD/ Activity etc 1 After this lecture students should be able to : Outline an OB perspective for today’s management Lecture 1 or 2 Learning assessment questions • • After this lecture students should be able to : • To study various approaches to OB. • To study the various fields contributing to OB. Lecture Lecture 4 After this lecture you should be able : • To Study the functions & role of Mangers in organization. • To Understand various Type of Managers • Explain the organisation theories of open system. • Present the virtual designs of organisations. • Tutorial 5 Tutorial 2 3 • By (Action): • • Elaborate the concept “Organizational Behavior”. Describe the nature and components of the organization. Why do organizations exist. Discuss how OB is an interdisciplinary subject. State the various approaches to the study of OB. Explain each. Explain the different types of managers. Who do you think are the most essential for the success of an organisation. Explain organizations as open system. Activity- Know yourself Organisation Behaviour, 9th Edition, K.Ashwathappa, HPH Pg.24 Case: Mobile Money man Organisation Behaviour, 9th Edition, K.Ashwathappa, HPH Pg.48 Faculty Remarks to be put at the end of unit Satisfied / Not Satisfied Can improve on: • Whether the lecture objective achieved? If No – action plan? Students Remarks (Head academics to Tick any one) Understood But…… Understood and will be able to apply Need more inputs/practice OUTCOME BASED UNIT WISE LECTURE PLAN EVEN SEMESTER 2015 Course Code Faculty Section C26 Evaluation Scheme Course ORGANISATIONAL BEHAVIOUR VAISHALI RAHATE HETAL GAGLANI MAJOR MINOR CT1 CT2 ESE AT MT/ AD 1 Hr 1 Hr 3 Hrs GD 5 5 5 5 5 5 Credits:5 ANIRUDDHA AKARTE MINOR MAJOR L:4 T:1 P: 0 Total:30 Marks Course Outcomes: 1) Know the meaning of Perception 2) Analyse the Perceptual process. 3) Explain the meaning of learning and various learning theories 4) Understand the meaning of attitude and values. 5) Analyse the factors affecting Job Satisfaction. Unit 2 Contents: Learning, Perception, Attitudes and values - Biographical characteristics, ability, and learning Perception: Introduction, Halo effect, Stereotyping, pigeonholing and compartmentalization; Self-fulfilling prophecy; Perceptual mythology; other influences on perception. Attitudes, Components of attitudes, Attitudes and behavior, Attitudes and cognitive consistency, Job satisfaction as an attitude; development Values, Sources and types of values, Patterns and trends in values, Managing values and attitudes • Case Title : Consequences of Different Perceptions • Perceived Differently No. of lectures required Lecture wise pedagogy Organisation Behaviour, First Edition,HPH Pg.525,526 02+01(L+T) Lecture No. Lecture Objective(s) (Key Concepts to be learned by students) Pedagogy/Process Details L/Case/Num/Stu. Presentation /GD/ Activity etc 1 After this lecture the students should be able to: • To study the various personal factors which influence individual behavior. • How individual behaviour is Lecture 1 or 2 Learning assessment questions • • • • Define Individual behavior. Why do individual differ in their behaviour. Define abilty. What do you understand by learning. Whether the lecture objective achieved? If No – action plan? influenced by psychological factors. • Explain how learning takes place. After this lecture the students should be able to : Explain various theories of learning After this lecture the students should be able to : • To study the concept of perception. • Various theories of perception & its applicability. • To study the various factors affecting perception. • How perception develops. Lecture Lecture 5 After this lecture the students should be : Able to know the meaning of Attitude with its components, behavior. To know the concept of values with its types TUTORIAL : 6 TUTORIAL : 2 3 4 • By (Action): • • • Lecture • Define the term Learning? Describe learning process. What is perception? Explain Halo effect? What do you mean by stereotyping? What do you mean by Self Fulfilling Prophecy? 1. What do you mean by Attitudes? 2. What do you mean by values with its type? 3. Difference between attitudes & values. 4. What do you mean by Job Satisfaction? CASE : • Consequences of Different Perceptions • Perceived Differently CASE: • Personality : Viewed Differently Faculty Remarks to be put at the end of unit Satisfied / Not Satisfied Can improve on: • Organisation Behaviour, P.Subbarao, First Edition,HPH Pg.525 Organisation Behaviour, First Edition,HPH Pg.526 Organisation Behaviour, First Edition,HPH Pg.527 Students Remarks (Head academics to Tick any one) Understood But…… Understood and will be able to apply Need more inputs/practice OUTCOME BASED UNIT WISE LECTURE PLAN EVEN SEMESTER 2015 Course Code Faculty Section C26 Evaluation Scheme Course ORGANISATIONAL BEHAVIOUR VAISHALI RAHATE HETAL GAGLANI MAJOR MINOR CT1 CT2 ESE AT MT/ AD 1 Hr 1 Hr 3 Hrs GD 5 5 5 5 5 5 Credits:5 ANIRUDDHA AKARTE MINOR MAJOR L:3 T:2 P: 0 Total:30 Marks Course Outcomes: 1) Understand the meaning and basic concepts of motivation. 2) Explain the significance and nature of motivation. 3) Compare and contrast the content and process theories 4) Understand the application of Motiivational concepts. 5) Evaluate the way changes in an organizations external environment continually create challenges for OB. Unit 3 Contents: Case Title : • Motivated Beyond Money • Open Management-Key Motivator No. of lectures required Motivation- Concepts, Theories of Maslow, Herzberg, McClelland, Porter & Lawler Model, Application of Motivation concept, Individual motivation and motivation in the organization, Cultural Differences in Motivation, Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation, Social Motivation, Motivation and Health, Role of motivation in human behaviour Organisation Behaviour, P. Subbarao, First Edition, HPH Pg.529,530 03+02(L+T) Lecture wise pedagogy Lecture No. Lecture Objective(s) (Key Concepts to be learned by students) Pedagogy/Process Details L/Case/Num/Stu. Presentation /GD/ Activity etc 1 or 2 Learning assessment questions Whether the lecture objective achieved? If No – action plan? • 1 • • 2 To understand the concept of Motivation and various types of Motivation To understand the significance of Motivation Lecture To apply various “Theories of Motivation” • • What is Motivation? What are various types of Motivation? • Explain Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. What does it tell us about employee motivation? Contrast the assumptions of Theory X and Theory Y. Why has Theory Y replaced Theory X in management today? Explain McClelland’s view on motivation • • 3 • To understand the Application of Motivation To Learn about Behavior Modification • Explain what is meant by goal setting. What is a quality circle? 4 Tutorial CASE STUDY : Motivated Beyond Money Organisation Behaviour, P.Subbarao, First Edition,HPH Pg.529 5 Tutorial CASE STUDY : Open Management-Key Motivator Organisation Behaviour, P.Subbarao, First Edition,HPH Pg.530 Faculty Remarks to be put at the end of unit Satisfied / Not Satisfied Can improve on: By (Action): Students Remarks (Head academics to Tick any one) Understood But…… Understood and will be able to apply Need more inputs/practice OUTCOME BASED UNIT WISE LECTURE PLAN EVEN SEMESTER 2015 Course Code Faculty Section Evaluation Scheme C26 Course ORGANISATIONAL BEHAVIOUR VAISHALI RAHATE HETAL GAGLANI MAJOR MINOR CT1 CT2 ESE AT MT/ AD 1 Hr 1 Hr 3 Hrs GD 5 5 5 5 5 5 Credits:5 ANIRUDDHA AKARTE MINOR MAJOR L:2 T:3 P: 0 Total:30 Marks Course Outcomes: 1) Define organizational behavior. 2) Understand the impact of individual personality in the organizational setting. 3) Appreciate why the study of OB improves a person’s ability to understand and respond to events that take place in a work setting. 4) Analyse the nature of organizational effectiveness. 5) Evaluate the way changes in an organizations external environment continually create challenges for OB. Unit 4 Contents: Case Title : GroupStorming to Performing stage No. of lectures required Lecture wise pedagogy Lecture No. Foundations of group behaviour - The nature of groups: groups and teams, informal and formal groups, purpose of teams, Teams and team building: selecting team members, team roles, stages in team development, team building, team identity, team loyalty, commitment to shared beliefs, multidisciplinary teams, Team Dynamics: group norms,decision-making behaviour, dysfunctional teams, Cohesiveness. Leadership: Basic qualities of leadership, Leadership theories, Managers are leaders. Organisation Behaviour, P. Subbarao, First Edition, HPH Pg.531 03+02 (L+T) Lecture Objective(s) (Key Concepts to be learned by students) Pedagogy/Process Details L/Case/Num/Stu. Presentation /GD/ Activity etc 1 or 2 Learning assessment questions Whether the lecture objective achieved? If No – action plan? • 1 • • 2 • • 3 Understand the concept of Groups & Teams Identify different types of groups Lecture Differentiate between Groups & Teams Describe the various types of groups Understand the various types of teams Understanding Team Dynamics Identify different leadership styles Lecture Discuss the nuances of Team Building • Lecture • 4 Tutorial Activity : Outbound Activity 5 Tutorial Case: GroupStorming to Performing stage Faculty Remarks to be put at the end of unit Satisfied / Not Satisfied Can improve on: Is there a cause and effect relationship between Leader behavior and Follower performance Differentiate between Leaders and Managers. Organisation Behaviour, P. Subbarao, First Edition, HPH Pg.531 Students Remarks (Head academics to Tick any one) Understood But…… Understood and will be able to apply Need more inputs/practice By (Action): OUTCOME BASED UNIT WISE LECTURE PLAN EVEN SEMESTER 2015 Course Code Faculty Section Evaluation Scheme C26 Course ORGANISATIONAL BEHAVIOUR VAISHALI RAHATE HETAL GAGLANI MAJOR MINOR CT1 CT2 ESE AT MT/ AD 1 Hr 1 Hr 3 Hrs GD 5 5 5 5 5 5 Credits:5 ANIRUDDHA AKARTE MINOR MAJOR L:2 T:3 P: 0 Total:30 Marks Course Outcomes: 1) Define organizational behavior. 2) Understand the impact of individual personality in the organizational setting. 3) Appreciate why the study of OB improves a person’s ability to understand and respond to events that take place in a work setting. 4) Analyse the nature of organizational effectiveness. 5) Evaluate the way changes in an organizations external environment continually create challenges for OB. Unit 5 Contents: Conflict and Organizational Change Management- Substantive and emotional conflicts, Levels of conflict, Sources of conflict in organisations, Symptoms of conflict Causes of conflict, Strategies for the management of conflict Organizational Change - Nature, levels and dilemmas of change, Pressures for change, The Domino effect, Responses to change, Force field analysis, Change process, Resistance to change, Dynamics of change. Case Title : No. of lectures required Lecture wise pedagogy Lecture No. 01+03(L+T) Lecture Objective(s) (Key Concepts to be learned by students) Pedagogy/Process Details L/Case/Num/Stu. Presentation /GD/ Activity etc 1 or 2 Learning assessment questions 1 • To understand different types of conflicts occuring in an organisation and strategies to manage the conflicts Lecture Identify and discuss five styles of Conflict management 2 • To understand the change process To understand the causes of resistance to change Lecture What are the forces leading to change? Why is change resisted. Use Lewins theory in support of your answer. To learn the dynamics of change management Lecture • 3 • 4 TUTORIAL CASE: He said, She said Faculty Remarks to be put at the end of unit Satisfied / Not Satisfied Can improve on: Whether the lecture objective achieved? If No – action plan? Organisation Behaviour, 9th Edition, K.Ashwathappa, HPH Pg.453 Students Remarks (Head academics to Tick any one) Understood But…… Understood and will be able to apply Need more inputs/practice By (Action): OUTCOME BASED UNIT WISE LECTURE PLAN EVEN SEMESTER 2015 Course Code Faculty Section C26 ORGANISATIONAL BEHAVIOUR VAISHALI RAHATE HETAL GAGLANI MAJOR MINOR CT1 CT2 ESE AT MT/ AD 1 Hr 1 Hr 3 Hrs GD 5 5 5 5 5 5 Evaluation Scheme Course Credits:5 ANIRUDDHA AKARTE MINOR MAJOR L:2 T:3 P: 0 Total:30 Marks Course Outcomes: 1) Define organizational behavior. 2) Understand the impact of individual personality in the organizational setting. 3) Appreciate why the study of OB improves a person’s ability to understand and respond to events that take place in a work setting. 4) Analyse the nature of organizational effectiveness. 5) Evaluate the way changes in an organizations external environment continually create challenges for OB. Unit 6 Contents: Organizational Development Techniques - Goals of organisational Development: Principles underlying organisational development, The process of organisational development: Action research and organisational development, OD interventions: Organisation-wide interventions, Smaller group and inter-group interventions, Individual interventions OD Techniques - Traditional: Grid Training, Survey Method; Modern: Process Consultation Method, Third Party, Team Building, Transactional Analysis. Case Title : No. of lectures required Lecture wise pedagogy Lecture No. 02+02(L+T) Lecture Objective(s) (Key Concepts to be learned by students) Pedagogy/Process Details L/Case/Num/Stu. Presentation /GD/ Activity etc 1 or 2 Learning assessment questions Whether the lecture objective achieved? If No – action plan? • 1 • To know the concept of organisational Development To know the process of OD Lecture Define OD. Explain the characteristics of OD To understand various OD interventions Lecture Describe the various OD Interventions 2 • 3 Tutorial Case : ITC’s new clothes Organisation Behaviour, 9th Edition, K.Ashwathappa, HPH Pg.598-99 4 Tutorial Case : COKE Organisation Behaviour, 9th Edition, K.Ashwathappa, HPH Pg.628 Faculty Remarks to be put at the end of unit Satisfied / Not Satisfied Can improve on: By (Action): Students Remarks (Head academics to Tick any one) Understood But…… Understood and will be able to apply Need more inputs/practice