details of the application process

Further Information
The Arts Council Artist in the Community Scheme Bursary Award 2015 is focused specifically
on the area of engaged collaborative architecture.
It aims to support individual architects or artists working in the field of engaged
architecture. The purpose of the award is to support professional architects/ artists to
develop their engaged practice. The award emphasises the value and benefit to an
architect/ artist's development that is derived from an extended process of engagement
with a collaborative architectural practice. The award therefore provides architects/ artists
with the time and resources to think, research, reflect and engage with their arts practice.
The Bursary award will be available to artists and architects with a proven track record who
demonstrate how a bursary award will extend their knowledge of collaborative approaches
to working in an art/architectural context and a clear concept of how this will be of benefit
to the professional development of their practice.
It is aimed at architects/artists who:
work collaboratively with individuals and groups in the making and interpreting of
consider and prioritise the quality of the engagement at all stages (e.g. in the
planning, making and evaluation of work)
Potential proposals could be those that enable architects/ artists working in the area of
engaged architecture to reconsider their collaborative/participative thinking and practice
research, dialogue and the negotiation of strategic partnerships
participative/collaborative art making, critical reflection and evaluation
practice that influences and expands alternative and varied strands of contemporary
arts practice
Create, in partnership Irish Architecture Foundation will host information and discussion
Application process
Create recommends that the proposal is in the form of a written application, up to a
maximum of 3 sides of A4, with your name and address, supported by additional
information detailing work history and examples of professional collaborative dance
Applicants' principal residence should be in Ireland and applicants should be able to
demonstrate an ongoing commitment to participative/collaborative arts practices.
All applications are acknowledged. You can expect a decision within one month of the
deadline. Feedback on applications is available after decisions are announced.
The proposal should show evidence of:
Commitment to collaborative arts and architecture practice
A clear awareness and articulation of how the Bursary Award will extend and
contribute to the artist(s) knowledge of collaborative approaches in the artform of
An indication of the areas of research and exploration and of how the Bursary award
will extend and expand the professional development of the applicant artist and arts
practice in collaborative arts and architecture
Criteria for assessment
All eligible applications are assessed under 3 criteria as follows:
Artistic merit
Meeting the objectives + priorities of the Collaborative Arts & Architecture Bursary
Who is eligible to apply
The award is open to artists working in all artforms and at all stages in their professional
careers. To be eligible to apply applicants must:
have a track record in collaborative arts and architecture practice
have been born in, or are resident in, the Republic of Ireland
be a professional practicing artist
Who cannot apply
Applicants who are not eligible to apply include:
those who work in collaborative arts and architecture practice where development
and/or development education goals take precedence over artistic outcomes (see
Purpose and priorities of the Bursary Award)
those who work in collaborative arts and architecture practice practice where the
practice is youth arts - for information on youth arts opportunities please refer to
the Artist in Youth Work Residency Scheme managed by the National Youth Council
of Ireland –
individuals currently in undergraduate education
What you can apply for
The maximum award available is €10,000 for up to one year. The emphasis of the bursary
award is to contribute to artist(s) reflective research time, it also provides for other costs
that are intrinsic to supporting the development of the artist's practice. In this context
applicants may apply for living costs, they may also apply for materials, resources, thirdparty expertise or the hiring of services where it can be demonstrated that such costs are
intrinsic or necessary to the development of the artist's practice.
What you cannot apply for
Activities and costs that you cannot apply for include the following:
activities or costs that do not fit the purpose of the award
activities which are more suited to another award funded by the Arts Council or
operated by other state agencies including Culture Ireland
activities that have already taken place or which will have commenced; before a
decision is due to be made on your application
where the activity is for charity fund-raising purposes, for participation in a
competition, or for primarily commercial or profit-making purposes
activities that have already been assessed by the Arts Council, or where you are
already in receipt of funding under the Artist in the Community Scheme
Assessment will be made by a panel. The panel will consist of representatives from the Arts
Council, the Irish Architecture Foundation and Create.
If you have a query about any aspect of the award or the application process, please contact
Create for clarification by sending an email to
Where to apply
Send completed applications to
AIC Scheme Bursary,
2 Curved Street,
Temple Bar,
Dublin 2
Please include your name and address
Deadline for applications: 16 November at 5pm.