Provision of viable participation
opportunities for all students
(Yr 4 -12) in inter-school sports
competitions through a program of
cluster/inter-cluster competitions
that cater for the three levels of
 Conduct a Dual/Tri-Cluster
Challenge Day inter-school
sports program for Middle
Schools (Yr 7-9) and Senior
School students (Yrs 10-12),
preferably with only one sport
per day
 SSC to liaise with other clusters
to propose a program of events
for Senior and Middle schools
 Conduct a program of Primary
School Gala Days followed by
two further development game
sessions in SSNT targeted
 Encourage schools to link
participation in gala days and
Middle School competitions as a
culmination to skills
development in specific sports
through school physical
education or activity units
 Link cluster events to existing
inter-school competitions
conducted by community
sporting organisations, where
viable, endorsing these events
as cluster opportunities
 Establish Cluster ‘Cup’ award
appropriate for each level of
 Participation in cluster events to
be the pathway for selection in
representative cluster squads
City Cluster students provided
with the opportunity to access
pathways to Cluster and School
Sport NT representation
opportunities by linking
participation in cluster events to
selection for the representative
development program provided by
cluster team officials for School
Sport NT events
 Management Board & School
Delegates approve calendar of
events for upcoming year in
Term 4
 School Delegates encourage
their school’s participation in
cluster event program and try to
link calendar to delivery of in
school PE program
 SSC and Development Officers
from sporting Organisations
liaise to provide skill learning in
targeted sports prior to gala
days, challenge days and
programmed sports
competitions and pathways for
participation in community sport
after cluster competitions
 Cluster program set to ensure
Primary, Middle/Senior School
cluster events are hosted prior
to SSNT nomination timeline
 Management Board & School
Delegates approve calendar of
events for upcoming year in
Term 4 and program forwarded
to principals and school
delegates and posted on
 Information about endorsed
community sports hosted interschool events forwarded to
schools as timely as possible
 Number of schools/students
participating in Dual/Tri-Cluster
Senior School Challenges
 Number of schools/students
participating in Dual/Tri-Cluster
Middle Schools Competitions
 Number of schools/students
participating in Primary school
Gala Days and Development
Game Sessions
 Uptake of participation in cluster
endorsed inter-school events
hosted by community sports
 Increased participation as a
result of school pride incentive
 SSC to liaise with MB & other
clusters to propose criteria and
establish award system
 Term 4
 Cluster event program be
developed to allow adequate
time for further development of
cluster squads by team officials
in pathway sports
 SSC/Management Board
 Early Term 4
 Call nominations for City Cluster
Team Officials in Term 4
 Management Board
 Principals, School Delegates,
 Relief teacher support where
schools assistance is required
to conduct cluster competitions
 Management Board to review &
refine selection process and
 Publicising team official
positions as widely as possible
in school communities as a
leadership development
opportunity and through
newsletters to target parental
 By half way through Term 4
 By end of Term 4, readvertise
early in Term 1, must be
finalised 6 weeks prior to event
or CC participation in that event
will not be confirmed
 SSC and school delegates to
canvas/target skilled teachers
 SSC, Principals, School
 Ongoing but with greater
emphasis in Term 4 and Term 1
 Forward ‘thank you’ gift in
appreciation of team officials
support and send out team
official applications to previous
 Management Board
 By half way through Term 4
 Support to participating schools
to improve participation in
cluster events within budget
constraints to a maximum of five
ERT days
 Sports Trainer provision for
cluster Track and Field
 Facility/Venue Hire assistance
for cluster events
 Purchase/replacement of
equipment for conducting
cluster events
 Establishment of Cluster ‘Cup”
and event awards across sports
 Percentage of Lizards
sponsorship returned to school
that generated the sale to assist
with transport and ERT costs of
cluster sports participation
 Adequate team officials found to
enable cluster to cater for
student pathway needs
 City Cluster represented at all
School Sport NT events with
either one or two teams
 Parents and students have
greater understanding of City
Cluster pathways and
 Purchase and distribution of
‘Thank You” gifts for City Cluster
 Conduct Professional
Learning Sessions for school
sports delegates/coordinators
and potential school team
officials for cluster events
Provision of personal and
professional development and
leadership support for teachers
and school community members
as school sports teams
coaches/managers for cluster
events and as cluster team
officials and convenors
City Cluster students are
encouraged and supported in
their sporting involvement in a
variety of roles other than as
Establishment of the City Cluster
website as the preferred means of
communication for officials,
teachers, students and parents
regarding cluster programs,
procedures and event and team
 Conduct Professional Learning
Sessions for all appointed
cluster officials which includes
Basic Sports Medicine
 SSC with support from School
Sports Delegates/Coordinators
 Late Term 4 or early Term 1 as
preferred by each school prior to
team officials professional
learning session
 Professional Learning Sessions
conducted for all schools
leading to improved procedures
for cluster events
 Management Board and SSC
 Dates set for early Term 1
 Professional Learning Sessions
conducted for all appointed
team officials
 Review and refine City Cluster
policy, process and
procedure documents for
inclusion in Handbook and on
 Input from team officials, MB to
review and CAO to update
 Late Term 4
 Review team official reports and
surveys to direct future PD and
 Management Board, SSC, CAO
 Ongoing
 Appoint Management Board
mentors to support team
officials and convenors
 Encourage students to act as
team officials for cluster and
SSNT events (championship
students as team officials,
referees, convening
assistance & exchange
students Yr 5+ as refs, gofors,
scorers, etc)
 Management Board, PEC
 Early Term 1 after appointment
of team officials
 School Delegates & SSC
 Opportunities detailed by end of
Term 4 and ongoing throughout
the year as new opportunities
 School Delegates (use school
newsletters & website)
 Ongoing for each cluster event
 School Delegates, SSC
 Initial invitation during Term 1
and reminders 6 weeks before
each event
 Target Active Australia schools
conducting leadership programs
and senior school classes
conducting VET programs
 School Delegates & SSC
 End of year for following year’s
SSNT events and ongoing
throughout year for cluster
 Reformat website and maintain
uploads at fortnightly intervals
 Term 4 and ongoing throughout
 Review and update of contact
information, cluster forms,
handbook information, including
cluster policies/procedures and
 Management Board in
consultation with School
Delegates, Team Officials, SSC
 Team official/s & SSC/Convenor
take digital photos of teams and
at events and completion and
submission of event report
within 2 week timeline after
 Team officials, SSC, CAO
 Schools aim to bring a student
official with every one of their
teams entered in cluster events
 Seek and encourage student
officials applications to SSNT
from interested students with
refereeing qualifications
 Term 4
 Within 2 weeks after event for
event reports and photos
 Handbook reviewed and
updated ready to distribute to all
schools and team officials and
uploaded to website early in
 Cluster team reports reviewed
by Management Board and
identified changes implemented
 Administration, communication
& printing costs
 Hospitality and sports
medicine training costs for
professional learning sessions
 Identification of mentors leads to
greater support due to load
 Number of students and student
groups assisting in official
capacities at cluster and SSNT
 Increased number of student
official applications from City
Cluster students
 Schools running targeted
programs accessing practical
opportunities for their student
 Information is available on
website prior to Cluster events
and CAO able to refer people to
 Increased number of hits on
 Event reports completed and
uploaded in a timely manner
 Purchase and distribution of
appreciation certificates/gifts
 Lunch/hospitality costs where
 Transport assistance if
 Purchase of scanner &
updating of software as
required to improve quality of
documentation on website
Increased knowledge and
understanding of the role of the
City Cluster Sports Management
Group and the aims and
philosophy underpinning the
cluster program and events to try
to ensure cluster responsibilities
are share as equitably as
possible across all schools
Pursuit of grants/sponsorships to
assist the purchase/ replacement
of cluster playing uniforms and
equipment for exchange and
championship teams and events
 Information to Principals and
School Delegates regarding
cluster program and seeking
support for overall cluster
responsibilities to be filled for
upcoming year
 SSC, Principals, School
 Term 4 for upcoming year and
throughout Term 1 until all
responsibilities are covered
 Pre-schedule cluster events
and meeting dates for
Management Board & Cluster
on yearly calendar
 Management Board
 Encourage school delegates to
mentor a second person from
their school to attend cluster
 Delegates & Principals
 Ongoing
 Design promotional poster/
pamphlet/flyer for schools to
display on sports noticeboards
and distribute to families
 Management Board, Admin
 Term 4 for distribution early in
 Draft and send out sponsorship
letters to potential businesses
 Management Board
 Before end 2009 and again
beginning 2010
 Letter for school newsletters to
try and get sponsorship for
cluster playing strips
 Management Board, School
 Term 1 and throughout year
 Prioritise strip purchase and
replacement from Lizards
 Management Board Committee
 Term 4, 2008
 Term 4 for events and initial
meetings. By first meeting of
year for the remainder of year
 Handbooks, posters and
pamphlets distributed to schools
 Increase in interest and
awareness from teachers in
schools and parents within school
 Positions filled on Management
 Regular attendance by all
schools at cluster meetings
 Sponsorship offers from
companies associated with City
Cluster students
 Enough Lizards money to enable
uniform purchase/replacement
as required
 Materials, printing and
distribution costs
 Cluster shirt for MB members
 Hospitality for meetings
 Administration & communication
 Purchase/replacement of
equipment and uniforms for
cluster teams