68877 Preliminary SEA of the Great Western Development Strategy The Five Key Development Domains Summary Report January 2007 World Bank Environment and Social Development East Asia and Pacific Region This publication was developed and produced by the Environment and Social Development Unit (EASES), of the East Asia and Pacific Region of the World Bank. The Environment, Rural and Social Development Units are part of the Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Development (ESSD) Network. Environmental and social development issues are integral part of the development challenge in the East Asia and Pacific (EAP) region. The recently completed Environment and Social Development Strategies for the World Bank in the region have provided the conceptual framework for setting priorities, strengthening the policy and institutional framework for sustainable development, and addressing key environmental and social development challenges through projects, programs, policy dialogue, and partnerships. This publication is part of a series that have been supported through the Trust Fund for Environmental and Socially Sustainable Development (TFESSD). Further information is on the TFESSD is available online at <www.worldbank.org/tfessd>> This publication is available online at <<www.worldbank.org/eapenvironment>>. Front cover photos: Bob Sacha Photography. Environment and Social Development Department East Asia and Pacific Region The World Bank Washington, D.C. January 2007 ____________________________________________________________________________________ This volume is a product of the staff of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank. The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in this paper do not necessarily reflect the views of the Executive Directors of The World Bank or the governments they represent. The World Bank does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this work. The boundaries, colors, denominations, and other information shown on any map in this work do not imply any judgment on the part of The World Bank concerning the legal status of any territory or the endorsement or acceptance of such boundaries. The material in this publication is copyrighted. Copying and/or transmitting portions or all of this work without permission may be a violation of applicable law. The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank encourages dissemination of its work and will normally grant permission to reproduce portions of the work promptly. For permission to photocopy or reprint any part of this work, please send a request with complete information to the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc., 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, USA, telephone 978-750-8400, fax 978-750-4470, www.copyright.com. All other queries on rights and licenses, including subsidiary rights, should be addressed to the Office of the Publisher, The World Bank, 1818 H Street NW, Washington, DC 20433, USA, fax 202-522-2422, e-mail pubrights@worldbank.org Table of Contents ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Foreword iv Acknowledgments v Acronyms vi Executive Summary vii Key Findings Summary Page x Chapter 1. Introduction 1 1 2 2 6 1.1 Objectives and anticipated results of SEA for GWDS 1.2 Western region 1.3 GWDS plans and projects 1.4 Approach of the SEA study Chapter 2. SEA – Worldwide and China 9 9 11 2.1 International SEA context 2.2 Considerations for future systems in China Chapter 3. Baseline description 13 14 15 16 18 18 21 23 3.1 Environmental regions 3.2 Land resources 3.3 Water resources 3.4 Forest resources 3.5 Energy and mineral resources 3.6 Biodiversity and ecosystem services 3.7 Tourism resources Chapter 4. Main environmental challenges 4.1 Summary of environmental constraints 4.2 Description of the causes of identified environmental problems 4.3 Environmental problems at the province level Chapter 5. Assessing the environmental impact of GWDS 5.1 Water resource development and utilization plans 5.2 Land utilization plans 5.3 Energy resource exploitation plans 5.4 Biodiversity protection plans 5.5 Tourism development plans 5.6 General observations about development in the western region Chapter 6. Recommendations 25 25 31 32 36 36 37 40 43 45 47 48 48 53 65 6.1 Regional level recommendations 6.2 Provincial level recommendations 6.3 Lessons learned and next steps References 66 i CD-ROM User Guide Part 1 – Full SEA Study 1.1 Full SEA study (197 pages) [3.6MB] Part 2 – Further information on Western China and the GWDS 2.1 Protected areas in Western China (map) 2.2 Provincial level objectives for five plans of the GWDS [0.1MB] Part 3 – Further information on SEA 3.1 SEA experiences in China [0.1 MB] 3.2 International Experience on SEA and its application in China; Note for SEA practitioners in China - a review of the literature; Isao Endo. World Bank, 2004. [0.1MB] 3.3 SEA Outside the Bank. Rob Verheem. The Netherlands EIA Commission. [ppt, 0.13MB] 3.4 New Concepts in Strategic Environmental Assessment; Towards Better Decision-Making. ANSEA (2002). [pdf, 0.6MB] 3.5 SEA – Concept and Practice. World Bank Environment Strategy Notes, No 14 (2005). Kulsum Ahmed, Jean Roger Mercier, and Rob Verheem. [pdf, 0.1MB] 3.6 Integrated Environmental Considerations in Policy Formulation; Lessons from policy-based SEA experience (2005). World Bank Environment Department, report number 32783. Part 4 – Further information on World Bank support for SEA 4.1 Strategic Environmental Assessment Bank Program FY05. Kulsum Ahmed and Jean Roger Mercier. World Bank SEA Training Workshop, June 2004. [ppt, 0.2MB] 4.2 World Bank Structured Learning Program (SLP) [0.1MB] 4.3 World Bank Distance Learning Course [0.1 MB] 4.4 Strategic Environmental Assessment in World Bank Operations. Experience to date and future potential. World Bank Environmental Strategy Papers, No 4 (2002). Olav Kjörven and Henrik Lindhhem, ECON Centre for Economic Analysis, Oslo, Norway. [pdf, 0.8MB] ii List of Figures Figure 1.1 Figure 3.1 Figure 3.2 Figure 3.3 Figure 3.4 Figure 3.5 Figure 3.6 Figure 3.7 Figure 4.1 Figure 4.2 Provinces in the western region Geographic Zones and Land Use types in Western China (2000) Average annual temperature and annual precipitation Land use patterns, Western China (2003) Gross output value of land industries, Billion Yuan (2003) Average Annual Precipitation (mm/year) Distribution of Typical Ecosystems Distribution of typical tourist resources in the western region Soil and water loss in Arable land and Grassland Desertification of i) Arable land and ii) Grassland 2 14 14 15 16 16 23 24 26 28 Overall Summary of GWDS consequences Structure of the study Environmental standard classification Baseline descriptive statistics for western region provinces Land use patterns (percent of land area) Exploitation and utilization of water resources (2003) Forest cover km2 (various years) Coal reserves in the western region (million tons) Oil and natural gas reserves in the western region Wind energy potential Recoverable deposits of main mineral resources Extent of nature reserves (1997, 2000, and 2003) Description of ecosystems types in the Western Region Tourism activity in western provinces Water Deficiency in Key areas of Northwestern China (m3) Overview of causes for land degradation in each sub-region Statistics on Soil Deterioration in Northwest China Percent Forest Coverage and Grassland Coverage (2000) Wastewater pollution and treatment levels (2003) Air Quality (2003 and 2004) Current environmental problems per province Status of environmental features at the province level Consequences of water resource plans in the GWDS Consequences of land utilization plans in the GWDS Consequences of energy exploitation plans in the GWDS Consequences of biodiversity plans in the GWDS Consequences of tourism plans in the GWDS Summary of overall impacts from GWDS in Chongqing Summary of overall impacts from GWDS in Sichuan Summary of overall impacts from GWDS in Guizhou Summary of overall impacts from GWDS in Yunnan Summary of overall impacts from GWDS in Guangxi Summary of overall impacts from GWDS in Qinghai Summary of overall impacts from GWDS in Tibet Summary of overall impacts from GWDS in Shaan’xi Summary of overall impacts from GWDS in Ganshu Summary of overall impacts from GWDS in Ningxia Summary of overall impacts from GWDS in Xinjiang Summary of overall impacts from GWDS in Ningxia x 1 7 13 15 17 18 19 19 20 21 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 30 31 33 33 37 39 43 44 46 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 List of Tables Table 1 Table 1.1 Table 1.3 Table 3.1 Table 3.2 Table 3.3 Table 3.4 Table 3.5 Table 3.6 Table 3.7 Table 3.8 Table 3.9 Table 3.10 Table 3.11 Table 4.1 Table 4.2 Table 4.3 Table 4.4 Table 4.5 Table 4.6 Table 4.7 Table 4.8 Table 5.1 Table 5.2 Table 5.3 Table 5.4 Table 5.5 Table 6.1 Table 6.2 Table 6.3 Table 6.4 Table 6.5 Table 6.6 Table 6.7 Table 6.8 Table 6.9 Table 6.10 Table 6.11 Table 6.12 iii Acknowledgments ________________________________________________________________________________________________ This publication was developed through collaboration between the Beijing Normal University in China and the World Bank. The Beijing Normal University team was lead by Dr Li Wei, and the main members include Dr. Zhang Yan, Dr. Zhao Yanwei, Dr. Zhao Wei and Dr. Shen Yiqing. The team also received executive guidance and instructions from officials of Foreign Economic Co-operation Office (FECO), State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA), Mr. Wen Wurui and Mr. Wang Xin. International experts Arend Kolhoff, Rob Verheem, from the Netherlands Commission for Environmental Impact Assessments and Haakon Vennemo from ECON, Norway, provided technical guidance throughout the process, commented on a first draft document and provided suggestions for improvements. Further comments and guidance were received from Mr Wo Bo at the State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA) for China. The Task Team Leader for this work was Jostein Nygard, Senior Environment Specialist, and guidance for the project was given by Madga Lovei, Sector Manager, Environment and Social Development Unit of the East Asia and Pacific Region (EASES) of the World Bank. Technical assistance and project support was provided by Andrew Murray (Junior Professional Associate). Funding for this work was generously provided by the Norwegian and Finnish governments through the Trust Fund for Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Development (TFESSD). iv Acronyms ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ADB API BOT CCHP CDC CHP CIDA COD EA EASEN EIA EPB EU FDI FYP GDP GIOV GRP GWDS IEM KDD M NBS NDRC NEPA NPC NTA PEIA PEIS PPP REIA RMA SA SEPA SEA UNESCO USEPA WDO WRM Asian Development Bank Air Pollution Index Build Operate Transfer Combined Cooling, Heat and Power Critical Decision Component Combined Heat and Power Canadian International Development Agency Chemical Oxygen Demand Environmental Assessment East Asia and Pacific Environment Unit Environmental Impact Assessment Environment Protection Bureau European Union Foreign Direct Investment Five Year Plan Gross Domestic Product Gross Industrial Output Value Gross Regional Product Great Western Development Strategy Integrated Environmental Management Key Development Domain Million National Bureau of Statistics National Development and Reform Commission National Environment Policy Act National Peoples Congress National Tourism Administration Province Environmental Impact Assessment Programmatic Environmental Impact Statements Policy, Plan, Program Regional Environmental Impact Assessment Resource Management Act South Africa State Environmental Protection Administration Strategic Environmental Assessment United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization United States Environmental Protection Agency Western Development Office Water Resource Management v Executive Summary ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Background and context Since the 1970s China has achieved impressive levels of economic growth and widespread poverty reduction. These gains have been built on the back of a supportive policy framework that encouraged a ‘grow at all costs’ development path, but, with environmental pressures becoming more critical, the objectives of China’s government are changing. Recent statements of the Chinese State Council indicate that while economic development remains crucial, a more balanced and sustainable approach is now being emphasized. The Chinese government has also been concerned about the pattern of growth that has occurred, which has been much more pronounced in the eastern part of the country. For example, per capita GDP in the western region is only 50 - 75 percent of the national average. While it is geographically massive (roughly 70 percent of the country), the western region only accounts for 28 percent of the population and 19 percent of GDP. In spite of the relatively sparse population it still faces a range of serious environmental threats, from water scarcity in the north to heavy pollution loads in the south. The Great Western Development Strategy (GWDS) represents a huge commitment to progress in the western region and is being undertaken in order to help close the economic gap between the west and more developed eastern provinces. Government statements refer to the establishment of a ‘new western China’ over the coming decades, and to development for minority ethnicities who will be better integrated with the rest of China. In order to achieve these goals the GWDS has objectives for infrastructure development, environment, local industry, investment environment, and science, technology and education. Study development and objectives Following the enactment of China’s new EIA law (2003), which requires SEAs to be undertaken for certain plans, the State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA) requested World Bank to support SEA training for EIA professionals. At the same time SEPA requested World Bank support for a preliminary SEA to be carried out to provide practical experience of SEA and guidance for GWDS planning. The study objectives are to provide a general baseline description of the environment in western China, analysis of the environmental impacts of GWDS plans, and to provide suggestions for mitigating measures or alternatives to facilitate the GWDS decision making process. This study represents a trial-SEA in China and provides an opportunity to develop experience and capacity at the strategic level of assessment, to date this level of analysis (strategic planning) has been especially rare in China. The vast scale, scope and duration of the GWDS make it a challenging subject for a preliminary SEA. Other challenges for this undertaking included the lack of inter-agency cooperation and collaboration, which is especially important for a project such as the GWDS that involves many government agencies at multiple levels. Further, until recently the process of environmental assessment has been undermined by very weak enforcement of relevant EIA laws, but as more experience and awareness is generated the process is becoming more robust. Indeed the change in emphasis from the Chinese government, from ‘growth at all costs’ to ‘balanced and sustainable growth’, will lead to increasing levels of political support for more dedicated and more rigorously enforced environmental assessments in the future. The SEA approach ensures that plans, processes and policies account for local conditions and impacts on all stakeholders. Baseline Description and Main Environmental Challenges In order to facilitate analysis of this vast area (6.8 M km 2) the western region was split into 3 areas, southwest (mountainous sub-tropical), northwest (arid grass plains), and Tibet-Qinghai (high altitude plateau). Chapter 3 provides a comprehensive analysis of the basic conditions in each of these areas with respect to various physical features, e.g. water and energy resources, ecological endowment etc. Western China is vulnerable to a number of inter-related environmental threats, these issues are discussed in relation to planned GWDS activities in Chapter 4. These threats include water scarcity, which is a serious and growing problem in northern areas where severe water deficiencies and ever growing demand are leading to over-exploitation of groundwater and drying up of lakes. Land degradation is closely linked to water regimes, vi in the north the arid landscape is threatened by desertification through wind erosion while in the south water erosion removes valuable topsoil from exposed land. In the Qinghai-Tibet plateau erosion is caused through freeze-thaw action and overgrazing. Inappropriate forms of land use speed up desertification in many areas. Forest cover in the northwest and plateau areas is naturally low, but in the southwest human activity has led to significant reductions in the quality of forests in terms of biodiversity and ecosystem services (in spite of widespread re-forestation activities). There are also environmental concerns for water and air pollution around urban centers, e.g. in many cities sewage treatment is low and urban rivers are reduced to sewage ditches. Industries in the region are pollution intensive and cause serious water, solid waste, and air pollution. The latter is particularly severe in industrial cities such as Urumchi and Lanzhou, causing serious respiratory health consequences. A related concern is the high sulfur coal used to generate energy in the region and the problems with acid rain that affect forest and agriculture. Potential Impacts from the GWDS The lack of a systematic monitoring or uniform planning across provinces makes it very difficult to draw detailed conclusions about current and future impacts from the GWDS. There are clearly many benefits being generated from the program, with wealth and development growing rapidly in many cities. Also on the environmental front the GWDS has led to widespread re-forestation (though forest quality is a problem), measures to improve irrigation efficiency and to preserve water, and protection on sloping lands to reduce soil erosion. These encouraging developments reflect the Chinese governments heightened sense of environmental responsibility, but the development plans also pose a number of environmental challenges. The analysis points to a number of weaknesses in the development of the western provinces that threaten environmental sustainability in the region, these include: Industry is often highly inefficient and reliant on out-dated techniques, leading to resource waste and over use. In many provinces authorities still have the ‘pollute now – clean up later’ approach, and development is being led by importing dirty industries from the East. Investors capitalize on flaws in environmental policy or weaknesses in enforcement to undertake polluting activities and resource extraction. The transformation from environmentally damaging economic development (e.g. polluting industries, tree cutting, and mining) that are discouraged in the GWDS to more sustainable activities has not been smooth. Economic under-performance of new industries has led some local authorities to turn a blind eye towards polluting industries and deforestation. Land allocation for forestation has been poor, often leading to failed projects and wasted financial resources, because forestation policies have not been flexible enough to respond to local environmental conditions and account for land suitability. The approach of this study is to explore impacts (direct and indirect, see section 1.4 on approach) from the strategy’s five Key Development Domains (KDD). The KDDs are water resource use, land use, energy exploitation, biodiversity protection, and tourism development. Planned activities in the KDDs are likely to place more pressure on the region’s water resources. High water exploitation levels in the northwest mean that increases in water demand could have dramatic consequences, and increasing wastewater emissions are a serious threat in the area. Strategy plans for agricultural expansion and urbanization will lead to increased water demand in many areas that already suffer water scarcity, and there are concerns about the impact of construction activities on river networks (e.g. hydro) and land quality (e.g. open cast mines). While tree cover has been increasing there are significant questions about the quality of forests that are being established, with poor age and species compositions that limit the ecological services they provide. Threats to biodiversity include planned hydro dams that will impede water courses, cause vegetation loss through water and soil degradation, and the impact of infrastructure development for mineral extraction and tourism activities. The most significant problems for air pollution are associated with plans to expand coal and oil extraction industries and the need for appropriate technologies to make this process as clean as possible. Findings and predictions for the consequences of the GWDS, for each KDD, are summarized at the province level for each implementation plan in tables 5.1 to 5.5. The results show some encouraging signs with many environmental features likely to improve. For example, in many places the study found that the GWDS will deliver environmental improvements on themes where there are currently significant environmental problems, e.g. forest deterioration and waste water treatment. However, numerous areas for concern emerged, especially with respect to land quality throughout the region, and water issues in northern provinces. In some cases vii proposed activities will place increased pressure on already stressed systems, Gansu and Inner Mongolia emerged as areas of particular concern. These findings are summarized for the GWDS as a whole in the key findings summary (page 1). Recommendations In order for the SEA approach to have an impact on the GWDS, the assessment system needs to be a dynamic and ongoing process (with regular monitoring and fine-tuning) in which the publication of this report represents only the first step. The SEA of GWDS has follow-up work plans to monitor and evaluate the impacts and recommend adjustments as necessary. Monitoring indices are selected based on four categories: water, soil, air, and biology and three agencies are specified as responsible. To be completed once recommendations are clear…. viii Key Findings Summary Page ________________________________________________________________________________________________ The assessment of recent and (potential) future environmental effects of the main GWDS PPPs are summarized in Table 1. It is important to note that since the GWDS is constantly evolving (future plans are not yet known) and is being implemented differently across provinces, the actual level of impact is not clear. In particular, the extent of environmental protection and / or impact mitigation measures uncertain, though many such activities are listed in PPPs. The summary table (below) represents an absolute baseline analysis, assuming no environmental protection measures are taken to mitigate impacts, i.e. it is a projection based only on measures and policies that are currently known. The symbols indicate current status and potential positive and negative consequences related to the GWDS. For example, downward arrows indicate areas where the PPPs may not be entirely on the right track in an environmental sense. Present situation (now): Values refer to 2002 (baseline year), and are presented for eight environmental factors. The most worrying are forest deterioration and soil erosion, while the best are soil salinization and air pollution. Future situation (future): Values refer to 2010 and are based upon the trend of impacts that have occurred from PPPs during the period 2002 to 2005. Impacts over the period 2002 – 2005 are used to make projections for the next 5 years (up to 2010) Therefore, it should be noted that implementation of new mitigation measures will lead to different results from those indicated below. Table 1. Summary of potential environmental impacts from GWDS framework PPPs (2000 - 2004)* Water availability Soil erosion Soil salinization Now Future Now Future Now Future Desertification Now Water & waste pollution Forest deterioration Air pollution Biodiversity & ecosystem services loss Future Now Future Now Future Now Future Now Future South west I III I I III III II III Chongqing II III I I III III III II Sichuan I III I I III II II III Yunnan I III I I III III II III Guizhou I III I I III III III II Guangxi II I I I III II II III North west III III III III III II II II Shaanxi II III III III III II II II Gansu III III III III III II III II Ningxia III III III III III III III III Xinjiang III I III III III I I II III III III III III II I III I II II III II I I I Tibet I III I III II I I I Qinghai I I III III II I I II Inner. Mongolia. Qing-Zang Plateau Now (present environmental situation) I: no environmental problems, there is potential for future use and development II: moderate environmental problems, change of environmental pressure to be considered, limited development possible III: significant environmental problems, immediate change of environmental pressure required Future (expected situation given plan implementation, by 2010) Three broad scenarios: environmental deterioration; environmental improvement; stable environmental status. *More detailed tables relating to each Key Development Domain are given in chapter 5. ix Chapter 1 Introduction ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1.1 Objectives and Anticipated Results of SEA for GWDS 1.1.1 Study objectives and anticipated results The study objectives are to provide a thorough scientific analysis of the baseline status of and likely environmental impacts of the Great Western Development Strategy (more specifically the Key Development Domains). The study is designed to support the multi-level decision making and strategic priority setting process by providing expert guidance and suggestions to consider for the next stage of GWDS implementation. The former is achieved by analyzing the impact of the five Key Development Domains (KDD) of the GWDS (outlined below). As well as the assessment of likely environmental impacts from GWDS implementation, the paper provides a background description of SEA, internationally and in China. At a later stage in the implementation of the study, these objectives were refined to include more detailed province level information and a selection of critical issues that have emerged as key recommendations for each province. While this assessment was prepared after the initial launch of the GWDS, it is hoped that the extremely longterm perspective of the GWDS will mean that appropriate design modifications can be incorporated as new findings and guidance are developed. It is also hoped that this initiative will provide a template and a baseline against which future assessments in Western China can be implemented. However, this preliminary assessment does not incorporate any monitoring of GWDS activities to date, nor does it include a clear plan for monitoring in the future – this important task is highlighted in the recommendations as a next step task that should be built into the wider strategy. Other limitations of the current work, with respect to the scope of a full SEA, include the lack of public consultation, consideration of social implications, and analysis of alternatives. In defense of the study, the vase scale of this strategy (more than twice the area of India) has made a fully comprehensive SEA prohibitively difficult. Time and budget limitations have constrained the extent of possible work and this study has been customized accordingly. 1.1.2 Structure of the study The general structure of the work undertaken during the process of this assessment is outlined in table 1.1, which shows that the initial analysis of the GWDS was reduced to an assessment of key areas. Table 1.1 Structure of the study Strategic Analysis of GWDS Background of GWDS - Survey of society and economy Organizational framework of western region development - Organizations, their duties and decisionmaking procedure Decision-making levels of GWDS - Policies, plans, key projects Natural environment + resource features Environmental analysis - Quality of natural environment and problems SEA pattern for GWDS - Launch, management, technical procedures Ecological Zoning - Southwestern zone, northwestern zone, Tibet zone Retrospective assessment - Implementation effect, infrastructure and ecoenvironment construction Resource feature Analysis - Water, land, biological, energy, and tourism resources SEA for Key Areas - Water resources, land, energy exploitation, biodiversity protection, tourism development SEA for Key Areas 1 Conclusion / Suggestions Suggestions for development of SEA practice in China Suggestions for ecoenvironmental protection related to GWDS plans Guidance targeted towards developments in the 11th five-year plan 1.2 Western region The geographical scope of the Great Western Development Strategy (Xibu Da Kaifa) includes the six provinces of Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan, Shaanxi, Gansu and Qinghai, as well as the five autonomous regions of Inner Mongolia, Guangxi, Tibet, Ningxia and Xinjiang, and the municipality of Chongqing. Collectively these areas are referred to as the western provinces, and they are shown in figure 1.1. Figure 1.1 Provinces in the western region The western region, which covers 6.8 million km2, (71.4 percent of the country) and represents 50 out of the country’s 55 different minority populations. The population of the western provinces accounts for 28.8 percent of the total population in China, but only 16.8 percent of its economic output (2003). Per capita GDP is only 68 percent of the national average. The low per capita GDP is partly explained by the fact that the western provinces have fewer urban residents than the rest of the country (29 versus 36 percent). Comparison of urban residents in the western provinces and elsewhere in China shows that the per capita income of the former is only 85 percent of the average for urban residents (NBS, 2004). Similar figures for rural residents are not available, but it is informative that in 2003 rural ownership of washing machines, refrigerators, bicycles and color TV sets was only 68, 42, 63, and 82 percent of the national total average in 2003 (China Statistical Yearbook 2004). As another indication, GDP per capita in Shanghai (the richest province) is 13 times that of Guizhou (the poorest province) and life expectancy is 12 years higher in the former than the later (NBS, 2004). 1.3 GWDS plans and projects 1.3.1 General background to GWDS The State Council Western Development Office (WDO) promulgated the ‘General Planning for Western Development’ in 1999 with the overall objective to help close the economic gap between the western region and the rest of the country. The strategy, which represents a great commitment from the central government to speed up western development, was designed to boost socio-economic development, to improve living conditions for China’s minorities, and support environmental improvement. The major objectives of the plan, which were laid out by premier Zhu Rongji (March 2000 session of NPC), include: Infrastructure Development: The GWDS includes extensive infrastructure plans including construction of highway networks, rail-track, airports, and gas pipelines. Investments will include expansion of electric power grids, telecommunications, radio and television facilities, as well as infrastructure in large and medium-sized cities. Importantly for this SEA the GWDS also calls for rational exploitation of water resources and water conservation. Environment: The GWDS encourages projects to protect natural forests along the upper reaches of the Yangtze River and the upper and middle reaches of the Huang (Yellow) River. Terraced fields on steep slopes (25 percent) should be returned to forests or pastures. Initiatives in support of water resource management will include establishment of more efficient water usage and irrigation systems, implementation of cross-water supply projects, and improvements to ecosystem and water quality. Local Industry: The GWDS encourages different regions to develop industries that maximize local comparative advantages in geography, climate, resources and other conditions. Where possible, these regions are also urged to capitalize on high/new technology industries. Science, Technology, and Education: The GWDS promotes the development of different levels of expertise and an overall improvement of quality in the workforce across regions. It also recommends that the regions accelerate product development through better use of scientific research. 2 Investment Environment: Western provinces should take steps to attract more foreign investment, capital, technology and managerial expertise. The eastern and coastal provinces are also asked to play a role in providing these items. Additional: In addition, some GWDS materials include ‘improvement of public services’, ‘increase in number of urban residents’ and ‘closing the gap in the material livings standards of households’ among the objectives. In order to achieve these objectives the WDO issued seven macro-development plans, that fit into the general GWDS framework, to support implementation during the 10th FYP period. These plans are; Land resource development and utilization planning; Water resource development planning; Education enterprise development planning; Science and technology development planning; Agricultural development planning; Highway development planning; Railway development planning. All of these plans have environmental implications, but three in particular have explicit environmental objectives or major sub-objectives: Water resource plans suggest that water conservation projects in should improve living standards and protect / improve the natural environment, including extensive irrigation works. Science plan includes objectives for ecological development and provides support for ecological and infrastructure construction. Agriculture plan includes an objective to recover and develop grassland in the western region. However, most of these plans are not highly specific and only provide basic guidelines that have to be interpreted and developed into detailed action plans by the western provinces, along with relevant ministries and agencies. The WDO also proposed five Key Development Domains (KDD) as part of the GWDS that have more detail and structure. These plans (outlined in section 1.3.3) form the basis of this study, and are i) water resource planning, ii) land use planning, iii) energy development planning, iv) eco-environmental construction (biodiversity conservation) planning, v) tourism development planning. 1.3.2 Policy level support for the GWDS In order to support the GWDS the government has implemented a number of policies to facilitate growth and investment (a number of which have a 10 year life span), and has committed large volumes of public money to investment in the western region. The planned increases in investments will lead to a shift in the focus of China’s government expenditure from coastal provinces towards the western region. The government has planned for increases in the percent of central construction and subsidy funds spent in the western region, and has directed banks to increase lending to the western region, in particular to railways, main express-ways, electricity, petroleum and natural gas projects. The government has also been initiating policies that are designed to increase private sector investment. It has reduced business taxes and, in the case of environmental protection, allocation of ownership rights to those converting land to forestry and grassland. Other policy developments include encouragement for the development of mining operations and less regulation of prices. Furthermore, policies have been implemented to encourage foreign investment and the eastern region will increase its level of assistance to western provinces. Finally, western provinces will receive higher priority in appropriation of funds for scientific and technological projects, and there will be more support for public health and family planning. 1.3.3 Key Development Domains of the GWDS A description of the content and objectives of the five Key Development Domains (KDDs) of the GWDS is provided below. A more detailed analysis of the provincial level recommendations is provided in the CD-ROM attachment. Theme 1: Water resource development and utilization plans: This plan is intended to promote rational use and development of water resources in order to improve living conditions and productivity in the western region. Objectives include optimizing allocation between users, increasing overall efficiency of water use, developing water resources (including water transfer projects), establishment of infrastructure for water collection and conservation, and rationalization of water use (to be sustainable). The latter will include industrial restructuring with water intensive projects and companies being phased out. In the water scarce northwest region the focus is on water saving principles in industry, civil society, and especially agriculture, e.g. support for water saving irrigation and associated infrastructure. Furthermore, 3 the plan is intended to strengthen the unified management of river basin resources, implement flood control measures, and strengthen reservoirs. Water resources in the upper reaches of the (Huang) Yellow and Yangtze River drainage areas will receive intensified protection, and increased treatment levels are planned for the Black and Tarim rivers. The strategy will also introduce market reforms, appropriate pricing mechanisms, and implementation of diversified benefit compensation mechanisms. Theme 2: Land-use plans: Land use plans have the following objectives; i) to make available required construction land for infrastructure developments (though agricultural / cultivated land will receive protection), ii) to return large areas of cultivated land to forest and grassland, iii) to protect and ensure the sustainability of cultivated land. In order to allow space for cultivation on high-quality farmland in the western region. The establishment of forests, fruit plantations, and animal husbandry zones will be prioritized in desert, mountain, and wasteland areas in the western region. Theme 3: Energy sector plans: The western region has a wide range of energy resources, coal and gas are the most important forms in the northwest, and in the southwest there is significant potential for hydro and pithead power stations. Energy sector plans are designed to take advantage of the regions energy reserves and to develop the west as an energy base for the rest of the country through west-east power transmission projects. The GWDS energy sector plans are intended to strengthen oil and gas exploration capacity as part of China’s wider energy strategy. Other objectives include improving industry structure (e.g. west-east power transmission, gas transportation), and address energy efficiency of modern technologies for maximizing energy capture and efficiency. Power distribution will be addressed at the local level, urban and rural power grids will be upgraded. At the national level, the structure of power grids will be improved with the construction of three West – East high-voltage grids (north, middle and south) to transport energy to target areas in the east. Coal: The coal sector will be restructured with an emphasis on exploitation of high-quality reserves. Ongoing construction projects will be fast-tracked for completion, especially the development of high-quality steam coal mines, plans for technological innovation and improvements to old mines will be developed, and coal transportation systems will be improved. Efforts to improve coal quality will include the development of ‘cleancoal’ technologies, such as coal washing and separation plants, and coal liquefaction model projects, and options for exploitation and use of coal-bed methane resources will be explored. Oil and Gas: Exploration / exploitation activities will be fast tracked along with increased support for oil and gas transport infrastructure (e.g. production bases and pipelines). Transportation sites will be developed in the Tarim, Chaidamu, Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia, and Sichuan-Chongqing regions, and a network of pipelines will connect i) Tarim to the Yangtze River Delta, ii) Chaidamu (via Xining) to Lanzhou, iii) Zhong (Chongqing) to Wuhan City (Hubei), and iv) Jingbian County to Huhe Haote City. Other power: The strategy also includes activities to increase hydropower (e.g. Longtan, Gongbo Gorge, Xiaowan, Goupitan and Pubugou), thermal power (increase large-scale, decrease small-scale), and moderately develop nuclear power capacity. Large-sized pithead power stations will be established in Shaanxi, Inner Mongolia, Ningxia, Guizhou and Yunnan. Theme 4: Biodiversity protection plans: The western region is home to an important array of biological diversity, for example assessments indicate that the region has eight key biodiversity hot spots where protection has global significance (there are 17 in all of China). The high mountains and steep gorges in the southwest, once the refuge of animals during the Quaternary period ice age, are rich with alpine flora and have abundant varieties of primitive animals and plants. The strategy includes extensive plans for re-establishing large areas of forest and grassland vegetation. It will provide support for the recovery of damaged, and protection for existing, natural woodland and grassland ecosystems. Furthermore, the strategy includes the provision of more effective protection for rare and endangered animals and plant species, e.g. increases in the extent of nature reserves will be implemented in areas with biodiversity in ecologically fragile environments. A series of nature reserves covering an area of 4 around 6 million hectares will be established, and within five years the region will have over 200 reserves, including 40 key national level reserves covering that 45 million hectares. Activities will include; Qinghai-Tibet Plateau: Preservation of endangered species such as Chiru (Tibetan Antelope), Przewalski’s gazelles, Alpine Musk deer and Snow Leopard. Yangtze and (Huang) Yellow River source and plateau lakes: Wetland protection and establishment of ‘arid plateau’ and ‘semiarid desert’ ecosystem conservation zones. Inner Mongolia and Xinjiang (plateaus and deserts): Ecosystem conservation zones will be initiated along with protection for wildlife such as ungulates (hoofed mammals). Mountainous southwest: Habitats for key endemic species, such as pheasant and wild spotted deer, will be restored along with the establishment of new nature reserves. Himalayas: Activities will be undertaken to protect the Himalayan musk deer and the white-lipped deer. Forest management will be strengthened and forest and grassland vegetation restored with large-scale protection and planting schemes a focus will be re-forestation of mountains and fields (hillside closures and seed sowing by airplane will be used). Afforestation will be implemented through ‘grain for green’ projects, where farmers are compensated for returning farmland to forest and grassland. Natural forests and grasslands will receive extra protection and destruction or unregulated exploitation will be banned. Threats to grassland habitats, such as cattle grazing will be managed (e.g. by promoting rotation grazing), and grassland for agriculture will be controlled with some pastures will be enclosed for vegetation protection. Theme 5: Tourism development plans: The potential for a strong and vibrant tourist industry in China has been recognized for some time. The region spans a huge landmass with dramatic landscapes, abundant rivers, lakes, mountains, biodiversity, and many marvelous natural sights. Furthermore, the region has a rich cultural heritage with many important sites and over 50 different ethnic groups offering a wide range of customs and traditions. The objectives of tourism development plans are to fully utilize the abundant natural and cultural attractions in western China. The tourist industry will be established as a key development objective, and should become a pillar industry in the region. Appropriate infrastructure will be developed, focusing on transport infrastructure, use of scenic spots, and the protection of key locations. The Western Tourist Investment Plans, compiled by the National Tourism Administration (NTA), State Planning Commission and the Western Development Office (WDO), set out the main tourist attractions to be developed: Northwest: Cross-regional parts of the “Silk Road”, including sections from; Xi’an to Baoji, Tianshui to Zhangye (via Lanzhou and Wuwei). Beijing and Tianjing, passing Hulun Buir (grassland and forest in Heilongjiang), Jinlin, Zhangjiakou, Chengde, Chifeng, Huhe, and Haote. The “Middle Route of the Silk Road” that passes Urumchi, Ku’erle, and Kashi. Around Baoji, Pingliang, Liupanshan, Yinchuan. Southwest: Major tourist development resources include: Tourist line around Yunnan, Sichuan, Tibet and Shangri-La. Golden triangle around Chongqing City, Sichuan Province and Guizhou Province. Tourist line around sights of northeast Guizhou Province, and the west of Guangxi Province. The golden tourist line Guilin, Yangshuo, Wuzhou, Zhaoqing, and Guangzhou. Lantsang to Mekong tourist line. West of Hunnan Province conceptual planning of Phoenix City. The three-gorge tourist line in the Yangtze River. 1.3.4 Progress in western development Growth rates in western provinces appear to be responding to GWDS activities and in 2003 all provinces (except Guizhou) grew at a faster rate than the national average, though this was already true in 2000. However it is questionable to what extent this growth is being fueled by growing productivity and the region’s ability to attract outside investment. This is highlighted by the fact that levels of FDI actually fell by 14 percent for the region as a whole between 2002 and 2003, from 2005.3 to 1722.6 million USD. In particular transport costs and 5 retention of skilled labor are sighted as a critical hurdle that reduce the competitiveness of the region, and in spite of massive investment and increases in transport infrastructure (see table 1.2) reports still suggest that transport costs remain a key constraint (Gelb and Chen 2004). There is no direct measure of achievement of the overall objective for the GWDS (reducing the development disparity between eastern and western regions) but it is not clear that the investments and increased growth rates are being translated into a more equal society. In fact the level of disposable income (per capita) in the west has been getting smaller relative to the national average for some time now. Per capita disposable income in western provinces was 92 percent of the national average in 1990, but only 87 and 85 percent in 2002 and 2003 respectively. Table 1.2 Growth rates in the western region (2000 to 2003) Southwest FDI Mill USD 2003 (1999) Transport Infrastructure (% increase km) Chongqing 1,589.3 2,250.6 (7,209) 11.5 (8.5) 12,425 260.8 (238.9) 16.7 6.8 Sichuan 4,010.2 5,456.3 (6,418) 11.8 (9.0) 12,441 412.3 (341.0) 21.2 19.2 993.5 1,356.1 (3,603) 8.6 (7.1) 12,870 83.8 (40.9) 13.6 23.5 Yunnan 1,955.1 2,465.3 (5,662) 10.1 (8.7) 11,037 45.2 (153.8) 19.9 34.1 Guangxi 2,050.1 2,735.1 (5,969) 10.2 (7.3) 11,953 41.8 (/) 26.5 12.0 10,598.2 14,263.4 10.8 / 843.9 20.6 23.3 Qinghai 263.6 390.2 (7,277) 12.1 (9.4) 15,356 25.2 (/) 0 23.3 Tibet 117.5 184.50 (6,871) 12.1 (9.0) 26,931 0 (/) / 45.5 Qing-Tibet 381.1 574.7 12.1 / 25.2 / 37.3 1,660.9 2,398.6 (6,480) 10.9 (9.0) 11,461 331.9 (241.9) 23.8 12.0 Gansu 983.4 1,304.6 (5,022) 10.1 (8.7) 12,307 23.4 (40.0) 0 2.3 Ningxia 265.6 385.3 (6,691) 12.2 (9.8) 12,981 17.4 (51.3) 9.5 14.6 Xingjiang 1,364.4 1,877.6 (9,700) 10.8 (8.2) 13,255 15.4 (24.0) 16.7 58.6 Inner-Mong 1,401.0 2,150.4 (8,975) 16.8 (9.7) 11,279 18.5 (/) 19.2 9.2 Northwest 5,675.3 8,116.5 14.4 / 406.6 16.1 24.8 88,254 116603 (9,101) 9.3 (8.4) 14,040 53504.6 24.4 29.0 Guizhou Shaan’xi China Rail Road GRP* 2003 (Y/ per capita) Southwest QingTibet Average Wage 2003 (Yuan) GRP* 2000 Province Northwest Annual GRP growth percent in 2003 (2000) Source: China National Bureau of Statistics, * GRP indicates Gross Regional Product 1.4 Approach of the SEA study The original definition of the Great Western Development Strategy (GWDS) is only one sentence (setting out vision but not details) so the central and provincial development plans drafted under the GWDS framework were the target of this study. A wide range of GWDS development plans were analyzed, but in order ensure that an effective SEA could be achieved within the constraints (financial and time) of this project the study focuses on GWDS Key Development Domains. The procedure of this SEA was to analyze GWDS development plans, at central and provincial levels and establish the Critical Decision Components (CDCs), e.g. planned objectives and key activities. Once the CDCs were identified they were grouped in accordance with the five Key Developmental Domains (KDDs), and used to form the basis of the analysis. The five assessed targets including water, land, energy, biodiversity and tourism stem from their respective development planning under the GWDS framework. After developing the structured list of GWDS plans the assessment team used two methodologies to assess the likely environmental 6 impacts from implementation of the GWDS plans; i) Scenario Analysis, and ii) Assessment Matrix. Throughout the assessment process the findings were subject to expert consultations. Assessment matrix: The assessment matrix approach was used intensively throughout this study to, i) identify, and ii) evaluate environmental impacts from implementation of GWDS development plans. The results of impact identification, used to identify the key environmental factors, were split into eight categories of environmental issues, e.g. water availability and soil erosion. The environmental impacts were assessed in terms of their positive and negative effects on the different environmental categories, e.g. effect of a dam on water availability and soil erosion. These values were determined and evaluated jointly by the relevant experts and governmental officials through a series of brainstorming workshops. Scenario analysis: Scenario analysis was used as a complement to matrix assessment in order to deal with the uncertainties associated with assessment at the strategic and policy level, and in order to make an expert judgement on likely future outcomes. Assessment of the ecological and environmental impacts from the CDCs was used to make expert judgements on the future scenario relative to the current (year 2000) ecoenvironmental situation. This method helped the assessors to deduce and anticipate changes in the status of, and impacts on, receptors or targets. It is important to note that because of the large uncertainties relating to activities that will be implemented in each province, the scenario analysis approach considers only the plans that were developed at the time of the assessment. It is likely that a number of provinces will develop more comprehensive environmental protection activities, during the 11 th FYP. Therefore the scenario analysis is not intended as a judgement of the GWDS, rather it provides an indication of potential issues that planners should be aware of. An example of the output from this combined analytical approach is given in the overall summary table (table 1, page 1), which shows the overall results from the assessment in each province. The specific values for table 1 were derived according to the assessment methodologies described above, and table 1.3 gives an indication of the criteria that were used to make the assessment (present and future). However, in many cases the assessments included a wide range of qualitative and quantitative factors that are hard to capture in this table. Table 1.3 Environmental standard classification Current Scenario Water Availability Soil Erosion I II III I II III I Salinization* (% salt content in top 30cm) II III I II Desertification II* III Forest Loss Water - Waste I II III I II Future Situation Use rate is less than 10 percent. Use rate is between 10 and 40 percent. Use rate is over 40 percent. This value is based upon expert judgement. Favourable reclamation conditions, simple measures - west 0.5 – 1.0, east (Inner Mongolia) 0.1 – 0.3. Water conservation improvements required - west 1.0 – 1.5, east (Inner Mongolia) 0.3 – 0.7. Reclaim condition poor, integrated measures needed - west 1.5 – 2.0, east (Inner Mongolia) 0.7 – 1.0. No Desertification -Vegetation coverage over 30 percent. -Sand movement less obvious. -Land surface covered by basically stable sand dunes or sand field. -Vegetation coverage 10 – 30 percent (average 750 individual trees or bushes / hectare). -Sand drift controlled by plant community, but sand movement ripples prevailing on sand dunes. -Vegetation coverage less than 10 percent. -Mobile dunes sand sheets and the denuded inter-dune areas are inter-distributed. -Sand dunes stabilized with non-biological measures. Good forest quality, most primary forests intact. Forest quality threatened by still largely intact. Widespread loss of primary and mature forests. Average water quality (main river) level I – II. Average water quality (main river) level III – IV. 7 Use rate is likely to decrease Use rate should stay stable Use rate is likely to increase Soil quality will improve, lower erosion Soil quality stable, stable level of erosion Soil quality deterioration, increased erosion Level of salinization likely to decline. Level of salinization should remain stable. Level of salinization likely to increase. Level of desertification likely to be reduced. Level of desertification stable. Level of desertification likely to increase. Forest quality will increase. Forest quality stable. Forest quality will decrease. Net improvement in results across rivers. Overall stable status. Pollution (‘04) III I Air Pollution (2004) II III Average water quality (main river) level V – V*. Annual average air pollution index (API) in representative city of < 50. Annual average air pollution index (API) in representative city of > 50 and <100. Annual average air pollution index (API) in representative city of >100. Net decline in results across rivers. Net improvement in urban air quality. Overall stable status. Net decline in urban air quality. I Improved species abundance / eco-services. II This value is based upon expert judgement. Stable species abundance / eco-services. III Declining species abundance / eco-services. * Values are based upon criteria given in the China Desertification Information Network, publication part I method (www.din.net.cn) Biodiversity Ecosystem Data collection: Due to the limited time and financial resources available for this study data and information were collected chiefly from secondary sources such as existing studies. Important sources include i) remote sensing as part of the sub-regional Millennium Ecosystem Assessment project for western China, ii) recent EISs from large projects in the region (e.g. water transfer, gas transmission, and railway projects). A wide range of other sources was used to collect statistics on social, economic, natural resource, environmental data of the provinces. In addition, qualitative information for expert judgements was derived from three levels of consultation, mainly through seminars and telephone inquiries; The first level of consultation included officials from the most relevant ministries and bureaus (e.g. Ministry of Water Resource, Ministry of Land Resources, Ministry of Transportation, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Construction, NDRC, SEPA). The second was at the provincial level, and included a survey of relevant officials from the 12 western provinces on selected topics from the five KDDs. The third level of consultation was conducted among academic experts, NGOs, and other stakeholders of this SEA. 8 Chapter 2 SEA – World-wide and China ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2.1 International SEA context The basic elements of SEA have existed for some time now and some aspects of the approach have been in use since the first EIA system was introduced by the United States in the 1969 National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). However, while over 100 countries and regions have now formulated official EIA systems, only around 25 countries and jurisdictions have established SEA systems and few, if any, are comprehensive in their coverage. The majority of developed countries have now developed SEA systems of one sort or another, but many are not well implemented and only a few have established strong practical experience in implementation. In some countries (e.g. Netherlands, USA, and Canada) SEA systems have been fully integrated in the legal system and are compulsory, but in the majority the system, is less standardized. In spite of the difference in the development of EIA and SEA systems, they are closely linked and the two processes are often implemented in tandem. For example, the European SEA Directive (2001/42/EC, entered into force in 2004) and the SEA protocol to the UNECE convention on EIA in a transnational context (2003). The development and implementation of SEA systems represents the most important development in impact assessment over the last decade, yet there remains significant debate on exactly what SEA is and a wide variety of different approaches are currently in use. This is because of the very broad practical implications of SEA, which means that even the most advanced countries are still refining their systems to get the most out of this tool. An increasing number of developing countries are experimenting with SEA, often with active support of the development agencies. While most examples of formal SEA in developing countries have the same aim as in developed countries, formal SEAs represent only a small, but highly visible, sub-set of the large suite of para SEAs used in development policy making (Dalal-Clayton and Sadler, 2005). Some of the SEA formats being developed in other countries may offer interesting insights to guide and inform SEA development in China (examples from New Zealand, S Africa, the UK, USA, the Netherlands, and the EU are given below). The model emerging in South Africa, which focuses on assessing interactions between the environment and development needs and understanding the effect of cumulative impacts, may be of particular interest because, like China, the country contains areas at different stages of development. A selection of interesting national experiences is presented in Box 1. Box 1. International SEA experiences EU: The adoption of the EU SEA Directive (2001), which was over a decade in the making, requires all EU member states to adopt the EU format for application of SEA by 2004. The shape and content of this directive is bound to have a significant bearing on the development of SEA practice much further afield as expertise and lessons are developed around a common model in many developed countries. The directive calls for environmental assessments on a range of plans and programs (policies are exempt) prepared for an extensive range of sectors (excluding sectors such as finance, defense, and civil emergency). New Zealand: SEA is referred to in a number of laws and regulations but is not formalized in a dedicated piece of legislation. The Resource Management Act (RMA 1991), is the major environmental statute that emphasizes an integrated approach to policy, planning and assessment of issues concerning use of land and resources, but there are a range of other SEA-type processes that operate beyond the remit of the RMA. The RMA has the same intent and scope as an SEA process, i.e. to anticipate and address environmental impacts from policies and plans, but it is weak in enforcing the full scope of assessment requirements (Dalal-Clayton and Sadler, 2005). Indeed after nearly 15 years of implementation it is still not clear whether a more formal SEA process will develop from within the RMA framework or from other related environmental legislation such as the government’s policy framework for environment and sustainable development (Dalziel and Ward, 2004). Netherlands: The SEA concept was introduced relatively early in Holland and the system has two distinct SEA processes that are different in concept and approach (though this may change in the future). The Environmental 9 Test of Laws and Regulations, which was introduced in 1995, is used to test policy level impacts, it was first introduced in 1995, but review found it to be quite weak and revisions have been made. At the plan and program level the EIA act (1987) requires a process including examination of alternatives, public involvement in scoping and review, and independent review of the assessment. Given the strength of the current system, the adoption of the EU SEA Directive could represent a reduction in the extent of environmental assessment in Holland. South Africa (SA): The country has a long history of EIA application going back to the 1970s and first developed SEA like guidelines in the early 1990s with the introduction of Integrated Environmental Management (IEM), which considers policies and plans. This approach was replaced in 1997, and then again in 1998 with the adoption of the National Environment Management Act. While this act states that any activities (PPP) that may significantly affect the environment must be considered (with minimum requirements outlined), the actual requirements are still defined by the less comprehensive 1997 law. Work is ongoing to ensure the wider application of assessment tools with scope to cover plans and projects. UK: Prior to the entry into force of the EU SEA Directive (2004) the UK had no statutory provisions for SEA, though several SEA processes had come into ad-hoc use for policies and regional development plans. Government guidance on undertaking SEA for spatial and land use plans advocates a five stage approach (ODPM 2004), i) establishing context, objective, and baseline, ii) scoping and developing alternatives, iii) assessing plan effects, iv) consultation, and v) monitoring the plan’s effects. Directives governing the implementation of plans and projects required local and central authorities to conduct SEA for planning, and by 1997, three-quarters of local governments had conducted SEA for urban and rural planning. USA: The National Environmental Policy Act (1969) provides a broad legal mandate for the Council on Environmental Quality to address policies, plans and programs, though it is only triggered if there is a demonstrable environmental impact. From an international perspective, Programmatic Environmental Impact Statements (PEIS) represent a well-established area of SEA practice, though the process is often skirted in developing programs (CEQ 1997). For example, most federal departments and major agencies have applied this form of SEA for more than 25 years, in particular to land use, integrated resource management, transport, water and waste sectors1. Many countries have formulated sector specific SEA procedures that provide guidance for the practice of assessments, e.g. Swedish land exploitation program and British transportation policy framework. However, at the general level there are relatively few officially implemented SEA procedures, and those that do exist are largely based on SEA procedures from construction projects (Brown and Therivel, 2000). Furthermore, most countries start with an SEA pilot study, revise the system from initial pilot projects the practices, and apply the approach to develop future SEA practice. The countries referred to in Box 1 have developed project and planning SEA systems to an advanced stage in theory and practice, including appropriate legislation, directives, management mechanisms, operating procedures and public participation (Partidário, 2000). However, there are very few examples of SEA systems that can be considered fully effective at the policy level. This is due to a constrained view of what SEA offers and a lack of effective underlying systems. In spite of the various paths that have been taken in the development of SEA systems in different countries, similar challenges have been faced. Of particular importance is the issue of SEA scope, which has typically resulted in assessments limited to plans and projects. Examples include the EU SEA Directive and US NEPA, which require that legislative proposals for assessment be significant for the quality of environment. Another issue common to a number of countries is the lack of SEA specific procedures. Present SEA laws, which often fail to include specific procedures for SEA implementation, tend to be simplistic and too general (e.g. Australia’s Environmental Protection Act, Canada’s Cabinet Directives and Denmark’s 1993 Administrative Orders). Therefore, even among advanced SEA countries most systems still require further refinement. Dalal-Clayton and Sadler (2005) list a range of benefits that complete and effective SEA processes offer; 1 see United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) website www.epa.gov/ 10 Promote increased sustainability through integrated environment and development decision making. Facilitate the design of environmentally sustainable policies and plans. Provide for consideration of a larger range of alternatives than is normally possible in project EA. Take account, where possible, of cumulative effects and global change Enhance institutional efficiency by obviating the need for unnecessary project level EIAs. Increase the influence of certain ministries and increase coordination across sectors. Strengthen and streamline project EA through various mechanisms. Provide a format for public engagement in discussions relevant to sustainability at a strategic level. The benefits will depend on the specific form of SEA and the wider institutional context within which it is applied. However, there is evidence to suggest that SEA improves the efficiency of planning processes, leads to better environmental protection and management, and can make a critical contribution to improved transparency in decision making and good governance in developing countries (Dalal-Clayton and Sadler, 2005). 2.2 Considerations for future SEA systems in China2 The introduction of China’s new EIA Law3 (2003) provides the basis for the establishment of an SEA system and lays the legal foundation for a comprehensive environment – development decision-making mechanism. However, in order for it to be fully effective the current SEA system requires a number of revisions. Some of the key issues are discussed below; i) Expanding the range of assessed target in EIA: The new EIA Law represents an important step toward an effective SEA system, but the law does not embrace the full meaning of SEA, e.g. its relevance for policies and regulations. The overall environmental impact from sectoral level decision making will be greater than the impact from specific projects. In order to mitigate negative environmental and social consequences form this period of rapid change it is important to include government policy in the basket of potential subjects for assessment. ii) Designing the procedure of public participation in EAs: International experience has highlighted the importance of effective information disclosure systems and open dialogue in the assessment process. However, the new EIA Law does not establish a firm procedure for public participation. The next step in the development of SEA in China should be to develop a more transparent system, including disclosure of information about environmental protection (e.g. legal criteria for environment protection) and opportunities for stakeholders to participate more effectively in the decision-making process. One approach would be to establish a questionnaire investigation system to gauge public attitude towards environmental protection, policies, and management. In order for any participation mechanism to be effective there is a need for legal enforcement and financial backing to ensure that this process is facilitated. iii) Stipulating alternatives of proposal action: The consideration of alternative options is not included explicitly in the new EIA Law, which means that the current system does not present a comprehensive set of information to policy and decision makers. It is suggested that the existing EIA Law be revised to require inclusion of alternatives to a proposed action. iv) Censor, sanction and implementation of SEA outcomes: The EIA Law requires that EA reports are reviewed and approved by government appointed bodies, including independent experts and representatives from related departments. However the departments for compiling and assessing SEA reports are part of the same executive system, which can create a conflict of interest. Furthermore, it is possible that when economic interests are at stake, the current system is less likely to defend environmental concerns and support expert recommendations, which are only used for reference (i.e. there is no legal requirement to respond to, or follow up on them). A more effective approach would be to establish an independent body, integrating environmental protection departments and recognized experts, to sanction and support SEA recommendations, e.g. through the environment and resources committees of national and local people's congress. The establishment of such a system would help ensure the quality of SEA studies and equity of approvals, by ensuring that the review and 2 3 A brief background to the development and current status of SEA practices in China is provided in the CD-ROM attachment. EIA law text is available (in Chinese) at http://www.zhb.gov.cn/eic/649645345759821824/20021204/1036227.shtml 11 approval of SEA is objective and just, with support from the NPC to ensure that other departments do not unduly influence the approving department. v) Advancing the security mechanism of SEA: Implementation of EIA systems is ensured under the new law but the supervision mechanism remains weak. Effective judiciary and security mechanisms are an important element of an SEA system. Increasing the power to review implementation of environmental executive law, with an environmental one-way law, would therefore be an effective mechanism in the extension of executive lawsuit law. Where environmental protection departments are guilty of misconduct the public should have the right to bring a lawsuit to court, and require that the department fulfill its duties of ensuring the full implementation of the SEA system. When the relevant administrative departments violate the SEA system, the public or environmental protection department should have the right to bring a suit to court to require the court to restrict the action. 12 Chapter 3 Baseline Description4 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Basic descriptive statistics for the region are given in table 3.1, which summarizes a number of important physical elements of the western provinces. Detailed information of climate, natural resources, and geographical features to the western region are provided in the sections that follow, and further information is available at <<www.china.org.cn>>. Southwest Table 3.1 Baseline descriptive statistics for western region provinces Qing-Tibet Area (km2) Total water Nature reserve number (2000) (area km2) Forest area km2 (cover %) Capital City Chongqing Chongqing 31.3 (2.7) 82,400 (0.8) 59,070 (1,887) 46 (8,660) with Sichuan Sichuan Chengdu 87.0 (3.1) 485,000 (5.2) 258,980 (2,977) 120 (70,770) 133,015 (23.5) Guizhou Guiyang 38.7 (9.0) 141,000 (1.5) 915,550 (23,658) 107 (8,090) 36,731 (20.8) Yunnan Kunming 43.7 (9.8) 394,000 (4.2) 169,940 (3,889) 186 (35,500) 128,732 (33.6) Guangxi Nanning 48.6 (7.3) 236,700 (2.5) 190,100 (3,912) 67 (14,810) 81,666 (34.3) 249.3 1,339,100 (14) 1,593,640 (6,392) 526 (137,830) 380144 Southwest Northwest Pop (M) 2003 (growth %) Province (% of nation) M m3 (per capita m3) Qinghai Xining 5.3 (10.9) 720,000 (7.7) 63,470 (11,975) 8 (206,080) 3,088 (0.4) Tibet Lhasa 2.7 (11.1) 1,220,000 (13) 475,710 (176,189) 15 (408,730) 40,815 (/) 8.0 1,940,000 (21) 539,180 (67,398) 23 (614,810) 43903 Qing-Tibet Shaan’xi Xi’an 36.9 (4.3) 205,600 (2.2) 57,460 (1,557) 32 (70,770) 59,203 (28.7) Gansu Lanzhou 26.0 (6.1) 450,000 (4.8) 24,720 (951) 47 (87,860) 21,741 (4.8) Ningxia Yinchuan 5.8 (10.9) 66,400 (0.7) 1,230 (212) 12 (4,920) 1,464 (2.2) Xingjiang Urumqi 19.3 (10.8) 1,660,000 (18) 92,010 (4,767) 26 (215,290) 17,837 (1.1) Inner-Mon. Hohhot 23.8 (3.1) 1,183,000 (13) 49,560 (2,082) 183 (148,900) 147,485 (12.7) Northwest 111.8 5,814,400 (38) 224,980 (2,012) 300 (527,740) 247730 West Reg. 369.1 6,844,100 (73) 2,357,800 (6,388) 849 (1,280,380) 671,777 (9.8) 1,292.3 (6) 9,326,410 2,746,020 1,999 (1,439,810) 1,589,409 (16) China Beijing Source: area (chinatoday.com), and China Statistical Yearbook (2004) 4 www.china.org.cn provides complete overview of climate, natural resources (including water power reserves) and geographical features including good quality maps. 13 3.1 Environmental regions The motivation for dividing the western region into three zones for this study was driven by the huge size of the region and the range of geographic features it contains. The three sub-regions (shown in figure 3.1) have roughly comparable environmental characteristics, i) southwest (Sichuan, Chongqing city, Yunnan, Guizhou, and autonomous region of Guangxi), ii) northwest (Gansu, Shaanxi and autonomous regions of, Inner Mongolia, Ningxia and Xinjiang), and iii) high altitude plateau (Tibet autonomous region and Qinghai province). Figure 3.2 shows average temperature contours and average annual precipitation levels across China. Figure 3.1 Geographic Zones and Land Use types (2000) in Western China Southwest: Sub-tropical climate (rainfall 1,000 – 1,500 mm/year), mountain terrain, and large river valleys. Northwest: Arid to semi-arid climate, with a short growing season and a long winter. Precipitation is low (50 – 400 mm/year) and evaporation rates are high. The region consists mainly of plains at an altitude between 500 and 1,500 meters. Plateau: Mountain climate with low precipitation (100 – 500 mm/year). The plateau is located at an altitude of over 2,000 meters with the high Himalayan mountain range at its southern border. 3.2 Land Resources Figure 3.2 Average annual temperature (C) and average annual precipitation (mm/year) The western region accounts for a large proportion of China’s arable (36 percent) and rangeland (81 percent) resources. The relative abundance of land in the region is reflected in the level of per capita land use, for example arable land (14 m2 per capita), woodland (34 m2 per capita), and grassland (72.6 m2 per capita) use rates are 1.4, 1.9 and 3.6 times the national average respectively. The different land use types are mapped out in 14 figure 3.1 and a summary of the relative abundance of different land use types in the western region is given in figure 3.3 (broken down for each of the sub-regions in table 3.2). Figure 3.3 Land use patterns, Western China (2003) Residential, Industrial 3% Water area 3% Arable land 14% Unexploited land 24% Woodland 26% Grassland 30% Un-exploited: deserts, high mountains and protected areas. Woodland: canopy density above 0.2 consisting of forest and shrub vegetation. Note: Data for Inner Mongolia is in 1996 while that of other provinces and municipalities is in 1999. Table 3.2 Land use patterns (percent of land area) Province Un-exploited land Arable Land Residential / Industrial Woodland Grassland Southwest 17 20 4 47 10 2 Qing-Tibet 27 14 3 17 37 2 33 1 <1 7 54 5 Northwest Water area Source: China Statistical Yearbook 2004 Agricultural Land: The level of agricultural output varies across the region but is generally higher in southwest, where 20 percent of the land is arable (see table 3.2). Figure 3.4 below provides an indication of the relative performance, measured in terms of Gross Industrial Output Value (GIOV) from different land uses. Farming and animal husbandry are important in all provinces, but only in Sichuan and Qinghai is animal husbandry the most important use type. 15 Figure 3.4 Gross output value of land industries, Billion Yuan (2003) 180 Farming Gross Output Value (Bill Y) 160 Forestry Animal Husbandry Fishery 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 Inner-Mong Xingjiang Ningxia Gansu Shan’xi Tibet Qinghai Guangxi Yunnan Guizhou Sichuan Chongqing 0 Source: China Statistical Yearbook (2004) Grassland: Grasslands can be divided into distinct ecological zones, including temperate (Inner Mongolia, Loess Plateau, semi-arid areas of Xinjiang), high-frigid (Qinghai-Tibet), desert (Xinjinang, Qaidam Basin, western Inner Mongolia), and southwestern grassland. The total area of natural grasslands in western China is 3,310 million km2, representing 49 percent of China‘s land area (Jiyuan 2005), however, overgrazing and overloading has impacted these areas and 23 percent of grassland in the western region is reported to be degraded. Figure 3.10 grassland ecosystems and their coverage Karst Landscapes: Karst landscapes are widely distributed in Guizhou, Guangxi and eastern Yunnan provinces, including one of the largest contiguous formations in the world, and represent a unique and vulnerable land formation. These areas are described as limestone formations with pitted plateaus, deeply dissected by closed gorges, and ranges of hills with razor sharp crests (Vermeulen et al 1999). The limestone rock dissolves in water at a rate that results in distinct landforms. Soils developed from limestone bedrock, if present at all, are often thin and deficient in most nutrients, except calcium and magnesium. Vegetation therefore tends to be thin and patchy. The biotic environment, both surface and in the extensive dark cave systems that are often present, is quite unique and these habitats are home to many rare and endemic 5 species. Karst sites also have considerable cultural value for their beauty, for example Wulingyuan park (Hunan province), which include karst landscape and deciduous forest has been designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Degradation of karst landscapes can take decades to recover, partly because of the time required to develop a new soil layer. 3.3 Water Resources Hydrology: The distribution of water resources is very uneven across the western region, with water availability decreasing from south to north. The Tibet-Qinghai plateau is the source of all the main Chinese and International rivers. Figure 3.5 shows the average level of annual precipitation across western China. Southwest: The area’s geology and climate creates a large number of river basins, including domestic rivers such as the Yangtze, Pearl, Gold Sand, Min, Tuo, and Jialing rivers, and international rivers such as Yarlung Zangbo, Lancang, Nu, Red, Inuowa and Yellow rivers. 5 A species is endemic if its range is restricted to a specific geographical area. 16 Northwest and Plateau: An arid climate with little precipitation, strong evaporation and poor run off creates only a small number of perennial rivers that discharge relatively small amounts of water in inland depressions resulting in salt water lakes and oases. The continental rivers in eastern Inner Mongolia and Qinghai are relatively short, while those in Ganzu, Xinjiang and the Qaidam Basin are long, such as the Tarim, Ili, Heihe and Shule rivers. Figure 3.5 Average Annual Precipitation (mm/year) Source: www.china.org.cn Surface water: The western region has 1,521 billion m3 in total surface water resources (57 percent of national total), but this is unevenly divided across sub-regions; 186.2 billion in the northwest (12.2 percent), 834.4 billion in the southwest (54.9 percent), and 500.6 billion in the Qing-Tibet plateau (32.9 percent). The differences in water availability across the western region are huge, e.g. the Southwest and Tibet (not including Qinghai) 84 percent of surface water in the western region. Unsurprisingly the northwest suffers from severe water scarcity problems, and there are significant differences in exploitation rates, which vary from 1.5 percent in the southwest, to over 40 percent in the northwest (international water security line is 30 percent). Water availability in each province/ region is shown in table 3.3. Table 3.3 Exploitation and utilization of water resources (2003) Province Southwest Chongqing QingTibet Surface water* Ground water* (M m3) (M m3) (M m3) (per capita m3) (per capita m3) (per capita m3) Exploited water (M m3) Exploitation percent 59,070 (1,887) 59,070 (1,887) 10,990 (351) 6,320 (202) 10.7 Sichuan 258,980 (2,977) 258,820 (2,975) 59,640 (686) 20,900 (242) 8.1 Guizhou 915,550 (23,658) 91,550 (2,366) 24,780 (640) 9,370 (243) 1.0 Yunnan 169,940 (3,889) 169,940 (3,889) 59,220 (1,355) 14,610 (353) 8.6 Guangxi 190,100 (3,912) 190,100 (3,912) 5,730 (118) 27,840 (575) 14.6 1,593,640 (6,392) 769,480 (3,087) 160,360 (643) 79,040 (317) 5.0 63,470 (11,975) 63,470 (11,975) 27,390 (5,168) 2,900 (547) 4.6 475,710 (176,189) 475,710 (176,189) 108,100 (40,037) 2,530 (940) 0.5 539,180 (67,398) 539,180 (67,398) 135,490 (16,936) 5,430 (679) 1.0 57460 (1,557) 57,460 (1,557) 17,310 (469) 7,510 (203) 13.1 24,720 (951) 24,720 (951) 13,690(527) 12,160 (467) 49.2 1,230 (212) 1,230 (212) 2,540 (438) 6,400 (1,111) 520.3 Xingjiang 92,010 (4,767) 92,010 (4,767) 60,430 (3,131) 50,070 (2,608) 54.4 Inner-Mong 49,560 (2,082) 49,560 (2,082) 23,920 (1,005) 16,600 (701) 33.5 Southwest Qinghai Tibet Qing-Tibet Shaan’xi Northwest Total Water Gansu Ningxia 17 Northwest 224,980 (2,012) 224,980 (2,012) 117,890 (1,054) 92,720 (830) 41.2 Note * Volumes reported as in yearbook, some duplicated measurements, i.e. surface and ground volumes don’t sum to total water volume. Source: China Statistical Yearbook 2004 In 2003 the total amount of exploited water was 79,040, 5,430, and 92,720 million m 3 in the southwest, QingTibet and Northwest sub-regions respectively, summing to a total of 177.2 million m3 for the western region as a whole. In spite of the fact that many areas suffer from water scarcity water use efficiency remains low across most of the western region. For example, the amount of water required to generate 10,000 Yuan is much higher in most western provinces than the national average. Only in Shaanxi and Chongqing is water use more efficient than the national average (12 and 27 percent more efficient respectively), while Tibet, Ningxia and Xingjiang all use more than three times as much water than the national average per unit output in spite of its scarcity. In the dry irrigated areas of the northwest, flooding frequently occurs due to the irrational low water price and inefficient agricultural irrigation practice, impacts include salinization of soils. Quotas for the farmland irrigation in Gansu, Qinghai, Ningxia and Xinjiang are all over 90 m3 of water per m2 land, which is much higher than for the rest of the country. Ground water: Over exploitation of groundwater is a serious problem in the northwest, even in areas that do not suffer from water scarcity. The total area where groundwater resources are considered to be over-exploited is estimated at 14,424 km2. Depletion of groundwater resources affects surface water levels by reducing the level of replenishment, and reductions in the level of the water table will reduce soil moisture and can increase processes of land degradation, desertification, and negative socio-economic impacts. Due to their abundant surface water resources, the Qinghai-Tibet plateau and southwest regions have abundant groundwater resources that are not heavily exploited. The availability of ground water in the northwest is more limited leading to higher exploitation rates, 97 percent in Ningxia, and over 20 percent in Gansu and Xinjiang. Over-exploitation of groundwater has become serious in river basins such as the Northwest Hexi Corridor, Shiyang River Basin, the Hetao Plain and some parts of Xinjiang. 3.4 Forest Resources Forest types in western China include cold temperate coniferous, temperate coniferous and broad-leaved, subtropical evergreen broad-leaved, tropical monsoon and rain forests. These habitats are distributed as follows; Southwest: The southwest has a relatively high level of forest cover, but many years of human activity has led to significant reductions in forested area, especially in the upper reaches of Yangtze River. As a result the ecological regulation functions of forests are weakened, and the major flooding in the Yangtze River (in 1998) was caused by deforestation in the upper part of this water basin. Northwest: The total forested area of the four provinces in northwestern China is 1.75 percent. Plateau: Forest coverage in the northwest and the plateau area is naturally low, due to the arid / semiarid and high mountains conditions. Change in total forest cover between 1976 and 1998 is given in table 3.4, all regions (except Tibet) have experienced significant increases in forest cover. However, in many areas the planting of mono-specific economic forests masks the continued decline of high-value virgin forests. According to the fifth national survey of forest resources, quantity increases have been undermined by an overall decrease in the quality, as artificial forests expand while natural forest coverage falls (Liu Jiyuan 2005). Figure 3.10 forest ecosystems and their coverage. 18 Table 3.4 Forest cover km2 (various years) 1976 (% cover) Province Qing Tibet Southwest Chongqing 1998 (% cover) 1988 (% cover) Annual change (%) ‘88 – ‘98 / / / / / Sichuan 74,600 (15.4) 68,110 (14.0) 108,720 (22.4) 133,015 (23.5) 2.04 Guizhou 25,610 (18.1) 23,090 (16.3) 22,210 (15.7) 36,731 (20.8) 5.16 Yunnan 95,600 (24.3) 91,970 (23.3) 93,270 (23.3) 128,732 (33.6) 3.27 Guangxi 55,100 (23.3) 52,270 (22.1) 52,270 (22.1) 81,666 (34.3) 4.56 Qinghai 1,900 (0.3) 1,950 (0.3) 2,660 (0.4) 3,088(0.4) 1.50 63,200 (5.2) 63,200 (5.2) 63,200 (5.2) 40,815 (/) - 4.28 45,800 (22.2) 44,710 (21.7) 47,080 (22.9) 59,203 (28.7) 2.32 18,700 (4.2) 17,690 (3.9) 20,290 (4.5) 21,741 (4.8) 0.69 600 (0.9) 950 (1.4) 1,180 (1.8) 1,464 (2.2) 2.18 14,400 (0.9) 11,210 (0.7) 14,970 (0.9) 17,837 (1.1) 1.77 107,000 (9.0) 137,400 (11.6) 138,360 (11.7) 147,485 (12.7) 0.48 Tibet Shaan’xi Northwest 1981 (% cover) Gansu Ningxia Xingjiang Inner-Mong Source: China Statistical Yearbook 2004, Ministry of Forestry (National Statistics of Forestry Resources 1989) 3.6 Energy and Mineral Resources Demand for energy is increasing across China and, if the levels of growth projected in the GWDS are to be achieved, electricity use in the western region will increase rapidly. In the period 1999 – 2003 electricity consumption in the region increased by an average of 9.7 percent annually, the fastest growth rate was Sichuan at 15.5 percent (China Statistical Yearbook, 2004). The region has abundant energy reserves, but it must find an acceptable balance between exploiting energy as a key driver for economic development and maintaining environmental sustainability, which will impact economic growth over the long term. Coal, Oil and Natural Gas: Western China is endowed with abundant mineral energy resources including coal, oil and natural gas6. The distribution of coal reserves in the western region is shown in table 3.5, which shows that the bulk (85 percent) of proven reserves are located in the northwest. The largest proven reserves are in Inner Mongolia, and Shanxi, but Xingjiang is believed to have very large reserves. In the southwest significant reserves are found in Guizhou, southern Sichuan and northeast Yunnan Province. Unfortunately the majority of the region’s coal reserves is of poor quality and has a high sulfur content. Table 3.5. Coal reserves in the western region (million tons) Northwest QingTibet Southwest Province 6 Sichuan, Chongqing Guizhou Yunnan Guangxi Southwest Qinghai Tibet Qing-Tibet Xinjiang Gansu Shanxi Ningxia Inner Mongolia Northwest Proven reserves 1.1 2.6 2.4 0.2 6.3 0.4 0.0 0.4 4.4 0.6 10.4 1.2 22.5 39.1 Estimated coal reserves 4.42 24.2 6.8 35.4 4.2 0.1 4.3 192.4 15.2 35.8 20.3 112.2 376.0 See web address for investigative maps showing their distribution http://www.china.org.cn/english/en-shuzi2004/zr/zrzy-kc.htm 19 Source: Cheng and Peng (2000) The region also has abundant oil and natural gas reserves, which are distributed from north to south (see table 3.6). The majority of reserves are in the northern provinces and current oil and gas extraction facilities are also concentrated in northern provinces. The northern region accounts for 84 and 59 percent of estimated oil and natural gas reserves respectively. The Tarim Basin is a particularly important location for natural gas, and is estimated to have reserves of around 8.4 thousand billion m3 (22 percent of national total). Table 3.6 Oil and natural gas reserves in the western region Estimated reserves (108t) Fossil oil Northwest QingTibet Southwest Sichuan, Chongqing Proven reserves (108t3) Nat. gas Fossil oil 11.3 71,851 0.7 Guizhou 3.9 3,616 Yunnan 8.0 9,434 Guangxi Ratio of positive reserves (percent) Nat. gas Fossil oil Nat. gas 6 368.8 6.1 8.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 ― 0.0 22.5 0.0 0.2 7.7 3,888 0.2 0.5 2.5 0.0 Southwest 30.9 88,789 0.9 23 8.6 9.1 Qinghai 24.9 10,500 2.3 1 472.2 9.2 14.0 Tibet 8.3 ― 0.0 0.0 0.0 ― Qing-Tibet 33.2 10,500 2.3 1,472.2 9.2 14.0 Shanxi 67.1 41,788 10.9 3 415.2 16.3 8.2 Gansu Xinjiang Ningxia 8.2 2,265 0.9 0.0 10.9 ― 224.7 101,683 23.8 3 305.7 10.6 3.2 2.3 ― 0.0 0.0 0.0 ― 49.2 1,979 2.1 0.0 4.3 ― Northwest 351.5 147,715 37.7 6720.9 42.1 11.4 China 415.6 247,004 40.9 6743.9 59.9 34.5 Inner Mong. Source: Li, Zhao, and Zhang (2003) Hydropower: There is a dense river network in the southwest, where water flow is quick and contains abundant energy. The electrical energy potential stored in water is about 557 M KW (82 percent of that of the nation). The exploitable water electricity resource is about 274.3 M KW (72 percent of that of the nation). However, the extent of the exploitation is less than 8 percent, lower than the nation’s average exploitation level of water and electricity resources (19 percent), and far less than world’s average exploitation extent of water and electricity resources (22 percent). Solar Energy: The region has significant potential for generating solar energy. The best (first class) regions for solar power, receiving between 2,800 and 3,300 sunshine hours and 6.72×103 to 8.4×103 MJ/m2 of solar radiation annually, are in Ningxia, northern Gansu, southeastern Xinjiang, Qinghai, and western Tibet. Secondclass regions, receiving between 3,000 and 3,200 sunshine hours and 5.88×103 to 6.72×103 MJ/m2 of solar radiation annually, include Inner Mongolia, southern Ningxia, central Gansu, eastern Qinghai, southeastern Tibet, and southern Xinjiang. Wind Energy: The annual potential of wind power is about 1,600 MW/year (China Meteorological Bureau), however only 10 percent can be realistically achieved (1.6MW/year). The Qinghai-Tibet plateau boasts the richest wind power resources in China, and wind power is also abundant in Gansu, Xinjiang and the grasslands of Inner Mongolia. Table 3.7 shows wind conditions in the Qinghai-Tibet plateau and Inner Mongolia. Table 3.7 Wind energy potential Qinghai-Tibet (north and northwest) Entire Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Wind Energy Potential (w/m3) 150 - 200 20 Hours wind energy above 3 m/s 4,000 – 5,000 6,500 Hours wind energy above 6 m/s 3,000 Inner Mongolia and northern Gansu 200 - 300 5,000 2,000 Source: China Meteorological Bureau Mineral Resources: The western region is relatively abundant in mineral resources and has reserves of all 168 minerals found in China. The metallic resources of the western region account for a large fraction of the national total, for example iron (22.2 percent), copper (42.6 percent), lead (41.5 percent), zinc (43.2 percent), nickel (89 percent), platinum (97.7 percent), gold (27.6 percent) and silver (26.4 percent). The region also accounts for a large proportion of other minerals, including potassium salt (100 percent), pyrites (37.6 percent), phosphorite (61.6 percent) and sodium salt (89.5 percent). Table 3.8 lists recoverable deposits of the main minerals in each province. Northwest Q T Southwest Chongqing Sichuan Guizhou Yunnan Guangxi Qinghai Tibet Shaan’xi Gansu Ningxia Xingjiang Inner-Mong Western percent of China total 0 85.7 0.4 262.5 15.4 50.8 220.5 16.6 203 0 82.8 92.1 1,792 26.3 2,433 1,268 6,777 / / 361 18 / / 14 1907 39,058 5460 8212 5,169 1,949 0 2,597 899 727 716 8,601 28.7 % 34.3 % 8.4 % 38.4 % Pyrite (10,000 tons) 0 31.2 0.5 4.7 1.0 0.1 0.3 4.2 4.1 0 2.9 12.1 Manganese (10,000 M tons) Copper (10,000 M tons) Region Iron (100 M tons) Table 3.8 Recoverable deposits of main mineral resources in the western region Source: China Statistical Yearbook (2004), Fang Min (2000) 3.6 Biodiversity and ecosystem services The western region has a wide range of ecosystem 7 and habitat types giving rise to high level of biodiversity. It also has a growing number of nature reserves (see table 3.9), though many reserves have experienced significant problems in achieving their environmental mandate and in integrating environmental and social needs. The recent sub-regional Milleneum Ecosystem Assessment for western China (Jiyuan 2005) points to the environmental deterioration that has occurred in western china, largely driven by inappropriate agricultural activities, and the negative impact that this has had on ecosystems and the services they provide 8. An ecosystem is a community of animals and plants interacting with one another and with the physical environment, e.g. chemical components, soils, water and nutrients. Ecosystem services are defined as, i) provisioning services (food, fresh water, fibre, fuel, biochemical products, and genetic material), ii) regulating services (climate regulation, hydrological regimes, pollution control, detoxification, erosion protection, and mitigation of natural hazards), iii) cultural services (spiritual, inspirational, recreational, aesthetic, and educational services) iv) supporting services (biodiversity, soil formation, nutrient cycling, and pollination). 8 The term ecosystem services refers to the wide range of processes through which natural ecosystems and the species that are part of them help sustain and fulfil human life. For example, ecosystems provide services that mitigate drought and floods, control agricultural pests, purify air and water, protect river systems from erosion, moderate weather patterns, and many other free and often hidden services. The idea can also be extended to include cultural services such as recreational, spiritual, religious and other non-material benefits. Ecosystem degradation, whether it is through loss of biodiversity, land erosion processes, or via pollution, have a negative feedback to human society by undermining these ‘public good’ ecosystem services. 7 21 Table 3.9 Extent of nature reserves (1997, 2000, and 2003) Nature Reserves (1997) number Southwest Chongqing QingTibet number area km2 (percent) Nature Reserves (2003) number area km2 (percent) 6 513.2 (0.6) 26 4,747.7 (5.7) 46 8,660 (10.5) Sichuan 50 28,248.2 (5.7) 90 55,368.2 (11.3) 120 70,770 (14.5) Guizhou 29 2,871.4 (1.6) 62 3,425.9 (1.9) 107 8,090 (4.6) Yunnan 108 19,536.1 (4.9) 112 21,982.1 (5.6) 187 3,550 (9.0) Guangxi 7 15,657.0 (6.4) 62 161,22.4 (6.7) 67 14,810 (6.1) 200 66,825.9 (5.0) 352 101,646.4 (7.6) 527 137,830 (10.2) 4 50,224.9 (6.9) 7 53,519.6 (7.4) 8 206,080 (28.6) Tibet 13 325,838.3 (26.7) 17 390,871.7 (32.6) 15 148,900 (34.1) Qing-Tibet 17 376,063.2 (19.3) 24 444,391.3 (22.9) 23 354,980 (18.2) Shanxi 12 3,098.9 (1.5) 16 3,540.2 (1.7) 32 6,770 (3.3) Gansu 34 49,766.4 (0.9) 35 50,457.1 (11.1) 47 87,860 (19.3) Xinjiang 19 102,523.2 (6.2) 22 159,437.3 (9.9) 26 215,290 (13.5) Ningxia 4 1,243.4 (2.4) 8 2,048.4 (3.9) 12 4,920 (9.5) Southwest Northwest area km2 (percent) Nature Reserves (2000) Qinghai Inner Mong. 35 40,534.6 (3.4) 80 66,426.3 (5.6) 183 148,900 (12.6) Northwest 104 197,166.5 (3.4) 161 281,909.4 (4.8) 300 463,740 (7.9) West region 321 640,055 (11) 537 811,824 (13.9) 850 924,600 (15.9) China 926 769,790.1 (7.6) 1,227 982,079.7 (9.8) 1,999 1,439,810 (14.4) Source: China Statistical Yearbook (various years) A description of the habitat types in western china is given in table 3.10, and figure 3.6 maps out the location of some of the most prominent examples. Inland swamp and water ecosystem Desert ecosystem Grassland and Forest ecosystem meadow ecosystem Table 3.10 Description of ecosystems types in the Western Region Description Area: 875,000 km2 (12.9 percent of region) Majority of region’s forest ecosystem is located in mountainous southwestern areas (Sichuan, Yunnan, Guangxi). The main forest types are subtropical broadleaved evergreen, mountainous, and tropical rain forest. Area: 1.91 M km2 (28.3 percent of region) Region has rich grassland resources, including typical, meadow, desert and arctic-alpine grassland. Most of these habitats are in northern Inner Mongolia and Loess plateau, the northwestern region, and the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Area: 1.6 M km2 (23.8 percent of region) These ecosystems include grassland desert, extremely dry desert and arcticalpine desert. These habitats are mainly found in inland areas of the northwest and the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Area: 167,000 km2 (2.5 percent of region) Lakes and rivers are most common in the Qinghai-Tibet and Yunnan-Guizhou plateaus and Mogolia-Xinjiang, but occur across the region. Swamps are found on the Nuoergai Plateau in western Sichuan. Example conservation areas Subtropical broad-leaved evergreen forest: Mount Daming (Guangxi); Mount Jinyun (Sichuan); Mount Ailao (Yunnan); and Mount Chayu (Tibet). Tropical rain / monsoon forest Xishuangbanna (Yunnan). Mountainous forest Vertical distributing zones: Mount Fanjing (Guizhou), Mount Gaoligong (Yunnan), Haba Jokul. Dry grassland ecosystem: Mount Yunwu grassland conservation area (Yunnan). Mountain grassland and meadow: Gongnaisi Meadow and Jintasi mountain grassland in Mount Tai (Xinjiang). Typical grassland, meadow grassland, forestry, sandy sparse grassland: Xilinguole conservation (Inner Mongolia). Primitive arctic-alpine desert ecosystem and rare wild animals: Mount Alkin conservation area (Xinjiang). Arctic-alpine desert, arctic-alpine meadow and rare wild animals: Qiangtang conservation area (Tibet). Extremely dry desert ecosystem: Anxi natural conservation area (Gansu). Plateau swamp: Grass sea conservation area (Qinghai). Lake ecosystem and rare birds: Daben Lake (Inner Mongolia), Cibi Lake and Lugu Lake (Yunnan). River ecosystem: Nuoshui River conservation area (Tongjiang, Sichuan). 22 Assessments have indicated that the region has eight key biodiversity hot spots where protection has global significance; 1. Southern Hengduan Mountains (southeast Inner Mongolia, northwest Yunnan, southwest Sichuan); 2. Minshan Mountain and northern Henduan Mountains (northwest Sichuan); 3. Plateaus and mountains at intersection of Xinjiang, Qinghai and Tibet; 4. Xishuang Banna in southwest Yunnan; 5. Mountainous regions at the boundary of Hunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan and Hube; 6. Limestone (karst) regions in the southwest of Guangxi; 7. Qinling Mountains; 8. Yili and western Tianshan Mountains; At present the western region has 34 national natural conservation areas, 40 national scenic spots, and 114 national forest parks (according to countrywide surveys and assessments undertaken in 1995). There are many more natural conservation areas and forest parks managed at the provincial, local and county levels. Furthermore, the UNESCO world network of biosphere reserves includes 26 reserves in China, 14 are located in the western region9. Figure 3.6 Distribution of Typical Ecosystems 3.7 Tourist resources The western provinces offer a wide range of tourist resources, figure 3.7 shows the distribution of different tourist resources in the western region. Besides the nature reserves mentioned above the western region has 31 historic and cultural cities (31 percent of national total) and 138 national key cultural-historical sites (27 percent of national total). Amongst the sightseeing hotspots of this century chosen by several magazines worldwide, there are two in the western region of China, i) secret forbidden area of Lop Tor, and ii) secret Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. The western region is also home to 12 UNESCO world heritage sites 10, which should be an attractive destination to potential tourists. These sites are: Qinshihuang Mausoleum and Terracotta Warriors and Horses in Shaanxi (1987) Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes in Gansu (1987) Jiuzhaigou national scenic spots in Sichuan (1992) Huanglong national scenic spots in Sichuan (1992) Potala Palace in Tibet (1994) Mount Emei in Sichuan—Mount Le scenic spot (1996) Ancient city of Ping Yao, Shaanxi (1997) Ancient city of Lijiang in Yunnan (1997) Dazu stone inscription in Chongqing (1999) Mount Qingcheng and Dujiang Weirs in Sichuan (2000) Yungang grottoes, Shaanxi (2001) Three parallel rivers of Yunnan protected areas, Yunnan (2003) However, to date these resources have not been exploited for their tourist potential and there is a lack of infrastructure to support tourism activities in most locations. Indeed the tourism industry is relatively small at present generating 3.3 USD per capita, as opposed to 11.2 USD per capita for the country as a whole (see table 3.11). The southwest region has more facilities (e.g. agents and hotels) than the rest of western China. Information on these reserves can be found at http://www.unesco.org/mab/brlistAsia.htm. The reserves include Wolong, Fanjingshan, Bogeda, Xishuangbanna, Maolan, Jiuzhaigou Valley, Shankou Mangrove, Baishuijiang, Gaoligong, Hunglong, Saihanwula, Yading, Foping, and Qomolangma. 10 More information about the sites can be found at the following site: http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/ 9 23 Figure 3.7 Distribution of typical tourist resources in the western region Table 3.11 Tourism activity in western provinces Southwest Travel Agents QingTibet Tourism foreign exchange earnings (million USD) Domestic International Chongqing 180 23 147 / 113 Sichuan 448 50 346 125 150 Guizhou 130 12 112 29 29 Yunnan 382 40 572 165 340 Guangxi 1995 2003 290 50 293 121 164 1430 175 1470 440 796 Qinghai 90 11 50 2 5 Tibet 23 22 58 11 19 Qing-Tibet 113 33 108 13 24 Shanxi 274 33 229 139 198 Gansu 191 27 157 21 21 Xinjiang 225 41 239 75 49 Ningxia 56 7 33 1 1 177 28 132 91 138 923 2,466 11,997 136 344 1,364 790 2,368 9,751 327 780 8,249 407 1,227 14,410 Southwest Northwest Hotels Inner Mong. Northwest Western region China Source: China Statistical Yearbook (various years) 24 Chapter 4 Main Environmental Challenges __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4.1 Summary of environmental constraints Much of the environment and natural resource base in western China is vulnerable to human pressure and can be easily degraded. The following issues have been identified as key concerns for the region’s nature and environment: i. Water shortage and over-exploitation; ii. Land degradation, through soil erosion (water, wind), desertification, and salinization, through processes of overgrazing, steep slope terrace cultivation, inappropriate irrigation and reclamation of wasteland; iii. Forest deterioration (illegal logging and fuel wood collection); iv. Pollution (soil, water, air) from industrial emissions and untreated municipal wastewater and solid-waste; v. Loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services. These environmental issues are not independent and many linkages exist between each of them, which means that it is hard to address one challenge at a time. A brief description of each is given here. i) Water shortage and over-exploitation While the southwest and plateau regions are relatively water abundant, northwestern provinces suffer severe water shortage and have growing problems with availability and pollution. The level of water deficiency in provinces and river basins in northwestern China is summarized in table .1. Both domestic and international experience shows that when exploitation / utilization rates in a river basin exceed 40 percent, a series of problems appear, e.g. water shortages, decline in self-cleaning abilities, water quality deterioration, and damage to the natural ecological environment at stream outlet. This threshold (40 percent) is used in our analysis of the present scenario as the threshold for environmental level III for water availability (see table 3.3). Southwest: Water resources are relatively abundant, e.g. average water availability in Zhu Jiang (Pearl) river basin was 3,228 m3/per cap/year in 1997 and is projected to be 2,813 in 2010. However, in karst landscape (high mountains and deep valleys) water storage is very difficult, it is hard to construct irrigation facilities and to utilize abundant runoff water. Northwest: This area is affected by the most severe water deficiencies, annual precipitation is less than 400mm, with considerable intra and inter-annual variation. Average water availability in Huang (Yellow) river basin was 707 m3/per cap/year in 1997 and is projected to be 621 in 2010. Surface water and ground water resources are very limited, but the use of water, especially for irrigation, has increased over the last few decades. As a result water resources are seriously over-exploited, leading declines in the level of groundwater table, dying out of rivers and drying up of lakes. Areas suffering from the most serious water deficiency are the central plains of Shaanxi, the Xinjiang oasis, Gansu corridor and Shiyang River Basin. Plateau: In general there is no water shortage in the high plateau, but local water shortages can occur. The sparsely populated Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is the source of China’s main river systems, and until recently human impacts were very low and water quality was good - especially in Tibet. However, in recent years human activities have led to a lowering of the water table, the shrinking of lakes and the drying up of some wetland areas. Furthermore, there are a number of planned hydropower projects in Qinghai province, which will certainly influence the ecological quality of rivers. Table 4.1 Water Deficiency in Key areas of Northwestern China (m3) Region Xinjiang North Xijiang South Xinjiang East Xinjiang Urban water demand (m3) 90,000 30,000 13,000 Rural water demand (m3) 1,562,000 2,482,000 178,000 Total water demand (m3) 1,652,000 2,512,000 191,000 25 Total water supply (m3) 1,474,000 2,283,000 166,000 Water deficiency (m3) 179,000 228,000 26,000 Water deficiency rate (%) 10.8 9.1 13.3 Total 133,000 4,223,000 4,355,000 Figure 4.1 Soil and water loss in Arable land 3,923,000 and Grassland 433,000 River Shule River Heihe Shiyang Qaidam Ningxia Central Shaanxi Northwest 10,000 16,000 13,000 7,000 60,000 146,000 385,000 118,000 326,000 257,000 64,000 832,000 549,000 6,368,000 128,000 342,000 270,000 71,000 892,000 695,000 6,753,000 128,000 342,000 270,000 71,000 892,000 695,000 6,753,000 0.0 6,000 17,000 0.0 4,000 130,000 588,000 9.9 0.0 1.6 6.1 0.0 0.4 18.7 8.7 Source: Information on 96-912 topic among the key projects, State Science and Technology Commission during “ninth five-year” period Many dams have been built on the region’s rivers in order to generate hydropower and control water supply for irrigation and domestic use. Dams disturb natural water flow patterns, block the transport of sediment to downstream areas, and interfere with water flux. The accumulated effects of pollution into rivers, watershed degradation, and the damning of water courses has led to an increase of mineral content in many of the region’s rivers and lakes. ii) Land degradation Three main processes, soil erosion, desertification and salinization cause land degradation. These are summarized for each sub-region in table 4.2, and are discussed in more detail below. Table 4.2 Overview of causes for land degradation in each sub-region Region Southwest Northwest QinghaiTibet Soil erosion Desertification Salinization Mining, urban construction, vegetational damage, water erosion resulting from reclamation of steep slopes. Vegetation damage, drought, small soil particles, predominant wind erosion (spring / winter, serious water erosion (summer / autumn). Predominant karst topography, serious rock desertification. Irrational irrigation systems. Climate, excessive exploitation of groundwater, overgrazing, wasteland reclamation, deforestation, irrational utilization of land resource. Drought, strong evaporation, vegetation damage, inappropriate irrigation and farming method. Freeze-thaw erosion caused by natural reasons. Overgrazing on grassland. Irrational framing method. Soil erosion: The loss of topsoil through soil erosion is an irreversible process that places severe limits on the production capacity of the land for agricultural production. All provinces are seriously affected by soil erosion (see figure 4.3), but some of the most serious examples in the world occur in the semi arid Loess plateau. According to remote sensing analysis 60 percent of western China is affected by soil erosion. Relevant processes that lead to soil erosion include i) wind erosion, ii) water erosion, iii) land and mudslide, and iv) freeze-thaw. 26 i) Wind Erosion: The process of wind erosion starts when grass cover is reduced due to excessive grazing pressure. Wind erosion is a particular problem in the arid northwest soil. If this process is not controlled, wind erosion can lead to desertification. ii) Water Erosion: The process of water erosion often starts with the clearing of natural vegetation cover to extend the area of cultivated lands in upland areas. Farming in upland areas requires special techniques to prevent loss of topsoil. This problem affects about 70 percent of the plateau (0.45 million km 2) and is the main source of the high coarse-grained sand load of the Yellow River. Water erosion is the main direct cause of soil erosion in the more humid Southwest. This type of soil erosion is serious in all provinces in this region except for Guangxi. The upper and middle ranges of the Yangtze River are particularly affected (over 0.5 million km2). In many places erosion has left the remaining soil infertile and people in can’t make a living out of the bare rock that is left behind. In karst areas soil depth is generally very shallow, making the landscape particularly vulnerable to soil erosion and areas experiencing complete soil lost increase by 5 – 7 percent annually. This process is known as rock desertification and presently affects around 60,000 km2. iii) Land and Mudslide: Many places in the southwest zone, a mountainous region with high steep slopes and deep valleys, have an unstable geological structure. Human influences on this precarious landscape have led to regular landslides and mud-rock flows. Estimates indicate that landslide and mud-rock flows have occurred in 16 percent of all settlements in Yunnan province, and there is a risk of karst collapse on the YunGui plateau. iv) Freeze - Thaw: The freeze-thaw process can also lead to soil erosion, and is a problem in the high plateau region, affecting around 1.04 million km2, especially the Tibetan plateau. Desertification: Desertification in China, which is among the worst in the world, is very serious in the arid and semi-arid northwestern and high plateau regions. The three provinces with the largest area of desertification are Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia, and Tibet, where affected land is 46.3, 30.1, and 16.5 percent of (table 4.3). Figure 4.2 shows a map of desertification affecting arable and grasslands in western China. Table 4.3 Statistics on Soil Deterioration in Northwest China Desertification Region QingTibet Soil salinization Area (km2) Ratio (%) Area (km2) / / / / / / 9,500 1.7 248,900 43.9 / / 100 0.1 76,700 43.5 / / Yunnan 800 0.2 146,500 37.2 / / Guangxi 2,400 1.0 11,100 4.7 / / Qinghai Tibet 116,300 199,700 16.1 16.6 334,100 1,034,300 46.3 86.2 22,984 / 3.2 / 14,600 116,700 12,400 769,200 355,500 7.1 25.7 18.8 46.3 30.0 132,000 249,900 38,900 985,700 849,700 64.2 55.0 58.9 59.4 71.8 3,500 10,400 3,800 133,600 76,300 1.7 2.3 5.8 8.0 6.4 1,597,200 27.4 4,107,800 70.6 250,584 4.3 Chongqing South west Water and soil loss Sichuan Guizhou Shaanxi Gansu North Ningxia west Xinjiang Inner Mong Northwest region Ratio (%) Area (km2) Ratio (%) Ministry of Land and Resource in 2000 Apart from climate, the most important aspect leading to desertification is the intensity and inappropriate forms of land use. Desertification often starts with deterioration of the vegetation cover caused by deforestation, fuel wood collection, increasing livestock levels and inadequate grassland management. The grassland deterioration rate of northwest China (except Xinjiang) is much higher than the national average. The current threat in Ningxia province is as high as 97 percent, and that of Shaanxi, Gansu, and Tibet are 59, 45 and 30 percent respectively (table 4.4). The desertification process can be intensified in areas where annual water extraction is 27 larger than the annual recharge. These anthropogenic influences mentioned reduce ecosystem resilience to extreme weather conditions and make them more vulnerable to desertification. Figure 4.2 Desertification of i) Arable land and ii) Grassland Table 4.4 Percent Forest Coverage and Grassland Coverage (2000) Forest Cover North west Qing Tibet South West Province Chongqing Shichuan Gui zhou Yunnan Guangxi South west Qinghai Tibet Qing-Tibet Shaan’xi Ganshu Ningxia Xinjiang Inner Mong. North west China Cover km2 Sichuan 133,015 36,731 128,732 81,666 380,144 3,088 40,815 43,903 59,203 21,741 1,464 17,837 147,485 247,730 1,589,409 Cover (%) % Change (’88 – ‘98) / / 23.5 2.04 20.8 5.16 33.6 3.27 34.3 4.56 / / 0.4 1.50 / -4.28 / / 28.7 2.32 4.8 0.69 2.2 2.18 1.1 1.77 12.7 0.48 / / / 16.5 Grassland Deterioration / 15.8 0 0 0 / 15.3 30.4 / 58.5 45.2 97.4 5.8 20.3 / 19.8 Forest & Grassland Cover (%) / 45.9 52.4 57.8 51.7 / 59.2 64.4 / 61.2 38.7 41.4 34.9 74.4 / / Source: Ministry of Forestry Salinization: Another process that contributes to, and accelerates, desertification is soil salinization (see table 4.3), which is a serious problem in the northwest. The total area affected in the northwest is 34,500 km2. Soil salinization is caused by inappropriate irrigation and farming practices, often associated with poor drainage, and leads to lower agricultural production capacity. This situation is extremely serious in the Hexi area, Tarim Basin of Xinjiang, the southern edge of Junggar Basin, Qaidam Basin, Hetao area in Inner Mongolia, Yinchuan plain of Ningxia and Weinan-Dingbian belt. Cultivated land: Much of this land is used for raising and grazing livestock, which contributes directly to the desertification process, but is also vulnerable to its effects, negatively affecting the productive capacity of the land. In many areas healthy grasslands can be transformed into degraded and decertified land by this process. Once the desertification process is initiated it becomes difficult, and after a certain point impossible, to stop. Grassland: Factors affecting grassland desertification include irrational reclamation, wood collection, over grazing, industry and urban construction, and over exploitation of ground water resources. The region of 28 grassland desertification is mainly located in Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang, Gansu, Qinghai, and Tibet. The grassland deterioration rate of Northwest China (except Xinjiang) is much higher than the national average, it is 97, 59, 45 and 30 percent in Ningxia, Shaanxi, Gansu and Tibet respectively (see table 4.3). The proportion of desertification grassland in the total grassland area of desertification districts, Shaan’xi, Ningxia, Gansu and Xinjing are all over 95 percent, while Qinghai and Tibet are 80 – 95 percent. Arable land: Factors leading to arable land desertification include drought conditions, irrational arable land use, and poor irrigation systems. Desert arable land is mainly located in Inner Mongolia, Shaan’xi, Ningxia, Gansu and Xinjing, the desert arable land accounts for 3.5, 5.3, 9.5, 11.2 and 4.7 percent of their total area respectively. The amount of decertified arable land as a proportion of the total arable area in desertification districts is quite high, in Inner Mongolia it is over 70 percent, Gansu is about 60 percent, Ningxia is about 45 percent, while the other regions are all lower than 30 percent. iii) Forest deterioration Forests play an essential role in maintaining ecosystem services, protecting soil structure and nutrients, and regulating water discharge from the ground. Changes in the level and quality of forest cover therefore have major consequences for water and soil loss, floods, and frequency of sand / dust storms. The logging ban established in 1998 decreased the extent of commercial tree harvesting and extensive plantation activities have reversed the trend of reduced forest cover, table 4.4 shows that overall levels of forest cover are increasing in all provinces (except Tibet). However, levels of virgin forest are actually declining because of conversion of forested land into cultivated land, development of water resources, illegal logging activities, and fuel wood collection (Xi and Zhang, 2001). The assessment of forest status made for this study is based largely on quality criteria and the loss of important virgin forest areas. There is a large difference between the environmental services provided by a natural (virgin) forest and the ‘new’ forests that have been established. The later generally provide more ‘invisible’ regulation and provision services, such as non-timber forest products, while new forests provide very little provisioning and only some regulation services, see table 4.5. Table 4.5 Environmental services provided by natural and ‘new’ forests Natural Forest ‘New’ Forests Rich species structure (high biodiversity) Poor species structure (low biodiversity) Good at mitigating against natural disasters Provide disaster mitigation to a lower degree Excellent water and soil self-control ability Require a long time to support water and soil conservation Provides a wide range of resources Limited range of resource provision iv) Pollution The pollution categories considered here are wastewater, solid waste, and air pollution. Wastewater: Pollution prevention and control is not well enforced in western China. For example, municipal wastewater treatment rates range from 3.6 percent in Guixhou to 60 percent in Yunnan. Poor treatment rates have led many urban rivers to become open sewage ditches, in many rural areas sewage is not treated at all. In 2003, the total amount of wastewater discharged in western China was 48.2 billion tons, domestic pollution levels for each province are shown in table 4.5. In most cases municipal sources are the biggest emitters of wastewater and COD. The Southwest, which has generally the highest rates of population increase and water use, has the highest levels of wastewater, COD and Ammonium Nitrogen discharges. Sichuan is the biggest polluter and Ningxia has the lowest level of emissions. Southwest Table 4.5 Wastewater pollution and treatment levels (2003) Chongqing Sichuan Wastewater discharged (mill tons) Municipal wastewater treatment (%) Industrial Municipal 820 26.19 110,028 150,590 COD (tons) Ammonia Nitrogen (tons) Total Industrial Municipal Total 260,618 11,005 15,293 26,298 1,202 24.62 461,548 474,758 936,306 28,826 40,900 69,726 Guizhou 168 3.63 25,423 194,866 220,289 2,547 16,042 18,589 Yunnan 346 60.08 92,805 192,372 285,177 2,610 15,094 17,704 29 QingTibet Northwest Guangxi 1,193 Southwest 33.03 625,361 301,558 926,919 31,313 23,595 54,908 3,729 / 1,315,165 1,314,144 2,629,309 76,302 110,924 187,226 34 0.21 2,827 28,960 31,313 38 3,571 3,609 6 / 1,159 6,745 7,904 2 726 728 Qinghai Tibet Qing-Tibet 41 / 3,986 35,705 39,691 40 4,297 4,337 Shaanxi 335 22.40 121,519 199,600 321,119 2,654 21,538 24,192 Gansu 209 34.09 40,637 117,816 158,453 13,253 12,190 25,443 Xinjiang 164 57.05 126,305 102,492 228,797 2,222 16,908 19,130 Ningxia 107 35.24 76,419 25,143 101,562 9,328 3,353 12,681 Inner Mong. 236 41.09 134,754 139,610 274,364 9,076 19,600 28,676 1,051 / 499,634 584,661 1,084295 36,533 73,589 110,122 21,225 / 5,118,063 8,211,402 13,329,465 403,601 802,199 1,205800 Northwest China Source: China Statistical Yearbook (2004), and China Urban Construction Statistical Yearbook (2004) Solid waste: Separate waste collection stations are still rarely seen in western China and only a very small fraction of wastes are recycled for beneficial use. Moreover, household waste sanitary landfill sites rely on outdated techniques, often using natural ditches and cave-in land to pile up wastes. Within urban areas waste material is often piled up around riverbanks, ponds and villages. The phenomenon of waste “beseiging a city” is widespread and is a serious problem in a number of medium and small-sized cities. Survey results from SEPA (2004) indicate that garbage disposal rates are less than 20 percent. Furthermore, only 27 percent of garbage landfill sites have adopted infiltration-proof measures, 39 percent have no leachate collection and disposal facilities, and living garbage creates problems for atmosphere, land, groundwater and landscape qualities in some districts. Air pollution: The industrial sector in western China, which is focused on production of raw materials and is reliant on out dated technology, is highly pollution intensive. Compared to central and eastern regions pollution loads in western provinces are not large in absolute terms, but most industries are concentrated in a few locations and pollution in these areas is very serious. For example, the cities of Urumchi, Lanzhou, and Chongqing are all amongst the world’s top 10 cities in terms of air pollution, with serious health impacts for local citizens. Sulfur is a major component in the region’s air pollution problems (see table 4.6), because the coal used for electricity generation (especially in the southwest) has a high sulfur content, and treatment facilities do not remove much of it. The level of emissions from electricity generating plants reached 47.29 billion tons in 2002, which accounted for 68 percent of the total emission amount in the western region. These emissions, along with the climate, topography, and physiognomy results a relatively high level of acidity in the rain, which affects around 170,000 km2 (around Sichuan, Guizhou, Guangxi and Yunnan). In many cities the air quality is very bad and has contributed to health problems for urban citizens. Acidification of agricultural land affects soil productivity and leads to lower yields. The annual losses caused by acid rain are estimated at around 8 billion RMB (Li Zongkai et al, 2000). Table 4.6 Air Quality (2003 and 2004) Chongqing Chongqing 0.142 0.113 0.067 Compliance with grade II standard (days in year) 243 Sichuan Chengdu 0.115 0.067 0.048 309 Guizhou Guiyang 0.083 0.094 0.024 337 Yunnan Kunming 0.085 0.069 0.040 351 Nanning 0.078 0.061 0.034 348 Qinghai Xining 0.127 0.024 0.027 280 Tibet Lhasa 0.052 0.003 0.020 358 Shaanxi Xi’an 0.142 0.049 0.033 260 Gansu Lanzhou 0.172 0.071 0.045 204 Southwest Region Nor thw est QingTibet Guangxi City PM10 (mg/m3) 30 SO2 (mg/m3) NO2 (mg/m3) Xinjiang Yinchuan 0.122 0.054 Ningxia Urumqi 0.114 Inner Mong. Hohhot 0.080 0.040 323 0.102 / 258 0.045 0.038 311 Source: Report on State of the Environment in China 2004 v) Loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services Western China has a high level of biodiversity and some particularly important hotspots, for example the region is home to three (of the worlds 25) biodiversity hotspots. The region’s biodiversity attractions are drawing a growing number of tourists – mainly from other parts of China. Among the better known and charismatic of these species is the Panda bear, which occurs in provinces such as Gansu, Shaanxi, and Sichuan. Box 2. Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MEA) – China Western China was included as a sub-regional assessment area for the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MEA) project, undertaken between 2001 and 2005 using ecological zoning and surface modeling. Material is available from; www.millenniumassessment.org The assessment results indicate that all ecosystems are deteriorating, to some degree, and that the extent of desertification has increased in the last twenty years. The study suggests that the processes leading to loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services are expanding. Typical causes include habitat degradation and conversion, as the level of environmental appropriation is driven by demographic and economic growth. As a consequence the natural vegetation partly, or in case of land conversion completely, disappears. The MEA assessed population pressure in the western region using an ecological threshold model (Jiyuan 2005), and unsurprisingly found that the current population is within sustainable limits, but there may be some examples of local over population. The population pressure index, representing demand for services, found that pressure in western china (8.93) was much lower than the national average (14.09), but that some provinces are relatively high, e.g. Chongqing (27.8) and Guishou (25.15), though some local areas have values above 50. The assessment included scenario analysis, which showed that bio-temperature and precipitation levels should increase in most of western China, potentially leading to an increase in ecological diversity, forest coverage, and ecosystem productivity. This positive development leads to a general conclusion that over the next century land cover types that will increase include woodland, construction land, and desertification land, while land types that will decrease include cultivated land, desert and wetlands. Box 3. Integrated Ecosystem Assessment of Western China (MAWEC) In April 2001, MAWEC was approved as one of sub-global assessment. In May 2001, MAWEC was launched to provide scientific foundations for assuring the successful implementation of the Western Development Strategy. Trends and scenarios of ecosystems in western China are assessed in terms of specially developed simulation 31 models and method of earth information science under the conceptual framework of Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MA). On the basis of ecological zoning, a method of high precision surface modeling is established by means of fundemental theorem of surfaces, surface modeling of population distribution is developed by means of grid generation method, a scaling index for ecological diversity is constructed by means of multi-fractal theory, and an ecological threshold model is developed by means of the theory of entropy production and excess entropy production. They are used to accomplish the specified contents of MAWEC, analyze the change trend and future scenarios of ecological systems in the western region of China, evaluate the provisioning services and regulatin services and supporting survices, simulate direct driving forces and indirect driving forces leading to changes of ecosystem services, give a solution to the problems of relation between spatial scales and temporal scales, resolution transformation and cross-scale interaction, and analyze the relationship between ecosystem services and human well being. Assessment results show that all ecosystems were deteriorating in varying degrees, nival area continuously decreasing, and desertification area expanding in past 20 years, while ecological diversity had an increasing trend in western China. The western region of China is an important carbon source in China. As for carrying capacity of ecosystems, although there exists overload problems in several areas, there is some potential of carrying capacity in western China as a whole. The investigations and assessment in 9 selected typical areas on local level indicate the conflits between ecosystem services and human wellbeing in different ecological zones. Several optimization models are summarized, which could works as examples for assuring ecosystem sustainability in western China. Scenarios developed by MAWEC show that bio-temperature would constantly rise in western China and precipitation would increase in most of western China, which would lead to considerable increase of ecological diversity, forest coverage, ecosystem productivity and carbon sink under the assumption that ecological conservation and restoration would be successfully carried out. Nival areas would constantly shrink back in Qinghai-Xizang plateau, Tianshan mountains and Qilian moutains. Desertification area would slowly expand. Overall , food provision capacity of ecosystems would have an increase trend in western China. Spatially, there would be a greater increase rate in northwestern China and a little decrease in Inner Mongolia, Guangxi, Yunnan and some areas of Qinghai-Xizang plateau. Although there would be certain increase in other areas if western China, the increase rate would be less than the one in northwestern China. In short, food provision capacity could support population growth in this century in western China. In short, in the future 100 years, ecosystems in western China would have a pattern of healthy cycle after efficient ecological conservation and restoration. If human activities would exceed regulation capacity of ecosystems themselves, the ecosystems in western China might be deteriorated more seriously. 4.2 Description of the causes of identified environmental problems 1. Poverty and a fragile natural environment interaction: Driven by the need to survive, most communities in western China resort to deforestation, wasteland reclamation and farming on steep slopes in order to in order to support their livelihood. However, the natural environment of western China is fragile and its capacity to support these activities is limited. Environmental systems and resources have therefore become seriously degraded and the occurrence of natural disasters has become increasingly frequent. This cause and effect relationship creates a negative feedback loop, sometimes referred to as the ‘Poverty Environment Nexus’, as the environmental degradation they cause pushes people further into poverty over the long run (Zhao Yuelong, 1998). Environmental destruction is therefore closely connected to poverty, and environmental protection must be integrated with poverty reduction as part of the GWDS. 2. Wasteland reclamation on a large scale: After the establishment of the People’s Republic of China (PRC), the government implemented a broad long-term development strategy of grain-oriented production, local grain self-sufficiency. Wasteland reclamation and steep-slope cultivation were conducted on a large scale. A great deal of forestland and land suitable for animal husbandry was used to produce grain. In the end the extent of cultivation was too large as farmers have been encouraged to expand into marginal lands and inappropriate activities. Agricultural production ran into a vicious circle where the poorer farmers are, the 32 more wasteland they reclaim. A series of ecological problems were caused, such as vegetation damage to forests, and increased rates of soil and water erosion, desertification and salinization. 3. Economic construction goes against environmental laws: Environmental deterioration in western China is the result of long term neglect for environmental sustainability in economic planning. Neglect of environmental concerns in the development pattern, intense interference with natural ecosystems, and neglect for the carrying capacity of the local environment during the arrangement of economic development has resulted in serious environmental damage and has impacted the overall level of sustainability in economic development. Moreover, under these circumstances improved technologies will not be able to mitigate the overall environmental impact, eco-investment will not yield sufficient profit, and the desired results in environmental restoration could not be achieved. 4. Loose management system: Environmental protection lacks for many engineering and non-engineering measures, involving many departments such as planning, agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, water conservancy and technology. It is required that comprehensive subsidiary measures should be adopted according to concrete conditions and the characteristics of ecological problems. However, currently the comprehensive returns of ecological protection are decreased by a loose management system, the lack of a unified authority, un-coordinated control measures, and miss-allocation of funds (limited capital), which is detrimental to the overall improvement of natural environment. 4.3 Environmental problems at the province level The importance of challenges outlined above varies across each province in line with the environmental conditions specific to each area. Table 4.7 provides an assessment of the current environment conditions in each province for the eight environmental themes, based upon expert judgements, and international standards and various databases. The findings indicate that there are significant differences in critical issues across western sub-regions. The northwest is found to have water availability and land degradation problems (salinization and desertification), while these issues are relatively minor concerns in the south. At the same time the south faces more serious challenges with respect to biodiversity (ecosystem service loss) and pollution than northern provinces. Table 4.8 provides more qualitative information on each of the environmental categories. Water availability Soil erosion Soil salinisation Desertification Forest deterioration / loss Water & waste pollution Air pollution Biodiversity / loss of ecosystem service Table 4.7 Current environmental problems per province South West – Average I III I I III III II III Chongqing II III I I III III III II Sichuan I III I I III II II III Yunnan I III I I III III II III Guizhou I III I I III III III II Guangxi II I I I III II II III North west - Average III III III III III II II II Shaanxi II III III III III II II II Gansu III III III III III II III II Ningxia III III III III III III III III Xijiang III I III III III I I II In. Mong. II III III III III II I III Plateau Average I II II III II I I I 33 Tibet I Qinghai I III I III II I I I I III III II I I II Key: see table 1, page 1 Table 4.8 Status of environmental features at the province level Gui zhou Qinghai Overall status Water availability Soil erosion Soil salinization Desertification Forest deterioration Air / Water pollution Biodiv. / ecosystem Overall status Water availability Soil erosion Soil salinization Desertification Forest deterioration Air / Water pollution Biodiv. / ecosystem Overall status Water availability Soil erosion Soil salinization Desertification Forest deterioration Air / Water pollution Biodiv. / ecosystem Overall status Water availability Soil erosion Soil salinization Desertification Forest deterioration Air / Water pollution Biodiv. / ecosystem Overall status Water availability Soil erosion Soil salinization Desertification Forest deterioration Air / Water pollution Biodiv. / ecosystem Overall status Water availability Soil erosion Soil salinization Desertification Forest deterioration Air / Water pollution Biodiv. / ecosystem Overall status Water availability Ti be t Qing-Tibet Guangxi Yunnan South West Sichuan Chongqing Criteria Environmental Status The overall environmental quality is generally good. 1,887 m3 per cap. Yangtze and Jialing rivers provide abundant water resources. Soil erosion rate is as high as 44 percent. No soil salinization problem. Desertification rate is low, around 1.9 percent. Forest cover 36 percent, and is quite stable. Pollution in urban areas causes serious air and water pollution. 46 reserves (8,660 km2), generally good condition (similar to neighboring Sichuan). The environmental ecological quality of Sichuan province is good. 2,977 m3 per cap. Province has 258,980 million m3 of water resources. 40 percent of land (194,000 M km2) prone to erosion. Soil & water loss 44 percent. No salinization problem. Soil qualities are good, with a relatively low desertification rate. Forest cover 23.5 percent, increasing at 2 percent per year. Pollution loads high and increasing, COD & SO2 emission 0.97 & 1.2 M tons. 120 reserves (70,770 km2). Biodiversity/ecosystem-services: biodiversity is good. The overall environmental quality is good. 23,658 m3 per cap. The river network density is very high. The situation of water and soil losses is serious with 44 percent. No salinization problem. Good soil and river qualities. Forest cover is 36,731 km2 (20.8 percent). Air quality is poor, SO2 emissions are 1.45 M tons (highest in west region). 107 reserves (8,090 km2). Biodiversity loss is an increasing problem. The overall environmental quality is good. 3,889 m3 per cap. Abundant, province has 169,940 mill m3 of water resources. Soil qualities are good, but soil and water loss rate is high 37 percent. No salinization problem. Desertification rate is 0.2%. Forest cover 34 percent, increasing at 3-percent/yr. Highest level of vegetation cover. Average pollution levels, COD and SO2 emissions are 0.38 and 0.29 M tons. 186 reserves (35,500 km2). Large abundance of biodiversity. The overall environmental quality is good. 3,912 m3 per cap. Abundant, excellent river network (best in west China). Soil qualities are good, water and soil loss rate is 5 percent. No salinization problem [Conflicts with table 4.6 – please clarify] Rate of desertification is 1 percent. Forest cover 34.3 percent, increasing at 5-percent/yr. Vegetation cover 2nd highest. Pollutant discharge intensity is relatively high. 67 reserves (14,810 km2). Province ranks second for biodiversity. The environmental quality of Qinghai province is poor. 11,975 m3 per cap. Province has 63,470 mill m3 of water resources. Soil qualities are average, but extensive grassland deterioration. Soil salinization rate is 3.2 percent. Desertification rate is 16 percent. Forest cover 0.4 percent, increasing at 1.5-percent/yr. Vegetation cover 59 percent. Water and air quality is good. 8 reserves (206,080 km2). Vulnerable ecosystems, poor shock recovery capacity. 2nd largest province, environmental quality good, pollution loads small. 176,189 m3 per cap. Province has 475,710 mill m3 of water resources. 34 Ningxia Inner Mongolia Xinjiang North west Gansu Shaan’xi Soil erosion Soil salinization Desertification Forest deterioration Air / Water pollution Biodiv. / ecosystem Overall status Water availability Soil erosion Soil salinization Desertification Forest deterioration Air / Water pollution Biodiv. / ecosystem Overall status Water availability Soil erosion Soil salinization Desertification Forest deterioration Air / Water pollution Biodiv. / ecosystem Overall status Water availability Soil erosion Soil salinization Desertification Forest deterioration Air / Water pollution Biodiv. / ecosystem Overall status Water availability Soil erosion Soil salinization Desertification Forest deterioration Air / Water pollution Biodiv. / ecosystem Overall status Water availability Soil erosion Soil salinization Desertification Forest deterioration Air / Water pollution Biodiv. / ecosystem Poor (grassland decline), freeze-thaw affects 0.9M km2 water/soil loss rate 86 percent. No salinization problem. Desertification rate is 17 percent. The forest and grassland cover rate is 64.4 percent, decreasing at 4-percent/yr. Best in western provinces in terms of air and water quality. 15 reserves (408,730 km2). Ecosystem is vulnerable but largely in tact. Overall environmental quality is poor. 1,557 m3 per cap. Water resources limited, only 57,460 m3 and low river density. Soil qualities are not good, soil and water losses rate of 64 percent. Soil salinization rate is 1.7 percent. Desertification rate of 5 percent. Forest cover is 28.7 percent, increasing at 2.3-percent/yr. Increasing wastewater / pollution problems, frequent dust & sandstorms. 32 reserves (70,770 km2). Shaanxi biological diversity index is average. Overall environmental quality is poor. 951 m3 per cap. Limited water resources and only a few river networks. Soil deterioration is very serious. Soil salinization rate is 2.3 percent. Desertification rate is 55 percent, Hexi Corridor one of worst cases in country. Forest cover is 4.8 percent, very low, only 21,741 km2, increasing at 0.7-percent/yr. Water pollution is very serious, dust pollution and frequent sandstorms. 47 reserves (87,860 km2). Poor biodiversity. Limited carrying capacity, poor environmental quality hinders development 212 m3 per cap. Water scarcity, province has 1,230 mill m3 of water resources. Not much loss of soil and water. Soil salinization rate is 5.8 percent. Desertification area grows and soil qualities are of average level. Forest cover is 2.2 percent, increasing at 2-percent/yr. Limited environmental carrying capacity. 12 reserves (4,920 km2). Ranks eleventh as for ecological quality. Environmental quality of Xinjiang province is worst of all provinces. 4,767 m3 per cap. Limited and insecure distribution of water resources. Worst soil quality of all provinces, water and soil losses are serious. Soil salinization rate has reached 8.1 percent, the highest in the country Desertification serious problem with wind erosion. Forest cover is 1.1 percent, increasing at 1.7-percent/yr. Air and Water quality is good. 26 reserves (215,290 km2). Biological diversity index is average Overall environmental quality is poor. 2,082 m3 per cap. Serious lack of water, last in terms of on river network density. Serious soil destruction, rate of water and a soil loss is 72 percent. Soil salinization rate is 6.5 percent. The rate of desertification is 23 percent. Forest cover is 12.7 percent, increasing at 0.5-percent/yr. Vegetation cover 74 percent. Air quality is good with little air pollution. 183 reserves (148,900 km2). Biodiversity being lost. Indices in the table above are cited from ‘China Environmental Monitoring Centre’ (2004): - Bio-abundance = (0.5 x forest area + 0.3 water area + 0.15 x grassland area + 0.05 other land use) / regional area; - Vegetation cover =(0.5 x forest area + 0.3 grassland area + 0.2farmland area) / regional area; - Water network density = river length / regional area + lake (reservoir) area / regional area + water resources amount / regional area; - Land degradation = (0.05 x slightly eroded area + 0.25 middle level eroded area + 0.7 x heavily eroded area) / regional area; - Pollution load = (0.4 x SO2 discharge + 0.2 x solid waste discharge) / area of region in study + 0.4 x COD discharge / regional precipitation; 35 Chapter 5 Assessing the environmental impacts of GWDS __________________________________________________________________________________________________ This chapter provides an analysis of the environmental impacts for each of the five KDDs over the next five years. The overall results of this assessment are presented in table 1 (page 1), which shows the current status and scenario predictions for each province across the eight environmental parameters. An outline of these plans and their objectives is provided in section 1.2.3 (page 14). 5.1 Water resource development and utilization plans In their current form water resource plans will have negative consequences for almost all areas, including the stressed northwest region. In the northwest, soil erosion will be ameliorated, but salinization and desertification may become worse. The impact on water availability, pollution, and biodiversity are discussed below; Water availability Southwest and Qinghai-Tibet: Planned volumes of water exploitation only account for a small proportion of the water resources and are therefore considered sustainable. However, the development of infrastructure for hydroelectric power generation on a large scale will have a potentially detrimental influence on the lower reaches of watersheds. Concerns include the maintenance of natural patterns of water-flux and the level of water released in drought years (Dang, 2003). Northwest China: Levels of water exploitation are already very high and there is a serious lack of in-stream flow, especially in interior rivers such as the Tarim River. Planned increases in exploitation in some areas worsen the situation and lead to further deterioration in the health of rivers. Water pollution Wastewater treatment levels are continuously improving in western cities, but the construction of water conservation and hydroelectric projects will impact water quality. Southwest and Qinghai-Tibet plateau: Development plans will lead to an increase in the discharge of wastewater and solid-waste, however river carrying capacity will not be exceeded except on in few passages in cities and some tributaries (SEPA, 2002). Northwest China: Low wastewater carrying capacity, due to low water volumes, means treatment facilities need to improve in order to avoid deteriorating local water quality from increasing emissions (Liu, 2002). Biodiversity Construction of water infrastructure and hydroelectric projects will affect the region’s biodiversity. The current plans call for many new dams, especially in the southwest, which will impact habitats in flooded and downstream areas, and impede the passage of migratory aquatic species (Li, 2003). Impacts on specific areas Minjiang River (upper reaches), Sichuan province: The construction of key water control projects, such as Zipingpu dam, will improve water supply and flood control, but negatively affect the migration / survival of fish, and the natural flow of water further downstream. Since the area around Minjiang does not suffer from severe water scarcity the impact from this initiative should be sustainableYangtze River, Three Gorges Reservoir Area The Three Gorges Reservoir is used for electricity generation and flood control, but its construction will have serious consequences for many cultural relics, the local geological environment and biodiversity. The reservoir will also have negative effects on river biology, downstream water volumes, and will lead to changes in the slit discharge and scouring mechanism. Headwaters of the ‘Three Rivers’ (Yangtze, Mekong, and Salween). The current plans will lead to exploitation activity (e.g. western line of south-north water transfer project) in the headwaters (source) of three rivers, which will have an impact on local minority cultural heritage and the ecology/structure of downstream areas. Table 5.1 Consequences of water resource plans in the GWDS 36 Water availability Soil erosion Soil salinization Now Future Now Future Now Future Desertification Now Forest deterioration Water & waste pollution Air pollution Biodiversity & ecosystem services loss Future Now Future Now Future Now Future Now Future Chongqing II III I I III III III II Sichuan I III I I III II II III Yunnan I III I I III III II III Guizhou I III I I III III III II Guangxi II I I I III II II III South west I III I I III III II III Shaanxi II III III III III II II II Gansu III III III III III II III II Ningxia III III III III III III III III Xinjiang III I III III III I I II II III III III III II I III III III III III III II II II Tibet I III I III II I I I Qinghai I I III III II I I II Inner. Mongolia. North west Qing-Zang I II II III II I I I Plateau Note: Information is derived from a variety of sources and websites and predictions are based upon expert judgement. Key: see table 1, page 1 5.2 Land utilization plans Land use plans are judged to be predominantly negative implications across all aspects of the environment (see table 5.2), with particularly damaging implications for soil erosion (leading to desertification in northern and plateau regions), deforestation and biodiversity. These impacts are outlined in more detail below. Water resources and water availability Western China’s uncultivated arable land occurs in environmentally fragile and drought prone areas, which require large volumes of water to support cultivation. Plans to cultivate such lands should include site specific assessments to establish the likely sustainability of different activities. Expansion of agriculture activities will have important consequences for local water demand, which will be particularly problematic in water scarce areas, possibly threatening the local water balance, causing increased desertification. In the longer term, urban and industrial expansion will place direct (e.g. increased water demand) and indirect (e.g. reduced watershed vegetation cover) pressures on water sustainability. Lessons from water demand associated with the expansion of urban areas and mining industries has highlighted water resource management concerns in areas where water levels are already falling (e.g. lakes and groundwater). Land degradation (soil erosion / salinization, and desertification) Much uncultivated arable land in western China occurs in environmentally fragile areas, which, if used inappropriately, will deteriorate into poor or decertified land. These very fine soils are easily degraded and are susceptible to erosion (grass roots are not resilient and topsoil is easily lost), especially in windy or water scarce areas (Shi, 2001). The loess plateau and the upper reaches of Yangtze River have experienced the worst water and soil losses in western China (Dan, 2001). Specific threats include: Railway and highway construction: The movement of large quantities of earth and stone may lead to loss of topsoil, altered water flow patterns, increased desertification and wetland loss (Ding, 2002). 37 Soil structure: In the Qinghai-Tibet plateau, reduced levels of moisture in the frozen earth, along with other human impacts, can lead to deterioration of grassland, desertification of the land and the losses of water and soil in this region (Qin, 2002). Mining developments in water scarce areas: Mining operations typically lead to local loss of surface vegetation, and deterioration in the quality of topsoil. In windy areas this process is likely to lead to (or exacerbate existing) wind erosion, and mud-rock flow, leading to desertification. Landscape sensitivity: Detailed analysis of local soil and water balance is required before developing plans to expand cultivation, without which many areas will be degraded, increasing the risk of desertification, and water / soil loss. An increase in levels of cultivation (grassland and woodland) in areas that are already water deficient will seriously threaten the ecological balance and undermine any available economic benefits (Cai, 2003). The exploitation of farmland and large-scale cultivation in the western region has typically lead to the loss of water and soil moisture, reduced levels of organic content in the soil, and an overall thinning of topsoil. Furthermore, in order to combat the arid and dry conditions many farmers use excessive amounts of irrigation, but this approach has reduced groundwater levels and levels in rivers, thus affecting vegetation cover elsewhere (Wei, 2001). Forest deterioration Planned activities include some reforestation (around 86,000 km2), but it is not clear how much of this will be developed into mixed species habitats that can replicate some of the services offered by a natural forest, and how much will be single species mono-crops. The strategy may lead to more of the latter, with inappropriate tree age compositions and poor species diversity in forests that will not offer the same levels of biodiversity or ecosystem services as a natural forest. Elsewhere forests in karst landscapes are likely to be lost as a result of urban development, the need for construction material, and expansion of grassland for livestock grazing. Limestone forests are particularly vulnerable, and degradation of these ecosystems can lead to the thin soil being washed off by rain and only bare rock being left (Wen, 2003). Water and waste pollution The environmental consequence of increased cultivation of arable land will lead to increased water pollution loads. For example farmed land typically loses its ability to retain soil nutrients, as compared with natural vegetation cover (e.g. forest), and increased levels of fertilizer application will lead to high nutrient levels in local water bodies, which can initiate the eutrophication process. This may be a particular problem in areas where a large number of farms operate in the same catchment area. There are also concerns about the treatment of industrial and municipal wastewater from newly developed areas (Pan, 2004). Air pollution Extensive railway and highway construction plans overlap with river networks and will generate increased levels of wastewater and domestic sewage, in particular around the construction sites of Qinghai-Tibet railway. Construction activities will create mud and sand piles that may end up in local rivers. Urbanization has often led to deforestation and vegetation loss in fragile lands, leading to increased sedimentation in rivers and dams, and reduced levels of water soil absorption leading to lower groundwater levels and increased flood potential (SEPA, 2002). Air pollution from land utilization plans should only have a short tem localized impact from activities such as the construction of buildings, factories and mines, development of the Qinghai-Tibet railroad in arid areas, earth-and-stone construction sites, and secondary dust. Machinery used in the construction process will include coal-fired oil construction equipment that releases many gasses (CO, NOx, SO2) into the atmosphere (Zhang, 2004). Biodiversity loss Plans to increase the level of agricultural irrigation in water scarce areas will lead to reductions in groundwater levels and knock on effects for the water volume in local rivers and lakes. In other parts of western China this process has undermined local biodiversity by reducing aquatic habitats as lakes and rivers have dried up, and led to the loss of natural vegetation in un-irrigated areas. Overgrazing is likely to change the hereditary structure of many plant species that need a large mature population to maintain a stable population. 38 In some areas deforestation will result in habitat loss and fragmentation, impede inter-species communication (which may lower breeding rates and increase the likelihood of in-breeding), and weaken disease resistance and adaptive potential. The establishment of inappropriate woodland structures also threatens biodiversity, as mono-cultures do not offer the same potential for maintaining biodiversity or supporting environmental services (Zheng, 2002). In many cases animals may become locally extinct because of habitat and food shortage. Some species are already under pressure, such as the Chinese Opposite Angle Antelope (Pu Original Antelope) that was once widely distributed (Inner Mongolia, Qinghai, Ningxia), but is now restricted to the Lake Qinghai area. Its population is presently only around 300 and due to habitat fragmentation the remaining animals are often isolated. Impacts on specific areas Shaanxi and Inner Mongolia: Excessive exploitation of arable land is likely to lead to serious desertification, and water and soil loss. Northern foot of Yin shan Mountains (Mt. Huashan to ‘Cuba Yan’ and Mt Langshan, Inner Mongolia): Overgrazing will reduce woodland and grassland areas, leading to reduced levels of productivity. The process is likely to see woodland and grassland replaced by sandy wasteland, which will be vulnerable to wind erosion. Loess Plateau (Shaanxi and Gansu): The most important problem is water and soil loss in an area of almost half a million km2 that is associated with inappropriate land use. Plans to further exploit uncultivated arable land will lead to increased levels of land deterioration and more serious water erosion. Three Gorges Reservoir (Yangtze) [3G dam is in Hubei province - not in western region!] and Lake Dianchi basin (Yunnan): Both areas are vulnerable to natural disasters such as landslides and mud-rock flow and are experiencing extensive rocky desertification as well as water and soil loss. Development plans in this fragile area, such as construction of buildings, factories and mines, will damage the soil and exacerbate these problems. Table 5.2 Consequences of land utilization plans in the GWDS Water availability Soil erosion Soil salinization Now Future Now Future Now Future Desertification Now Forest deterioration Water & waste pollution Air pollution Biodiversity & ecosystem services loss Future Now Future Now Future Now Future Now Future Chongqing II III I I III III III II Sichuan I III I I III II II III Yunnan I III I I III III II III Guizhou I III I I III III III II Guangxi II I I I III II II III South west I III I I III III II III Shaanxi II III III III III II II II Gansu III III III III III II III II Ningxia III III III III III III III III Xinjiang III I III III III I I II II III III III III II I III III III III III III II II II Tibet I III I III II I I I Qinghai I I III III II I I II Inner. Mongolia. North west 39 Qing-Zang I II II III II I I I Plateau Note: Information is derived from a variety of sources and websites and predictions are based upon expert judgement. Key: see table 1, page 1 5.3 Energy resource exploitation plans Environmental impacts from energy developments are wide-ranging, and negative impacts can be significant. For example land quality will be undermined by planned mining and hydro operations, energy activities could lead to widespread water pollution, and habitat loss will affect biodiversity in the south. Water resources and water availability Exploitation of oil resources requires considerable quantities of water, but the majority of oil reserves in the western region occur in water scarce locations such as the Gobi (Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang). The development of oil industries in these arid locations will inevitably lead to increased appropriation of underground water resources, resulting in further reductions to the water table. The landscapes are typically extremely dry (arid) with fragile habitats, very limited vegetation cover, and in many areas underground water is quite limited added pressure could lead to further drying up of local rivers and lakes with a range of knock on effects. Land degradation (soil erosion / salinization, and desertification) The development of oil industries in scrub and desert landscapes will cause disruption to local vegetation and intensify the desertification process. Pipeline construction will affect large and vulnerable areas across the region and may cause soil and water loss. The process of pipe laying is particularly damaging to the surface soil layer, and in vulnerable locations can lead to long term soil erosion (Ding, 2002). For example, the planned Shan-Gan-Ning gas pipeline will pass through some of the most seriously water-stressed regions in China (Lu, 2000). Pipelines will also affect the availability of land for other uses such as agriculture. Plans for hydropower developments will require flooding of large areas and construction of facilities (permanent and temporary) near river networks. The establishment of new reservoirs will raise water levels in the surrounding areas, which could cause soil salinization (SEPA, 2002). The strategy includes plans for vulnerable areas such as the Yellow River (northwest, Qinghai, Gansu, Ningxia, Inner Mongolia) and in the Karst landscape of the southwest. The Yellow River is already prone to natural disasters such as landslides and hydro-developments may increase this vulnerability. The mountainous karst landscape is a fragile system that takes extremely long time periods to recover from degradation. Soil erosion in this area rapidly leads to bare rock surfaces and increases in the scale and frequency of mountain torrents, mud-rock flows and landslides. Plans for the development of coal exploitation sites, which will require approximately 0.5 million km2, will generate considerable quantities of waste, such as coal gangue11 and flyash. Mine sites, especially open cast mines, create disturbance for land surface and vegetation around the mine site and may lead to increasing desertification. The large quantities of loose material produced by mining operations will cause serious water and soil losses when exposed to heavy wind or rainwater. Mine development will also destroy surface vegetation, disturbs surface soil, and increase the likelihood of further erosion. Open cast mining will change physiognomy formation, increase grade, form a mass of excavate surface, destroy the stability of rock soil layer and increase gravitation eroding. Inner Mongolia has been greatly disturbed by mining activities and the desertification area has increased to around 60 percent. The main environment problem of underground coal exploitation is land subsidence, which can damage floor architecture, and in some cases will lead to local communities having to be re-located to safer locations. Forest deterioration The large land area required for coal mines will, in some places, displace forestland, as exploitation activities for oil and coal will occupy and damage allot of grassland, farmland and forestland. Water and waste pollution 11 Gangue is the waste material that is left over after desired mineral is removed from ore. 40 Leakage of oil-based liquids from artisanal wells will pollute surface and underground water. In Xinjiang both oil and gas reserves are distributed under the forth system underground water storage body. Various artesian wells of oil and gas field must expose the forth system underground water storage body. Artesian layer isolation impropriety and well fixing errors must generate high-pressure oil and gas bunch-layer, which will seriously pollute underground water and surface gas belt. And this is deep hidden pollution sources that hard to identify and treat. The GWDS calls for more rapid development of hydroelectric facilities. The establishment of hydropower reservoirs will close the flow of upstream rivers, resulting in the shortening of pollution belt, and the increasing of width Under these conditions, the deepness of pollution material will increase and water environment pollution will be sharpened. Influenced by backwater’s tipping in the reservoir, the pollution in sub river sections is being intensified. During the construction phase of hydro developments large quantities of waste material is typically mixed with remained detonators, waste oil, waste chemicals, some even contain radioactive materials. The exploitation of coal also causes significant damage and pollution to water resources, mainly through three processes, i) acidity mine water pollution, ii) coal production waster water, and iii) sedimentation pollution. Air pollution In many areas, where new energy developments will cause air pollution, the potential for air circulation and renewal is relatively low, and the region already suffers from serious acid rain and SO2 pollution, especially in southwestern areas such as Guizhou. The most serious form of air pollution is generated by coal burning, which release pollutants such as SO2, CO2, and particulate matter of various sizes. Coal from the southwest is particularly high in sulfur, and the level of selection and cleaning, and de-sulfuraization of coal is very low in the western region. Sources of harmful gasses include oil and gas fields, (e.g. raw oil pollution and flares), and pollution from coal stockpiles and during transportation. Air pollution around open-caste mines, and can lead to increased levels of respiratory disorders with serious health consequences. Large-scale development of thermal power systems in the southwest, in controlled zones such as Guizhou Province, will cause environmental degradation and air pollution, even if mitigation measures (e.g. outside discharge of pollutants) are taken. Biodiversity loss Proposed oil-field developments will affect a number of species that have state or municipality protection, e.g. the wild camel and yellow sheep (Xinjiang). The development of oil field infrastructure and associated municipal facilities will alter natural habitats and cause noise pollution, which will have an impact on the local abundance of various species. Oil field enlargement and developments over the last few decades has already had an impact and the abundance of once common species such as wolfs has fallen significantly (Li, 2003). The development of oil and gas transport infrastructure (pipelines), e.g. in Xinjiang and Shanganing, will affect vulnerable landscapes such as deserts, Loess slopes and river valleys, and large areas of nature conservation sites. The pipelines are also likely to affect local aquatic biology in the rivers that must be crossed. The Northwest region also belongs to continent drought and semi-drought climate region, whose natural natural environment is fragile, sight structure simple, surface vegetation coverage degree relatively low, and the entire biology system anti-water and electricity development disturbance ability is also weak. Social problem The development of water and electricity projects will lead to many people being displaced from their homes, especially in southwest area. In many of these areas there is a relative shortage of arable/plow land and the environmental capacity to support these people is limited, and reservoir construction will impose further constraints (Wang, 2002). Impacts on specific regions Shanxi, Shaanxi and Inner Mongolia border area: Coal exploitation requires appropriation of significant amounts of land and may lead to land subsidence. Damage to surface vegetation from coal mine exploitation will increase the threat from desertification. Open cast mining has already had a significant 41 impact on the landscape in Inner Mongolia and can lead to environment problems such as air pollution and well-water pollution, and problems with coal production sewage and sedimentation. Upper Tarim, and Heihe drainage area: Expansion of oil exploitation in the western region will lead to a lowering of the level of ground water in places such as the Tarim Basin. In some cases this may even result in the drying up of water resources, and an increase in the salinity concentration and hardness of groundwater. In other areas the development of oil exploitation will displace grassland, farmland and forests, which will damage local eco-systems. Industry related pollution (e.g. oil) will pollute surface and ground water and may have a negative impact on local animal and plant resources. Yellow River headwaters: The Yellow River is already fragile and susceptible to natural disasters, and increased of water and electricity development in the region is likely to increase disaster frequency. Three Gorges Reservoir (Yangtze) and Dianchi drainage areas: Water and electricity construction projects require land and will raise the water level around reservoirs, leading to soil salinization and an increase in the frequency of mountain disasters such as mountain torrents, mud-rock flow and landslides. After filling the reservoir water pollution in the main water body, and in some secondary rivers affected by hydropower exploitation, will be more serious. Finally, coal burning will lead to atmospheric pollution worsening acid rain and sulfur dioxide pollution problems in the region, especially southwest areas such as Guizhou. Table 5.3 Consequences of energy exploitation plans in the GWDS Water availability Soil erosion Soil salinization Now Future Now Future Now Future Desertification Now Forest deterioration Water & waste pollution Air pollution Biodiversity & ecosystem services loss Future Now Future Now Future Now Future Now Future Chongqing II III I I III III III II Sichuan I III I I III II II III Yunnan I III I I III III II III Guizhou I III I I III III III II Guangxi II I I I III II II III South west I III I I III III II III Shaanxi II III III III III II II II Gansu III III III III III II III II Ningxia III III III III III III III III Xinjiang III I III III III I I II II III III III III II I III III III III III III II II II Tibet I III I III II I I I Qinghai I I III III II I I II Inner. Mongolia. North west Qing-Zang I II II III II I I I Plateau Note: Information from province energy development office websites and expert judgement in environmental/ecological sciences. Key: see table 1, page 1 5.4 Biodiversity protection plans An outline of these plans and their objectives is provided in section 1.2.3 (page 20). As well as extra support for ecosystems and biodiversity these plans offer a wide range of benefits, such as improved land management addressing deforestation and desertification. Water resources and water availability 42 The establishment of protected areas in key regions and drainage basins is an important step. In other areas arable land will be returned to forest and grassland, and natural forest initiatives will be used to control local water and soil loss, and protect local biodiversity (which is important for maintaining water balance). Land degradation (soil erosion / salinization, and desertification) Around half of the desertification in the area has been associated with farming activities and returning arable land to forest and grassland will halt or slow down desertification in many areas. This process will resume soil’s humus and renovate the root structure in the soil, strengthening the binding of the thin soil materials, thus preventing serious desertification and salinization. The most serious cases of water and soil loss are in the Loess Plateau and upper reaches of Yangtze River, but following restoration measures the extent of erosion should be gradually reduced (SEPA, 2002). Forest Deterioration Forest protection and reforestation projects will reduce surface water loss, provide better soil protection, and strengthening of ecological services such as protection against flash floods. Forest protection projects will preserve original forests and support biodiversity in the region. However, in many cases the planned woodland structure will not enhance natural forest systems because of poor species and age diversity in the new stands. Natural forest systems will be replaced by single species ‘economic’ forests. Water and waste pollution The establishment of protected areas around the headwater of various rivers will safeguard many key areas and should make it easier to justify and enforce water pollution control measures. Furthermore, improvements to river basin habitats further downstream will reduce levels of soil erosion, improve species abundance and biodiversity levels in local habitats, which will support better water quality. Biodiversity loss The GWDS will provide significant support for forest and grassland ecosystems. Annual consumption of forest resources in this region will fall by 0.52 billion m3 in the next 5 years and more effective management will ensure that environmental degradation will be reduced. Over the next 5 years 13.3 million hectares of arable land will be returned to forest and grassland, increasing their level of coverage by 2 percent. This massive undertaking will include the establishment of 5.5 million hectares of water/soil conservation and water restraint forests in key regions that suffer from erosion, such as the Loeses Plateau and the mountainous northern regions. For example the implementation of the Yangtze River Protection Forest increased total forest coverage by 9.6 percent between 1998 and 2003, to 29.5 percent. These forests will support biodiversity by increasing the area available for important and endangered species, and will improve sustainability by protecting important habitats and the ecological services they provide (Jiang, 2004; Li, 2004). It is estimated that by the end of 2010 the western region will have 1,400 protected areas, accounting for 42 percent of the national total (84 percent by area), 600 of which will have been established under the GWDS. The GWDS will also support biodiversity protection with plans to develop around 250 wild animal breeding and preservation centers, and around 400 centers for preservation and dissemination of wild plant genes and germ plasma. Impacts on specific regions Upper Minjiang River and Ruoergai everglades: This area represents a transition from Yungui tableland to mountainous terrain and is important for biodiversity protection. Overgrazing has changed this area from species rich everglade and forest habitats to a barren sandy landscape and has seriously degrading the natural environment. Following GWDS forest and grassland restoration work in the upper reach of Minjiang habitat structures and biodiversity levels are rapidly improving. Yinshan (north foot): This is a typical transition area from grassland to desertification grassland and represents a biologic barrier protecting North China and Beijing from serious environmental degradation. A multi-year forest and grassland reconstruction and vegetation protection project has increased the level of vegetation coverage in the region. A regional ecological protection system has been established, which has reduced problems associated with sand and dust storms and improved air quality in cities such as Beijing. Table 5.4 Consequences of biodiversity plans in the GWDS 43 Water availability Soil erosion Soil salinization Now Future Now Future Now Future Desertification Now Forest deterioration Water & waste pollution Air pollution Biodiversity & ecosystem services loss Future Now Future Now Future Now Future Now Future Chongqing II III I I III III III II Sichuan I III I I III II II III Yunnan I III I I III III II III Guizhou I III I I III III III II Guangxi II I I I III II II III South west I III I I III III II III Shaanxi II III III III III II II II Gansu III III III III III II III II Ningxia III III III III III III III III Xinjiang III I III III III I I II II III III III III II I III III III III III III II II II Tibet I III I III II I I I Qinghai I I III III II I I II Inner. Mongolia. North west Qing-Zang I II II III II I I I Plateau Note: Information is derived from a variety of sources and websites and predictions are based upon expert judgement. Key: see table 1, page 1 5.5 Tourism development plan An outline of these plans and their objectives is provided in section 1.2.3 (page 22). In spite of the underlying importance of environmental quality for the sustainability of tourism operations in the region, these plans will have generally negative impacts, especially in terms of water availability and habitat loss. Solid and noise waste Development of tourism in urban areas will increase the level of noise, dust, population, noise pollution and rubbish, especially in weekends and high season. These factors, together with construction noise will undermine the quiet environment that makes the region an attraction in the first place (Fu, 2002). Land degradation (soil erosion / salinization, and desertification) The focus of tourism pressure on specific areas poses a significant threat for accelerated desertification, as in vulnerable habitats such pressure can lead to rapid land degradation and vegetation loss, which increases the area of exposed soil and encourages water and soil loss. Furthermore the ‘trampling’ effect around tourist sites can harden soils and degrade the organic structure of the surface layer, leading to a reduction in fertility and increase in the pH value. The total level of tourist visitors in the western region in 1999 was 2.75 million and generated a gross income of USD 1.36 billion, but this only accounted for 9.6 percent of national income from international travelers. At the provincial level the level of tourism varied quite substantially; the level of foreign exchange earnings was 340, 198, 150, 49, 113, and 29 million USD in Yunnan, Shaanxi, Sichuan, Xinjiang, Chongqing, and Guizhou respectively. Forest deterioration 44 Construction of facilities for tourists generates increased demand for forest products, especially wood, and poorly managed forest use for recreation can negatively impact biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. Activities that area associated with tourism, such as woodcutting and firewood collection, hunting, starting forest fires, and trampling are likely to increase in areas with significant tourism development. This will damage vegetation around tourist attractions and lead to forest loss and habitat degradation. Water and waste pollution Of particular concern is the impact of tourism development on water resources in the western region. Wastewater and sewage generated by tourist facilities, which are often located in environmentally sensitive areas, e.g. near pristine lakes, is rarely treated and poses a threat to the environment. Pollutants include organic matter, oil, suspended solids, and heavy metal compounds. However, it is noted that wastewater treatment levels have been slowly improving in many western cities (Pang, 2001). Biodiversity loss Tourism developments and associated activities are likely to disturb the habitats of some animals. Impacts to key (and rare) species, through game hunting and for restaurants can have a wide impact on the habitat and food chain. In many cases species are collected specifically because they are rare or are considered trophy animals. For example, the Yunnan Jade Dragon Snowy Mountain has suffered with the development of travel industries in the local area, as tourist behavior has caused environment destruction, e.g. reduced area of virgin forest. If not properly managed tourists can impact local habitats by trampling on sensitive vegetation, which will eventually affect soil structure and material circulation, and can lead to species loss (Wang 1999). Impacts on specific regions Three Gorges Reservoir Area: Tourism and the Three Gorges Project have intensified the level of environment pressure in this area, the losses of which can not be estimated at present. By 2020 Qinghai Province plans to complete the Three Gorges region into China's main travelling destination. Factors such as vegetation degradation and slope reclamation, water and soil loss have created serious problems, but a number of GWDS initiatives, such as returning farmland to forest and grassland are improving the situation. Table 5.5 Consequences of tourism plans in the GWDS Water availability Soil erosion Soil salinization Now Future Now Future Now Future Desertification Now Forest deterioration Water & waste pollution Air pollution Biodiversity & ecosystem services loss Future Now Future Now Future Now Future Now Future Chongqing II III I I III III III II Sichuan I III I I III II II III Yunnan I III I I III III II III Guizhou I III I I III III III II Guangxi II I I I III II II III South west I III I I III III II III Shaanxi II III III III III II II II Gansu III III III III III II III II Ningxia III III III III III III III III Xinjiang III I III III III I I II II III III III III II I III III III III III III II II II Tibet I III I III II I I I Qinghai I I III III II I I II Inner. Mongolia. North west 45 Qing-Zang I II II III II I I I Plateau Note: Information is derived from a variety of sources and websites and predictions are based upon expert judgement. Key: see table 1, page 1 5.6 General observations about development in the western region It is also possible to consider the issues surrounding development of the western region without explicit reference to specific GWDS plans. The process of this investigation has highlighted four key areas that pose specific problems for development in the region. Industrial structure: To date economic development in the western region has been guided by the perception that resources are abundant, which has lead to resource waste and over use. For example industrial emissions of gas in the western region are 50 percent higher than the national average, and in many cases the cost of using local natural resources is higher than the import cost. Structure of investment: Authorities in many western regions still have the ‘pollute now – clean up later’ approach, i.e. pollution and environmental damage are acceptable at the early stages of development. In many cases eastern provinces have exported their highly polluting industries, which offer very low value added, to the west. Foreign investors capitalize on flaws in Chinese environmental policy undertake polluting activities using outdated equipment in the west. Some governments of the west blindly absorb foreign investment to speed up such investment. Some enterprises in the west indiscriminately sell out primary products and rare resources. Many enterprises increase consumption of resources and emissions in order to become economically competitive. Economic transformation: The environmental dimension of GWDS discourages investment in traditional, heavily polluting industries, and prohibits farmers from cutting trees and mining for resources. However, the environment friendly industry cannot adjust to local economic advantages and slows down economic growth. Attracting and accepting traditional industry has become the desirable choice. The ban on logging and small-scale mining, as well as the policy of reforesting cultivated land, threatens traditional ways of living. Some peasants continue logging and mining, seriously damaging the environment, with silent approval from some local governments. The unclear division of power in the environmental system between horizontal and vertical authorities disables the local environmental department from full supervision and administration from an environmental point of view. Implementation of forestation and grassland projects: Land allocation for forestation has been poor, often leading to forest plantations in arid or semi-arid areas, thus wasting labor and financial resources. Forestation policy has not been flexible enough to respond to local environmental conditions and account for the suitability of land for tree planting. There is also a lack of incentives to promote sand and grass industries. Overall there has been a tendency to view land use policy from a narrow perspective, whether it be poverty reduction, forest growth or something else. 46 Chapter 6 Recommendations ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ The previous chapters have shown that, generally speaking, the GWDS has made an excellent start with respect to the construction of energy and transportation infrastructure. However, the environmental implications of this strategy include a range of positive and quite negative implications (see Table 1). The strategy includes a number of components directly related to the environment, e.g. reforestation, grassland conservation, and efforts to improve water conservation, and many aspects with less direct, but equally important, environmental consequences. In spite of the initiatives that have been made to address environmental deterioration this report has identified many areas where the GWDS can be improved and strengthened at both regional and provincial levels. On the basis of this study of the environmental impacts of the GWDS the following recommendations have been developed. 6.1 Regional level recommendations General Recommendations Special Protection Zones: In spite of the increased emphasis on sustainable development it is worth reiterating the need to ensure that development plans for the 11th FYP take local factors fully into consideration. This would help to avoid the problems that have been experienced through poor allocation of land for forestation, which has led to a wide number of failed projects. Such an approach would allow planners to establish zoning plans that align development plans with local conditions, and would be particularly useful in managing impacts with a clear spatial dimension (e.g. soil erosion / salinization, loss of important habitats and biodiversity, and pollution issues) in areas of special importance or vulnerability. In such cases ‘special ecological protection’ zones could be established to protect environmental ‘hot spots’, such as land that is vulnerable to desertification or habitats that provide key environmental services (e.g. flood or soil protection). For example, this assessment found that the most damaging impacts from land-use plans are actions increasing soil erosion and desertification. Apart from the general need for desertification control projects (which are already being implemented through the GWDS), the strategy should investigate options for land use-zoning systems in vulnerable areas, to ensure that activities are compatible with local environmental conditions and will not accelerate desertification. Pollution Management: In order to minimize present and avoid future pollution local authorities should ensure that thorough EAs are conducted when planning new industries or industrial parks and that BATs are applied. Industrial pollution is the product of, i) industrial structure (e.g. share of heavy industry etc), ii) technology used (e.g fuel type and efficiency), and iii) end-of-pipe abatement (e.g. filters). Given the negative consequences identified in chapter 5, especially related to energy plans, we suggest; Industrial Structure Technology: water-conservation irrigation technology, sewage treatment tecnmology etc. End-of-pipe: Electrostatic filters (ESP) on all new facilities. Use of scrubbers. On fuel use, washed coal. Low sulfur coal? Coal briquettes? Coal to gas conversion? Etc. Targeting vulnerable areas: Efforts should also be made to draft development plans for key areas in western China, such as the Longhai and Lanxin areas, upper reaches of the Yangtze River, and the ‘Nanning – Guiyang – Kunming’ Economic Zone. This approach would provide local authorities with appropriate scientific guidance on development and construction options and facilitate their decision making process. The compilation of development plans for key areas in western China should reflect the goals of GWDS, i.e. environmental protection and increased economic development (in order to reduce the east-west gap) of western China. Integrated Sustainable Development: Each province should prepare an integrated sustainable development plan taking the environmental aspects into consideration. The local authorities and all stakeholder 47 representatives should be involved in this process. An SEA can provide the framework for such a participatory planning process. An integrated basin management plan is a good example of such a plan that is more directed to the development of a watershed often crossing provincial boundaries. Water Resource Use Protection of headwaters: Given that the western region accounts for a large share of these rivers, including important headwater areas, effective river management should be a key objective of the GWDS. A sensitive aspect of GWDS water planning is the proposal to initiate exploitation activities in the headwater (source) of the ‘Three Rivers’ (Yangtze, Mekong, and Salween). These headwaters are a very important ecological area for water supply in China, and the GWDS should reconsider planned interventions and seek to protect the integrity of natural systems and cultural legacies of minorities. Integrated river basin management: The strategy should investigate options for introducing Integrated River Basin Management, which is supported in the 2002 re-draft of the Chinese Water Law, in order to address interprovincial issues and promote more equitable levels of water use. The new Water Law indicates that river basin management should be set up by the water administration department under the State Council, with the following functions, i) planning, ii) protection of water resources, water areas and projects, iii) water resource allocation and saving, and iv) water dispute resolution. Lessons from the successful implementation of this model should be gathered before considering options for application. Data management: The development of data management software has created opportunities for integrated data management and decision support systems. However, experience has shown that in many countries the objectives for IT systems has been set too high, as an overly complex and ambitious system may not achieve anything properly. Therefore, development should be preceded by a full analysis of the needs and costs, and the different uses, i.e. i) internal control of water facilities operation and industrial process control, ii) enterprise compliance, and iii) following trends in water quality. In spite of the potential pitfalls the strategy could improve the sustainability and management of water resource by supporting the use of appropriate information technology, such as the Digital Drainage Area project Digital watershed management system Management systems can be designed to collect and compile information on descriptive statistics such as water quality and volume, characteristics, and data management systems can be used to share information between agencies and promote more effective inter-agency coordination. Water saving: Water saving and recycling options should be implemented and further investigated in order to reduce the burden of water demand. The GWDS is implementing water saving measures in the agricultural sector, but it is likely that industrial and municipal sectors may also offer significant potential for savings. A key element in water saving will be to build water efficiency into new investments, especially water intensive industries such as oil fields, e.g. by including specialist environmental engineers at an early stage in the planning and design process. Furthermore, it may be that ‘water saving’ lessons are already being learnt in China’s ‘model cities’. One option for water recycling is ‘cascade management’, where water is used and is transferred among different sectors (municipal – industrial - agricultural) with appropriate levels of treatment. Appropriate responses to water scarcity: Water scarcity (especially in the north) is the most pressing natural resource question and should be tackled with appropriate policy tools. Crucially the Chinese government has been making strong efforts to increasing its understanding of the issue over the last few years, and the World Bank is actively engaged with dedicated research work in this area. These dedicated studies will generate technical recommendations for the sector, but at the general level we observe a number of policy problems contributing to the water scarcity issue. For example, to date the favoured policy response to water scarcity issues has been to be grand-scale infrastructure investments, e.g. diverting water from the South. However, we submit that a more flexible approach, employing the price mechanism in combination with smaller (compared to water diversion) investments in waste water treatment and fixing leaking irrigation is likely to deliver much more value for money. In light of the problems of the sector a carefully argued study that outlines a flexible policy strategy would be useful, e.g. actively develop mechanisms for water pricing (keeping in mind that for many users price structures should be introduced gradually). 48 Groundwater: Groundwater resources in the Northwest are overexploited, especially in Ningxia, Gansu and Xinjiang, and falling water tables have intensified the process of land and soil degradation. An important element of the GWDS should be a clear strategy for sustainable utilization and regulation of groundwater resources. However, there is a lack of comprehensive data, such as time series information on quality, contaminants, or volumes (World Bank, 2001). Data form the China Statistical Yearbook highlights the problem, as the reporting of ground and surface water volumes does not sum to the reported volumes for total water resources in each province (see table 3.3). Any strategy for protecting groundwater quality has to be based on a comprehensive assessment of the chemical state of groundwater. In summary, to reduce the exploitation of ground water resources gradually To establish the monitoring system of water resources To adjust the ways of water resources exploitation in north-western inland basin, to use ground water resources in highefficiency To promote the exploitation and utilization of water in rock aperture in south west Land Use Targeting forestation: The GWDS refers to the need for effective forest protection and there have already been extensive afforestation activities leading to an overall increase in forest cover in recent years. This study supports afforestation in areas that were previously forested as a key step to fighting soil erosion, desertification, flash floods, and increasing water retention. Protection and re-establishment of forests in hilly areas and river basins are particularly important and should receive special attention. However, great care should be taken to account for local conditions and we do not support general policies for planting ‘new’ forests in arid and semiarid ecosystems (such projects often end up as ecological disasters). Combating desertification: The comprehensive treatment of stone desertification in southwest China should be strengthened. To promote the comprehensive treatment of stone desertification of karst regions in southeast China, firstly, it is necessary to work out plans to comprehensively treat stone desertification all over the country, to clearly define treatment goals, stages and key areas and to put forward the counter measures at present. Secondly, according to the real situation of stone desertification, it is necessary to identify key counties and cities to be treated and to give them capital and policy support. In a short period of time, the government should stress the treatment of these key counties and cities so as to prevent the expansion of stone desertification and the continuous deterioration of the ecological environment of mountainous area and to improve the living standards and living environment of people in the mountainous area. Finally, the government should organize departments and experts concerned to work out and issue the “Stone Desertification Prevention and Treatment Law” so as to legalize and standardize the treatment of stone desertification. Energy Use and Exploitation Elements of concern: The GWDS identifies potential for increasing levels of hydropower generation and the need to develop higher quality coal in the western region, but it is important that these activities are developed on a sustainable basis. Of particular concern is the environmental impact caused during the development phase when large volumes of material are moved and the landscape is significantly altered. Environmental considerations are particularly important for open cast mines in arid areas and reservoir construction in important or vulnerable river basins. With respect to hydropower the proposed exploitation of the Nu River (west to east hydropower transfer) is a particular concern. The watershed’s special geology and landform mean that hydropower developments could increase the risk of problems such as landslide and debris flow, and would threaten local biological diversity and landscape values. Other potentially problematic hydropower developments include the Xiluo Ferry and Xiangjia Dam in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River. 49 Need for assessments: These concerns mean that project implementation should be preceded by comprehensive assessment of ecological and environmental issues through preliminary impact assessments, full EIA and SEAs, and assessments of the costs and benefits of such actions. Factors to consider include the likely impact on processes such as desertification, species loss, impact on items of cultural importance, and the likelihood of landslides. Tourism Development Impact minimization: From this assessment if is anticipated that increasing numbers of tourists will cause an increasing pressure on the environment, resulting in pollution and disturbance. The challenge for GWDS planners is to develop the tourism sector with the minimum possible level of environmental pressure. This objective should be built into tourism development planning at the micro-level, and EIAs should be undertaken for projects of an appropriate scale and in sensitive locations. Measures one could think off are spatial zoning of nature areas which are more or less vulnerable to tourist development, and development of buffer zone development. Policy co-ordination: The western region has significant potential as a tourist destination but faces many constraints. The GWDS sets out to fill the infrastructure gap by building roads and developing tourist sites, but it does not make clear provisions to address the institutional, policy and financial constraints that will affect the development of the region’s tourism industry. There are many pieces to put into place in establishing tourism (e.g. marketing, licensing etc) Addressing these issues in an integrated fashion requires a level of coordination that is currently lacking at the provincial level. A key recommendation is therefore to establish an active and engaged coordination group, within the State Council Western Development Office, to provide strategic level support. The process should also be supported by development of appropriate laws, e.g. to ensure the sustainability of developments, and policies to promote the sector, e.g. preferential tax treatment, subsidizing travel to the west, low land lease rates, and streamlined visa approval systems. Water pricing [1.9]: Actively develop and gradually introduce mechanisms for water pricing, pricing systems are being developed in various parts of China and lessons should be studied and employed. To promote the water pricing reform, especially in Yellow river basin, make water refect the cost To improve water price, especially agricultural water use, so as to promote water saving To establish water pricing management agencies To provide subsidy for the use rain water and reuse of waste water, to support their development 50 6.2 Provincial level recommendations In order to prioritize provincial level comments and recommendations it was felt that the most important issues for planners to consider are those where the environmental situation is currently most critical (level III) and proposed activities will lead to further degradation. Furthermore, due to the scope of this study these considerations have been limited to 2 – 4 themes per province. In many cases, given the vulnerable environmental situation, the proposed activities warrant a dedicated province level SEA to analyze the impacts and options in more detail. Chongqing Table 6.1 Summary of overall impacts from GWDS in Chongqing Plans Water availability Soil erosion Soil salinization Desertification Forest Deterioration Water & waste pollution Air pollution Biodiversity ecosystem services loss Now Future Now Future Now Future Now Future Now Future Now Future Now Future Now Future Water res. II III I I III III III II Land use II III I I III III III II Energy II III I I III III III II Biodiversity II III I I III III III II Tourism II III I I III III III II Overall II III I I III III III II Soil erosion Base on the characteristic of soil erosion, working out scientific plan of soil land water conservation. Changing steep slope cultivated land to plant trees and grow grasses. Enhancing the project of preserving natural forest and tree planting. Controlling live stock quantity. Improving natural grass land and recovering degraded grassland. Carrying out the comprehensive management of small valleys. Solidifying and strengthening the construction of farmland and irrigated works. Air pollution countermeasures Use cleaner energy. (natural gas, solar energy ect). Prevention motor vehicles pollution. Prevention dust pollution. Prevention industry polltion. Biodiversity / ecosystem protection Strengthening the construction of natural reserve Perfecting administrative mechanism and systems Scientifically verifying the organization, heightening quality of administor Strengthening the legislation and execution Intensifying propaganda and education, enhancing scientific research Agricultural impacts on water resources Promote water-saving irrigated farming and finish the construction of 100,000 km2 water saving irrigation farm in the period 2005-2010. Control pollution from non-point sources (e.g. agriculture), especially in the reservoir area where water may need to be treated. 51 Natural disaster Mitigation Take comprehensive measures to prevent and control natural disasters, taking into account the fragility of ecosystems in the region, especially the Three Gorges reservoir area. Eco-tourism Organize eco-tourist activities in a rational way with reliance on the building of Three Gorges Reservoir Area. In particular authorities should endeavor to manage the environmental pressure and limit the size of the industry (e.g. tourist numbers) to a scale that is compatible with local ecological sustainability. Sichuan Table 6.2 Summary of overall impacts from GWDS in Sichuan Plans Water availability Soil erosion Soil salinization Desertification Forest Deterioration Water & waste pollution Air pollution Biodiversity ecosystem services loss Now Future Now Future Now Future Now Future Now Future Now Future Now Future Now Future Water res. I III I I III II II III Land use I III I I III II II III Energy I III I I III II II III Biodiversity I III I I III II II III Tourism I III I I III II II III Overall I III I I III II II III Soil erosion This problems caused by over-exploitation agrichulture and overgrazing, they should be pain great attention. Biological restoration measures should been carried out. Control the growth of population, improve population quality and implement necessary ecological emigration project. Coal Industry restructuring Province authorities should fast track structural adjustment of the coal industry (especially in the south). In the current energy development plans for Sichuan the emphasis has been on development strength of coal resource. We suggest a more fundamental re-structuring of the coal industry (especially in the south), with a view to reducing the sulphur content of coal outputs. Mines producing high sulphur coal, that are irrationally distributed, or that do not meet the safety requirements (e.g. for sulphur) should be closed. The objective should be to increase the level of exploitation of high-quality anthracite coal (low sulphur content) and ash in southern mines. Sewage treatment Province authorities should pay more attention to strengthening sewage treatment in cities on the Yangtze River. This will not only have local benefits but is especially important for water quality in downstream sections of the river. Guizhou Table 6.3 Summary of overall impacts from GWDS in Guizhou Desertification Forest deterioration Water & waste pollution Soil erosion Soil salinization Now Future Now Future Now Future Now Future Now Future Now Future Now Future Now Future Water res. I III I I III III III II Land use I III I I III III III II Energy I III I I III III III II 52 Air pollution Biodiversity ecosystem services loss Water availability Plans Biodiversity I III I I III III III II Tourism I III I I III III III II Overall I III I I III III III II Soil erosion Karst terrain is widely distributed in Guizhou, karst terrain is mountainous limestone area, with barren soil, severe water-soil erosion, fragile ecosystem and frequent drought and flood disasters. Measures should be considered to protect these habitats include; Forest development and protection should be a key priority in karst mountain regions. Make more efforts to protect karst forests in Maolan Natural Reserve and prevent them from piecemeal encroachment. Encourage more sustainable land practices, e.g. integrated forestry and farming, which would increase the vegetation coverage and prevent water-soil erosion. In areas with serious rock bareness (70 percent or above) the zone should be closed to human activity and allowed to regenerate. Recovery in these habitats can take a very long time. Forest deterioration Measures should include return of sloping fields to forests or grassland; develop soil quality, thickness, and supplement organic substances; strict enforcement of mountain protection to facilitate natural afforestation (e.g. prohibit grazing and tree felling); and restore areas afflicted with serious rock desertification. Province authorities should advocate ecological reconstruction and animal husbandry in Guizhou. Carry out structural adjustment of agriculture and develop reasonably corresponding forestry or gardening. water&waste pollution countermeasures The river network density is very high in Guizhou. Province authorities should pay more attention to strengthening sewage treatment in cities. Constiture and implement integrated wastewater discharge standard strictly. Improve population quality. Air pollution countermeasures Guizhou Province (an acid-rain control zone) should support installation of de-sulphurization facilities in newly built, or reconstructed, coal power plants with a sulfur content above 1 percent and all existing power plants affecting downtown areas of key cities. The west - east power transmission project is the basis for energy development in the province, the updating of high-tech, advanced and applicable technologies as the focus. Make preferential policies for and give financial aid to high-tech projects in the field of clean coal and hydropower in order to do more good to the environment and comprehensive utilization. Top-quality coal bases, such as China coalfield, Songhe coalfield and Gemudi Mining Area in Shuicheng coalfield, should be developed in more locations in the province. Biodiversity / ecosystem protection Set up natural conservation. Fanjing mountains is the transitional natural conservation in Guizhou, at present, there are more than 100 natural conservation in Guizhou. Protaction of wildlife resources. Control invasion of exotic species. 53 Yunnan Table 6.4 Summary of overall impacts from GWDS in Yunnan Desertification Forest deterioration Water & waste pollution Air pollution Biodiversity ecosystem services loss Water availability Soil erosion Soil salinization Now Future Now Future Now Future Now Future Now Future Now Future Now Future Now Future Water res. I III I I III III II III Land use I III I I III III II III Energy I III I I III III II III Biodiversity I III I I III III II III Tourism I III I I III III II III Overall I III I I III III II III Plans Soil erosion Soil qualities are good in Yunnan, but soil and water loss rate is high 37 percent. In the future, this trend will be aggravate. This process should include mountain enclosure and natural afforestation, prevent and control water and soil losses, and improve the abilities to withstand natural disasters such as landslide and mud-rock flow. Water& waste pollution The province encompasses important sections the Yangtze, Lancang and Nujiang rivers. Authorities should look for ways to intensify eco-environment monitoring in river basins and provide early-warning systems. Biodiversity/ecosystem protection Because Yunnnan had large abundance of biodiversity. So the protection of its ecosystem is very important. First of all, improve the quality and awareness of population. Intensify investigation and investment on protection of wildlife resources. Predatory exploitation on wildlife resources should be strictly prohibited. Hydropower issues Establish an ecological compensation system designed to mitigate environmental impacts of hydropower developments, featuring; Integration of compensation and financing; Bring into reality ecological construction of hydropower; Solve problems in ecology, environment and resettlement that are caused by hydropower development. Protection of karst landscapes Many areas of the province’s extensive karst landforms are suffering from rocky desertification. Measures should be considered to protect these habitats include; Prevent man-made vegetation destruction Encourage more sustainable land practices, e.g. integrated forestry and farming, which would increase the vegetation coverage and prevent water-soil erosion. Provide incentives (e.g. financial and in-kind support) to farmers living in mountainous areas to manage the landscape sustainably, this may require focused efforts to address the level of poverty in the area. In areas with serious rock bareness (70 percent or above) the zone should be closed to human activity and allowed to regenerate. Recovery in these habitats can take a very long time. 54 Guangxi Table 6.5 Summary of overall impacts from GWDS in Guangxi Plans Water availability Soil erosion Soil salinization Desertification Forest Deterioration Water & waste pollution Air pollution Biodiversity ecosystem services loss Now Future Now Future Now Future Now Future Now Future Now Future Now Future Now Future Water res. II I I I III II II III Land use II I I I III II II III Energy II I I I III II II III Biodiversity II I I I III II II III Tourism II I I I III II II III Overall II I I I III II II III Forestry and Ecology Pay attention to the establishment of ecological compensation systems in rock desertification areas. Promote forestry development in hilly areas. In rivers systems authorities should undertake work to establish forest systems to provide river basin protection. This could include, i) develop and protect around 40 large water conservation forests in the river basin, ii) establish protection forests for 121 reservoirs (large and small sizes), iii) establish bank protection forests with tree planting projects. Biodiversity/ecosystem protection Since the shrinked of grasslands in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, we should put attention to protect the grasslands. Karst terrain is widely distributed in Guangxi, karst terrain is mountainous limestone area, with barren soil, improving the capability of resisting natural disaster by afforesting and increasing the forest and grass coverage should be emphasized. River basin management Conduct the integrated management plan. Build some large, middle or small-sized hydraulic engineering. Improve the ability of water supply. Increase irrigation area. Develop integrated controlling plan of all dams, and collect water quality and water quantity information in order to establish watershed management information system. Energy Development The Chinese government is looking to develop natural gas industries in the western region, notably in provinces such as Xinjiang, but plans in Guangxi are much smaller. Given its potential and activities in related sectors (e.g. oil), we recommend that authorities should consider establishing large-scale natural-gas power plants in Beibuwan Basin and Yinggehai Basin of Guangxi for there are oil and gas resources. Speed up the development and utilization of new energies such as methane, solar energy and wind energy. 55 Qinghai Table 6.6 Summary of overall impacts from GWDS in Qinghai Desertification Forest Deterioration Water & waste pollution Air pollution Biodiversity ecosystem services loss Water availability Soil erosion Soil salinization Now Future Now Future Now Future Now Future Now Future Now Future Now Future Now Future Water res. I I III III II I I II Land use I I III III II I I II Energy I I III III II I I II Biodiversity I I III III II I I II Tourism I I III III II I I II Overall I I III III II I I II Plans Desertification This area has a very special natural environment. Under the cold and arid condition, the ecosystem is very fragile and sensitive, and responds to global climate change very quickly. Therefore the ecological reconstruction in this area should focusing on these issuses; protecting existing narural ecosystem strengthening the protection of natural grassland in upper stream of Yangtze River and the Yellow River establishing the policy of constructing natural reserves at the same time it is urgent to enforce the disaster prevention capability for earthquake, landslide, slide-debris flows, heavy snowing etc. take integrated measures to protect the eco-environment of Qinhai Lake drainage area, and prevent the vegetation deterioration around the lake to stop and the tendency of desertification in lake areas Mitigating permafrost melt Province authorities should investigate countermeasures to mitigate impacts from melting of frozen soil. Permafrost melting will have an impact on new and existing infrastructure for transportation (especially the Qinghai-Tibet Railway) and other construction activities. Province authorities should ensure that this risk is accounted for and built into project plans. Province authorities (especially in Qaidam Region) should develop more water conservancy facilities, plant trees and grass, prevent soil degeneration, control wind and fix sand, adjust the development orientation of different places and the proportion of farming to animal husbandry, and bring into play soil advantages. Tibet Table 6.7 Summary of overall impacts from GWDS in Tibet Desertification Forest Deterioration Water & waste pollution Soil erosion Soil salinization Now Future Now Future Now Future Now Future Now Future Now Future Now Future Now Future Water res. I III I III II I I I Land use I III I III II I I I Energy I III I III II I I I Biodiversity I III I III II I I I Tourism I III I III II I I I Overall I III I III II I I I 56 Air pollution Biodiversity ecosystem services loss Water availability Plans Erosion control to limit desertification Province authorities should take measures to control desertification and erosion in the ‘One River & its Two Branches’ (Naqu and Ali in north Tibet) area, by making more effective use of water resources. Wind erosion is one of the biggest threats, but the impact can be reduced by establishing ground vegetation, stabilizing sand dunes through irrigation, and work further to change sand dunes into forest, grasslands, or even farmland. Following recommendations from the Western China MEA, province authorities should look to protect vulnerable grasslands by managing grazing patterns (seasonal, breaks etc), and, when water is available, establishing high yield pastures. Biodiversity/ecosystem protection The wildlife (especially SE areas of the province) is very rich in biodiversity but there is a need for more effective protection. Authorities should establish biodiversity reserves designed to account for representative of biological habitats. Renewable energy Initiatives to develop renewable energy sources are already included in the current plans for Tibet. We (along with the authors of the MEA western China) recommend that province authorities fully pursue options to develop solar and wind energy sources. These options have great potential in areas with low population density and poor infrastructure for conventional supply, and renewable energy can reduce environmental pressure by replacing bio-fuels such as straw and dung. Shaan’xi Table 6.8 Summary of overall impacts from GWDS in Shaan’xi Plans Desertification Forest Deterioration Water & waste pollution Air pollution Biodiversity ecosystem services loss Water availability Soil erosion Soil salinization Now Future Now Future Now Future Now Future Now Future Now Future Now Future Now Future Water res. II III III III III II II II Land use II III III III III II II II Energy II III III III III II II II Biodiversity II III III III III II II II Tourism II III III III III II II II Overall II III III III III II II II Soil erosion Improve soil quality; Loess Highlands: gradually increase the content of organic substances, nutritional elements, structure and fertility of soil. - Guanzhong Plain and river terraces: emphasis should be put on soil pollution control and industrial “three wastes” must be prevented from entering soil ecosystems. - Low hilly land in Qinling and Dabashan Region: reclamation and cultivation must be controlled, and grassland must be exploited and upgraded. - Middle and high mountain areas: protective development should be adopted and felling and planting be combined to stabilize the fluctuation of systems. Province authorities should increase their support for the return of farmland to forests and grassland, increase vegetation rate, control wind erosion, and stabilize sand dunes, reduce water and soil losses, and combat desertification. Desertification This area is short of water resources, has a large area of sand land. First of all, combining biological and engineering measures to increase forest and grassland proportion by protection and cultivation Promoting the restoration of natural vegetation 57 Forming a forest-grassland belt to fix the sand In the edge of desert, integrated measures should be taken to fix and control sand Forest deterioration The Grain-for-Green Project is planned by “two belts and three zones” according to the zonal regularity of vegetation distribution. The area with annual precipitation more than 550mm, the south of Yan’an in Shann’xi Province, can plant manmade forest extensively. Coniferous forest and broad leaved forest or bushes, such as Chinese pine, acacia, sallow thorn, little leaf peashrub and Astragalus adsurgens Pall can be mixed. For areas with an annual precipitation less than 450mm, from the north of Yan’an in Shann’xi province to Great wall, the high forest can be only planted at the foot of ditch and slope with better moisture conditions, while the vegetation in this region should center on meadow and bushed, such as Astragalus adsurgens Pall, lemon grass. Biodiversity/ecosystem protection Set up natural conservation. Intersify investigation and protection of wildlife resources Control invasion of exotic species. Gansu Table 6.9 Summary of overall impacts from GWDS in Ganshu Desertification Forest Deterioration Water & waste pollution Air pollution Biodiversity ecosystem services loss Water availability Soil erosion Soil salinization Now Future Now Future Now Future Now Future Now Future Now Future Now Future Now Future Water res. III III III III III II III II Land use III III III III III II III II Energy III III III III III II III II Biodiversity III III III III III II III II Tourism III III III III III II III II Overall III III III III III II III II Plans Water availability Measures should be taken to enforce the ecological recovery and protection, and to protect the natural mechanism of water resource formulation in Qilian mountainous area. Water use rate is very high (49.2 percent) and authorities should prioritize water use measures; Heihe River Basin: exploit to a moderate degree groundwater. Dunhuang: restrict groundwater exploitation. Longzhong: intensify water conservation construction in arid areas of Longzhong. Exert all efforts to use groundwater for agricultural irrigation. Develop well irrigation as well as vertical drainage. Increase the recycle rate of industrial and agricultural water. Soil erosion The key points of ecological treatment are to restore vegetation close to the boarder of oasis To plant forest around large and medium cities, factories and mines. Soil salinization Farmers to use just a little more water than the crops need, the extra water can carry salt away from the roots of the plants. Farmers can also build underground pipes or dig deep holes near crops, this can help remove extra water. 58 Desertification The province should implement wind erosion and sand fixing, e.g. measures (combined bioengineering works) to fix and control sand by increasing level of vegetation. However, it is stressed that extreme care should be taken to select appropriate species to ensure that the situation is not exacerbated, and lessons from elsewhere in China should be investigated. Special consideration should be given to the protection and expansion of natural vegetation in the Qilian mountainous area, as a means for maintaining natural water balance and ensuring the sustainability in the threatened (desertification) Hexi Corridor. Forest and grassland deterioration Arid desertification area and mountainous grassland in Gansu are short of water resources. The ecological environment is very fragile. Overburden and heavy gazing is serious and productivity of animal husbandry is low and unstable. The main development focus should be; - protection of natural grassland. - In the areas with annual precipitation less than 250mm and in grassland having severe degeneration, desertificaion and salinization problems, enclosure and rotation grazing in divided zones should be carried out. - In serious deteriorated grassland, annual fallow should be adopted and in medium deteriorated grassland, seasonal fallow during regreening and productiove phase should be adopted to favor natural restoration of grsssland. - Xeric meadow and bushes should be planted on border of sand land or desert to increase the vegetation cover rate and to inhibit grassland desertification. Biodiversity/ecosystem protection The biodiversity is poor in Gansu. First of all, set up natural conservation. Intensify investigation and protection of wildlife resources. Control invasion of exotic species. Hydropower developments Planning for hydropower development already exists for Gansu, but we would stress that priority be given to exploitation in trunk streams of the Yellow River. Furthermore, in order to mitigate against potential impacts on biodiversity, local habitat, and environmental qualities, it will be important to centralise environmental consequences in the planning process. Ningxia Table 6.10 Summary of overall impacts from GWDS in Ningxia Desertification Forest Deterioration Water & waste pollution Air pollution Biodiversity ecosystem services loss Water availability Soil erosion Soil salinization Now Future Now Future Now Future Now Future Now Future Now Future Now Future Now Future Water res. III III III III III III III III Land use III III III III III III III III Energy III III III III III III III III Biodiversity III III III III III III III III Tourism III III III III III III III III Overall III III III III III III III III Plans Water availability Water conservaion is the basic measure to solve the problem of water resource shortage in Ningxia province. First of all, it is the basic policy of Ningxia to establish water-conservation agriculture, water-conservation industry, and a water-conservation society. 59 Water- consumption projects should not be implemented. Agriculture irrigation accounts for more than 70% of the total water utilization, and it is even higher in Ninxia. But effective irrigation water is only one third of total agriculture irrigation water. From these data we can see the potential of water conservation in agriculture. - improving water-conservation irrigation technology. - Establishing water-conservation rotation system and cultivation drought-resisting crop species etc. Soil salinization Farmers to use just a little more water than the crops need, the extra water can carry salt away from the roots of the plants. Farmers can also build underground pipes or dig deep holes near crops, this can help remove extra water. Desertification Water and soil loss is a major issue in the Loess and hilly areas in south Ningxia. Authorities should strengthen comprehensive treatment of small watersheds, support tree planting and establishment of grass vegetation cover, create water conservancy forests and fuel-wood forests, and gradually return sloping fields to forests or grassland. Air Pollution Ningxia Province should support installation of de-sulphurization facilities in newly built, or reconstructed, coal power plants with a sulfur content above 1 percent and all existing power plants affecting downtown areas of key cities. Make preferential policies for and give financial aid to high-tech projects in the field of clean coal and hydropower in order to do more good to the environment and comprehensive utilization. Land use planning Province authorities should pay attention to the pattern of development; Central, gentle-slope hilly areas: Given eco-environmental protection and desertification control. Authorities should therefore develop and utilize backup land resources and organize mineral exploitation zones. North, Yellow River irrigated areas: Protect farmland, strictly control expansion of urban and rural settlements, and carefully select sites for infrastructure development (e.g. transport). Mountainous regions (e.g. Helan and Liupan Mountain): Reinforce woodland conservation and construction of nature reserves, develop agriculture, forestry and animal husbandry according to local conditions. Xinjiang Table 6.11 Summary of overall impacts from GWDS in Xinjiang Plans Water availability Soil erosion Soil salinization Desertification Forest Deterioration Water & waste pollution Air pollution Biodiversity ecosystem services loss Now Future Now Future Now Future Now Future Now Future Now Future Now Future Now Future Water res. III I III III III I I II Land use III I III III III I I II Energy III I III III III I I II Biodiversity III I III III III I I II Tourism III I III III III I I II Overall III I III III III I I II Water availability Develop and utilitze international river water resources actively and firmly. Due to the lag of economic development, water resource utilization is insufficient in Xinjiang. Erix River, Yili River, Aksu River play a very improtant role in the development of Xinjiang. Therefore, we should amend and censor the exploitation plan of the three main international rivers scrupulously, design the controlling engineering 60 plan elaborately, and prepare future negotiation about water resource distribution among countries. The exploitation and utilization of international rivers influence the relationship between circumjacent countries, so we should follow the guideline that will not only maintain the rights and interests of water resources in our country, but also deal well with the neighborly and friendly relationship with circumjacent countries. Enclose and afforest mountains along the river valleys of the Irtysh and Ulungur rivers, in the Ili Region and the middle of Tianshan Mountain. Protect grassland and bring into fully play the role of forests and grassland in ecological conservation. Enlarges in the Irtysh river coast, the Ulungur river valley, the Ili area and middle the Tianshan Mountain afforestation dynamics, increases to the land supervising and managing dynamics, appears the reasonable feasible laws and regulations. To maintain existing hydraulic facilities and to construct Xiabandi, Bulunkou-gong’ger, Dashixia, Kenchiwate, Shimenzhi and other hydro junction,to implement water transfer project and to ensure the supply of U’lumuqi and Kelamayi city. To finish water-saving reconstruction of large irrigation area and to conduct integrative managemt of Talimu river watershed. To implement water transfer for the purpose of ecological protection (such as, vegetation growth, desertification mitigation), to finally promote sustainable management of water and land. Soil salinization Irrigation works improving measurements. (irrigation, drainage, grow rice, defending seep etc.) Biology improving measurements. (increasing organic fertilizer, growing plants and grass which is able to bear salt, tree planting and forestation). Desertification Sand treatment project should focus on the protecting and reconstucting of vegetation, protecting the existing vegetation Strictly forbidding randow hewing, reclaiming and grazing. The treatment should be strengthened in the semiarid areas by forbidding reclamation in areas with annual precipitation less than 300mm and building basic farmland and stop irrational reclamation. Energy development: Key areas for the development of hydropower include the Ili, Kaidu, Yarkand and Irtysh rivers. Strengthen the development and utilization of wind energy, solar energy and biomass energy Eco-tourism: The province is rich in tourist resources, including many places of cultural and historic interest, e.g. “Silk Road” and many colorful ethnic customs. Province authorities therefore have a strong characteristic base upon which ecological and cultural tourism activities can be built. However, planners should limit the environmental pressure and the size of the industry (e.g. tourist numbers) to a scale that is compatible with local ecological sustainability. Inner Mongolia Table 6.12 Summary of overall impacts from GWDS in Ningxia Plans Water availability Soil erosion Soil salinization Desertification Forest Deterioration Water & waste pollution Air pollution Biodiversity ecosystem services loss Now Future Now Future Now Future Now Future Now Future Now Future Now Future Now Future Water res. II III III III III II I III Land use II III III III III II I III Energy II III III III III II I III Biodiversity II III III III III II I III Tourism II III III III III II I III Overall II III III III III II I III 61 Water availability Constitute and implement water conservation strategy. Water conservation in the basic measure to solve the problem of water resource shortage in Inner Mongolia. It is the basic policy of Inner Mongolia to establish water-conservation agriculture, water-conservation industry, and a water-conservation society. Strengthen water reserve, management and allocation. Inner Mongolia is located in arid or semiarid zone, where evaporation exceeds precipition greatly. Water resources should be well planned to achieve balance and reasonable allocation between regions according to economic development and ecological construciton. Desertification The formation of desertification and sandstorm is an extremely complex process. The process has a close relationship with global warming, ocean circumfluence changing, and irrational utilization of natural resources. First of all, human damages should be forbidden, and limiting fiscal capital and human resources should be used in area where is easier to be recovered and require less input. State Ecological Construction Planning has brought forward short, middle and long-term targets of 50 years for desertification treatment. They should be implement strictly. Focus on the protecting and reconstructing of vegetation, protecting the existing vegetation Strictly forbidding hewing, reclaiming and grazing. The state Ministry of Forestry has drawn up “the implementation scheme of integrate treatment project on sandstorm sources of Beijing”, the implementation of action plans to achieve the maximum treatment benefit should be strictly. Forest and Grassland management Grassland and pastoral areas in the province (e.g. Mongolia and Ordos Plateaus) are vulnerable and require improved protection. There should be reform of grazing land management, including strict limits on the use of grassland to prevent overgrazing, as well as measures such as rotation grazing, seasonal fallow, grass storehouses, and man-made grassland Natural forest resources (e.g. Daxing’an Mountain) require strengthened protection and establishment of sustainable utilization patterns. Biodiversity / ecosystem protection Set up natural conservation. Inner Mongolia as the main original areas of sandstorm should be protected. Intensify investigation and protection of wildlife resources. Wild couple-hump camel species and Mongolian wild horse species are important wildlife resources, they should be protected strictly. Control invasion of exotic species. Coal energy sector re-structuring The large amount of prairie (area km2), which is already under stress, is threatened by the energy development plans - for coal and electricity operations. We recommend that these energy plans are reconsidered in the light of a dedicated EA Province authorities should promote measures such as green exploitation practices and implementation of clean coal technologies; use of byproducts and waste; land consolidation; and reclamation and ecoreconstruction in mining areas. Mineral (e.g. coal) exploitation in the border area of Shanxi Province and Inner Mongolia, environmental assessment systems should be fully enforced, and excessive cultivation and discarding of wastes should be prohibited. Application of clean coal technologies can be investigated in Wuhai Coal Chemical Base, Dongsheng CoalWater Slurry Base, Humeng Tongliao Lignite Underground Coal Gasification Base and Ameng Taixi Coal Export Base. Eco-tourism Promote the eco-tourism industry with a focus on the province’s impressive pasture landscape and by advocating ecological conservation activities. The success of this policy is likely to depend on (among other things) the extent of forest, grassland, and vegetation restoration activities. 62 63 6.3 Lessons learned and next steps In addition to the recommendations outlined above it is felt necessary to set out a logical sequence of events that should follow from this first step in strategic environmental assessment of the GWDS. An important element in undertaking these next steps will be to fill in the significant gaps left by this study, and where possible follow on work should include a process for public participation and consideration of social impacts (though these aspects may only be feasible in province level assessments). 1. To our knowledge there has not been any consistent or thorough monitoring of the implementation of the GWDS activities to date. To fully utilize the benefits of SEA, it is important to continuously monitor the implementation and provide modification or alternative suggestions as necessary. The process is especially important given the extensive time frame of the GWDS. Monitoring activities should be designed to take advantage of existing systems and information. For example the sub-global millennium ecosystem assessment for western china should provide a good baseline description to measure changes in ecosystem/biodiversity values. Design of the monitoring process can be simplified by selecting a representative range of easy to monitor indicator variables. 2. This study has highlighted the importance of energy plans in terms of potential environmental consequences. However, this report only provides a superficial analysis and, while general recommendations can be made (e.g. need for measures to reduce demand and make energy supply cleaner), the study has not been able to analyze the sector in sufficient detail to provide more specific policy guidance. Therefore, an appropriate next step would be to initiate an SEA on energy related issues targeted at the province level where energy issues are most serious. Important examples include hydro plans in Yunnan, Guanxi, and Guizhou (exporting to Guangdong, and the coal dependence of most other provinces. The assessment would examine large-scale economic development, demand projections, energy supply proposals, emissions projections, and likely environmental consequences from these factors. Such a study should also have terms of reference requiring investigation on fuel switching potential including hydropower, coal washing, briquetting, low sulfur coal, boiler efficiencies in power plants and industries, district heating, and end of pipe technology such as scrubbers and filters. 3. Since the GWDS involves many government agencies at multiple levels the findings and recommendations from the study should be discussed amongst a wide constituency including stakeholders whose primary responsibility is not environmental protection. This would help increase awareness and support to the use of SEA in general. 4. A sub-objective of this work has been to enhance China's SEA capacity. In this respect, it is crucial that experience and lessons learned through work such as this and other project related SEAs are widely shared and are used to give practical feedback to EIA/SEA practitioners in China. SEA training should be targeted to meet different stakeholder needs. For example, while practitioners require detailed information and hands on experience (e.g. technical guidance, International SEA experience), policy makers should be provided with awareness raising material (e.g. background information and trends). Funding and assistance for such a program should be secured through bi-lateral or multi-lateral development assistance and tied into the wider need for SEA capacity in China. The World Bank is already making efforts to disseminate SEA information in China, and in many other countries, access to much of this information is available at the website given below, and details of recent and ongoing SEA capacity building activities are provided in the CD-ROM attachment. Web-link for World Bank SEA training material available in English and Chinese (select SEA from right hand column): http://www.worldbank.org/wbi/sdenveconomics/sea/offerings.html Further, since 2001 the World Bank has implemented the ‘Structured Learning Program’ to expand effective application of SEA among member countries. The site materials are continually being updated in order to keep pace with ongoing developments in SEA best practice. 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