recent project experience

Shane Coors, P.E.
Precision Water Resource Engineering, Inc.
M.E., Civil Engineering,
Texas A&M University, 2003
Computational Physics,
University of Utah, 1994-1998
B.S., Engineering Physics,
Westmont College, 1993
Years Experience:
Current Firm:
Other Employers: 12+
System Modeling
Custom (Excel, VBA)
RiverWare RPL
ArcGIS 9.x
Visual Basic
Registrations and
Registered Professional Engineer:
State of Nevada
Member, American Water
Resources Association
Member, American Society of Civil
Treasurer, The Paradigm Project
Mr. Coors is a water resources engineer with experience in water
resources planning, management, and state-of-the art water system
modeling. He has held positions both in the private sector as well as in
the federal government. Mr. Coors has extensive experience with
design, development, and implementation of complex, high-profile water
resources decision-support systems. In 2008 Mr. Coors founded and is
currently the principal of Precision Water Resources Engineering
Water Resources Modeling
Mr. Coors’ primary area of expertise is water resources systems
modeling. He has designed, built, operated, and trained others to operate
numerous hydrologic and hydraulic modeling tools that are currently in
effective use throughout the Western United States. These models are
used for a wide variety of purposes including planning, short-term
operations, hydrologic and operations forecasting, uncertainty and risk
analysis, reservoir accounting, for the official administration of complex
policy and court decrees, and for litigation support.
Some of the more frequently used models he has direct experience with
 RiverWare, developed by CADSWES at the University of Colorado.
RiverWare is a versatile, comprehensive water resource modeling
software utilized throughout the country in major basins such as the
Lower and Upper Colorado River Basin, the Tennessee Valley
Authority System, multiple USACE systems in the Midwest, the
Truckee River Basin, and the Rio Grande Basin.
 Custom models. These have consisted mostly of Excel/VBA based
modeling systems. Mr. Coors has developed a short-term highprecision modeling system for meeting very precise ESA flow targets
downstream of large dams and below major confluences. Models
have been constructed for the Green, Gunnison, San Juan, Carson and
Truckee Rivers. Springtime peak release decisions from Flaming
Gorge Dam on the Green River have been made using this tool since
2004 with great success. The tool has been used for numerous other
purposes when short-term high-precision forecasts and operations are
Mr. Coors has authored several publications and reports on decision
support systems. He has also presented his work at numerous
professional conferences and workshops.
Reservoir Operations
Mr. Coors has extensive experience with reservoir operations, planning
and management. He has provided direct technical support to the
Federal Watermaster, the Truckee Meadows Water Authority, the
Shane Coors, P.E.
Precision Water Resource Engineering
USFWS, the Truckee-Carson Irrigation District, and the Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe and the Bureau of
Reclamation in the operations of the 8 major reservoirs in the Truckee-Carson River Basins including Lake
Tahoe. He has experienced the challenges of operating major reservoirs under extreme high water
conditions including floods and high runoff as well as in drought. Mr. Coors and PWRE support the
operations of all major reservoirs in the Upper and Lower Colorado River Basin including Flaming Gorge,
the Aspinal Unit, Navajo Reservoir, Lake Powell, Lake Mead and other smaller reservoirs.
Flood Analysis
Mr. Coors is experienced in flood analysis and simulation. He has done several projects involving flood
routing and has developed routing techniques for routing hourly hydrographs to a high degree of accuracy.
He has performed many hydrologic frequency analyses to help assess dam safety and emergency
preparedness. Mr. Coors also has experience in determining flood inundation areas using GIS based tools.
Risk and Decision Analysis
Mr. Coors has developed tools and techniques to characterize and quantify the uncertainty associated with
model results and forecasts. Model inputs like hydrology forecasts, demand forecasts, and others are more
accurately represented by distributions not single values or time series. Consequently when the models can
take distributions as input and report output as distributions, then decision-makers are better able to
interpret the results of the model and make informed decisions. Mr. Coors has developed an Excel/VBA
based Monte Carlo controller of the Truckee-Carson RiverWare model that can take the forecast volume
distributions provided by the NRCS and effectively propagate these distributions through the modeling
system so that distributions can be provided at the key outputs. This allows decision makers in the basin
not only know what is likely to occur during the upcoming year, but also to have a good estimate as to how
likely certain important outcomes are and can make informed decisions that intelligently reflect the degree
of certainty of important outcomes. Stakeholders in the Truckee-Carson basin have utilized the information
from this tool extensively since its development in 2006.
Mr. Coors is a registered Professional Engineer in the state of Nevada (license #019410)
Water Resources System Planning Studies
Water Sustainability in Snow-Fed Arid Land River System (2014-2018)
Precision Water Resources Engineering (PWRE) along with the Desert Research Institute, the University of
Nevada Reno, and the USGS were awarded a grant from the National Science Foundation and the United States
Department of Agriculture for $5M to assess the impacts of Climate Change on the Truckee and Carson Basins
in Northern Nevada and California. The project is intended to be a highly collaborative effort with basin
stakeholders to assess the potential impacts of climate change, propose mitigation strategies. PWRE is
responsible for the operational modeling component of the project and to participate in stakeholder outreach
Truckee Basin Study (2012-2014)
Precision Water Resources Engineering (PWRE) partnered with MWH Global in Sacramento to conduct the
Truckee Basin Study. The Bureau of Reclamation’s WaterSmart program identified several key Western river
basins for Basin Studies to determine the potential impacts of climate change, and to identify measures to reduce
potential supply demand imbalances in the future. PWRE is responsible to utilize the Truckee-Carson Planning
Shane Coors, P.E.
Precision Water Resource Engineering
Model to conduct all of the operational modeling of the basin for this study. Mr. Coors is a part of the Project
Management Team that will collaborate with the cost-share partners in the basin and is the technical lead for the
City of Fernley Groundwater Study (2012)
Precision Water Resources Engineering was retained by the City of Fernley, NV to collaborate with the Desert
Research Institute and Stanka Consultants to model the city’s groundwater. PWRE performed runs of the
Truckee-Carson Planning Model to generate surface water hydrographs in the Truckee River and the Truckee
Canal to be used to drive a groundwater model of the area. Mr. Coors was the lead for the PWRE team.
Newlands Project Planning Study (2011-2012)
Precision Water Resources Engineering (PWRE) partnered with MWH Global in Sacramento on
the Newlands Project Planning Study. This project was commissioned by the Bureau of
Reclamation’s Mid-Pacific Regional Office to generate alternatives for satisfying the Newlands
Project water rights at the bottom of the Truckee-Carson Basin in northern Nevada. PWRE is
providing modeling support to MWH Global in this planning project. PWRE performs all of the
modeling on the project team and is responsible for utilizing the RiverWare Planning Model to
identify and evaluate alternatives.
Expert Witness and Testimony
US vs. Gasco Energy, Inc (2013-2014),
Mr Coors and PWRE provided testimony on behalf of the United States Department of Justice and the
Environmental Protection Agency in a case involving the determination of the inundation frequency of a well
site on the Green River below Flaming Gorge Dam. PWRE participated in a hydrographic survey of the river
and floodplain, and developed a HEC-RAS hydraulic model of the river in the vicinity of the well site. PWRE
also developed a daily operational RiverWare model of Flaming Gorge dam and the entire Green River basin
down to the well site. Using the RiverWare model to develop a hydrograph at the well site and the hydraulic
model of the well site, PWRE determined the inundation frequency of the well site, and produced a report
detailing this process and its findings. The case was settled before trial.
RiverWare Model Development and Usage
Construction of a RiverWare Mid-Term Operations Model (MTOM) for the Colorado River Basin (2010 –
Precision Water Resources Engineering (PWRE) has been contracted by the Lower and Upper Colorado
Regional Offices of the United States Bureau of Reclamation (BOR) to develop a RiverWare model for the
entire Colorado River Basin. The Upper Colorado Region and the Lower Colorado Region operations staff
use a legacy RiverWare model to generate a 60-month forecast for the basin that is distributed to
stakeholders monthly. The MTOM has all of the reservoirs’ operational logic encoded in order to simulate
the operations of all of the basin reservoirs. PWRE is designing the MTOM system to incorporate the
ensemble forecasts that are provided to the BOR by the Colorado Basin River Forecast Center (CBRFC).
The system will take each of the ~30 traces comprising the ensemble forecast and initiate a run of MTOM
model for each. The system will collect the output from all of the model runs to generate statistical and
probabilistic results, more accurately describing the likelihood of potential states of the system and the
chances of meeting operational thresholds that are important to stakeholders and decision makers.
Construction of RiverWare Planning Model Truckee\Carson Basin (2009-present)
Shane Coors, P.E.
Precision Water Resource Engineering
Precision Water Resources Engineering (PWRE) has been contracted by the United States Bureau of
Reclamation (BOR) to develop a RiverWare Planning Model for the Truckee Carson Basins. The Planning
Model is a daily model of the entire basin that extends out many years into the future. It is used by the
stakeholders in the basin to analyze operational practices, to evaluate the potential impacts of climate change on
the basin, and for the BOR to evaluate significant policy revisions. The BOR has assembled a model
development team consisting of representatives from each of the major stakeholders in the basin. This Planning
Model Development Team meets regularly to discuss the development process and to collaborate on how the
model can be developed in such a way as to accurately model each stakeholder’s operations and meet each
stakeholder’s needs for the model. PWRE is doing all of the RiverWare model development for the project.
This model was used to conduct the Newlands Project Planning Study and the Truckee Basin Study
Construction of RiverWare modeling system for current conditions on Truckee\Carson Basin (2004-present)
Mr. Coors has been the principal modeler for development of a RiverWare modeling system for the Truckee
Carson Basins. This modeling system consists of three models, an accounting model, a hydrologic forecasting
model, and an operations forecasting model. This system provides decision support to the Federal Watermaster,
the Bureau of Reclamation, the Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the state of
California, the Truckee Carson Irrigation District, the Truckee Meadows Water Authority, and others. It has
replaced the many models that existed in the basin among the various parties, and has become the accepted
model for all operational decision support, as well as part of the Federal Watermaster’s procedure for keeping an
official accounting of the water in the basin. A few prominent uses and projects accomplished with this
modeling system follow:
Truckee River Operations Forum (2005-Present)
Mr. Coors has been responsible for generating the forecasts using the RiverWare modeling system for this
public meeting since 2005. At this monthly meeting of all basin stakeholders and interested public, an
operational forecast through to the end of the calendar year is presented and discussed. Mr. Coors has
been responsible for consulting with basin stakeholders and the Federal Watermaster to assemble this
forecast and to take part in its presentation at the meetings.
Truckee Canal Breach Reopen Analysis (2008)
On January 4th, 2008 the Truckee Canal breached flooding Fernley, NV. The Truckee Canal brings water
from the Truckee River to serve water rights in the Carson Basin below Lahontan reservoir. Mr. Coors
was responsible for using the RiverWare modeling system with a Monte Carlo uncertainty characterization
component he designed to evaluate the possible impacts to the irrigators as a reopening date and capacity
of the Canal were determined. Mr. Coors prepared a weekly Water Supply Analysis report to the Area
Manager, Regional Manager, and Commissioner of Reclamation assessing the likelihood of and expected
magnitudes of shortage that would be experienced by the irrigators in the Truckee Carson Irrigation
District for hypothetical reopening dates and flow limits.
Lower Truckee River ESA Flow Regime Planning (2005-Present)
Both the USFWS and the Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe consult Mr. Coors and the RiverWare modeling
system for planning of releases for the upcoming year in order to support threatened and endangered
species in the lower Truckee River and in Pyramid Lake. Flow regimes have been developed and need to
be adhered to. Considerable planning must take place in order to optimally meet the flow regimes without
wasting water. This analysis and planning is done with the RiverWare modeling system.
Operational Criteria and Procedures (OCAP) (2005-Present)
Shane Coors, P.E.
Precision Water Resource Engineering
Diversions from the Truckee River into the Carson Basin go through the Truckee Canal and are limited by
the OCAP. Administering the OCAP is an ongoing responsibility of the Lahontan Basin Area Office of
the Bureau of Reclamation. Setting diversion limits and storage targets is a highly complex process
combining hydrology, hydraulics, politics, operations, and experience. Mr. Coors and the RiverWare
modeling system support this activity and have since the models’ completion in 2005.
Construction of RiverWare modeling system for TROA on Truckee\Carson Basin (2004-present)
Mr. Coors is the principal modeler for development of a new RiverWare modeling system for the Truckee
Carson Basins. This modeling system will be the principal tool for administration of the Truckee River
Operating Agreement (TROA). TROA is an innovative, highly complex operating agreement for the Truckee
River Basin in California and Nevada. The model will conduct the official accounting of the system, it will
make hydrologic forecasts, and perform operational forecasting as well as facilitate the collective operation of
the basin by the stakeholders. The tool will also provide basin stakeholders a probabilistic output to support risk
and decision analysis. The tool is currently in final stages of development and testing. The TROA has been
signed and will be implemented soon.
Realtime Modeling
Flaming Gorge Reservoir Realtime modeling system (2004-2014)
Mr. Coors developed a model for use by the operators of Flaming Gorge Dam on the Green River in the Upper
Colorado Basin during the spring runoff season. The tool was developed to meet highly precise flow targets on
the Green River below its confluence with the Yampa River to support recovery of three endangered fish species.
The model allows operators to construct hourly release schedules from Flaming Gorge in order to optimally meet
these flow recommendations. Mr. Coors was responsible for developing the methodology, building the model,
refining and calibrating it to historic operations, utilizing the model, and training Bureau of Reclamation staff to
use it. The model has been used effectively for the purposes intended by Reclamation staff supported by Mr.
Coors since 2004.
Gunnison River/Aspinal Unit Realtime Modeling System (2005)
Mr. Coors developed a similar model to the Flaming Gorge model above to support upcoming flow
recommendations on the Gunnison River. Mr. Coors developed the model, calibrated and tested it, and provided
technology transfer services to the Western Colorado Area Office of the Bureau of Reclamation. When the flow
recommendations become operable in the future after the EIS is completed, the model will be used to support
operations of the Aspinal Unit to optimally meet the ESA flow recommendations on the Gunnison River. In
2014, a contract was issued to update and retrain BOR staff to utilize the model now that the EIS is operative
San Juan River/Navajo Reservoir Realtime Modeling System (2005-2006)
Mr. Coors developed a similar model to the Flaming Gorge model above to support operations of Navajo
Reservoir for meeting the flow recommendations downstream on the San Juan River. Mr. Coors developed the
model, calibrated and tested it, and provided technology transfer services to the Western Colorado Area Office of
the Bureau of Reclamation.
Carson River Modeling System (2005-Present)
Shane Coors, P.E.
Precision Water Resource Engineering
Mr. Coors developed a realtime modeling system for the Carson River for the Lahontan Basin Area Office of the
Bureau of Reclamation. The model is used to support many operational activities on the Carson River. It was
used during 2006 to support the precautionary drawdown of Lahontan Reservoir during the record-setting runoff
season. It has also been used on an ongoing basis to support OCAP operations in setting diversion targets for the
Truckee Canal.
Truckee River Modeling System (2005-Present)
Mr. Coors developed a realtime modeling system for the TruckeeRiver for the Federal Watermaster and Bureau
of Reclamation’s Lahontan Basin Area Office. The model is used to support many operational activities on the
Truckee River. Currently it is used to fine tune operational changes in order to most efficiently meet the
demands and flow targets in the system. This system is also being used to generate a daily travel time report
(, so that basin stakeholders and the federal watermaster can precisely
time release changes, diversion changes, and other activities to greatly increase the efficiency of operations in the
basin. The report is distributed on a daily basis.
Other Water Resources Engineering Projects
Rye Patch Dam Safety Assessment (2005)
Mr. Coors designed flood routing simulations for the Humboldt River and Rye Patch Reservoir in Nevada for the
Lahontan Basin Area Office of the Bureau of Reclamation. The flood of record was routed through the reservoir
with varying initial storage conditions as well as varying outlet works conditions. Hypothetical flood
hydrographs were also constructed by analysis of historic hydrologic records and appropriate statistical
methodology to assess and quantify the flood risk at Rye Patch Dam.
Lahontan Dam Tabletop Emergency Exercises (2006)
Mr. Coors designed flood hydrographs and routing simulations for Lahontan Dam near Fallon, Nevada. These
flood hydrographs were constructed using historic flood events as well as by statistical analysis of the historic
records and accepted engineering practice for determining recurrence interval flood hydrographs. Variable levels
of spillway performance were simulated as well. He also determined inundation areas for specific floods. These
simulations and inundation areas provided scenarios for a multi-agency emergency preparedness and response
exercise in Churchill County facilitated by the Bureau of Reclamation’s Mid-Pacific Region.
Truckee Basin Historic Hydrology Reconstruction (2007)
Mr. Coors participated in the effort to reconstruct the historic gage record in the Truckee Basin from 1940-1970.
The reconstruction was done using the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) technique and several reference
gages in the area. This project was intended to provide more historic data to the RiverWare hydrologic
forecasting model to improve hydrologic forecasts in the basin. Mr. Coors provided guidance to the Bureau of
Reclamation’s Technical Services Center staff and reviewed the results.
Surface Water Treatment Facility Improvements, Lufkin, TX (2003)
Shane Coors, P.E.
Precision Water Resource Engineering
Mr. Coors helped conduct a study of the surface water treatment facility in Lufkin, TX. He designed pressure
conduit system improvements and additional chlorination facilities for the city’s water treatment plant.
December 2008 – Present. Precision Water Resources Engineering - Principal. Water resources
engineering, planning and management, specializing in high-tech decision support systems. Water
planning and management consulting for municipal and other governmental agencies regarding
surface water systems. Short-term, hydrologic and hydraulic modeling for high precision operations
applications. Multidisciplinary Decision and Risk analysis services.
January, 2004 – December, 2008. United States Bureau of Reclamation, Lahontan Basin Area Office –
Hydraulic Engineer. Hydrologic and hydraulic modeling of the Truckee and Carson River basins.
Reservoir operations, planning and management. Technical support to management. GIS mapping
and support. High-precision modeling specialist for other Bureau offices primarily in Upper
Colorado Region. During the last two years (2007, 2008) was stationed in Boulder, Colorado at the
University of Colorado Center for Advanced Decision Support for Water and Environmental Systems
(CADSWES). This is the office where RiverWare is developed and maintained. Mr. Coors
collaborated with the software developers in order to ensure that the modeling tool met the needs of
the Bureau of Reclamation and TROA.
May, 2003 – January, 2004. United States Bureau of Reclamation, Upper Colorado Regional Office –
Engineering Technician. Design of a short-term modeling system to support springtime operations
of Flaming Gorge Dam. Responsible to construct the model, test it, and train operations staff in its
May, 2002 – December, 2003. Goodwin- Lassiter, Inc. - EIT. Municipal and private water resources
engineering services including site drainage, water treatment, master planning, and site development.
Structural engineering services including foundation design, structural steel design and structural
Coors, S. “Long-Term Operational Policy Analysis Using the Truckee-Carson Basin Planning Model.”
World Environmental & Water Resources Congress, May 24th –May 26th, 2012, Albuquerque, NM.
Coors, S. “Estimating Uncertainty in the Colorado River Basin Using the RiverWare MTOM Model.”
RiverWare User Group Meeting, February 2nd -3rd, 2012, Boulder, CO.
Coors, S. “Truckee River High-Precision Operations Model Description and Applications.” Joint Federal
Interagency Conference, June 27th – July 1st, 2010, Las Vegas, NV.
Coors, S. “Truckee River Planning Model” RiverWare User Group Meeting, February 10th, 2010, Boulder,
Coors, S. “Truckee-Carson Basin Decision Support System - Survey of Modeling Tools and Applications.”
Nile Basin Initiative Study Tour – Practical Applications of DSS to Support Integrated River Basin
Management, October 22nd, 2008, Boulder, CO.
Coors, S., J. Rieker. “RiverWare and the 2008 Truckee Canal Breach.” RiverWare User Group Meeting,
August 13th, 2008, Boulder, CO.
Shane Coors, P.E.
Precision Water Resource Engineering
Coors, S. “Advanced Water Accounting Transactions for the Truckee River Operating Agreement.”
RiverWare User Group Meeting, August 13th, 2008, Boulder, CO.
Coors, S., Kenneth Parr. “Truckee River Operating Agreement and RiverWare Update.” Truckee River
Symposium, October 4-5, 2007, Reno, NV.
Coors, S. “Simulating Operations in the Truckee-Carson RiverWare Modeling System.” Journal of Nevada
Water Resources Association, Spring, 2006, Vol. 3, No. 1.
Coors, S. “An Overview of the Truckee-Carson RiverWare Modeling System.” Operating Reservoirs in
Changing Conditions – Proceedings of the ASCE Operations Management Conference, August 14-16,
2006, Sacramento, CA.
Coors, S. “Short-term Realtime Forecast Model in the Upper Colorado River Tributary Basins.” Joint
Federal Interagency Conference, April 2-6, 2006, Reno, NV
Coors, S. “Simulating Operations in the Truckee-Carson RiverWare System.” Joint Federal Interagency
Conference, April 2-6, 2006, Reno, NV
Coors, S., J. Rieker. “New Tool Development and Implementation in the Truckee Basin.” RiverWare User
Group Meeting, March 7-8, 2006, Boulder, CO.
Coors, S. “Truckee River Modeling System.” Truckee River Symposium, October 4-5, 2005, Reno, NV.
Rieker, J.D., Coors, S., Mann, M., Scott, T. “Modeling in Support of Water Operations in the Truckee
River Basin”, Proceedings of Watershed Management 2005, EWRI and ASCE, Williamsburg, VA, July,
Scott, T., J. Rieker, S. Coors. “Truckee River Modeling System.” RiverWare User Group Meeting, March
1-2, 2005, Boulder, CO.
Coors, S. “Realtime Flow Forecast Model.” River Systems Management Workshop – Addressing Water
Conflict, November 4-6, 2003. Fort Collins, CO.
Coors, Shane. New Fall Exceedence-based Forecast methodology for RiverWare Forecasting Model.
Federal Watermaster. August, 2009.
Coors, Shane. Lake Tahoe Rating Development. Federal Watermaster. March, 2009.
Coors, Shane., J. Boyer. TROA RiverWare Model Development Progress Report (PowerPoint
Presentation). Office of the Nevada State Engineer. April, 2007, March, 2009.
Coors, Shane. Carson River Briefing (Power Point Presentation). Lahontan Basin Area Office, Bureau of
Reclamation. October, 2007.
Coors, Shane. Truckee Basin Operations Summary and RiverWare Model Development Survey
(PowerPoint Presentation). Center for Advanced Decision Support for Water and Environmental Systems.
July, 2007.
Shane Coors, P.E.
Precision Water Resource Engineering
Rieker, J, S. Coors. Uncertainty Characterization in the Truckee-Carson Basin. Risk and Uncertainty
Workgroup (PowerPoint Presentation). Technical Services Center, Lakewood, CO. July 11-12, 2006.
Coors, Shane. RiverWare Model Overview (PowerPoint Presentation). California Department of Water
Resources. November, 2004.
Coors, Shane., M. Mann. Truckee/Carson Basin RiverWare model – Truckee Canal Losses and Truckee
Division Diversions Analysis. Lahontan Basin Area Office, Bureau of Reclamation. September, 2004.
Coors, Shane., M. Mann. Development of Lahontan Reservoir Loss (LRL) Equations for Truckee
RiverWare Operations Model. Lahontan Basin Area Office, Bureau of Reclamation. June, 2004.
Coors, Shane. Realtime Forecasting, Routing and Operations Model for Flaming Gorge Reservoir and the
Yampa Basin. Upper Colorado Region Annual Water Operations Conference. Provo, UT. March, 2004.
Star Award for Truckee Canal Breach Support, Mid-Pacific Regional Director, February, 2008.
Quality Step Increase, March, 2007.
Star Award, Lahontan Basin Area Manager, April, 2006.
Star Award, Lahontan Basin Area Manager, May, 2005.
Star Award, Lahontan Basin Area Manager, August, 2004.
"On the Spot" Award, Lahontan Basin Area Manager - April, 2004
Star Award, Upper Colorado Regional Office, November, 2003.
“Excellence in Teaching” Award, University of Utah Physics Department 1998, 1996, 1995.