details - Indian Museum



Ministry of Culture, Government of India

27, Jawaharlal Nehru Road

Kolkata – 700 016

Advertisement No. 03/2013

Indian Museum, an autonomous organisation under Ministry of Culture, Govt. of India invites applications for the following posts on deputation:


Name of the post - Administrative Officer (1 post)

Scale of Pay: PB-2:


9,300-34,800 with Grade Pay





55 years

Officers of the Central Govt./Autonomous bodies having 4 years of service experience in Administrative post in the scale of PB-2 with Grade Pay

Rs 4,200/- or holding analogous post.

2. Name of the post - Accounts Officer (1 post)

Scale of Pay: PB-2:


9,300-34,800 with Grade Pay



Age: 55 years

Essential qualifications & experience :

(i) Graduate in any discipline from a recognised university.

(ii) At least 5 years experience in accounting and auditing preferably in a Govt.

Dept. or S.A.S. or Chartered Accountant.


Name of the post - Assistant Keeper (Anthropology) (1 post)

Scale of Pay: PB-2:


9,300-34,800 with Grade Pay



Age: 55 years

Essential qualifications & experience:


Master’s or equivalent degree in Anthropology.

(ii) Diploma in Museology and 3 years experience in a Museum of standing or a comparable institution


5 years experience in a Museum of standing or a comparable institution.

(iii)Research experience with evidence of published Research Work.

(iv) Field experience of practical training in organising exhibitions or in techniques of graphic presentation.

Application may be made in the prescribed format which may be downloaded from:

Applications must be sent through proper channel. While forwarding the applications, the respective controlling authorities should also forward copies of five years’ ACR/APAR and the vigilance clearance certificate. Incomplete applications or applications not accompanied with necessary documents shall not be considered. Completed applications together with requisite documents should be sent in a sealed envelope superscribed “Application for the

Post of ____________” so as to reach the above address within 21 days from the date of



( For Deputation )


Name (in block letters):


Father’s Name:




Present address:


Permanent address:


Date of birth:


SC/ST/OBC/General (with supporting documents):


Educational qualifications:


Technical qualifications:


Details of experience:


Present post held & Emoluments drawn:

Further details, if any, may be furnished as enclosures along with the relevant documents in support.



Endorsement by employer

Forwarded alongwith (i) copies of ACR/APARs for the last 5 years and (ii) vigilance clearance certificate.

Shri/Smt.___________________________ shall be relieved at the earliest, if selected.



Ministry of Culture, Government of India

Competent authority

(Office seal)

27, Jawaharlal Nehru Road

Kolkata – 700 016

Advertisement No. 03/2013

Indian Museum, an autonomous organisation under Ministry of Culture, Govt. of India invites applications for direct recruitment to the following Group ‘B’ posts:

01. Name of the post - Assistant Security Officer (1 post) (unreserved)

Scale of pay: PB-2:


9300-34800/- with Grade Pay of



Age: 45 years

Essential qualifications & experience :

(i) Matriculate or equivalent qualification.

(ii) Ex-service man at least in the rank of J.C.O. or Police Officer with equivalent rank having experience of dealing with contingent of watch-and-ward staff


(iii) Persons holding Class II or Class III post in the Security Department of

Central Museum having -

(a) at least 5 years experience in Museum Security and

(b) 5 years service in Armed forces or Police


At least 5 years experience of handling security.

02. Name of the post -

Scale of Pay:

Assistant Chemist (1 post) (unreserved)



9,300-34,800 with Grade Pay



Age: 35 years

Essential qualification and experience:

(i) At least a Second Class M.Sc. in Physical or Organic or Inorganic Chemistry of a recognized university.

(ii) At least 2 years experience of preservation in a Museum, Archaeology or

Anthropology or Laboratory.


(i) Evidence of original research in Chemical preservation work.

(ii) Knowledge of insecticides and fumigants and experience in the application of chemistry in the examination and analysis and preservation of museum materials.

Note: Age is relaxable by the Board of Trustees on the recommendations of the Selection


In case of the post at sl. No.2 qualifications are relaxable by the Board on the recommendations of the Selection Committee in the case of candidates otherwise well qualified.

Application may be made in the prescribed format which may be downloaded from:

Candidates should submit completed applications together with requisite documents in a sealed envelope superscribed “Application for the Post of ____________” so as to reach the

(name of the post) above address within 21 days from the date of advertisement.

Candidates working in Government/Semi-Government organizations should send their applications through proper channel. Incomplete applications or applications not accompanied with necessary documents shall be summarily rejected.

Mere possession of requisite qualifications and experience shall not entitle the candidates to be called for the test and interview. Decision of Indian Museum in this regard shall be final.

Canvassing in any form and/or bringing in any influence, political or otherwise, will be trated as disqualification for the post. Interim enquiries will not be entertained.

Indian Museum

Ministry of Culture, Govt. of India

27, Jawaharlal Nehru Road, Kolkata – 700 016

Application for the post of: Assistant Security Officer/Assistant Chemist

Post applied for:



Name in full (in Block letters)

(in case of female candidate the appropriate

word “Miss” or “Mrs” should be given)

2. (i) Address:



(ii) e-mail id. Mobile No.

3. Date and place of birth: i) ii)




4. Father’s Name



(if dead, state his last address, in case of married woman give husband name, address and occupation)

5. Do you belong to Scheduled Caste/Tribe?

(State yes or no and indicate caste)

6. Particulars of educational qualifications:

Examination passed

Name of school/college


Division/class obtained

Year of passing

7. Particulars of professional/technical qualification:-

Examination passed Name

Institution/College/ of Class/Division obtained


Subjects taken

Year of passing Subjects taken

8. Experience (give details of all employments): -

Nature employment of Name employers of Date of joining

9. Languages Known :-

Date of leaving Salary & grade

Read Write Speak

10. Are you a Government servant at present?

If so, please state whether your appointment

is temporary or permanent


11. Are you willing to accept minimum initial pay offered? If not, state the lowest initial pay that you would accept in the prescribed scale

12. Have you any relative working in this Museum?

If so, please give details.

Date :

Note : 1) Information in respect of columns 6,7,8 & 9 should be supported by attested

copies of certificates and testimonials otherwise the application will not be


2) If in Govt./Semi Govt. service, application should be routed through proper


3) Canvassing in any form/or bringing in any influence, political or otherwise, will

be treated as disqualification for the post.


Candidate’s signature

Endorsement by the present employer (if he is a Govt./Semi-Government servant)

No._________________________ Date _____________________________

Signature ____________________________

