IEEE Paper Template in A4 (V1)

Guidelines for Preparing and Submitting Full-Length
Papers for EMC’09/Kyoto
First Author#1, Second Author*2, Third Author#3
First-Third Department, First-Third University
Address, Including Country
Second Company
Address, Including Country
Abstract— This document provides guidelines for preparing and
submitting a full-length paper for EMC’09/Kyoto. Authors must
follow these guidelines. This file may be used as a template into
which you can type your own text.
Key words: more than four key words must be given.
Your paper for publishing in the proceedings of the
symposium in a PDF format must be prepared in English.
Follow the guidelines to ensure that papers will be reproduced
clearly and in the proper size and form.
All papers will be reviewed prior to the symposium and
must meet technical standards. Awards for excellent papers
will be presented during the symposium period.
A. Organization
Your paper should begin with an abstract, followed by
keywords, and then an introduction. At the end, there should
be a conclusion and a list of references. Acknowledgements
(if any) should precede the references.
B. Length
The maximum length of your paper including figures and
tables should not exceed four pages.
C. Page Layout
Your paper must use an A4 page size: 210 mm (8.27") wide
and 297 mm (11.69") long. The margins must be set as
 Top = 19 mm (0.75")
 Bottom = 43 mm (1.69")
 Left = Right = 14.32 mm (0.56")
Your paper must be in a two-column format with 4.22 mm
(0.17") between columns. All paragraphs must be justified, i.e.,
both left- and right-justified.
You can use this file, downloadable from our web page at, as a template. If you want to
use the LaTeX format for your paper, you may make the
similar format by yourself and use it.
D. Text Font of Entire Document
The entire document should be in Times New Roman or
Times font. Type 3 fonts must not be used. Other font types
may be used if needed for special purposes. Recommended
font sizes are shown in Table 1.
E. Title and Author Details
All title and author details must be centered in a singlecolumn format. Every word in the title must be capitalized,
except for short minor words such as “a”, “an”, “and”, “as”,
“at”, “by”, “for”, “from”, “if”, “in”, “into”, “on”, “or”, “of”,
“the”, “to”, and “with”.
Author details must not show any professional title (e.g.,
Managing Director), academic title (e.g., Dr.), or membership
of any professional organization (e.g., Senior Member IEEE).
Appearance (in Time New Roman or Times)
Table caption (in
Reference item
Small Caps)
Figure caption
Reference item
Author e-mail
Abstract heading
address (in Courier)
(also in Bold)
Cell in a table
Level-1 heading (in
Level-2 heading,
Small Caps)
Level-3 heading,
Author affiliation
Author name
F. Symbols
Symbols and acronyms should be defined the first time they
appear. Use the International System (SI) of units.
G. Illustrations
Color illustrations and photographs are accepted but we ask
that you check all figures in your paper both on screen and on
a black-and-white hardcopy. When you check your paper on
the hardcopy, please ensure that:
 the colors used in each figure contrast well,
 the image used in each figure is clear, and
 all text labels in each figure are legible.
Your illustrations must be numbered, accompanied by
captions, and inserted in the text near where they are
mentioned. Use the same or similar font sizes in your
illustrations as in the manuscript. Check also whether the
smallest lettering, such as subscripts, is still readable.
Figures must be numbered using Arabic numerals. Figure
captions must be in 8 pt Regular font. Single-line captions
must be centered whereas multi-line captions must be justified.
Captions with figure numbers must be placed after their
associated figures, as shown in Fig. 1.
The heading of the references section must not be
numbered. All reference items must be in 8 pt font. Number
the reference items consecutively in square brackets (e.g., [1]).
When referring to a reference item, simply use the
reference number, as in [2]. Do not use “Ref. [3]” or
“Reference [3]” except at the beginning of a sentence, e.g.,
“Reference [3] shows …”. Multiple references are each
numbered with separate brackets (e.g., [2], [3], [4]–[6]).
J. Page Numbers, Headers, and Footers
Page numbers, headers, and footers must not be used.
K. Links and Bookmarks
All hypertext links and section bookmarks will be removed
from papers during processing for publication. If you refer to
an Internet e-mail address or URL in your paper, type out the
address or URL fully in Regular font.
The abstract (text) and paper (PDF) should be submitted via
the website for registration and paper submission. The URL
can be easily reached from the EMC’09/Kyoto website:
The submission website will be closed after starting the
review process. Your abstract (text) and paper (PDF) will be
published in the proceedings without any modification.
You should read the paper submission procedure carefully
and obtain an ID. Then, login on the registration top page and
click “Paper and Abstract Submission”.
A. Abstract Submission
You should summarize your paper in less than 200 words
and upload it via the paper submission website. This abstract
must not contain any illustrations, photographs, or equations.
Please confirm whether the characters are correctly displayed
on the web page.
Fig. 1 Example of figure
H. Equations
All equations should be centered and numbered. Enclose
the equation number in parentheses and place it near the righthand margin like so,
B 
t 
D 
H  J 
t 
E  
I. References
B. Paper Submission
Your paper should be uploaded as an attached PDF file by
December 1, 2008 via our web submission system. You
should prepare the PDF file that can be printed. To maintain
the same layout when viewing or printing your paper at
another machine, check the PDF file with a reader that can
only use English.
To maintain the same look when viewing or printing your
paper at another machine, please ensure to embed all fonts
when creating a PDF file. We recommend using Adobe
Distiller. When generating the file by Adobe Distiller, please
note the following.
 In the Font Job Option Menu, tick ‘Embed ALL Fonts’
 In the Compression Option Menu, all options of
compression and re-sampling of images are switched
To check if all fonts are embedded, you can use Acrobat
Reader. (For example, click File -> Document Info -> Fonts)
The PDF file must be less than 2 MB.
C. Copyright Transfer
The copyright of the proceedings is held by the Institute of
Electronics Information Communication Engineers (IEICE).
You must agree to the copyright transfer by selecting “All
authors agree to transfer copyright to IEICE” on our
submission website when you submit the paper.
The detailed information of copyright transfer to IEICE can
be referred from the paper submission website.
will also spare us unnecessary efforts in editing the
For questions on paper guidelines, please contact the
Technical Paper Sub-committee as indicated on the
conference website.
The heading of the acknowledgments section must not be
D. Primary Author’s Registration
The primary author is an author who takes the
responsibility for the registration of the symposium and he is
independent of the order in the author’s list. The committee
recommends that the primary author holds ID for the paper
and abstract submission. The number of paper submissions
allowed is limited to one per primary author. Each primary
author must complete the registration before May 1, 2009. If
you do not complete the registration, the Program Committee
will remove your paper from the proceedings.
Other authors can register the symposium because the
above limitation is only related the number of paper
submissions per primary author.
A carefully prepared manuscript that can be accepted
without any modifications will better present your work and
R. Sato, “EMC – The past, present and future,” in Proc. Int. Symp. on
Electromagn. Compat., Nagoya, Japan, Sept. 1989, pp. 1-9.
C. R. Paul, “Introduction to Electromagnetic Compatibility,” New
York: Wiley-Intersciences, 1992, pp. 402-428.
J. Wang, K. Sasabe, and O. Fujiwara, “A simple method for predicting
common-mode radiation from a cable attached to a conducting
enclosure,” IEICE Trans. Commun., vol. E85-B, no. 7, pp.1360-1367,
July 2002.
Taro Denshi
received the B.S. and
M.S. degrees in Electrical Engineering from
Shibaura Institute of Technology in 1997 and
1999, respectively. During 1997-1999, he
Communications Research
Laboratory (CRL), Ministry of Posts and
Telecommunications of Japan to study digital
beam forming antennas, mobile satellite
communication systems, and wireless access
network using stratospheric platforms. He
now with DDI Tokyo Pocket Telephone, Inc.