BIO 202 P1 Lab List Sp11

BIO 202 Anatomy and Physiology II
Practical Exam I
Endocrine Gland Gross Anatomy (Saladin page 639)
Note: Look for the following structures on the models of the brain, larynx, reproductive systems, and torsos and
selected structures (c) on cadaveric specimens
pineal gland (c)
hypothalamus (c)
pituitary gland
thyroid gland (c)
thymus gland (Note: only on APR - in lymphatic system)
pancreas (c)
adrenal glands (Note: called suprarenal glands in APR)
testes (c)
ovaries (c)
Heart (Saladin Text pages 721-729)
Note: Find all these structures on models and sheep/pig hearts and selected structures (c) on cadaveric
ascending aorta (c)
aortic arch (c)
descending aorta (c)
brachiocephalic trunk (c)
right subclavian artery
right common carotid artery
left common carotid artery (c)
left subclavian artery (c)
pulmonary trunk (c)
pulmonary arteries (c)
ligamentum arteriosum
brachiocephalic veins
azygous vein
superior vena cava (c)
inferior vena cava (c)
pulmonary veins (c)
right auricle (c)
left auricle (c)
right atrium
left atrium
right ventricle
left ventricle
tricuspid valve
bicuspid valve (Note: also called the mitral valve)
aortic semilunar valve (Note: also called the aortic valve)
pulmonary semilunar valve (Note: also called the pulmonary valve)
fossa ovalis (Note: only found on some heart models; cannot be seen on sheep hearts)
pectinate muscles (Note: only found in right atrium)
interventricular septum
papillary muscles
tendinous cords (Note: also called chordae tendineae)
trabeculae carneae
moderator band (Note: this is a portion of the septomarginal trabeculae found in the right ventricle and
only seen clearly on sheep hearts)
Spring 2010
Heart (Saladin Text pages 721-729)
Note: Find all these structures on models and sheep/pig hearts and selected structures (c) on cadaveric
right coronary artery (RCA) (c)
right marginal branch of RCA
posterior interventricular branch of RCA (c)
left coronary artery (LCA)
circumflex branch of LCA (c)
left marginal branch of LCA (c)
anterior interventricular branch of LCA (Note: also called the left anterior descending artery) (c)
great cardiac vein
middle cardiac vein (c)
coronary sinus (c)
Arteries of the Thorax (Saladin pages 788-789)
Note: Most of the following arteries can be found on the heart models and the torso model on the green base
and on (c) cadaveric specimens
pulmonary trunk (c)
ascending aorta (c)
aortic arch (c)
descending aorta (c)
brachiocephalic artery(c)
left common carotid artery (c)
right common carotid artery (c)
left subclavian artery (c)
right subclavian artery (c)
internal thoracic artery (Note: also called mammary artery)
Veins of the Thorax (Saladin pages 790)
subclavian vein
brachiocephalic veins
azygous vein (azygos vein) (Note: seen only on heart models)
superior vena cava (c)
inferior vena cava (c)
Arteries of the Neck and Head (Saladin pages 783)
internal carotid artery
carotid sinus (Note: this is a dilation of the initial segment of the internal carotid artery)
external carotid artery
superior thyroid artery
facial artery (Note: found on half head model and white board vascular figure)
superficial temporal artery (Note: found on half head model and white board vascular figure)
occipital artery (Note: found on half head model and vascular figure on the white board)
vertebral artery (Note: found on the articulated spine model)
basilar artery (Note: found on the articulated spine model)
circle of Willis (Note: only seen on APR) (Note: also called the arterial circle)
Veins of the Head and Neck (Saladin page 786)
occipital vein
superficial temporal vein
facial vein
external jugular vein
internal jugular vein
Spring 2010
Pineal Gland
brain sand
Pituitary Gland
anterior lobe
posterior lobe
Thyroid Gland
follicular cells
C cells (Note: C cells are also called calcitonin cells or clear cells or parafollicular cells)
Parathyroid Gland
chief cells
oxyphil cells
Adrenal Gland
zona glomerulosa
zona fasciculata
zona reticularis
pancreatic acini
islets of Langerhans (Note: also called pancreatic islets)
Spring 2010