Supplementary Material Example Code for Calculating R2LMM(M) and R2LMM(C) setwd("Your working directory path") # This needs to be updated to whatever directory the data is located on your computer #This code includes how to calculate marginal and conditional R2 values, as well as p-values for a linear mixed model. NH4.DATA<-read.csv(file="NH4.DATA.csv", header=T) #This .csv files being read in needs to have Vf, Uvol, and all potential predictors for each chamber #Note - before proceeding with the code you should check assumptions of different tests (code not included here) #Load in packages necessary for the code: library(arm) library(lme4) #First we will calculate the marginal and conditional Rsquared: #We first write a function to calculate R2LMM # Rsquare GLME code from blog post: # #last accessed in Oct 2014. The code was modified from the original code included #in Nakagawa and Schielzeth 2013. rsquared.glme=function(modlist) { # Iterate over each model in the list,lapply(modlist,function(i) { # For models fit using lm if(class(i)=="lm") { Rsquared.mat=data.frame(Class=class(i),Family="Gaussian", Marginal=summary(i)$r.squared,Conditional=NA,AIC=AIC(i)) } # For general linear models fit using lme4 else if(class(i)=="lmerMod" | class(i)=="merLmerTest") { # Get variance of fixed effects by multiplying coefficients by design matrix VarF=var(as.vector(fixef(i) %*% t(i@pp$X))) # Get variance of random effects by extracting variance components VarRand=colSums(,lapply(VarCorr(i),function(j) j[1]))) # Get residual variance VarResid=attr(VarCorr(i),"sc")^2 # Calculate marginal R-squared (fixed effects/total variance) Rm=VarF/(VarF+VarRand+VarResid) # Calculate conditional R-squared (fixed effects+random effects/total variance) Rc=(VarF+VarRand)/(VarF+VarRand+VarResid) # Bind R^2s into a matrix and return with AIC values Rsquared.mat=data.frame(Class=class(i),Family="Gaussian",Marginal=Rm,Conditional=Rc, AIC=AIC(update(i,REML=F))) } #For generalized linear models (family=="binomial") fit using lme4 else if(class(i)=="glmerMod" & summary(i)$family=="binomial") { # Get variance of fixed effects by multiplying coefficients by design matrix VarF=var(as.vector(fixef(i) %*% t(i@pp$X))) # Get variance of random effects by extracting variance components VarRand=colSums(,lapply(VarCorr(i),function(j) j[1]))) # Get residual variance VarResid=attr(VarCorr(i),"sc")^2 # Calculate marginal R-squared Rm=VarF/(VarF+VarRand+pi^2/3) # Calculate conditional R-squared (fixed effects+random effects/total variance) Rc=(VarF+VarRand)/(VarF+VarRand+pi^2/3) # Bind R^2s into a matrix and return with AIC values Rsquared.mat=data.frame(Class=class(i),Family=summary(i)$family,Marginal=Rm,Conditional=Rc,AIC=AIC(i)) } #For generalized linear models (family=="poisson") fit using lme4 else if(class(i)=="glmerMod" & summary(i)$family=="poisson") { print("GLMM fit to Poisson dist not yet supported") } # For model fit using nlme else if(class(i)=="lme") { # Get design matrix of fixed effects from model Fmat=model.matrix(eval(i$call$fixed)[-2],i$data) # Get variance of fixed effects by multiplying coefficients by design matrix VarF=var(as.vector(fixef(i) %*% t(Fmat))) # Get variance of random effects by extracting variance components VarRand=sum(suppressWarnings(as.numeric(VarCorr(i)[rownames(VarCorr(i))!= "Residual",1])),na.rm=T) # Get residual variance VarResid=as.numeric(VarCorr(i)[rownames(VarCorr(i))=="Residual",1]) # Calculate marginal R-squared (fixed effects/total variance) Rm=VarF/(VarF+VarRand+VarResid) # Calculate conditional R-squared (fixed effects+random effects/total variance) Rc=(VarF+VarRand)/(VarF+VarRand+VarResid) # Bind R^2s into a matrix and return with AIC values Rsquared.mat=data.frame(Class=class(i),Marginal=Rm,Conditional=Rc, AIC=AIC(update(i,method="ML"))) } else { print("Function requires models of class lm, lme, mer, or merMod") }}))} #Next we create a null and alternative model nh4.null.model<-lmer(LOG.NH4.VF~1+(1|SITE), data=NH4.DATA) nh4.lmm<-lmer(LOG.NH4.VF~LOG.WS.AREA*WS+(1|SITE), data=NH4.DATA) #And we find the marginal and conditional R2 values for each model: rsquared.glme(list(nh4.null.model, nh4.lmm)) #Next we use lmerTest to get P-values #Note that the lmerTest package makes calculating LMM R2s impossible, therefore #p-values must be calculated after R2s. library(lmerTest) #Re-run your LMM nh4.lmm<-lmer(LOG.NH4.VF~(LOG.WS.AREA+WS)^2+(1|SITE), data=NH4.DATA) #Get the p-values for the model anova(nh4.lmm)