Minutes AIAA Orange County Executive Council October 8, 2013

AIAA Orange County Executive Council
October 8, 2013
Boeing Building 28, Boeing Campus Huntington Beach
Amir Gohardani
Jody Hart
Gene Justin
Bob Koepke
Jann Koepke
Jim Martin
Dino Roman
Kamal Shweyk
Bob Welge
Phil Ridout
Jeff Norton Guest and Past Chair
Meeting started at 6:15 PM
Welcome - Gene Justin
Amir Gohardani approved to be the Member at Large.
Gene Justin will work with OCEC on an “OCEC Advisory Board.”
Treasurer - Phil
a. Financial Report was accepted as is.
b. Phil will email out again the proposed budget for Council Approval.
c. Phil will get with Regional to resolve the problems they have on the Audit Report, and one page
document they want.
d. Phil will work on Pay Pal, and he has the National document that our bank wants. So, he will
work on that.
e. Phil will work on receiving the Cat funds when they become available later this month (Cat I and
Cat III).
f. Phil will work with Jody and Bob on CC (Jody and Bob were to stay late to go over the CC items).
g. Gene Justin gave a past pizza receipt to Ridout for reimbursement, along with an envelope with
bill/cash/checks from Jim Martin to Ridout for past dinner events. (Hope that Phil will mail off
checks to Gene and Jim.)
Secretary – Ron—Not present
a. Approved Minutes submitted by Justin/Welge
Technical - Dino
a. UCI documented $8000 in expenses and requesting 10% from Council
b. $1000 was proposed
c. Council approved $800 for UCI DBF—7 yes and 3 no
d. Soaring Society—letter signed and mailed
Programs - Jim
a. September event had 25 participants.
b. 22 October event will be on X-15, and Kamal will be Boeing person at event.
c. Jim is working on the other programs, including a potential program with Amy from Cal Tech—
Wise Telescope
d. Other ideas Dream Chaser or ULA.
Career & Workforce --Jerry Not present—no report
a. Jerry Huang not at the meeting—he is looking for replacement—open position here.
b. Jeff Norton will check on what needs to be done.
Communications --Jody
a. Jody and Bob will stay late to go over the CC items
b. Jody will work with Science Café, and determine what is best in regards to going forward.
c. Jody and Bob will work on the list of people.
11. Honors and Awards --Open now
a. Gene--No report, but if Council Meeting wants a Letter of Appreciation please let Gene know.
12. 11, Membership – Bob W
a. 517 members in June report
b. Reviewed the RAC meeting and written report by Bob W who was the OC rep at the meeting.
i. Next in-person RAC maybe out of town.
ii. AIAA has had some cut backs. CVD cut back. DL still around, but can use others not
on the list.
iii. No self-nominations on Fellow and Associate Fellow Apps.
iv. Names for Associates coming out soon.
v. 500 Apps and 160 awardees for Assoc Fellow.
vi. Response Space (14-17 October) coming up and Bob, Ron, Jeff, Jim, Phil maybe helping
out, hoping that it will not be canceled at the last minute. Display is in the storage locker.
vii. Gene will work on questionnaire for Regional on the “Section Awards” –
viii. Our Recognition/Winners/Honorable Mention folks were Bob Welge (Membership), Jann
Koepke (Education), Kamal Shweyk (Policy). TARC received high praise from Regional
ix. Regional says that there is an event in SD on 7 December that AIAA leadership might be
at. Jim Martin will follow up and see if a speaker program here could be set up.
13. Public Policy --Kamal
a. Kamal is working with his Rep Office, and may set up a visit with the Rep in his local office if that
opportunity opens out.
b. Rohrbacher didn’t work out
c. CVD has been greatly cut back
14. Education (Jann)
a. Five (5) TARC Teams
i. One helped another get started
ii. CAD design of rocket
iii. Monthly meeting—Rocketry
b. Best Practices has been written and submitted to Huntsville
c. Working on a “Train” project for Girl Scouts support to STEM.
d. Council approved funds ($125) for the University team and $625 (5x$125) for 5 TARC teams.
Phil provided a check for the approved 5 teams, and the University team.
e. $250 CAT III submitted for the Banner
f. $360 x 5 ($1800) submitted for TARC Tool Boxes to Jane and CAT III money
g. OC engineers to sponsor 1 or 2 more teams.
15. Young Professional –Tiffany
a. Amir provided the report. Amir is working with UCI (now need to be called Student branch), and
will set a seminar with them on his STEM and Engineering Experiences. He will provide more
info and photos when it happens
16. Directors-at-large--John, Toby, Amir, Bob K
a. Toby’s computer is down. Bob Welge is relaying messages.
17. Two positions open on Council—Career Development and Honors and Awards
18. Phil has the Section Laptop.
19. Close
a. Close at 8 PM.
b. Next meeting will be on Tuesday, 12 November (if Gene isn’t teaching that night). Gene will
order Pizza -- For 10 people? -- 4 large Pizzas (1 Veggies, 1 Plain, 1 Meat Lover, 1 Pepperoni)
and drinks (Diet Pepsi, Root Beer, Regular Pepsi, Sprite, water) from Papa John’s Pizza (714847-4000), unless someone else wants to order in Dinner/Pizza.
Recorded by Gene Justin and Bob Welge