RDG_GMOs - Mrs. Oelfke`s Science Class

Genetic Modification
Write a question for this reading in the box on the last page of this
packet. Then look through the packet and write a question about
each of the sections in the righthand box. Make sure each question
is a “how” or “why” question – NO “what” questions! Read through
the packet and take notes, focusing on answering each of your
questions. Finally, in the box on the last page, answer your first
question and summarize the article in three to five sentences.
Science has brought us to the point where we can transfer genes
from one species to another, so that we can change the traits of
agricultural crops. Assuming that these changes are done with great
care, we can have crops which are more productive, more nutritious,
tastier, and better for the environment. It is also possible to proceed
carelessly and do damage to the environment and to people's
Genetically Modified Organisms
Genetic modification is the process of changing the DNA code in a
cell. Genetic modification involves taking a part of the DNA from
one organism and inserting it into the genetic material of another
organism. The purpose of doing this is that, when the organism
grows, the genetic modification will result in it having new
characteristics. For example, one application of genetic modification
has been the production within bacteria of human proteins, such as
blood clotting factor VIII, insulin, and blood cell growth factors.
While these proteins are produced naturally within the human body,
they are only present in small amounts making their purification for
therapeutic use extremely difficult. Therefore, the ability to insert
the genes encoding these proteins into bacteria has been an
important step forward. It is now possible to produce large
quantities with genetically modified bacteria (bacteria with DNA
added to it to).
Saving the Banana
Wild bananas have seeds. They reproduce sexually, but the seeds
can make them difficult to eat. Bananas grown on plantations have
no seeds. These bananas are seedless because they have three of
each type of chromosome instead of the normal two of each type.
Such plants are called triploid. They are always sterile – they cannot
reproduce. Genetic triploid freaks arise from time to time in nature,
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but modern breeders can also use chemicals or electric shocks to
create triploid mutant cells. So any fruit that is seedless is a GMO
(genetically modified organism).
Bananas have been cultivated, or developed, for many thousands of
years and there are more than a thousand different banana
varieties. Each variety was developed by selectively breeding wild
bananas. Whenever a promising variety was been produced, the
breeder worked to produce a seedless version. That plant was
cloned and it became the parent of all of its variety. This is why all
bananas plants of the same variety are genetically identical, like
identical twins.
Of the hundreds of varieties, one single variety completely
dominates international trade. It is called Cavendish. It is possible
that you have never seen a banana other than a Cavendish banana.
Certain kinds of fungus can infect and kill banana plants. In many
parts of the world, Cavendish banana plants are being attacked by a
fungus called Black Sigatoka. Since wild bananas can reproduce
sexually, they are not all genetically identical and some wild bananas
happen to be able to resist Black Sigatoka. But the seedless
Cavendish banana plants have no resistance. They are all identical,
so they all are at a risk to die.
To grow bananas commercially, growers must spray their plants with
fungicides (chemicals that kill fungi). Year after year, the Black
Sigatoka fungus has been evolving resistance to these fungicides, so
growers have to spray more and more fungicide each year.
Approximately one third of the cost of raising a banana is the cost of
spraying it with fungicides, and it gets more and more costly each
year. The fungicides are poisons for fungi, and not good for us to eat
or for the environment. This is why people wash their fruit after
they buy it.
One form of Black Sigatoka banana disease, now spreading around
the world, can tolerate all known fungicides. Soon it will attack
bananas in Central America and the Caribbean islands, the heartland
of banana culture. The Cavendish banana will become extinct.
Experts estimate that this will happen within ten years.
This is not a fairy tale. It has happened before. Forty years ago, the
most popular variety of banana was one called Gros Michel. But
Gros Michel was susceptible to a fungus called “race 1 Panama
disease.” Now it is gone. Cavendish bananas, which do not die from
“race 1 Panama disease,” replaced them.
Rice with Vitamin A
Rice does not contain very much vitamin A. In the poorer parts of
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Asia, where rice is almost the only food available, a vitamin A
deficiency is common. This can lead to blindness. Now scientists have
transferred the genes for vitamin A from other species into rice,
creating a strain of rice that is rich in vitamin A. The amount of rice in
a typical third world diet could provide about fifteen percent of the
recommended daily allowance of vitamin A, sufficient to prevent
blindness. Now that a few plants with this trait have been created,
they are being bred with other varieties of rice using conventional
(normal) breeding techniques, as has been done for centuries. Such
breeding could further increase the vitamin A content.
The result is that fewer poor, rural Asians will be at risk for blindness.
Genetic engineers also intend to produce a rice variety rich in iron,
because iron-deficiency anemia is a common problem in the same
area. But this is a more difficult problem than increasing rice's vitamin
A content. Rice contains a substance called phytate. Phytate prevents
the body from absorbing iron, so it does little good to breed for
increased iron content, and the rice plant cannot reproduce without
adequate phytate in the grains. Scientists hope to be able to find a
gene that will break down phytate when the rice is cooked.
Slow Ripening Fruits
There are many fruits that ripen after picking. After they reach
ripeness, they begin to deteriorate. This is necessary for the life cycle
of the plant, which relies on the sweet and pulpy parts to nourish the
seeds. A ripe fruit literally digests itself.
When this process is rapid, it effectively means that the fruit cannot
be enjoyed out of season, or far from its growing area. For example,
there is a popular Malaysian papaya variety that is unavailable outside
Southeast Asia because it ripens so rapidly that it cannot be shipped
very far. But it is quite easy to genetically engineer a fruit so that it
does not ripen so rapidly. It does not even require a gene from
another organism. Instead, a gene involved in the ripening process is
copied with the message in reverse order. This tells the plant to make
the incorrect proteins, so it does not make the proteins that cause the
fruit to ripen. The Malaysian papaya has been transformed in this
way and therefore a slow ripening variety will soon be available.
The very first genetic engineered plant to be commercially developed
as a whole food was a slow ripening tomato, a variety called FlavR
Savr. It was developed by Calgene, Inc. Because it could remain on
store shelves for a long time, it could be left on the tomato plant until
optimally ripe, and therefore the FlavR Savr tomatoes sold at a higher
price when compared to other tomatoes.
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Reduced Need for Fertilizers
One way that farmers get more crops is by providing their plants with
sources of nitrogen. These can be provided either by applying
chemical nitrates, or by using manures and decaying vegetation as
sources of the same nutrients.
Nitrogen is the largest part of the atmosphere, about 80%. It may
seem weird that unfertilized plants could suffer from a nitrogen
deficiency with so much nitrogen in the atmosphere, but it is not
available in the form they need. Of living things, only certain bacteria
have evolved a way to convert nitrogen from a gas to a solid. Plants
can only use solid nitrogen.
But some plants, primarily legumes (peas and beans), have a symbiotic
(work together) relationship with these nitrogen-fixing (able to change
nitrogen from a gas to a solid) bacteria. The plants provide places on
their roots that protect the nitrogen-fixing bacteria, which then enrich
the soil around those roots. These places are called rhizospheres. Not
only does this permit the legumes to grow without nitrate
fertilization, but it also makes the soil fertile for other plants growing
in the same soil later. Scientists hope to be able to transfer the genes
that make rhizospheres to other crops. If successful, the need for
fertilizers would be dramatically reduced.
Virus Resistant Crops
Some plant viruses are spread by insects. Plants can be protected
from those viruses by using insecticides or other pest management
methods. There is essentially nothing else that a farmer can do to
protect his crop from virus damage, except to grow a different crop.
But genetic engineering a plant to protect it from a particular kind of
virus is quite easy. A gene from the virus that encodes a protein in the
virus' outer coat is copied into the plant's DNA. The plant then makes
the coat protein, which is harmless, but which stimulates the plant's
natural defenses. Virus resistance traits have been introduced into
many crops, including squashes, tomatoes, potatoes, tobacco and,
perhaps most dramatically papaya. It is almost like a vaccine, but it is
IN the plant’s DNA.
More from the Sun
Plants take the energy from sunlight and use it to make sugar from
carbon dioxide and water. This is photosynthesis. When it comes to
photosynthesis, corn is an overachiever. Corn plants make more
sugar per unit of sunlight than any of the other grains. Scientists have
transferred three of corn's photosynthesis genes into a rice plant.
Early indications are that the transformed rice is more productive
than the regular rice, but tests are still being done.
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A more important potential application may be the development of
very fast growing trees. If global warming cannot be prevented by
adding less carbon dioxide to the atmosphere, by burning less coal
and oil, the only alternative is to depend on processes that remove it.
Number one on that list is growing new trees. Anything that makes
agriculture more efficient can make more land available for growing
trees. Anything that makes those trees grow faster removes more
carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
For many environmentalists, preventing global warming is the highest
priority. But proposed measures to restrict burning fossil fuels have
encountered fierce political resistance. Opponents claim that such
restrictions would be cost too much money, and would cost people
their jobs, their comfort, and their prosperity. By contrast, nobody
loses anything if carbon dioxide is removed from the atmosphere by
growing new trees.
Toxic Soils
Some soils are poor for plant growth because their mineral content is
toxic, or poisonous. High aluminum content is the most common
problem, especially in acidic soils. But it has been possible to identify
a few genes that enable some plants to take aluminum compounds
from soil and store them harmlessly in their leaves.
Recently, Florida scientists discovered a type of fern that can extract
arsenic from the soil, although they do not yet know how the fern
does this. But other teams have identified genes that can enable
plants to remove cadmium, zinc, and mercury from soils. By
transferring such genes to fast growing plants, it should be possible to
clean up some toxic soils in much the same way as we can use
bacteria to clean up some oil spills.
Salty Soil
A much larger problem is salt-contaminated soil caused by irrigation.
Rainwater is very pure, but water borrowed from rivers contains some
dissolved salt. Over many years of irrigation, the salt accumulates.
But water cannot get from soil to roots if the soil water is saltier than
the water inside the cell. In fact, water goes the other way, from
plant to soil, and the plant dies.
A gene was identified in a relative of cabbage. This gene enables the
plant to pump salt from the soil into an isolated part of a cell, called a
vacuole, where it is stored without harm to the plant. When salt is
thus removed from the soil around the roots the plant can then take
up the less salty water. The salt-tolerance gene was experimentally
transferred to a tomato plant, where a control gene keeps it turned
on all the time. The resulting tomato plant is able to grow well in salty
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soils. Happily, the fruit is not high in salt, but the plant's stems, leaves and roots are loaded with salt,
so after the growing season the plant parts could be shipped elsewhere, making the soil become less
salty each year. It is one more case of an environmental problem that can be solved by gene transfer.
Better Use of Water
A recent innovation is a plant intended not for food but for quality control. It contains a gene derived
from a glowing jellyfish. When these plants experience a lack of water, they literally glow in the dark.
The farmer then knows that the crop must be watered or whether irrigation can be postponed.
In the western U. S. water is scarce. Agriculture is the biggest user of water. Wasting water is
intolerable. This is another way that GMO’s can benefit the environment.
What questions do you have about genetic modifications after reading this article?
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