File - Ms. Murray`s Website

Summer work 2015 p.1
Algebra 2 Honors Summer Assignment 2015
Welcome to Honors Algebra 2! You are required to complete this assignment over
the summer. It is due on the first day of class. No excuses! 10% will be
deducted from your grade per day that it is late. There will be a TEST on this
material on the SECOND day of class. Some important points about this
assignment are:
We will be using Khan Academy this year; it is an on-line learning system
that keeps track of your progress. It is dynamic, interesting, and
Just because the content is delivered on the computer does not mean that
you are not supposed to use pencil and paper to figure out the problems.
You will keep your notes and solved problems in a spiral notebook or
binder which I will check on the first day of school. Each section should
be labeled with the topic and I should see a reasonable amount of work for
each topic.
On Khan Academy, I can see your progress and how much time you have
spent on this assignment; if you are not at least at the “Practiced” level of a
topic, you will not get credit for it.
I recommend that you begin this assignment early in the summer. Suggested
completion dates are shown on the topic list. Do not wait until the last
If you are having difficulty, my email is I will check it
at least once per week.
This assignment counts as a 100-point Homework grade.
Use this handout as the first page of your summer work notebook. You must
return the signed statement below on the first day of school:
I certify that this is my own work and I understand that in order to be
successful in Honors Algebra 2, I must understand the material presented and
practiced on Khan Academy.
Student signature:______________________________________________
Summer work 2015 p.2
Get Started!
First, setup your account for Honors Algebra 2:
Step 1: Go to using Google Chrome as your browser.
Step 2: In the top right hand corner of the screen click the Green Log In button. This
will bring you to a new screen (even if you do not have an account click the button).
Step 3: **If you have an account, type in your user name and password and go to
Step 4.
**If you DO NOT have an account, you will need to create one. Click the
green “Start Learning now” button.
Follow all of the steps to create an account; you will need to verify your email address
before you can start. Once you have verified your email, please log in to Khan Academy
and go to Step 4.
Step 4: On the top of the page you will see a bunch of options, as shown below:
Click the Coaches option
Summer work 2015 p.3
Step 5: On the next page you should see the image below. Under “Add a coach” please
type in HRWE4N ; this will assign me, Ms. Murray, as your coach and I will be able
to see your progress on the assignments.
Welcome to the 21st Century classroom!!
What do you need to do next?
When you log in to Khan Academy, take the Pre-Test, if you haven’t already done so.
Take it seriously so that you won’t be practicing things you already know. Your mission
should be set to Algebra 1. You can’t get credit for practice unless you take the Pre-Test.
When you log on to Khan Academy you will see your dashboard similar to that shown
below: (You won’t see Mastery Challenges until you have done some practice!)
Summer work 2015 p.4
After taking the Pre-test, click on the Learn tab at the top left of the screen, then Math,
then Algebra 1. You will see this:
Khan Academy offers both videos and activities. Videos have a play button
activities have a star button . The topics available are shown on the right of the screen
above. I have listed the ones you are required to complete on the attached checklist in
Bold. When you click on the topic, it will direct you to a page of sub-topics, which are
listed as well. There is one required video: Origins of Algebra. Complete each
of the activities on the attached checklist. Watch additional videos if you need to
review a topic. You must be practiced in every skill to get full credit for this assignment.
Record your notes and work in your notebook!
This is an activity on “Equations with
An example is shown below:
variables on both sides” that you are
required to practice. If you do not get
any of the questions right or are
struggling a bit then you should stop
and watch the video(s). Then practice
the skill again.
The star will turn blue when you are practiced in the activity, which helps you keep track
of your progress. You can also use the “Progress” option on the dashboard and the
checklist on the next pages.
Summer work 2015 p.5
Mission Checklist – Algebra 1 review - Remember to keep your notes and solved problems
in a spiral notebook or binder which I will check on the first day of school.
Introduction to Algebra
Origins of Algebra Video – Take notes!
Linear Equations
Equations with variables on both sides
Understanding the process for solving linear equations
Solving Equations in terms of a variable
Age word problems
Absolute value equations
Multistep Equations with Distribution
Expressions with unknown variables
Equation Practice: Summing integers
Linear Inequalities
Multi-step linear inequalities
Compound inequalities
- Recommended completion by July 15 -
Two variable linear equations and introduction to functions
Checking solutions to two variable linear equations
Graphing solutions to two variable linear equations
Intercepts from a graph
Intercepts from a linear equation
Slope intuition
Slope from a graph
Slope from two solutions
Slope from an equation in slope-intercept form
Graph from slope-intercept equation
Slope intercept equation from a graph
Point-slope form
Converting between slope-intercept and standard form
Evaluating functions
Views of a function
Interpreting linear formulas word problems
Constructing linear functions word problems
- Recommended completion by August 1 -
Summer work 2015 p.6
Writing function rules from equations
Interpreting function notation in context
Domain and Range from graph
Recognizing functions from graphs
Evaluating piecewise functions
Domain and Range of piecewise functions
Finding average rate of change
Systems of linear equations
Solving systems of equations graphically
Solving systems of linear equations with elimination 1
Solving systems of linear equations with elimination 2
Solving systems of linear equations with substitution
Solving systems of two linear equations
Systems of linear equations word problems
Two variables linear inequalities
Finding the inequality representing the graph
Graphing systems of inequalities and checking solutions
- Recommended completion by August 15 -
Introduction to polynomials and quadratic factorization
Multiplying binomials by binomials
Multiplying binomials by polynomials
Finding special products of binomials(basic)
Greatest Common Factor
Factoring polynomials by taking a common factor
Factoring Quadratics with a leading coefficient of 1
Factoring Quadratics with a leading coefficient other than 1
Making use of structure: Factoring polynomials with quadratic forms
Factoring simple special products
Factoring difference of squares
- Assignment completed by September 1 -
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Have a great summer and I will see you in September!