Moore 1 Emily Moore Irving Litofsky FSCI500 October 14, 2013 Trace DNA Analysis Introduction The advent of DNA analysis in the mid-1980’s revolutionized the field of forensic science. Until the development of DNA profiling, fingerprints had been the gold standard in forensic identification. Since its genesis, researchers have continually developed new methods to improve the quality of DNA profiles as well as techniques to obtain profiles from smaller and smaller amounts of DNA. DNA found in its smallest quantities is known as trace DNA. Trace DNA analysis describes the methods and procedures for collecting, preserving, and analyzing DNA recovered from a crime scene in very minute quantities. Although the terminology is sometimes used interchangeably, trace DNA analysis can be further classified into two different types – touch DNA analysis and low copy number (LCN) DNA analysis. History of DNA Analysis DNA molecules are long chains composed of millions of units called nucleotides. There are four different nucleotide bases (adenine, guanine, cytosine, and thymine) that combine in different sequences to encode the information for cell division, protein synthesis, and controlling cellular processes. The earliest method for creating a DNA Moore 2 profile used non-coding regions of DNA that contained consecutive repeating sequences of 10 to 100 nucleotides (Houck and Siegel 263). The number of times that a particular sequence repeats itself differs greatly between individuals, so the regions, or loci, that contain these repeating units are termed variable number tandem repeats (VNTR). Dr. Alec Jeffreys discovered that adding enzymes, called restriction enzymes, to a sample of DNA would result in different size fragments depending on a person’s genetic make up. Restriction enzymes are specialized proteins that cut DNA at a particular sequence. Due to the fact that individuals have variable numbers of nucleotides in between the regions cut by the restriction enzymes, the length of the fragments are highly variable and can be used to identify people or match crime scene DNA to that of a victim or suspect. The differences in fragment lengths are called restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLP). RFLP analysis begins with DNA extraction. The DNA must be separated from the cells and isolated for analysis. Restriction enzymes then cut the DNA at particular sequences, resulting in numerous fragments of different lengths. Next, gel electrophoresis separates the fragments by size. The DNA sample is then loaded into one end of a slab of agarose or polyacrylamide gel, and an electrical current is run through the gel. DNA molecules have a negative charge and are attracted to the positively charged cathode at the opposite end of the gel. As they move through the gel matrix, smaller fragments will move more easily through the pores in the gel while the larger pieces of DNA get trapped by the gel and move slower. As a result, a banding pattern will emerge in the gel, with each band representing DNA fragments of different lengths. The fragments that migrate Moore 3 the farthest are the smallest fragments, and those that travel the least distance are the largest. Once the VNTRs are separated according to size, additional measures are taken in order to visualize the banding pattern. Analysts use a technique called Southern blotting to transfer the DNA fragments from the gel onto a nylon membrane (Houck and Siegel 264). Once stabilized and fixed onto the nylon membrane, probes are added to locate and visualize the invisible bands of DNA. Each of the four nucleotide bases (adenine, guanine, thymine, and cytosine) will only form a bond with one other base. Adenine and thymine always bond together and cytosine and guanine always bond together. The probes are short pieces of DNA consisting of complementary nucleotides that can form a bond with the VNTRs. Single locus probes allow visualization of one VNTR at a time, but Jeffries originally used multi-locus probes that were capable of binding several different VNTR sites simultaneously (NFSTC). Unbound probes are washed off the membrane with a suitable solvent before the DNA is visualized. Probes can be radioactively labeled and used to develop photographic or x-ray film, or they can be tagged by chemicals that will react with a chemiluminescent substrate to produce a visible glow in the location of the DNA bands. While historically important for generating the earliest DNA profiles used in criminal investigations, modern crime laboratories rarely use RFLP analysis of VNTRs. The procedure is extremely laborious and time-consuming. Additionally, radioactive probes are hazardous to the health and safety of laboratory technicians (although this problem can be avoided by using chemiluminescent probes instead). The main disadvantage, however, is that large samples of un-degraded DNA are necessary to obtain Moore 4 results. Modern techniques have been developed to detect smaller quantities of DNA and even generate profiles from old or partially degraded DNA samples. In 1983, Kary Mullis developed a method for making additional copies of DNA, called polymerase chain reaction (PCR) (Houck and Siegel 267). The ability to make millions or billions of copies of a DNA molecule in a relatively short period of time revolutionized not only forensic DNA analysis, but the field of molecular biology as well. Whereas RFLP analysis only works on large samples of un-degraded DNA, PCR-based methods for DNA analysis (including trace DNA analysis) can take small, even minute samples and amplify them until there is sufficient DNA material for analysis. In the late 1990,’s DNA analysis underwent another major transition. Molecular biologists discovered DNA sequences similar to VNTRs, but consisting of smaller repeating segments known as short tandem repeats (STRs). STRs have consecutive repeating units of only 2 to 6 base pairs. Although not as discriminatory as RFLPs, their short lengths and the number of available loci made STRs ideal for amplification and analysis by PCR (NFSTC). Additionally, three or more STRs could be analyzed simultaneously, a method called multiplexing, saving time and making analysis much more efficient. According to Bill Tilstone, the Director of Instructional Technology and Education for the National Forensic Science Technology Center, “STR analysis is the current method of choice for DNA testing in crime laboratories and yields results that are nearly equivalent to individualization” (NFSTC). Although there are many modifications to address different issues that can arise during DNA analysis, the basic steps for STR PCR DNA profiling are the same. The first step is to extract and quantitate the DNA from the source cells. In order to extract the Moore 5 DNA from the cells, different chemicals are applied to denature and hydrolyze proteins. This breaks them apart, helping to release the DNA and allowing them to be removed from solution. Additional chemicals are added to prevent enzymes present in the cell, called nucleases, from digesting the DNA and destroying it. Once the DNA has been isolated from the denatured proteins and additional cellular debris, it is purified to remove inhibitors that could disrupt amplification by PCR and then concentrated if necessary. Quantitation is subsequently required to determine the amount or concentration of DNA. This is an important step to in ensure quality assurance and is most often accomplished by quantitative PCR (qPCR). Quantitative PCR uses fluorescent dyes and monitors their intensity for each PCR cycle. Because DNA is replicated exponentially, nearly doubling each cycle, the original quantity can be extrapolated by determining the cycle number when the fluorescent intensity exceeds a defined threshold. This method is accurate, precise, efficient, and specific to human DNA (NFSTC). Other commonly used methods of quantitation include yield gels, spectrophotometry, fluorometry, slot blot hybridization, and commercial kits such as AluQuant™ (NFSTC). Amplification, the second step in a basic STR DNA analysis, is accomplished by PCR, “an enzymatic process similar to DNA replication in cells” (NFSTC). Each cycle doubles the original amount of DNA and the resulting products are referred to as amplicons. During the first stage of PCR, the DNA is heated to a temperature that will separate the two strands and form single-stranded DNA. The DNA is then cooled so that primers can anneal, or attach themselves to the DNA in a region near the targeted STR. Adding more than one primer and targeting multiple STRs at the same time is referred to Moore 6 as multiplexing. This is done in the laboratory to save time and increase the efficiency of DNA analyses. Once the primers anneal, the temperature is then raised again, and an enzyme called Taq polymerase adds the complementary base pairs to the single-stranded DNA template, forming a new molecule of identical DNA sometimes referred to as an amplicon. Taq polymerase is different from the polymerase found in humans. It is from a bacterium, Thermus aquaticus, that lives in an extremely warm environment. This makes Taq polymerase capable of withstanding the drastic temperature changes during each cycle of PCR without degrading. As few as 30 cycles can generate approximately1 billion amplicons, each containing a copy of the target DNA sequence (NFSTC). Once the target STRs have been amplified, they are separated by capillary electrophoresis. Capillary electrophoresis works on the same basic principles as gel electrophoresis, but small capillary tubes, through which the DNA travels at different speeds depending on size and charge, replace the gel slabs. The capillaries are “hollow fused silica tube[s] with an internal diameter of 50-100 µm and 25-75cm in length” (NFSTC). Capillary electrophoresis has gained popularity in modern crime labs and is used for analyzing gun shot residues, explosive residues, drug samples, and pen inks, in addition to DNA. DNA samples are introduced into the capillary by electrokinetic injection. This occurs when the capillary is submerged in the sample and negatively charged DNA particles move in the tube via an electromotive force. Sample stacking concentrates the DNA fragments inside the tube, improving the efficiency and electrophoretic resolution. As with gel electrophoresis, an electric field acts on the DNA particles, moving them from the source vial, through the capillary, towards the positively charged cathode. Along Moore 7 the way, the fragments (each containing a different STR) separate according to size. Smaller fragments move more quickly through the capillary while larger fragments remain in the capillary longer. As the fragments move through the capillary, they eventually pass through a detector. Fragments containing different STRs are labeled with fluorescent dyes prior to entering the capillary electrophoresis instrument. The detector operates by shining a laser onto the sample, causing the dyes to become excited. The light that they emit is measured spectroscopically and the intensity of the fluorescence is recorded in relative fluorescent units (RFUs). RFUs versus time are plotted on a graph called an electropherogram. The time correlates to the size of the fragments (with the shortest fragments reaching the detector first), and the RFUs correlate to the amount of DNA present (larger amounts of DNA have more RFUs). Analysis of the electropherograms is done with the use of computer software and interpreted by an experienced DNA analyst. DNA fragments are sized by comparing them to internal size standards, DNA pieces of known fragment length, which are run through the capillary at the same time as the evidence DNA. Genotypes, which describe the genetic make up of the alleles, are determined at each STR locus based on the length of the fragments. One peak on an electropherogram at a particular locus indicates that a person is homozygous for that STR, meaning that the genetic code for that locus is the same on each of the two matching chromosomes on which it is found. Two separate peaks at a particular locus indicate two different alleles on the corresponding chromosomes. Thirteen loci and amelogin are analyzed in a typical DNA electropherogram and compared to population frequencies for each allele at each locus. The possible combinations of different alleles at each locus are so varied that they can Moore 8 individualize a person with an extremely high degree of certainty. Depending on the number of alleles and loci that match, the probability that any person other than the suspect would share the same DNA profile can be small enough to assume individuality. Current Uses and Improvements Made for Trace DNA Analysis Improvements in methods of extraction and amplification of DNA samples have allowed analysis on tiny amounts of DNA, called trace DNA. Extraction techniques have become sensitive to smaller and smaller quantities of DNA. The target quantity of DNA for most commercial kits that analyze the 13 loci used in the Combined DNA Index System (CODIS) and amelogin is approximately 1 nanogram (NFSTC). Organic extraction is the preferred method for isolating DNA from biological samples in most forensic crime laboratories. Organic extraction involves dissolving a sample or biological stain in deionized water mixed with ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) and a buffer solution. The EDTA prevents nucleases from breaking down and destroying the target DNA, and the buffer helps to weaken the cell membrane so the DNA can pass through (NFSTC). Denaturation and hydrolysis of proteins in organic extraction is accomplished by the addition of a detergent, proteinase K, and dithiothreitol (DTT). The detergent serves to destroy and fragment the cell membrane and separate the DNA from histone proteins that bind it together. The detergent also causes the proteins to lose their shape, decreasing their ability to dissolve in water and making it easier to separate them from the DNA. Proteinase K and DTT further degrade the histone proteins, freeing the DNA. Moore 9 The DNA is separated from the denatured proteins by the addition of a mixture of phenol, chloroform, and isoamyl alcohol. The phenol is immiscible with water, which means that the two will not mix. Instead, phenol forms a layer on top of the aqueous solution containing the DNA. The proteins become trapped in the organic layer, the phenol, and the aqueous solution containing the DNA can be removed and purified. Purification involves multiple steps, and it attempts to removes any remaining contaminants, especially PCR inhibitors that may coelute with the DNA. Reducing inhibitors is especially important when dealing with very small or trace quantities of DNA. Analysts want to maximize the amplification by PCR to prevent extraneous peaks, missing alleles, and incomplete profiles that cannot be analyzed. Large samples of contaminated DNA can simply be diluted with additional solvent, thereby reducing the concentration of inhibitors while retaining enough DNA to obtain a full profile. With trace quantities of DNA, bovine serum albumin (BSA) is frequently used to stabilize the DNA and reduce inhibition by compounds found naturally in body fluids (hemin from blood, for example). Samples may also be re-extracted to purify the DNA sample using “Chelex resin, phenol chloroform, Thiopropyl Sepharose 6B (Sigma) extraction beads, or magnetic beads (DNA IQ™)” (NFSTC). New methods employed during PCR may also help to increase the yield of product DNA and help to prevent the loss or uneven replication of certain alleles. Increasing the amount of Taq polymerase may increase the yield and minimize the effects of inhibitors. Shorter primers, called mini primers, have been shown to attach better in some situations. Additionally, primers designed to attach closer to the STR region can Moore 10 improve success of PCR for degraded samples and help to counter the effects of inhibitors. According to research conducted by Ray Wickenheiser in 2002, full DNA profiles can often be obtained from trace samples as small as 100 picograms of purified DNA, an amount far below the recommended one nanogram (445). Each cell in the human body contains approximately 5 picograms of DNA, so full profiles can sometimes be obtained from as few as 20 cells. Considering that “the average human being [sheds] approximately 400,000 skin cells daily,” DNA analysis from touched objects has become a reality in the last decade (Wickenheiser 445). This type of trace DNA analysis is often referred to as “touch DNA.” Wickenheiser claims that using standard laboratory procedures without modification, “a trace DNA profile is obtained for approximately 30 to 50% of exhibits tested” (445). Wickenheiser reports that full profiles have been recovered from epithelial cells deposited on touched objects from crime scenes ranging from the ordinary (ex. firearms, knife handles, steering wheels, cigarette butts) to the unexpected (ex. Contact lens found in a vacuum cleaner, shoelaces, machined washed blue jeans, urine in snow, and various food items). One of the most important considerations in recovering sufficient touch DNA to result in a complete profile is knowing where to swab and in which order different areas of an object should be swabbed. Logic dictates that evidence collectors would want to swab areas that are most likely to have been touched, such as the handle of a knife or the gear shifter in a car, but it is not always that simple. Often times, it may be necessary to swab different areas of a single object separately to avoid mixed profiles. For example, in a murder case where the victim was strangled by an electric cord, separating the cord into Moore 11 zones aided investigators in identifying a suspect. As would be expected, the area of the cord that had been wrapped around the victim’s neck yielded an electropherogram representative of the victim’s DNA with the suspect’s DNA present only as a minor profile. Sampling the zones furthest from the center prevented the suspect’s DNA from being masked by the victim’s and yielded a profile for the offender (Wickenheiser 444). Another important factor that evidence collector’s must consider is the order in which they swab various zones. On an object that could potentially have multiple sources of DNA, this is very important. Wickenheiser suggests an approach that categorizes different types of evidence based on their relative quantities of DNA. Category I evidence includes rich sources of DNA, such as tissue samples or semen. Categories II and III contain evidence with intermediate relative amounts. Evidence classified as Category IV contains only small traces, such as handled objects or clothing. When processing a piece of evidence such as a gun with blood and tissue present from blowback, Wickenheiser recommends processing areas such as the handle or trigger first to attempt to collect DNA from Category IV areas before they may be contaminated by DNA from lower category areas (447). Low copy number (LCN) DNA analysis is similar to touch DNA analysis in that it deals with very small samples of DNA, less than 200 picograms. Sometimes the terms are used interchangeably, but there is a distinct difference between the two methods of trace DNA analysis. Emily Head, a scientist employed by the Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF) laboratory in Beltsville, MD specializes in touch DNA analysis. According to Head and various other sources, “LCN describes techniques that are done post-extraction to increase your yield” whereas touch DNA analysis simply describes the Moore 12 analysis of DNA left on a surface without significant modifications to standard procedures. The ATF laboratory does not perform LCN analysis because (as will be discussed in the research below), LCN analysis of the profiles often generates difficult and unreliable data. Regardless of the debate over its validity, many forensic laboratories currently perform LCN analysis. They employ various techniques to try to increase the yield of DNA post-extraction. One of the simplest ways that laboratories accomplish this is by increasing the number of PCR cycles. Each cycle doubles the number of amplicons, and the sample is increased exponentially. By raising the number of cycles from between 28 and 30, which is the standard, to 34 and above, more copies can be produced (Gill 229). Sometimes, additional Taq polymerase is added after 28 cycles to replace any that may have begun to degrade from repeated exposure to rapid heating and cooling (van Oorschot et al. 6). Another method that attempts to increase the yield during PCR is the use of primers made from “synthetic nucleotides with stronger binding capabilities than standard nucleotides” (van Oorschot et al. 6). These primers may be more effective at binding to the template strands and providing the starting point for Taq polymerase to elongate the chain and form the new amplicon. Whole genome amplification (WGA) is a method for copying the entire sample of DNA, rather than just the sequences that contain the STRs of interest. Employing WGA allows the scientist to increase the amount of the complete DNA sample, “producing hundreds of nanograms form picogram input amounts” (van Oc et al. 7). Once the entire genome has been amplified, a second round of PCR can amplify the specific target Moore 13 sequences that contain the STRs for analysis by capillary electrophoresis. Additional modifications to PCR to try to increase yield in LCN samples may include reducing the volume of PCR, thereby increasing the concentration of DNA template, using different DNA polymerases, or adding BSA. LCN methods also include post-amplification techniques for purifying and manipulating the amplified product before STRS are separated and detected by capillary electrophoresis. Filtration, silica gel membranes, and enzymatic hydrolysis will “[remove] salts, ions, and unused [deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates (dNTPS)] and primers from the [PCR] reaction” (van Oorschot et al. 8). Concentrating the solution containing the PCR amplicons allows for more efficiency and greater amounts of DNA loaded into the capillary for analysis. Scientists can further increase this amount by increasing “the time or voltage, or both, of the electrokinetic injection” (van Oc et al. 8). Once loaded into the capillary electrophoresis instrument, dyes that are capable of higher intensity fluorescence can aid in the detection of minute quantities of trace DNA, visualizing peaks on the electropherogram that may otherwise have been below the threshold for detection. Current Research Research indicates that touch DNA may yield usable profiles even from objects that have been handled by more than one person, such as the steering wheel of a car with multiple drivers. The epithelial cells deposited on an object are not fixed firmly to the object, but rest lightly to the surface. When an object is touched, skin cells containing DNA from the “previous contributor will often be replaced by subsequent contact by a second individual” (Wickenheiser 449). One case cited by Wickenheiser discusses an Moore 14 armed robber who entered a bank and wrote a hold-up note using a pen from the bank teller counter. Numerous bank customers had used the pen previously. When swabbed and analyzed for touch DNA, the sample produced a mixed profile, but the suspect’s DNA was the major contributor and was “easily separated from a number of minor trace profiles” (444). A separate study was conducted to determine whether touch DNA could be deposited on a surface by secondary transfer. Secondary transfer would occur if a person touched an object that contained DNA from a previous contributor and acted as a vector to move that DNA to a second object. This would create issues for forensic investigators if DNA found at a crime scene may have arrived on an object by means of secondary transfer; it would imply that a person who may not have been present or had no contact with the particular object had been at the crime scene or touched the object personally. While research shows that secondary transfer is possible, it is not a concern for criminal investigations. When secondary transfer occurs, the vector individual will deposit far more DNA than the transferred sample and would clearly be the dominant profile if analysis results in a mixed profile (Wickenheiser 449). Full profiles with peaks from only a single donor are most likely to be obtained from larger samples of DNA. Research shows that a variety of factors influence the amount of touch DNA that can be recovered from an object. Forensic scientists have demonstrated that the length of time that the substrate is in contact with the donor has no impact on the amount of DNA recovered. Transfer seems to be instantaneous and is not increased by longer handling times. Two factors that have been shown to contribute are the individual touching the object and the surface texture of the substrate. Some Moore 15 individuals naturally shed more cells than others. These individuals leave larger numbers of epithelial cells on a surface and are called “sloughers.” Individuals who are poor donors, leaving fewer cells on touched objects are “non-sloughers” (Wickenheiser 446). Sufficient amounts of trace DNA for analysis are most likely to be found on rough, porous substrates. Their surface texture is conducive to dislodging and trapping epithelial cells. Smooth, porous objects (which are generally the best substrates for fingerprint recovery) do not adhere cells as readily. Numerous validation studies have been published evaluating methods to try to obtain profiles from LCN samples. Many issues that have been identified and will need to be addressed in future research. One of the issues identified by Bruce Budowle in a 2009 study is stochastic amplification. When the starting sample of DNA is too low, “primer binding may not occur equally for each allele at a locus during the first few cycles” (210). As PCR progresses and the DNA sample is amplified exponentially, the end result is that certain alleles are amplified more than others, giving an unbalanced final product. This is stochastic amplification and it can cause numerous other effects, including allele drop out, heterozygous peak imbalance, and stutter. Allele drop out occurs when “a sample is typed and one or more alleles are not present” (NFSTC). As a result, no peak for that allele will appear on the resulting electropherogram. An individual who is heterozygous for a particular locus will appear to be homozygous if one of the alleles does not appear on the electropherogram, which leads to ambiguity in interpretation of the graph. Furthermore, if the amount of amplified DNA is too minute to pass the threshold of detection, there may be no peaks detected at all. Moore 16 Theoretically, the two alleles for a particular locus should be present in equal amounts because each allele is represented once in the genome; therefore, ideally, the two peaks for a heterozygous locus should be the same height. In reality, this is not always the case and two peaks are generally considered heterozygous if the height of the smaller peak is at least 70% of the height of the larger peak (NFSTC). Stochastic effects resulting from the unbalanced replication of small or degraded DNA samples frequently lead to much greater imbalances and debate over how such peaks should be interpreted. Stutter is “a by-product of the amplification of STR loci whereby a minor product one repeat smaller than the primary allele is generated” (NFSTC). When utilizing LCN methods and increasing the number of PCR cycles with small or degraded samples, replication becomes less efficient and can result in numerous stutter peaks, which correspond to lengths that do not accurately reflect any of the STRs. Not only does this make analysis more difficult, but some stutter peaks may become so amplified that they “may actually exceed the height/area of the associated allelic peak” (Budowle 212). These stutters are sometimes referred to a “false alleles” because they indicate the presence of an allele that is not actually present at the particular STR locus (Gill 230). In addition to the concerns about stochastic effects, many validation studies also refer to the fact that in trace quantities of DNA, very small amounts of contamination may have a major impact on the results of an analysis. DNA from contamination may be amplified along with the crime sample, resulting in peaks on the electropherogram that should not be associated with the crime scene sample. These peaks are often referred to as “allele drop-ins” (Budowle 213). Additionally, with extremely small samples, there is Moore 17 often insufficient material to repeat the analysis to check for contamination, bringing up quality control concerns. LCN typing is not without its value. It can be very useful “for developing investigative leads” and “in the identification of human remains” (Budowle 215). These are situations where low quality profiles can provide limited information that may assist investigators. Due to its low success rate and the high risk of stochastic effects and contamination, it is not strong evidence to unequivocally link a suspect to a case. Future Applications Trace DNA analysis is already a valuable forensic tool, but better education and training for the collection and preservation of trace DNA and modification of current latent print processing procedures will increase the amount of DNA available for laboratory analysis. In addition, development of technology for improving the efficiency of PCR for trace samples and the statistical analysis of mixed or incomplete profiles will advance the science in the next few years. Research has already identified techniques that collect and preserve the highest yields of DNA and minimize the chances of obtaining a mixed profile. Crime scene investigators, whether sworn officers or civilian evidence technicians, must receive more instruction on proper sampling and preservation of trace DNA samples. This should include training on swabbing different zones separately to avoid mixed profiles, and swabbing in order of areas that likely contain the least DNA to areas with a greater probability of having DNA rich evidence. As the courts continue to rely on the value of Moore 18 DNA evidence and the technology continues to improve, the attention generated by high profile cases and breakthroughs will publicize the need for training. Recent success in obtaining trace DNA from fingerprints may have a major impact on the way fingerprints are processed, both at the crime scene and the lab. Fingerprint powders are commonly used to visualize latent prints on evidence at the crime scene, but their application with a brush sweeps away epithelial cells that could be loosely attached to the fingerprint residue. Alternative methods that are non-destructive have been identified and may replace destructive methods so that both fingerprint and DNA evidence may be recovered. For example, trace DNA profiles can be generated even after prints have been visualized by cyanoacrylate fuming and vacuum metal deposition (Wickenheiser 446). Research completed at the Department of Forensic Services in Washington, D.C. in the summer of 2013 demonstrated that both full and partial profiles were generated after lifting latent fingerprints with gel lifters and then swabbing and analyzing the DNA according to standard operating procedures (Cook). Further research and development is necessary to maximize the potential of methods that visualize latent prints without preventing subsequent touch DNA analysis of the same substrate. Improvements to the PCR process will also improve the quality and quantity of product amplified from trace amounts of DNA, reducing stochastic effects and increasing the probability of generating high quality, complete profiles. In addition, just as STRs were an improvement over RFLPs, even smaller sequences known as single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) may improve trace DNA analysis. SNPs look at variation at a single point in the DNA code, requiring only very small portions of DNA to be amplified. Moore 19 New fluorescent dyes or other markers will also lower the detection threshold, and counter the effects of allele dropout. Lastly, future research will aid analysts in interpreting mixed and partial profiles. Analysts need an appropriate statistical model for determining the probative value of a mixed profile or a trace DNA profile that shows evidence of allele drop-out, allele dropin, stutter, and heterozygous peak imbalance. Although these profiles will never be considered as valuable as a profile showing clear peaks at all loci, their evidentiary value may increase if analysts could speak with more certainty to the strength of the correlation between a suspect and a partial profile. Moore 20 Works Cited Budowle, Bruce, Arthur J. Eisenberg, and Angela van Daal. “Validity of Low Copy Number Typing and Applications to Forensic Science.” Croatian Medical Journal (2009): 207-217 Cook, Diamond. “Recovery of Touch DNA from Fingerprints on Gel Lifts.” Master’s thesis, University of Strathclyde, 2013 Gill, Peter. “Application of Low Copy Number DNA Profiling.” Croatian Medical Journal 42.3 (2001): 229-232. Web. 02 Oct 2013. Head, Emily. “Forensics Talk.” Message to author. 22 Aug. 2013. Email. National Forensic Science Technology Center. President’s DNA Initiative - DNA Analyst Training. Web. 16 Oct. 2013 van Oorschot, Roland, Kaye Ballantyne, and R John Mitchell. “Forensic trace DNA: a review.” Investigative Genetics (2010): 1-17. Web. 02 Oct 2013. Wikenheiser, Ray. “Trace DNA: A Review, Discussion of Theory, and Application of the Transfer of Trace Quantities of DNA Through Skin Contact.” Journal of Forensic Sciences 47.3 (2002): 442-450. Web. 02 Oct 2013.