2008-09 Spring Semester B
Course Instructor
Adam Gordon, O.D., M.P.H.
HPB 507
Tuesdays 1:00-3:00 PM
Thursdays 1:00-3:00 PM agordon@uab.edu
Mondays: 11:00-12:00 N PM
Tuesdays: 8:00-9:00 AM on March 24 th
, April 14 th
, April 28 th
, & May 12 th
Thursdays: 11:00-12:00 N (beginning April 9 th
Room 204
Room 204
Groups C&D
Groups A&B
2 Semester Hours
Required Text
System For Ophthalmic Dispensing, 3 nd
Clifford W. Brooks, O.D.
Irvin M. Borish, O.D., D.O.S.
Butterworth-Heinemann Elsevier, 2007
Recommended Text- for reference only
Clinical Optics, 2 nd
Troy E. Fannin, O.D.
Theodore Grosvenor, O.D., Ph.D.
Butterworth-Heinemann, 1996
Course Objective and Overview
The goal of this course is to introduce the clinical aspects of ophthalmic lenses and optical dispensing. The refractive, prismatic, and magnification effects of ophthalmic lenses will be covered in detail. The laboratory emphasizes proficiency using the lensometer and other instruments to measure single vision, bifocal, and trifocal lenses.
Clinical procedures for fitting spectacle lenses are introduced. Several lab sessions take place in the Optical Services department on the clinic floor. These sessions are designed to introduce you to clinical aspects of frame and lens selection and standard optical measurements for single vision, bifocal, and trifocal lenses.
This course has both a lecture and laboratory component. The lecture portion is worth 60% of the overall course grade and the lab is worth 40%. Both portions
(lecture and lab) must be passed in order to receive a passing course grade.
The lecture portion of this course will have two exams. Both of these exams are valued equally at 30% of the course grade. Lab grading will consist of two skill assessments, each worth 20% of the course grade.
All exams given in this course are secured exams and not intended for release to the class.
The content of a secured exam must not be acquired, received, recreated, shared, copied, or distributed without the instructor’s expressed written permission. Doing so is a direct violation of the Honor Code that governs the actions and responsibilities of students enrolled in the UAB School of Optometry.
Please note: Students will be responsible for all material from class and all assigned readings from the textbook, even if not specifically covered during class time.
Information from the laboratory section can also be included on the lecture portion exams.
Required at all lectures and lab sessions. Unapproved absences will result in lowering of course grade. The student is expected to play an active role in his or her professional education by participating in class discussions, asking questions, and working efficiently in lab activities.
Student Evaluation of Teaching (SET)
It is important that students be given the opportunity to offer constructive feedback on content, delivery, organization, and other aspects of the teaching and learning environment for this course. The intent is to improve the course for those students who will follow. By responding to the questions in the SET evaluation, students are actively participating in the governance of the School of Optometry and in the continuous improvement of its professional curriculum. Because of the importance placed on these
SET evaluations, online submission of the SETs is a requirement for successful completion of this course.
Students are expected to abide by accepted standards of professional conduct and ethical behavior. The School of Optometry has an Honor Code that applies to all educational activities at UAB.
What do I expect from you?
Attend all classes and labs
Read the textbook assignments and attempt to solve appropriate problems in advance of exams. You are responsible for all assigned material, even if time constraints prevent coverage in class
Actively participate in all class and lab activities. I enjoy student questions, and welcome the opportunity to clarify and explain concepts. If you're confused about something, it's likely that other students are also confused.
Use the learning objectives to assist you in preparing for exams
Communicate with instructor if you are having any difficulty
If you are experiencing difficulty, please contact me sufficiently prior to the next scheduled exam. This requires that you keep up with the assigned topics, and that you are familiar with chapter problems and the learning objectives. Please don't wait until the week before an exam to ask for help!
Lecture Schedule
March 16 Monday
March 23 Monday
March 24 Tuesday
April 6 Monday
April 9 Thursday
April 13 Monday
April 16 Thursday
April 20 Monday
April 23 Thursday
April 27 Monday
April 30 Thursday
May 4 Monday
May 7 Thursday
May 11 Monday
May 14 Thursday
May 18 Monday
May 21 Thursday
Finals Week
Segmented multifocals- bifocals and trifocals
Lens fabrication; Rx writing; transposition; lens power
Lensometer; base curves; cylinder form; curvature; sag; thickness
Lens materials; dress & safety eyewear; basic vs. high impact standards
Prism; Prentice’s Rule; decentration;
Prism cont.; boxing system, prism thickness
Exam I??
No Class- Thursday April 30 th !
12 (for review)
13, omit 317-322
6: 92-99
13, omit pp.
16, omit pp.
Same as above
19, 5
Image jump and vertical imbalance 19,
21, omit 513-
21: 491-498 Vertical imbalance, cont.; spectacle magnification; aniseikonia
Exam 2- TBA
Laboratory schedule
Week Dates Topic
1 March 17 Tuesday
March 19 Thursday
2 March 24 Tuesday
March 26 Thursday
3 April 7 Tuesday
April 9 Thursday
4 April 14 Tuesday
April 16 Thursday
No Lab
5 April 21 Tuesday
April 23 Thursday
6 April 28 Tuesday
April 30 Thursday
Lensometry of single-vision and multifocal lenses
Lensometry; Base Curves,
Lens Thickness
Optical Centers, PD, Prism
Reference Point
Skill Assessment Practice
Skill Assessment I
7 May 5 Tuesday
May 7 Thursday
Clinic Attire!
8 May 12 Tuesday
May 14 Thursday
Clinic Attire!
9 May 19 Tuesday
May 21 Thursday
Segmented Multifocals
“Frameology 101”
Frame Characteristics and
Standard frame alignment;
“frame frenzy”
Skill Assessment II
Textbook Reference pp. 92-99 p. 311, 101 pp. 92-99
Ch. 3
Ch. 5
Ch. 1, 2, 4
Ch. 8