Behavioral Intervention Team

Behavioral Intervention Team
Office of Student Life
Jason Modlin
VP for Student Life
919 497-3210
Office of Student Conduct
Adam Wade
Associate Dean for Student Life
919 497-3290
Campus Police & Safety
Chief Jeffrey Linney
919 497-3400
Joel Porter Counseling Center
Fonda Porter
Director of Counseling Services
919 497-3205
What is a behavioral intervention team?
A Behavioral Intervention Team or BIT is a multi-disciplinary group whose purpose is
meeting regularly to support its target audience, in our case primarily students, faculty and
staff, via an established protocol. The team tracks “red flags” over time, detecting patterns,
trends, and disturbances in an individual. The team receives reports of disruptive or
concerning behavior, reviews information gathered and determines the best mechanisms
for support, intervention, warning/notification and response. The team then responds with
resources and coordinates follow-up.
Why do we need a behavioral intervention team?
If Louisburg College is able to help those who are upset, angry, depressed, or troubled in
some way, many problems can be addressed before they rise to the level of a mental health
emergency or a threat. Assessing the behavioral problems of a student, assessing risk
associated with behavior and the best options for intervention and support give Louisburg
College students the best chance for success.
When and how do I file a report?
When you observe or know about behavior that is disruptive or a concerning please use the
BIT Reporting Form, which can be found on the J drive under Shared College Forms.
What is the process?
1) Identify concern or threat. The first step is for YOU, a first responder, to identity the
concern or threat, complete a BIT Report Form and send it electronically to
2) Evaluate the concern or threat. The Behavioral Intervention Team, which includes
the Vice President for Student Life, the Assistant Dean for Student Conduct, the Chief
of Campus Police and Safety, and the Director of Counseling Services, will meet on a
regular basis to evaluate the reports and determine appropriate support and
intervention. Other faculty and/or staff may be utilized when their area of expertise
would be both helpful and appropriate.
3) Intervene. The next step is to take action. This could include counseling, mandated
psychiatric evaluation, voluntary or involuntary withdrawal, temporary suspension
or expulsion.
4) Monitor. The last step is to monitor the plan.
What model is being used?
We have chosen to use the NaBITA (National Behavioral Intervention Team Association)
model, a nationally recognized best practices program.
What about FERPA?
FERPA protects the privacy of students’ educational records. FERPA does not prohibit or in any way
restrict a College employee from sharing what they personally observe. In other words, a College
employee would not violate FERPA by advising the Behavioral Intervention Team of what he or she
saw or heard when directly interacting with a student, when observing a student interact with others,
or when otherwise observing a student’s behavior or demeanor.
In addition, if a Louisburg College faculty member notices disturbing content in a student’s writing or
artwork, the faculty member should refer this to the BIT. Although the student’s writing or artwork
would likely be an educational record protected by FERPA, it authorizes school officials such as
faculty to disclose educational records to other school officials who have legitimate educational
interest in those records, without the student’s consent. Since the BIT is responsible for identifying,
responding to, and supporting at risk students while simultaneously attending to the needs of the
Louisburg College community, in these circumstances, the members of the team would have a
legitimate educational interest in examining the student’s writing or artwork.
Protecting student privacy is a high priority of the BIT. Records and proceedings of the team are kept
confidential and shared only on a “need to know” basis in a manner that is consistent with College
policy and the College’s obligations under applicable law, including FERPA.