6 BREAKFAST Sausage Slider OR Cereal w/ Toast & Jelly Fresh Fruit & Juice LUNCH Hamburger OR Chicken Noodle Soup/Salad/ 2oz Roll OR Yogurt Tray w/ 2oz Roll Broccoli, Vegetation Station Fresh Fruit, Fruit Juice 13 27 BREAKFAST Scrambled Eggs w/Grits Toast OR Cereal w/Toast & Jelly Fruit & Juice LUNCH Chicken Nuggets/Sauce/2oz Roll OR Cheese Ravioli w/ 2oz Roll OR Chili Beans/Salad/2oz Roll Glazed Carrots, Vegetation Station Chilled Fruit, Fruit Juice 14 BREAKFAST Sausage Biscuit OR Cereal w/Toast & Jelly Fruit & Juice LUNCH Chicken Nuggets/Sauce OR Tomato Basil Soup/Salad OR Yogurt Tray 2oz Roll for All Baked Beans, Vegetation Station, Fresh Fruit, Fruit Juice 20 7 BREAKFAST Sausage Slider OR Cereal w/Toast & Jelly Fruit & Juice LUNCH Chicken Sandwich OR Taco Soup/Salad/Nacho chips OR Yogurt Tray 2oz Roll Glazed Carrots, Vegetation Station Fresh Fruit, Fruit Juice BREAKFAST Sausage Biscuit OR Cereal w/Toast & Jelly Fruit & Juice LUNCH BBQ Sandwich OR Chili Beans/Salad/2oz Roll OR Yogurt Tray w/ 2oz Roll French Fries, Vegetation Station Fresh Fruit, Fruit Juice BREAKFAST Sausage Biscuit OR Cereal w/Toast & Jelly Fresh Fruit & Juice LUNCH Hot Dog w/Chili OR Tomato Basil Soup w/2oz Roll OR Yogurt Tray w/ 2oz roll Pintos, Vegetation Chilled Fruit, Juice 15 BREAKFAST Chicken Biscuit OR Cereal w/Toast & Jelly Fruit & Juice LUNCH Cheese Crunchers (no meat-cheese/marinara sauce only) OR Chicken Tortilla Soup/Salad/2oz Roll OR Vegetable Frittata w/2oz Roll Corn, Vegetation Station Chilled Fruit, Fruit Juice 21 BREAKFAST Pillsbury Frudel OR Cereal w/ Toast & Jelly Fruit & Juice LUNCH Beef & Cheese Nachos OR Tomato Basil Soup/Salad/2oz Roll OR Turkey & Cheese Sandwich Lima Beans, Vegetation Station Chilled Fruit, Fruit Juice 28 8 BREAKFAST Scrambled Eggs w/Grits Toast OR Cereal w/Toast & Jelly Fruit & Juice LUNCH Cheese Crunchers (no meat-cheese/marinara sauce only OR Broccoli Cheddar Soup/Salad/2oz Roll OR Chicken Pot Pie w/2oz Roll Broccoli, Vegetation Station Chilled Fruit, Fruit Juice 9 BREAKFAST Pancakes w/Syrup OR Cereal w/Toast & Jelly Fruit & Juice LUNCH Roasted Chicken OR Stuffed Shells OR Taco Soup/Salad/Tortilla Chips 2oz Roll for All Mashed Potatoes w/gravy, Vegetation Station Fresh Fruit, Fruit Juice 16 BREAKFAST Pancake Pup OR Cereal w/Toast & Jelly Fruit & Juice LUNCH Beef Stroganoff OR Veg Beef Soup/Salad OR Yogurt Tray 2oz Dinner Roll for ALL Sweet Potatoes, Vegetation Station Fresh Fruit, Fruit Juice RIPS DAY!!! Fruit SLUSHY 22 BREAKFAST Chicken Biscuit OR Cereal w/Toast & Jelly Fruit & Juice LUNCH Cheese Crunchers (no meat-cheese/marinara sauce only) OR Chicken Noodle Soup/Salad/2oz Roll OR Yogurt Tray w/2oz Roll Fresh Vegs w/dip, Vegetation Station Fresh Fruit, Fruit Juice 29 BREAKFAST Pizza Bagel OR Cereal w/Toast & Jelly Fruit & Juice LUNCH Chicken Smackers/Sauce OR Chicken Noodle Soup/Salad OR Yogurt Tray 2oz Roll for All Green Peas, Vegetation Station Chilled Fruit, Fruit Juice 10 BREAKFAST Blueberry Muffin OR Cereal w/Toast & Jelly Fresh Fruit & Juice LUNCH Pepperoni Pizza OR Broccoli Cheddar Soup/Salad w/2oz Roll OR Yogurt Tray w/ 2oz Roll Carrots & Cucumbers w/Dip, Vegetation Station Fresh Fruit, Fruit Juice 17 BREAKFAST Pizza Bagel OR Cereal w/Toast & Jelly Fruit & Juice LUNCH Chicken Sandwich OR Broccoli Cheddar Soup/Salad/2oz Roll OR Cheese Ravioli w/ 2oz Roll French Fries, Vegetation Station Chilled Fruit, Fruit Juice 23 BREAKFAST Bacon Breakfast Bagel OR Cereal w/Toast & Jelly Fruit & Juice LUNCH Chicken Smackers/sauce/Breadstick OR Broccoli Cheddar Soup/Salad/2oz Roll OR Stuffed Shells w/2oz Roll Green Beans, Vegetation Station Chilled Fruit, Fruit Juice BREAKFAST Scrambled Eggs w/Grits Toast OR Cereal w/Toast & Jelly Fruit & Juice LUNCH Cheese Pizza OR Chicken Noodle/Soup/Salad/2oz Roll OR Yogurt Tray w/2oz Roll Fresh vegs w/Dip, Vegetation Station Fresh Fruit, Fruit Juice 24 BREAKFAST Gravy Biscuit OR Cereal w/Toast & Jelly Fruit & Juice LUNCH Pepperoni Pizza OR Veg Beef Soup/Salad/2oz Roll OR Yogurt Tray 2oz Roll Corn, Vegetation Station Fresh Fruit, Fruit Juice 30 BREAKFAST Pancake Pup OR Cereal w/Toast & Jelly Fruit & Juice LUNCH Hamburger OR Tomato Basil Soup/Salad/w/2oz Roll OR Cheese Ravioli w/2oz Roll Fresh Vegs w/dip, Vegetation Station Fresh Fruit, Fruit Juice RIPS DAY!!! Fruit SLUSHY In accordance with Federal Law and U. S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Adjudication, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20250-9410 or call toll free (866) 632-9992 (Voice). Individuals who are hearing impaired or have speech disabilities may contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339; or (800) 845-6136 (Spanish). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. Note: Vegetarian Choice is underlined, Choice of Milk available daily.