Patient Portals - National Health IT Board

Patient Portals
Sharing health information with your patients
HP5911 December 2014
What is a patient portal?
A patient portal is a secure online site for patients to access their health information and interact with their
general practices.
What does a patient portal offer practices?
‘Don’t be afraid to start simple – for example, you could introduce appointment bookings
first, then other services when you have established robust workflow to ensure success,
and understand better how the portal will work for you.’ Dr Bev Nicolls, Nelson GP
What are the benefits?
Patient portals:
save time for practice staff
improve workflow management
reduce phone tag
reduce paperwork
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automate patient recalls and appointment reminders
improve safety by giving patients a written record of clinical instructions
provide 24/7 convenience for patients without extending practice hours
increase patient’s awareness and ability to manage their own health.
‘We’ve been able to reduce some of our transactions, such as setting up appointments, which
has freed up staff to focus on other aspects of patient care.’ Dr Brendon Eade, Te Aroha GP
How to get started?
Talk to your PHO to find out if they have a portal plan for your area and talk to your PMS vendor.
Choose an implementation approach that will work for your practice.
This includes:
understanding how a portal can improve your workflow
deciding which services to offer
deciding whether to charge patients for online transactions
training your staff
informing your patients.
‘It’s important to introduce any new technology at a pace that suits your practice. Get a sense
of what works for you, your staff and your patients.’ Dr Damian Tomic, Hamilton GP
The National Health IT Board has appointed seven eHealth Ambassadors, who have expertise in patient
portals. Feel free to contact any one of them.
Contact your eHealth ambassadors
Dr Andrew Miller Ph: (09) 435 0692
Dr Sue Wells Ph: 021 0839 6602
Dr Karl Cole Ph: (09) 278 2578
Dr Damian Tomic Ph: 027 590 1242
Dr Brendon Eade Ph: 021 383 008
Dr Richard Medlicott Ph: (04) 383 7647
Dr Bev Nicolls Ph: 021 735 512
Further information
The National Health IT Board and the Royal New Zealand College of GPs have developed implementation
guides to help you.
The guides and other information about patient portals can be found on our website:
Patient Portals: Sharing health information with your patients
‘Patient portals save time, increase autonomy and enhance relationships.’
Dr Richard Medlicott, Wellington GP
‘The patient portal is easy to use, gives patients a lot more control over their health care and
frees our staff from a number of administrative tasks. We’re also seeing clinical benefits.’
Dr David Thompson, Auckland GP
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