INTRODUCTION: Antibiotics are among the most commonly prescribed drugs in paediatrics. Infants and children are the most vulnerable population groups to contract illnesses. The use of antibiotics has become a routine practice for the treatment of paediatric illnesses1. Antibiotics are the most widely prescribed therapeutic agents in children. This is particularly true for children under-5-year-old population reported to receive the greatest exposure with a prevalence of up to 50%. It is well established that the majority of antibacterial drugs prescribed to children are for the treatment of common paediatric conditions (cold, upper respiratory tract infections, bronchitis) that do not typically benefit from antibiotic therapy. It has been estimated that nearly 50% of antibiotic prescriptions for children given by general practitioners (GPs) are unnecessary. Antibiotic resistance has become major global public health problem by prolonging the suffering of patients, increasing healthcare costs and being associated with economic implications for society2. Respiratory infections are very common diseases, especially in childhood which require the treatment with the antibiotics in India3. The introduction of β-lactam antibiotics into the healthcare system in the latter stages of World War II represents one of the most important contributions to medical science in recent history. Today, β-lactams remain the most widely utilized antibiotics owing to their comparatively high effectiveness, low cost, ease of delivery and minimal side effects 4. Rational use of antibiotics means that right antibiotics should be prescribed for the right patient in adequate dose for the sufficient duration as appropriate to the clinical needs of the patient at the lowest cost. There is need in some cases to carry out a culture sensitivity test before prescribing antibiotics especially in children as their organs are not fully developed and they can easily suffer from toxic and adverse effects of drugs5. β-lactam antibiotics having unique four-membered β-lactam ring. The major two groups are penicillins and cephalosporins. Monobactams and carbapenems are newer additions6. In 1967 the first penicillin-resistant Streptococcus pneumonia was observed in Australia, and seven years later in the U.S. another case of penicillin-resistant S. pneumonia was observed in a patient with pneumococcal meningitis7. Proper utilization of β-lactam antibiotics is very essential in the paediatric patients because of its adverse effects which are very commonly observed till today like hypersensitivity reactions, bone marrow depression, granulocytopenia, hepatitis, suprainfections, Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction, nephrotoxicity, diarrhoea, low WBC Count, bleeding, Disulfiram- like reaction8. Prescription pattern is an important transaction between the physician and the patient. It brings in to focus the diagnostic acumen and therapeutic proficiency of the physician with instruction for palliation or restoration of the patient’s health. Prescription of drugs is an important skill which needs to be continuously assessed and refined accordingly9. MATERIAL AND METHODS: STUDY SITE The study was conducted at Basaveswara Medical College Hospital & Research Centre (BMCH & RC), Chitradurga. It is a 600 bed tertiary care teaching hospital. STUDY DESIGN A prospective study, was carried out to assess the current prescribing pattern of β-lactam antibiotics in Paediatric department of a Tertiary care teaching hospital. STUDY DURATION This study was conducted for a period of six months from December 2012 to May 2013. STUDY SUBJECTS This study will include hospital in-patients who were treated with β-lactam antibiotics for various diseases in Paediatric department. Patient who meets the following criteria will be enrolled. Inclusion criteria 1. Patients who were treated with β-lactam antibiotics in paediatric department. 2. Patients admitted to NICU and PICU and on β-lactam antibiotic therapy. 3. Patients of either sex aged below 11 years. Exclusion criteria 1. Immunosuppressed patients. 2. Patients admitted to other departments. 3. Paediatric patients who are not on the β-lactam antibiotic therapy. 4. Patients treated with β-lactam antibiotics on out- patient basis. STUDY PROCEDURE All the patients admitted to paediatric department were reviewed daily to identify the patients prescribed with β-lactam antibiotics. Those patients who met the study criteria were included in the study. Patients were divided in to different groups according to their age. Ethical clearance from the Institutional ethical Committee, BMCH & RC Chitradurga was obtained. A total of 400 prescriptions containing β-lactam antibiotics were assessed from patient medical records irrespective of the indications. Patient’s demographic details such as name, age, sex, clinical data such as diagnosis, therapeutic data such as name of the β-lactam antibiotic, other concomitant medications, duration of therapy and other necessary details were collected from patient’s medical records and medication charts. The collected information was documented in a suitably designed data collection form. All the patient information was collected from the day of admission to the day of discharge and was assessed for the clinical outcome. Patient’s prescriptions were screened for any possible drug interactions and ADRs that had occurred with β-lactam antibiotics. RESULTS: A total of 400 inpatients prescribed with β-lactam antibiotics aged < 11 years admitted to the three different units of Paediatric department, NICU (Neonate intensive care unit), PICU (Paediatric intensive care unit) and Paediatric ward for the treatment of various diseases were reviewed over a period of six months from December 2012 to May 2013. 1. Demographic data of study Patients Of the 400 patients treated with β-lactam antibiotics, male subjects were 63.25% (253) more than female subjects 36.75% (147). Among them the age group of 1 year-11 years (child) 50% patients were more than the other age groups, Neonates and Infants. The demographic data of study patients are presented in Table 1. 2. Number of prescriptions with β-lactam antibiotics in various units: Among three units of the paediatric department the highest number of prescriptions were found in paediatric ward 251 (62.75%) followed by NICU 88 (22%) and least were found in PICU 61 (15.25%). The incidence of use of β-lactam antibiotics in different units of paediatric department are presented in Table 2. 3. Prescribing frequency of different class of β-lactam antibiotics Among the 495 β-lactam antibiotics, the highest number of Cephalosporins were prescribed as 352 (71.11%) followed by penicillins and the least prescribed were Carbapenems. There were no prescriptions with Monobactams. The usage of different class of β-lactam antibiotics is presented in Table 3. 4. Incidence of use of β-lactam antibiotics in various units The incidence of use of β-lactam antibiotics was highest in paediatric unit followed by NICU and PICU. In that Cephalosporins class were widely used in all the three units of the paediatric department followed by Penicillins and combination of Cephalosporins, Penicillins with β-lactamase inhibitors. The complete prescription pattern of different class of β-lactam antibiotics in various units of Paediatric department is presented in Table 4. 5. Age distribution of patients prescribed with different class of β-lactam antibiotics Patients were categorized into three groups according to their age. Patients aged between 1year–11 years were prescribed β-lactam antibiotics more often than patients of other age groups. In Neonates, penicillins (n=82) 48.23% were most commonly prescribed followed by Cephalosporins (n=81) 47.65% whereas infants (n=91) 77.8% and children (n=180) 86.54% were exposed more to Cephalosporins. The details of the different class of β-lactam antibiotics prescribed in different age groups were presented in the Table 5. 6. Number of prescriptions Vs Diagnosis During our study, among 400 prescriptions highest number of prescriptions were found to be diagnosed as respiratory tract infections (n=138) 34.5%, followed by miscellaneous conditions (n=105) 26.25%, GI disorders (n=46) 11.55%, CNS disorders (n=41) 10.25%, co- morbid conditions (n=37) 9.25% and the least number of prescriptions were seen in UTI (12) 3%, hepatic disorders (10) 2.5%, haematological disorders (n=6) 1.5% and endocrine disorders (n=5) 1.25%. Number of prescriptions in various clinical conditions is presented in Table 6. 7. Pattern of use of individual β-lactam antibiotics In our study, out of 400 prescriptions ceftriaxone (n=260) 52.52% was most frequently prescribed followed by ampicillin (n=84) 16.97% and cefotaxime (n=81) 16.37%. The pattern of usage of individual β-lactams is presented in table 7. 8. Frequency of Essential β-lactam antibiotics prescribed Out of 495 β-lactam antibiotics prescribed 453 (91.52%) drugs are from WHO National list of Essential medicines 2011. The details of the frequency of essential β-lactam antibiotics prescribed were presented in the Table 8. 9. Drug interactions found between β-lactam antibiotics and other prescribed drugs Out of 400 prescriptions reviewed, 126 Drug interactions were identified. Most of the interactions belonged to major n= 81 (64.29%) than minor n=45 (35.71%). Among major interactions Ampicillin+cefotaxime was found in 70 prescriptions. Of the minor interactions Piperacillin+Amikacin was found in 23 prescriptions. The details of the drug interactions of the β-lactam antibiotics with other prescribed drugs were presented in the Table 9. DISCUSSION: A prescription by a doctor may be taken as a reflection of physician’s attitude to the diseases and the role of drug treatment. It also provides an insight into the nature of health care delivery system10. Inappropriate use of antibiotics is common throughout the country11. Thus, the reduction of inappropriate use of antibiotics in the community should be considered a major public health issue12. The paediatricians and other medical personnel who provide health care for infants and children in developing countries confront a number of challenges during the day to day practice of medicine due to the shortage of appropriate drugs and other facilities1. β-lactam antibiotics have long been important in the treatment of paediatric infections. The management of serious paediatric infections involves several particular treatment challenges. The purpose of this study is to assess the prescription pattern of βlactam antibiotics. Of the 400 patients reviewed, the numbers of male patients were prescribed with β-lactam antibiotics was higher 63.25% (253) than female subjects 36.75% (147). This was due to the fact that more males were admitted than females for the treatment of various disease conditions. This result was similar to the study conducted by Omole 2012 in south west Nigeria which showed higher antibiotic prescriptions for males to be 71.7% whereas females were 28.3%6. In both males (72.34%) and females (69.03%) the cephalosporins were most widely prescribed followed by penicillins. In our study of the 400 prescriptions reviewed, the usage of β-lactam antibiotics according to the age, it was found that patients between the age group of 1-11yrs (n=208) were highly prescribed than patients aged below 1yr. In our results we observed that in neonates the penicillins (16.56%) usage was high followed by cephalosporins (16.37%). Cephalosporins prescriptions were highly identified in infants (18.38%) and children (36.37%). In our study, highest numbers of prescriptions were seen in paediatric ward which was 62.75% among various units of the paediatric department. This shows that more number of patients were admitted to the paediatric ward. In our study, it was found that 98.98% β-lactam antibiotics were prescribed for parenteral administration, while only 1.02% was for oral route for the treatment of various diseases in the units of paediatric department. The study carried out by Vipul Prajapathi and J.D. Bhatt showed that, 86.81% antimicrobial agents were given by IV route. Route of administration was selected based on severity of the disease. Parenteral route was preferred for quick onset of action. Our study showed that among β-lactam antibiotics prescribed most commonly used medicines belongs to Essential drug list which was 91.52%. The study conducted by Dimri S reported that 45% of medicines were prescribed from National list of Essential medicines which shows much variation with our study. Out of 400 cases analysed, Culture sensitivity test was not carried out during our study period with regard for confirmation of diagnosis and to prevent the β-lactam antibiotics resistance. During our study, a total of 126 interactions were identified in which major drug interactions were 81 and 45 were minor interactions. Drug interactions are mainly due to exposure of patient to multiple drug therapy and multiple pharmacological effects of drug. For example when amoxicillin and ceftriaxone were administered concurrently either increases levels of the other by decreasing renal clearance. Of the 81 major interactions, the most common drug interactions were found between Ampicillin+Cefotaxime and this was identified in 70 prescriptions. When ampicillin and cefotaxime were administered concurrently either increases levels of the other by decreasing renal clearance. So it should be monitored closely. Among minor interactions the drug interaction between Piperacillin+Amikacin was found in 23 prescriptions. When piperacillin and amikacin were administered concurrently, piperacillin decreases effects of amikacin by altering mechanism and also increased risk in renal impairment. CONCLUSION: Over a study period, 400 prescriptions were analyzed for prescription pattern of β-lactam antibiotics from three units of the paediatric department of BMCH & RC. A majority of the patients in this study were between the age group of 1-11 years and a high percentage of the patients were males 63.25%. Cephalosporins (71.12%) class of antibiotics were highly prescribed followed by penicillins (17.37%). Prescribing frequency of newer βlactam antibiotics was low. Overall ceftriaxone was found to be the most frequently prescribed drug followed by ampicillin and cefotaxime due to its wider spectrum of activity. Piperacillin+ Tazobactam was the most widely used combination. Majority of β-lactam antibiotics prescribed were enlisted under Essential drugs list for paediatrics, India which was 91.52%. In our study, the incidence of major and minor drug interactions was found to be 31.5%. No adverse drug reaction was reported in this study. There is a need to carry out culture sensitivity test and assess prescription for drug-drug interactions which will help to rationalize the therapy and to prevent the β-lactam antibiotic resistance. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: We are grateful to our principal and head of the department of department of pharmacy practice and the staff of SJM College of pharmacy for their constant encouragement throughout our work. We extend our sincere thanks to the staff of BMCH & RC and SJM Vidyapeetha management for their support. REFERENCES: 1) Palikhe N. Prescribing pattern of antibiotics in paediatric hospital of Kathmandu valley. Kathmandu University Medical Journal 2004; 2(1): 6-12. 2) Alessandra R, Antonia C, Maurizio B. 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Table 1: Demographic data of study Patients Demographic Characteristics Gender Age group Number of Prescriptions (%) Male 253 (63.25) Female 147 (36.75) 1day-1 month (Neonate) 90 (22.5) 1 month-1 year (Infant) 110 (27.5) 1year-11 years (Child) 200 (50%) Table 2: Number of prescriptions with β-lactam antibiotics in various units Unit No. of prescriptions Percentage (%) NICU 88 22 PICU 61 15.25 Paediatric ward 251 62.75 Total 400 100 Table 3: Prescribing frequency of different class of β-lactam antibiotics Class of β-lactam antibiotics No. of prescriptions (%) Cephalosporins 352 (71.11%) Penicillins 86 (17.37%) Penicillins+β-lactamase inhibitors 40 (8.08%) Cephalosporins+β-lactamase inhibitors 16 (3.23%) Carbapenems 01(0.20%) Monobactams 00 (0%) Table 4: Incidence of use of β-lactam antibiotics in various units Class of β-lactam antibiotic NICU PICU Paediatric Penicillins 79 0 7 Cephalosporins 79 54 219 Penicillins+β-lactamase inhibitors 3 11 26 Cephalosporins+β-lactamase inhibitors 3 0 13 Carbapenems 1 0 0 Monobactams 0 0 0 Total 165 65 265 Table 5: Age distribution of patients prescribed with different class of β-lactam antibiotics Class of β-lactam antibiotics Neonates Infants Children (%) (%) (%) Total Penicillins 82 (16.56) 3(0.60) 1(0.20) 86 Cephalosporins 81 ( 16.37) 91 (18.38) 180(36.37) 352 Penicillins+β-lactamase inhibitors 3(0.60) 17(3.44) 20(4.04) 40 Cephalosporins+β-lactamase 3(0.60) 6 (1.22) 7(1.45) 60 Carbapenems 1(0.20) 0(0) 0(0) 1 Monobactams 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0 Total 170 117 208 495(100) inhibitors Table 6: Number of prescriptions Vs Diagnosis DIAGNOSIS No. of Prescriptions Percentage (%) GI Disorders 46 11.5 Respiratory Tract Infections 138 34.5 CNS Disorders 41 10.25 Hepatic Disorders 10 2.5 Haematological Disorders 6 1.5 UTI 12 3 Endocrine Disorders 5 1.25 Co-morbid conditions 37 9.25 MISC 105 26.25 Table 7: Pattern of use of individual β–lactam antibiotics Route of administration Name of β-lactam antibiotics Number of prescriptions (%) Ceftriaxone 260 (52.52%) Ampicillin 84 (16.97%) Cefotaxime 81 (16.37%) Piperacillin+Tazobactam 38 (7.68%) Ceftazidime+Tazobactam 06 (1.21%) Ceftazidime 05 (1.02%) Cefotaxime+Sulbactam 05 (1.02%) Ceftriaxone+Sulbactam 03 (0.60%) Cefixime 02 (0.40%) Amoxicillin+Potassium Clavulanate 01 (0.20%) Cefpodoxime 01 (0.20%) Cefotaxime+Tazobactam 01 (0.20%) Ceftriaxone+Tazobactam 01 (0.20%) Penicillin-G 01 (0.20%) Meropenem 01 (0.20%) Intravenous 490(98.99%) Total Oral Total Cefixime 02 (0.40%) Amoxicillin+Potassium Clavulanate 01 (0.20%) Amoxicillin 01 (0.20%) Cefadroxil 01 (0.20%) 05(1.01%) Table 8: Frequency of Essential β-lactam antibiotics prescribed β-lactam antibiotics Drugs Number of prescriptions (%) Essential Drugs Ceftriaxone 260 (52.52%) Ampicillin 84 (16.97%) Cefotaxime 81 (16.37%) Ceftazidime+Tazobactam 06 (1.21%) Ceftazidime 05 (1.02%) Cefotaxime+Sulbactam 05 (1.02%) Cefixime 04 (0.80%) Ceftriaxone+Sulbactam 03 (0.60%) Amoxicillin+PotassiumClavulanate 01 (0.20%) Cefotaxime+Tazobactam 01 (0.20%) Ceftriaxone+Tazobactam 01 (0.20%) Amoxicillin+PotassiumClavulanate 01 (0.20%) Amoxicillin 01 (0.20%) Total 453(91.52%) Piperacillin+Tazobactam 38 (7.68%) Cefpodoxime 01 (0.20%) Penicillin-G 01 (0.20%) Meropenem 01 (0.20%) Cefadroxil 01 (0.20%) Others Total 42(8.48%) Table 9: Drug interactions found between β-lactam antibiotics and other prescribed drugs Number of Prescriptions 400 Major Interactions (%) Minor Interactions (%) Total 81 (64.29) 45 (35.71) 126