Informative Research Product Organizer Calvin Speight Research Topic: Extracurricular Activities Focusing Statement: Extracurricular activities help produce skills that can affect people in and out of the classroom. Essential Background Information for Introduction: Throughout the years many have spent time in extracurricular activities. These activities can range from many different things. Extracurricular activities are activities that are not part of t he normal curriculum. These activities can consist of many different things. There are academic clubs for people interested in a subject and want to their learning in a subject. There are athletic teams in which people can express their skill and talents in a sport along with other people who share a similar interest as them. There are even service organizations where students can get involved with their communities. These are only a few of the different clubs and activities that are out there. Potential Hook/Grabber (Story, anecdote, quote about your issue): Topic 1: Behaviors Explanation: Extracurricular activities are a good way to keep students occupied and away from bad behaviors. There is a large majority of students that say that they would not participate in physical fights. However they still are at high risk of falling under the influence of risky behaviors. Evidence/Quotes: “There is a strong need for after-school activities because even though sample youth are choosing not to engage in physical fighting, they are still engaging in other risk behaviors.” (Huebner, Extracurricular Activities and Their Relationship to Youth Violence) Explanation: Researchers are constantly looking to see if extracurricular activities will stop fighting. They feel that once they become part of the Evidence/Quotes: “Students who regularly participate in extracurricular activities are integrated into the school's formal normative system such that they are less likely than nonparticipants to engage in regular program of school they will be less likely to become engaged in fighting because they will become part of the social aspect of school. Explanation: Studies have shown that when people participate in extracurricular activities there is a significant decrease in alcohol and drug consumption. physical fights or other health-risk activities.”(Perez, The fighting behavior of Asian-Pacific males in Guam) Explanation: Studies have shown that students who participate in extracurricular activities are able to see their teacher or coach as a mentor. Because students are getting more attention from these people they are less likely to participate in fights. This is because they look up to their mentor so they tend to pick up on their good habits. Students also feel that if they participate in fights or violent behavior then they are letting their mentor down. Evidence/Quotes: “Students who receive personal attention from teachers are significantly less likely than others to participate in fights.” (Perez, The fighting behavior of Asian-Pacific males in Guam) Evidence /Quotes: “Participation in the DARE Plus extracurricular activities was positively associated with reduced alcohol use and intentions to use alcohol among students in general and among boys when examined by gender.” (Eischens, Association of Extracurricular Activity Participation with Substance Use Among Youth in the Dar Plus Project) Topic 2: academic performance Explanation On study says that extracurricular activities improve academic achievement through noncognitive skills. These skills can help students succeed in all leaves of academics. Evidence/Quotes: “EAs improve students' noncognitive skills, which are positively related to academic achievement”(Covay, after the Bell). Explanation Students who participate in extracurricular activities get the chance to work with other students. This allows them to learn from one another. With their new found friend they can meet up and study. Evidence/Quotes: “Extracurricular activitiesprovide a setting to become involved and to interact with other students, thus leading to increased l earningand enhanced development”(Tenhouse, College Extracurricular Activities) Explanation Evidence /Quotes: Topic 3: extracurricular help to make better candidates for employment Explanation Businesses look to see what the person that they are look to employing has done. Normally future employees will present a resume to a business to show their success. Something that employers like to see is if you already possess skills that will help to benefit their company. One way that you can show this is by participating in extracurricular activates. Evidence/Quotes: “Participation in extracurricular activities will foster creative, social and physical skills that are desirablequalities to colleges and future employers”(Kelley, Extracurricular Activities Allow Teens to Gain Social Skills). Explanation A very important skill that businesses like to see is team work. They like to see that you are able to work well with others no matter what the circumstance is. By seeing that you participated in an extracurricular activity they understand that you worked with a team and learned teamwork sills. Evidence/Quotes: “Understanding how to work well withothers can guarantee a l ifetime of positive relationships”( Kelley, Extracurricular Activities Allow Teens to Gain Social Skills). Explanation Extracurricular activities allow students to further their interest in a career that they would like to follow. If a student is interested in becoming a lawyer then they can participate on the debate team. Evidence /Quotes: “Students also develop skills specific to their career path and i mperative for future job success”(Tenhouse, College Extracurricular Activities) Topic 4: People who participate in athletics extracurricular activities benefit through their academics and skills Explanation Athletics help students to stay focused in school. It drives them to actively participate in school so that they work their hardest in every aspect. It makes them want to become a part of the school. They show off by wearing school colors. They are forced to uphold an academic standard in order to participate in these activities. Evidence/Quotes: “athletics specifically is a component of high school that drives the school year and in some instances sets the tone for the remainder of the school year” (Kennedy, The Need for High School Extracurricular Activities) Explanation In life students are forced to deal with winning and losing. When they participate in Evidence/Quotes: “Athletes develop certain skills in order to win, or in some cases lose.” (Kennedy, The Need for High School Extracurricular athletics they are gaining the skills to be able to deal with both wining and loosing. However more importantly they learn skill that help them win. Athletes have the opportunities to learn what it takes to be better than the other guy. Explanation Students who participate in athletic extracurricular activities feel as though they must work harder than others. Because they have certain requirements to uphold in order to participate they force themselves to do the right thing. They work hard in school, make sure they are on time, and they don’t get into any trouble. Activities) Evidence /Quotes: “Athletes' grades were consistently higher than those of nonathletes, their attendance rates were greater, and their discipline referrals were fewer.”(Marsh, The Good, the Bad, and the Nonlinear) Topic 5: Students who participate in extracurricular activates learn a variety of skills such as time management, organizational, and leadership skills Explanation A particular skill that student should learn early to succeed in life is time management. Students who participate in extracurricular activates learn how to manage their time fast. They are more likely to spend time studying instead of playing videogames because they will understand that they might not have time later to do it. Evidence/Quotes: “Students who have active lives learn very quickly how to mange their time”( Kelley, Extracurricular Activities Allow Teens to Gain Social Skills). Explanation Extracurricular activities teach students to become well organized. Because students have committed to these activities it is important for them to know what their schedule is like. One way for students to stay organized is by using a calendar with all of their information on it so they know what events are coming up. Explanation Extracurricular activities allow student to have the chance to work on their leadership skills. Most activities give students the opportunities to run for a leadership role in their school. With this practice students have the chance to learn what it takes to become a good leader. Evidence/Quotes: “Students learn organizational skills” ( Kelley, Extracurricular Activities Allow Teens to Gain Social Skills). Evidence /Quotes: “Studentshave opportunities to improve their leadership and i nterpersonal skills”(Tenhouse, College Extracurricular Activities)