Holocaust Research Project Rubric After researching your topic relating to the Holocaust, create a project that demonstrates the importance of your topic to… the events that transpired before or during the Holocaust OR the lasting impact of the Holocaust. What conclusions or implications can you draw? Content Thought and Organization Conventions Comments: Advanced Proficient Basic Below Basic 30-26 points 25-21 points 20-16 points 15-0 points Content reflects focused and extensive scholarly research with appropriate citations/works cited page. Clearly and effectively establishes the historical/cultural circumstances. Shows extensive evidence of insight drawn from research, which is thoughtfully and creatively communicated through the project. Content reflects focused scholarly research with appropriate citations/works cited page. Clearly and effectively establishes the historical/cultural circumstances. Shows evidence of insight drawn from research, which is thoughtfully and creatively communicated through the project. Content reflects limited scholarly research with appropriate citations/works cited page. Attempts to establish the historical/cultural circumstances. Shows limited evidence of insight drawn from research communicated through the project. Advanced Proficient Basic 20-18 points 17-14 points 13-11 points Developed an effective and insightful project for communicating the impact of the person, place, group, etc. on the Holocaust. End product demonstrates creativity and is chosen effectively to suit the topic. Information is effectively organized in a thoughtful manner. Developed an effective project for communicating the impact of the person, place, group, etc. on the Holocaust. End product demonstrates creativity and suits the topic. Information is effectively organized. Project somewhat demonstrates the impact of the person, place, group, etc. on the Holocaust. End product lacks creativity. Information is somewhat organized. Content lacks scholarly research Fails to establish the historical/cultural circumstances. No evidence of insight drawn from research. /30 Below Basic 10-0 points Project does not clearly demonstrate the impact of the person, place, group, etc. on the Holocaust. End product lacks creativity. Information is disorganized. Advanced Proficient Basic Below Basic 10-9 points 8-7 points 6 points 5-0 points Control of grammar, mechanics, spelling, usage, and sentence formation Errors in written work do not significantly impact meaning; citations and works cited page properly formatted (MLA) Limited control of grammar, mechanics, spelling, usage, and sentence formation Errors in written work impact meaning; works cited page lacking or improperly formatted Evident control of grammar, mechanics, spelling, usage, and sentence formation Written work is virtually error-free; citations and works cited page properly formatted (MLA) Points: Lacks control of grammar, mechanics, spelling, usage, and sentence formation Errors in written work severely impact meaning; works cited page missing Points: /20 Points: /10 TOTAL / 60