Arts and Cultural Industries - Frenchay SU Forum Unconfirmed Minutes Minutes of the meeting held on Monday 20th October 2014 in 2S611 at 14:00 Present: Charles Hancock (History L1), Matt Vicker (English Language & Linguistics L3), Rachael Fundrey (English Language & Linguistics L3), Harriet Stanley (English Language & Linguistics L3) In Attendance: Duncan Stokes (Acting Secretary, UWESU), JJ Clark (Vice President - Education, UWESU) Apologies*: Alison Moody, Jimelle Roberts, Megan Clarkson, Jerica Bray, Craig Evans, Abi Little, Sophie Lundberg, Kalei Sutherland, Ioni Bellis, Poppy Hayhurst (*across Frenchay and Bower forums) 011/1415 011.01 Welcome and introductions Department Chair welcomed reps present to the second SU Forum of the year. JJ (VP Education) also welcomed the group. 012/1415 012.01 Minutes of the previous meeting The minutes of the previous meeting were ratified by those present. 013/1415 013.01 Matters arising from the previous meeting Please see appendix 001. 004/1415 014.01 Department Committee Post Graduate Position There were no postgraduate students present so the members agreed to give the secretary remit to run an email election across the department to elect a postgraduate Department Committee Representative. UWESU to run email election to elect postgraduate ACI Frenchay Department Committee Representative. Action: 015/1415 015.01 Report from SRC and ASQC The Chair provided the forum with a verbal report from on the Student Representative Council & Academic Standards and Quality Committee. 016/1415 016.01 The library The Department Chair introduced the item and requested that Student Representatives provide views regarding the number of books students can borrow at any time. 016.02 An English Language & Linguistics student advised that the 5th level of the library is hot and stuffy. 016.03 It was reported that some level 3 students are not receiving auto reminder emails from the library. However this experience was not shared by all level 3 students. 016.04 Regarding provision of books. English Language & Linguistics students agreed that there is a lack of core texts in the library. History students advised that they are experiencing similar problems with provision of books. Arts and Cultural Industries – SU Forum Unconfirmed Minutes 20th October 2014 Page 1 Action: Representatives agreed that whilst they prefer physical copies of books, ebook would be an acceptable substitute if the choice was between more copies of e-books or no further core text copies. The VP Education advised that students should contact faculty librarian, Sarah Brain to try and get more copies of core texts ordered. The Chair further added that Sarah comes to F block once a week and urged Representatives to make use of her and promote her service to their cohort. All to tell their cohort to contact Sarah Brain if they have specific core text requests 016.05 The Forum members agreed that the current borrowing limit of 15 books at a time was adequate. 016.06 It was noted that soft cover copies of books are preferred by students (particularly cyclists) as they are more transportable than hard covers. 016.07 All students agreed that short loan time is too short and that they would prefer a two week loan period. At the request of the Chair, the VP Education clarified that the new system will not increase duration of loan but that the library are committed to increasing availability of higher demand texts. All to compile list of high demand short loan texts for chair to pass to library. Action: 017/1415 017.01 Academic Personal Tutoring (APT) The Chair asked for comment on the student experience of APT. The Forum was in agreement that that the APT scheme is not productive as the main message from APTs seems to be to ‘attend lectures’. 017.02 Another recurring theme from level 3 students is that they report having met their APT a couple of times in level 1 but they were unsure if their APT got in touch during level 2 ‘they think they received emails’. The students reported that they have not received contact from their APT at all so far this year. 017.03 Following on from this, students report that they do not feel that a relationship exists between students and their APTs. Students in English Language and Linguistics reported that they found the careers service more useful than their APT. A History student advised that they go to the person who they feel would be best placed to answer their academic query rather than their APT. 017.04 Following on from this, whilst the Representatives present accepted that it may be impractical, they advised that it would be beneficial to all students if they had some freedom to pick their APT based on subject interests 017.05 Level three Student Representatives were unsure whether they were eligible to receive time from their APT as they had not had contact and they assumed Arts and Cultural Industries – SU Forum Unconfirmed Minutes 20th October 2014 Page 2 that maybe their dissertation supervisor took over this role. VP Education clarified that this is not the case and they should have the same APT as Levels 1 & 2. 017.06 Action: All members of the forum therefore agreed that APTs need better advertising and advised that students do not generally check the APT tab on myUWE. The Student Reps present advised that they will check the tab to see whether it provides information on their APT. All to check APT tab on myUWE and report on information contained. 017.07 The chair asked what frequency of ATP meetings would be beneficial for students. The forum agreed that two meetings per term (for example, in teaching weeks 1 & 7) would be most helpful and requested that they be timetabled. 017.08 The Forum was asked about the best way to communicate APTs to students. All agreed that email would be the most practical method. Actions: VP Education to collate feedback on APTs from across the University. He has scheduled a meeting on January 6th with the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Jane Harrington and the Pro Vice-Chancellor Jo Midgley to review the collated feedback and decide appropriate action moving forward. 018/1415 018.01 Student Rep Awards & Student Led Teaching Awards The secretary advised the members of the date of the Student Rep & Student Led Teaching Awards (24th March 2015 at the Marriot City Centre Hotel) and 018.02 The forum was encouraged to tell all Students to attend and to nominate their fellow Student Reps and staff members for the awards which can be found on the Student Rep website: . All to make a nomination for the Student Rep & Student Led Teaching Awards. Action: 019/1415 019.01 Student Rep Notices The forum noted the upcoming payment allowance deadline of midday Wednesday 17th December. 019.02 It was also noted that there are online training sessions available to those who have not completed training. Non-trained Representatives to complete online training. Action: Arts and Cultural Industries – SU Forum Unconfirmed Minutes 20th October 2014 Page 3 020/1415 020.01 Student Matters Level 3 students advised that a ’Pharos’ print machine would be well received in S block. VP Education confirmed that there is one on the way. 020.02 Student Reps also requested the provision of a cash point in S block. VP Education advised that this is not currently planned but that the Street cafe now accepts card payments. 021/1415 SU Forum: Time and date of next meeting To be confirmed Arts and Cultural Industries – SU Forum Unconfirmed Minutes 20th October 2014 Page 4 Appendix 001 Number 007/1415.01 Background and Action Point Study Spaces Feedback. AP: Vice President Education to collate all feedback on Study Spaces (007.xx) for consideration of the Study Spaces Group where appropriate. The outcomes of this will be disseminated to all students. 009/1415.01 Issue with rooms in S block not being ready for the start of term. AP: Chair to take this feedback (009.01x) to ASQC for faculty wide discussion around the relocation. 009/1415.02 Buying second hand books however there are sometimes pages missing AP: Rep to take this issue to their next SRSF Meeting. Issues with timetabling, some students are getting assignments a few days before they are due in AP: Rep to take this issue to their next SRSF Meeting. Some students are receiving irrelevant emails which are only 009/1415.03 009/1415.04 Arts and Cultural Industries – SU Forum Unconfirmed Minutes 20th October 2014 Update Update from VP Education: Thank you all for providing such insight and helpful feedback on Study Spaces. This was collated and taken to the Study Spaces Working Group I chair, made up of key stakeholders from faculties and various services across the university. The feedback was very well received and will be re-categorised to make it more actionable, so you should start to see changes soon to your local study space. This is just a small part of the Study Spaces project, which is one of my priorities for the year. Here’s some headlines for you from what we’ve achieved so far: - Extensive research and insight in to the £4m investment in to social study spaces at UWE. Established working group with 25 members. Widespread student feedback via SU Forums Launch of ITMB project reviewing MyPC Booking System and sources of Study Space information. Student Opinion on Study Spaces feeding directly in to UWE Master planning Group (sub group of Board of Governors) Google Maps project which will provide mapping of university buildings and route planning for students to use. Wifi extended to cover all of Glenside Campus £80,000 proposal accepted to replace thin client PCs with Thick Clients (to solve many issues of slow PCs and lack of USB Ports etc.) in partnership with Library Services and ITS. Also, keep listening out for an exciting announcement later this week, which is another result of the Study Spaces project and in response to student feedback. We’ll be releasing this via social media and the SU website so keep listening out! The Chair took these issues to the faculty ASQC which were heard by the Head of Department as well as faculty representatives. Chair to provide more detailed update in the ASQC & SRC Update. Reps from this course to provide an update in this forum… Reps from this course to provide an update in this forum… Comments passed onto Louise Jennings. We are still awaiting a response, however once Page 5 relevant to bower Ashton students AP: Secretary to feed this back to Louise Jennings, Faculty head of Strategic Development. 009/1415.05 009/1415.06 009/1415.07 Discussion on lack of cash point facilities on campus AP: Comments to be sent to SU President to action further. Discussion on library facilities. AP: VP Education to collate all library related feedback to pass onto UWE Library Services. Discussion surrounding lack of cycling parking AP: Secretary to pass on comment to VP Sport and Health Arts and Cultural Industries – SU Forum Unconfirmed Minutes 20th October 2014 available the secretary will circulate this to reps. UPDATE (Updated post-forum): Faculty comment - This comment will be passed onto the Student Comms team in Student Partnership Services as well as the Department of Arts and Cultural Industries, who have students based on both campuses. Update from SU President: I will feedback to facilities on this issue. Likelihood of a new cash point is slim, but taking debit cards in The Street is something to pursue. Update from VP Education: I did a presentation to all Library staff last Thursday who had asked to find out more student feedback on the Library. I took this feedback and forwarded on to the library director to disseminate as appropriate. They were pleased to have this feedback and were keen to work with students to make positive change to their services. These comments have been passed onto VP Sport and Health. There are also new bike racks due to be installed imminently at Bower Ashton and longer term planning is underway. Page 6