UNC OUTDOOR PURSUITS Participant Information Name:___________________________________ Bear ID #:_______________________________ Address:_________________________________ Phone #:________________________________ Email:___________________________________ Date:__________________________________ Gender: Male Female Emergency Contact Information Name:____________________________________ Relationship:____________________________ Phone#:___________________________________ Allergy Information Type of Allergies: Check all that apply and list specifics. Medication:___________________________________________________________________________ Food:________________________________________________________________________________ Insect Bites / Stings:____________________________________________________________________ Environmental Allergens :_______________________________________________________________ Symptoms of Allergy: Check all that apply Hives Shock Swelling of ___________________________ Fainting or Dizziness Difficulty breathing Difficulty swallowing Other:_______________________________________________________________________________ Medical History 1. List any medications that you are currently taking. 2. Have you been hospitalized within the past year or within the past year have received treatment for any medical event or condition? If so, please describe fully. 3. If you now have, or have had any of the following symptoms or conditions, please circle “yes” and underline the specific condition. If not, circle “no”. a. yes no dizziness, recurrent headaches, or change in level of consciousness b. yes no eye, ear, nose, throat, tonsils, or sinus symptoms c. yes no impairment of sight, hearing, or speech d. yes no chronic cough, bronchitis or asthma, coughing up of blood, or contact with tuberculosis e. yes no chest pain, shortness of breath, palpitation, ankle swelling, heart murmur, heart disease, high or low blood pressure f. yes no reaction to bee stings g. yes no sensitivities/allergies to: horse serum (tetanus antitoxin), sulfa, penicillin, or any other drugs _______________________________________________________________ h. yes no symptoms relating to the gastro intestinal tract (i.e. diarrhea, recurring abdominal pain, passing of blood, ulcer of stomach or duodenum) i. yes no severe menstrual cramps or menstrual problems j. yes no albumin, sugar or blood in urine; kidney stone, frequency in urinating, bed wetting, or other urinary difficulties k. yes no muscle. joint, knee or back pain, bursitis, arthritis, sciatica l. yes no muscle or limb weakness, numbness, or tingling m. yes no benign or malignant growth or tumor n. yes no history of diabetes, thyroid imbalance, hypoglycemia o. yes no dietary restrictions (i.e. diabetic, low cholesterol, vegetarian, etc.) p. yes no episodes of depression., anxiety, hysteria, nervousness q. yes no currently pregnant Health Insurance Information Outdoor Pursuits adheres to the University Policy concerning Health Insurance which states: - It is a policy of the UNC Board of Trustees that all students who are enrolled for 9 credit hours or more are required to have health insurance. This is to ensure that health care costs will not interfere with your academic goals All students with 9 or more semester hours on the Greeley campus are automatically enrolled in the university student health insurance plan and billed along with other university services. If you have other comparable insurance, you must show proof of insurance and submit an online waiver by the 10th day of classes Please mark your current health insurance status: UNC Student currently taking 9 or more credit hours and enrolled in the University Student Health Insurance Plan. OR UNC Student with comparable insurance (must have completed “UNC Student Health Insurance Plan Online Waiver” through URSA). Authorization for Emergency Medical Care I am aware of my past and present health and fitness in relationship to strenuous activity. I will participate in all course activities except for those noted below by myself and/or my physician. Information about any and all prescription drugs that I am currently taking is noted. Should an accident or emergency occur that renders me unable to communicate, I hereby give permission to the present Outdoor Pursuits / Campus Recreation staff members to call and communicate with emergency medical personnel, except as noted; ______________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ I have completed the above form to the best of my ability with full knowledge that any information with held may create the potential for serious injury or re-injury. My participation in an Outdoor Pursuits program will be determined based on a review of this form. Failure to submit this form will mean that you may be an observer, rather than a full participant. Regardless of your physical condition, you are expected to pay attention to your body and its physical limitations to select an appropriate level of participation. Failure to complete all portions of this form could result in injury or compound the damage to an existing injury. Participant Signature: ___________________________________ Date: _____________________ Guardian Signature (if participant is under 18): ___________________________ Additional signature required on opposite side of page. Acknowledgment of Receipt of Privacy Practices I, _____________________________________________have received a copy of the University of (Print Name) Northern Colorado Notice of Privacy Practices with an effective date of 7/27/10 ___________________________________________ ___________________________ Signature of Participant Date RELEASE OF IMAGE, LIKENESS AND/OR VOICE RECORDINGS I hereby grant the Board of Trustees of the University of Northern Colorado (“UNC”) permission to take photographs, video and/or audio recordings of my participation in UNC Outdoor Pursuits trips, activities and seminars including, but not limited to _____________________ (collectively “Events”). I grant UNC permission to use negatives, prints, motion pictures, video and/or audio recordings, or any other reproduction of the Events that contain my image, likeness or voice for educational and/or promotional purposes in any UNC written, video and/or audio materials of any type or manner including but not limited to books, magazines, flyers, manuals, handbooks, catalogues, in hard copy, any electronic or digital format and/or on the World Wide Web, or in any other manner in the sole discretion of UNC. I grant this permission effective on the date written below and in perpetuity. I understand that I cannot, at any time, revoke the permission that I have given to UNC by signing this RELEASE OF IMAGE, LIKENESS AND/OR VOICE RECORDINGS. I declare that I have read and understand the contents of this RELEASE OF IMAGE, LIKENESS AND/OR VOICE RECORDINGS, and I am signing it as my free and voluntary act, irrevocably binding myself and my heirs, successors and assigns. Date Signature Legal Guardian Signature: Date: (Parent or legal guardian must sign if participant is under 18 years of age) UNC OUTDOOR PURSUITS READ THIS DOCUMENT COMPLETELY BEFORE SIGNING. ITS EFFECT IS TO RELEASE THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTHERN COLORADO FROM ANY LIABILITY RESULTING FROM YOUR PARTICIPATION IN THE ACTIVITIES DESCRIBED BELOW AND WAIVES ALL CLAIMS FOR DAMAGES OR LOSSES AGAINST THE UNIVERSITY. _______________________________________________________________________________ RELEASE FROM RESPONSIBILITY, ASSUMPTION OF RISK AND WAIVER In consideration of my being permitted by the University of Northern Colorado to participate in UNC Outdoor Pursuits events I, ____________________________, am exercising my own free choice to participate voluntarily in the Outdoor Pursuits activities, and promising to take due care during such participation, hereby release and discharge, indemnify and hold harmless the State of Colorado acting through the Board of Trustees of the University of Northern Colorado, and their officers, agents, employees, and any other persons or entities acting on their behalf, and the successors and assigns for any and all of the aforementioned persons and entities, against all claims, demands, and causes of action whatsoever, either in law or in equity, relating to injury, disability, death or other harm, to person or property or both, arising from my participation in and/or presence at the events. I acknowledge that I am aware of any hazards and risks which may be associated with my participation in the events. I understand, accept, and assume those hazards and risks, and waive all claims against UNC. I understand that I am solely responsible for any costs arising out of any bodily injury or property damage sustained through my participation in normal or unusual acts or conduct associated with the events. I have had sufficient time to review and seek explanation of the provisions contained above, have carefully read them, understand them fully, and agree to be bound by them. After careful deliberation, I voluntarily give my consent and agree to this Release, Assumption of Risk and Waiver. I certify that I am over the age of eighteen years, and have read and executed this document on the ______ day of _________, 2014. _____________________________________ Signature _____________________________________ Witness If participant is under the age of 18, his or her parent or legal guardian must also sign. I, (printed name) ____________________________________, am the parent or legal guardian of the student who has signed above. I have read and understand the provisions of this document, I consent to the student participating in the events, and I fully enter into and agree to the above Release From Responsibility, Assumption of Risk and Waiver. _______________________________ Signature of Parent or Legal Guardian ________________________, 2012 (Date)