Minutes 150428 - for Carreghofa Community Council

Cyngor Cymuned Carreghofa Community Council
Minutes of the Meeting held on Tuesday 28th April 2015
at Llanymynech Village Hall
Cllr. M Clare (Chair)
Cllr. C Backshall,
Cllr D. Borthwick
Cllr. F. James,
Cllr. C Jones
Cllr. R McCluskey
Cllr B Richardson
Cllr A Jones – County Councillor
Mr M. Connell – additional co-opted member
In attendance: Mr. M Donkin – Clerk to the Council
1 Apologies for Absence:
Cllr. Col D Thornycroft in France
2. To record Declarations of Interest in items on the agenda:
3. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 31st March 2015:
With the following amendment :9.7 line 3 ‘headmaster’ should read ‘head teacher’
the minutes were accepted as a correct record and signed as a correct record by the Chairman.
4. Matters arising from the minutes that are not on the agenda:
4.1. Purchase of Defibrillator
Cllr Backshall said that in response to an e-mail seeking help with the commissioning of the
defibrillator he had received the following from Andy Davies:Great to hear that you have now got a AED in your village and thank you for all your work in
making this happen. I will pass your details on to our WMAS community response team who
will help you with the commissioning.
4.2. Publication of Minutes
The clerk reported that he had checked with SLCC who had said that minutes can be published on the
web-site prior to the full council agreeing them subject to this being made clear. They recommended
that the Chairman should approve the minutes before they are posted.
4.3. Ambulance services – letter from the Mayor of Llanfyllin
The letters written by the clerk contained in the papers for the meeting were noted.
5. To receive reports from Committees and Working Groups:
5.1. Amenity
Cllr Backshall said that he had received complaints about the amount of litter on the football pitch. He
had visited the pitch and noted that the litter was distributed around the edge of the pitch suggesting
that it had been left by supporters. He had cleared the litter himself. At the same time he had looked at
the state of the fence which needs to be repaired. It was agreed that Cllr Backshall should provide a
note of what needs to be done and the clerk will then contact P&W for a quote.
On the subject of litter the clerk will contact Clair Savage, Secretary of Llanymynech Football Club to
ask that the club ensures that litter is not left on the field after use.
Cllr McCluskey said that he would get a list of times when games were being played. It was suggested
that councillors might visit the pitch on occasions when matches are being played.
Cllr Backshall to provide list of repairs needed
Clerk to get a quote from P&W Contractors
Clerk to write to the secretary of the football club re litter
Cllr McCluskey to obtain list of fixtures and circulate to councillors
5.2. Border Area Working Group.
The Clerk reported that a meeting had been held on site on Friday 24th April with Andrew Jones from
the North Wales Trunk Road Agent. Cllrs Thornycroft, Backshall James, and Jones had attended. Mr
Jones agreed the works to be undertaken by the County Council (Phase 1) and confirmed that the work
for Phase 2 need not wait upon Phase 1 being completed. He will arrange for the ‘Welcome to Wales’
sign to be moved to a more prominent site and agreed that this would be replaced by the dragon
sculpture in the event that the Council is successful in getting permission for its erection from the
Welsh assembly. The Clerk agreed to write to P&W Contractors asking them to go ahead with Phase 2
(done 24th April 2015).
Mr Jones said that Scottish Power would be undertaking major works in the village during June.
Traffic lights would be operational at the cross roads and he recommended that the Council’s work
should not take place at the same time. It is hoped that Phase 2 can be completed in advance of these
With regard to Phase 3, the Clerk reported that he has sent Russell George A.M. information including
photographs on the dragon sculpture and had received confirmation that he will raise the matter with
the Minister, Edwina Hart.
5.3. Highways and Byways
Cllr Arwell Jones said that he had taken the new Highways Officer, Kenneth Llewellyn around the
village. They had visited the car park, Tan-y-Foel and Chapel Lane and Mr Llewellyn was aware of the
situation and had agreed to take action.
Cllr Jones said that the brown finger post at the bridle way on Carreghofa Lane had been removed.
Cllr James said that the grit bin on Pen-y-Foel is broken and the last delivery of grit had been dumped
on the ground.
Action: Cllr Arwel Jones to follow up these matters.
5.4 Web-site
The written report from Cllr Clare was noted. Cllr Clare said that he hoped that local organisations
would submit material for the web-site.
6. Finance Report
The Finance Report was received and the following decisions made:-
The Council will no longer include a sum in its income budget from the school for grass
cutting. No payment has been taken from the school for the past two years.
There is no budget for a grant to the Village Hall but the Village Hall committee can apply for a
donation from the Council
Adoption of the Financial Statement for the year 2014 / 2015 was proposed by Cllr Backshall,
seconded by Cllr Borthwick and agreed nem con.
Approval for the payment of additional hours to the clerk for work on the end of year statement
was proposed by Cllr McCluskey, seconded by Cllr James and agreed nem con.
Authority was granted to transfer £50 cash to the Petty Cash budget. Proposed Cllr Jones,
seconded by Cllr James and agreed nem con.
It was agreed to make a donation to St. Agatha’s for the maintenance of the Parish Clock up to
a maximum of £100. Proposed Cllr James, seconded Cllr McCluskey, Agreed nem con.
7. Planning
Planning Application (No. P/2015/0380 -. The erection of a two storey side extension to the existing
dwelling at 10, Orchard Green, Llanymynech.
The Council has no objection to the planned extension. However, Cllr Clare said that he believed that
there was an easement clause in the deeds of properties bordering the canal which allowed the Canal
and River Trust to take ten feet of the land bordering the canal if it required access. He did not want the
homeowner to go ahead only to have to demolish the extension at a later date.
It was agreed that the clerk should raise this concern with the Planning Authority so that the matter
could be clarified before permission was granted.
ACTION: Clerk to write to the Planning authority
Other Matters
8.1. Local Delivery of Services
The Chairman drew councillor’s attention to the copious papers illustrating various activities since the
last meeting. He particularly drew attention to paragraph 8.1.3. a letter from the Chief Executive of
Powys County Council which says that a guidance document / toolkit will be published by the end of
April. With only two days to go this looks unlikely. Cllr Backshall was not optimistic; he was under
the impression that it would be July before any information was forthcoming. Cllr Arwel Jones had no
further information.
The Chairman also has received an e-mail giving notice of a meeting of the proposed Llanfyllin cluster
on Monday 11th May at the Tabernacle Chapel, Llanfyllin at 7.30pm. This is to make progress with the
Llanfyllin cluster. As the Council is still maintaining its expression of interest in joining this cluster
Cllrs Backshall and Borthwick agreed to attend on behalf of Carreghofa.
ACTION: Cllrs Backshall and Carol Jones to attend the meeting and report back to Council.
8.2. Clerk’s remuneration and contract.
The Clerk left the meeting for this item.
Council confirmed its satisfaction of the six months probationary period and agreed that the Clerk be
confirmed as Clerk to the Council. Approval of the Contract was confirmed. Discussion on the level of
involvement currently being undertaken by the Clerk was discussed and Council agreed to increase the
monthly working hours to thirty (30).
The Clerk returned to the meeting.
8.3. Annual General Meeting.
The Chairman reminded councillors that the May meeting would be the AGM when officers and
members of committees and working groups would be elected.
He informed the meeting that he would not be standing as Chairman, indeed he would be relinquishing
his membership of the Council as it was his intention to move from the area. There is, therefore, a need
for a new Chair. He informed the meeting that he had apprised Cllr Thornycroft of his decision as he
knew that he would be absent from the meeting. As Vice Chair, Cllr Thornycroft may well wish to
consider the post of Chair and he had, in his absence, sent a note to the Chairman which the Clerk read
out. The text is appended below:Because I am in France tonight, the Chairman was good enough to warn me in advance of the
announcement he has just made in Council. He also asked whether I would allow my name to
be put forward, not because it is any part of his duty to find his successor – that is the
prerogative of the whole Council – but so that he can leave knowing he will not necessarily be
precipitating a crisis.
He made the same request a year ago and I said no on the grounds firstly, that I was brand new and
knew little of how Council worked, secondly that I lived out at Pen Y Foel and knew little of Carreghofa
people or affairs and thirdly, that I was often absent abroad. My ignorance of Council business he has
mitigated by getting me to act as Vice Chairman. My ignorance of village affairs still bothers me, but he
feels is not a show-stopper. My increasing travel potentially is. I already know that I will be abroad for
at least three Council meetings out of the next ten.
If I do allow my name to go forward, it could therefore mean a very different sort of Council. The last
three Chairs have been dedicated, active and available to offer advice or direction. I could only be
effective if there was an active Vice, who might have to chair one meeting in three; if there were fully
manned sub-Committees and Working Groups, who might have to send representatives to the external
meetings that Martin currently attends on our behalf; and if Council was prepared to consider an
increase in hours for the Clerk, if it proved necessary and he proved willing.
The election would in that case be as much about the nature of the Council as about finding a new
Chair. I believe that Councillors should have a chance to reflect on these issues before voting, which is
why Martin has agreed to read out this statement a month before the AGM. I hope that it will lead to a
genuine choice being presented to Council at the AGM. There are several more experienced Councillors
than me who could count on my vote.
David Thornycroft
April 2015
The Chairman asked that anyone interested in standing for any position should notify the Clerk in
advance of the meeting. Cllr Backshall questioned this and the Clerk, acting in the role of Proper
Officer, said that nominations could be taken on the night but that if nominees were known in advance
it would facilitate the business of the AGM. Cllr Borthwick asked if nominations notified to the Clerk
would be sent to councillors prior to the AGM and the Clerk said that any nominations, properly
proposed and seconded, would be included in the papers for the meeting.
Cllr Arwel Jones said that at the governor’s meeting that he attends it is practice to notify nomination
in advance of the meeting.
Cllr Backshall noted that the Council had two more years to run before there were elections and it may
be necessary to advertise a co-opted post.
9. To receive reports from meetings from outside bodies.
No meetings of the Burial Board, Montgomery Council Forum or the Village Hall Committee had
been held.
National Grid
The report in the papers for the meeting was noted. The Chairman said that he had been notified,
yesterday, that the wind farm licence for Nant y Moch has been moved to a company called Vattenfall
and that if the project goes ahead that this will precipitate the issues on the line of pylons.
9.4. One Voice Wales
Cllr Backshall reported that OVW is in the process of putting together a proposal to become a Limited
Company. All member councils will be required to vote on the proposal.
A presentation by Planning Aid Wales was cancelled due to shortage of resources
A Welsh Government civil servant held a consultation meeting on the White Paper at the Elan Valley
Hotel on 17th April. This was mainly a one way exercise as the representative was unable to answer
significant questions and was only able to note concerns. Details of this meeting were not sent to
Carreghofa Council. Concern was expressed about the likelihood of double taxation both in relation to
the future local government structure and the forthcoming devolution of services (concurrent functions)
This concern was put strongly to the Government representative.
The next meeting of OVW would be on Wednesday 10th June at Castle Caereinon at 7.00pm and would
be the AGM.
10. Correspondence
Correspondence for Decision
10.1.1 Review of Designated Landscapes in Wales
The e-mail from One Voice Wales was noted. Councils are being asked to contribute to the call for
evidence. Feedback is required by 29th May and councillors were asked to send comments to the Clerk.
ACTION: All to send comments to the Clerk in time for a response to be submitted.
Correspondence to note.
10.2.1. Local Government (Democracy) (Wales) Act 2013 (Commencement No. 2) Order 2015
The e-mail from One Voice wales was noted. In future a register of member’s interests will be held by
the Clerk. Cllr. Arwel Jones felt that this would have to be reviewed on an annual basis. The Chairman
said that the matter should be raised at the AGM.
ACTION: Clerk to put on the AGM agenda.
10.2.2. Transport Update from Russell George
This was noted. Cllr Richardson said that the decision on a Pant/ Llanymynech by-pass had been
deferred until 2020 and that the work would be unlikely to start before 2020 – 2025.
10.2.3. Canal & River Trust Open Day
Councillors were advised of an invitation from the Canal & River Trust in Wales of an open day on 5th
June to celebrate the latest steps in the restoration of the Montgomery Canal. It will comprise a launch
ceremony and walk (approx. 2km) on the tow path at Four Crosses from 10.30 am – 12 noon and a
lunch at 2,00pm with presentations and exhibitions.
Anyone interested in attending to respond by 22nd May to sarah.lalieu@canalrivertrust.org.uk or tel:
01606 723808
11. Date of the next meeting
Tuesday 26th May 2015 at Llanymynech Village Hall, 7.00pm.
(Papers and reports for the meeting to the Clerk by 19th May please)
ACTION: All to note
Approved by Council as a correct record:Proposed: ________________________________________________________
Seconded: ________________________________________________________
Signed: __________________________________________________________ Chairman