
Edinburgh Group Triple P- Positive Parenting Programme
What is Group Triple P?
Group Triple P within the Psychology of Parenting Project (PoPP) is a broad-based
parenting programme delivered over eight weeks to parents and carers of children
aged 3 and 4 years old who are experiencing a variety of difficulties within their
parenting role. Parents may be finding it difficult to put in place appropriate
boundaries and positive parenting strategies to support their child’s social and
emotional development. The programme runs with up to 10 parents and starts with
four (2 hour) group sessions where parents actively participate in a range of
exercises. In weeks 5, 6 and 7 individual telephone or consultation sessions assist
parents with independent problem solving while they are practising the skills at
home. The programme then concludes with a final group session to review progress,
discuss maintenance issues and complete final evaluations. Parents will be selected
for participation using a range of tools or methods but all will undertake the Strengths
and Difficulties Questionnaire which will also be re-issued at the end of the course to
measure outcomes for the child/children
General Aims
To promote the development, growth, health and social competencies of
children and young people
To promote the development of non-violent, protective and nurturing
environments for children
To promote the independence and health of families by enhancing parents’
knowledge, skills and confidence
To enhance the competence, resourcefulness and self-sufficiency of parents
in raising their children
To reduce the incidence of behavioural problems, child abuse, mental illness
and delinquency
Each family will receive a copy of the Triple P Group Workbook. This workbook
provides them with the content of all sessions, space to complete written exercises
and an outline of all homework tasks.
Edinburgh Incredible Years Parenting Programme
What is Incredible Years?
The Incredible Years Parenting Programme within the Psychology of Parenting Project (PoPP) takes
a positive parenting approach and is delivered over 14 weeks to parents and carers of children aged 3
and 4 years old who are experiencing a variety of difficulties within their parenting role. Parents may
be finding it difficult to put in place appropriate boundaries and positive parenting strategies to support
their child’s social and emotional development. The aim of this programme is to prevent and address
young children’s behavioural problems and promote their social, emotional and academic persistence.
The programme runs with up to 10 parents and each session lasts between 2 and 2½ hours. It is
good practice to meet with all parents prior to the course commencing. Parents will be selected for
participation using a range of tools or methods but all will undertake the Strengths and Difficulties
Questionnaire which will also be re-issued at the end of the course to measure outcomes for the
child/children. The Incredible Years materials also include a short evaluation sheet for parents/carers
after each session and a full evaluation of the programme at the end of the course.
General Aims
treatment of child aggression and behaviour problems
prevention of conduct problems, delinquency, violence and drug abuse
promotion of child social competence, emotional regulation, positive parental attributions,
academic readiness and problem solving, improved parent-child interactions, improved
parental functioning, less harsh and more nurturing parenting and
Increased parental social support and problem-solving
Family resources
Each family will receive a copy of the Incredible Years trouble shooting guide. This book is closely tied
into the course with the reading of chapters included in weekly home activities. This book is also
available in many different languages and in audio format. Worksheets also form part of weekly home
activities however these are mainly to support reflection of hands on tasks that parents/carers
undertake with their children.