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Hereford Cathedral

An inclusive church welcoming everyone

Volunteer Handbook

FOREWARD by The Dean

Thankyou for becoming a volunteer at Hereford Cathedral and welcome to this vibrant community.

Hereford Cathedral is a diverse community whose members participate in its mission and ministry in a host of ways. More than 300 volunteers play their part in the day-today life of the Cathedral.

The Cathedral recognises the immense benefits that volunteers bring.

This handbook is designed to help you. It is about knowledge, procedures and technical information but above all it is about the Cathedral’s ministry of welcome and about your role in representing the Cathedral and all that is stands for.

The Very Reverend Michael Tavinor, Dean of Hereford.



Welcome to Hereford Cathedral and thankyou for the time, energy and care you provide as a volunteer to this sacred space. We wish you well in your volunteering and sincerely hope you enjoy your time with us. If you have questions or concerns that are not covered in this handbook then please contact your Team Leader, the Clergy or the

Main Office.


Hereford Cathedral’s mission is to proclaim the Gospel of Christ in the City and Diocese of Hereford, and in the wider world, by serving and inspiring all those who encounter this sacred place and our community.


A Cathedral has stood on this site since early Saxon times and is home to a community which has worshipped and worked together here continuously for well over 1200 years. It is a place where the mission of the church to proclaim Christ’s love is central and visitors and pilgrims are especially welcome

Today’s building contains some of the finest examples of architectural excellence from

Norman times up to the present day including the Romanesque Nave, the beautifully restored Shrine of St Thomas of Hereford in the North Transept, the ancient South

Transept and the award-winning twentieth-century New Library Building. The world famous Mappa Mundi and Chained Library Exhibition are both housed here.

Hereford Cathedral is not only a place of worship but a centre of beauty, hospitality and history.


By becoming a volunteer at Hereford Cathedral you are now part of a wide community of volunteers. Below are the main areas of volunteering within the Cathedral community:



Flower arrangers

Cathedral Guides

Tower Guides

Mappa Mundi & Chained Library

Catering Committee







Garden Guides


Sunday Coffee

Library and Archives



Sunday School

Voluntary Choir


Herefordshire Cathedral especially values and respects the time, skills and enthusiasm of its volunteers and actively encourages their participation and involvement in the day to day life of the Cathedral.

Our commitment to you

Hereford Cathedral is committed to encouraging the following good practices:

 Equal opportunities and promoting anti-discriminatory practice. Volunteering is open to everyone!

 You should not be used to replace or reduce the work of paid employees.

 Paid employees and volunteers should work positively with one another.

 To provide support, encouragement and training for you to achieve personal development.

 You are given satisfying and rewarding opportunities.

 You are given information about Hereford Cathedral and a clear description of the tasks you agreed to undertake.

 You will be allocated a Team Leader who you can approach to discuss any problems or concerns.

 Your work will be reviewed at regular intervals.

 You will be made aware of the relevant screening checks such as references and

Disclosure Barring Service checks.

 You can expect to work in a safe and healthy environment as far as reasonably practicable.

 You are made aware of all the relevant policies and are enabled to understand and implement them.

 You will be covered by the relevant insurance policies of Hereford Cathedral.

 You may have access to their own personal records held by Hereford Cathedral.

 The Cathedral expresses its appreciation of your contribution.

Your Commitment to Hereford Cathedral

Hereford Cathedral expects you as a volunteer to:

 Be committed to the aims, mission and ethos of Hereford Cathedral.

 To carry out the tasks you have agreed to undertake and to inform Hereford

Cathedral of any changes in their circumstances which may affect your ability to volunteer.

 To maintain confidentiality in all aspects of your work and to comply with all

Hereford Cathedral’s policies.

 To undertake training where it is a requirement of the tasks you have agreed to do.

 Understand that Hereford Cathedral is non party-political and a fully inclusive organization. Volunteers who work for the organisation should not attempt to promote cultural or political views whilst in work.

 Promote positive relationships within the Cathedral community and towards visitors.

 Co-operate with colleagues and the Cathedral’s Management Team.

 Meet agreed time commitments, or arrange a swap as necessary.

 Be responsible for personal belongings whilst on duty.

 Inform your Team Leader, or the Cathedral Main Office of any changes in your name, contact details or emergency contacts.

 Observe a standard of behaviour and dress appropriate to your role and place of worship whilst on duty at the Cathedral.

 Be respectful, polite and courteous to all the members of the Cathedral’s community and Management Team.

 Please wear your badge at all times.

This section is not legally binding and does not create an employment relationship between the Cathedral and the Volunteer. A volunteer does not have a contract of employment with the Cathedral.

Conduct whilst on duty in and around the Cathedral

Hereford Cathedral is a fully inclusive community that strives to make people’s experiences visiting us to be a welcoming one. As part of this community, it is important that our volunteers observe the following:

 Greet people with a smile, eye contact and a word of welcome.

 Be knowledgeable about the Cathedral and its history.

 Observe times of prayer.

 Speak to colleagues quietly and break conversations if a visitor approaches.

 If you are unable to help with an enquiry please refer them to someone who can help further.

 Dress smartly and appropriately.

 Relay that photography permits must be purchased from the shop before visitors can take photographs.

 Enjoy your time with us!

People who can help you around the Cathedral

In the first instance and if possible, please ask your constituency Team Leader for help and support. Around the Cathedral there are many people who are willing to help.

Some of the people you may notice in your first weeks around the Cathedral are:

 Vergers

 Welcomers (blue gowns)

 Guides- Tower, Cathedral, Garden, Library and Exhibition

 Day Chaplains

 Other clergy members and staff

 The Canon in Residence

If your matter is not able to be resolved then please go to the Cathedral’s Main Office in the Cloisters and someone will be very willing to assist you.

What to do in a difficult customer/visitor situation

If a visitor to the Cathedral approaches you with a complaint:

 Stay calm.

 Listen to the visitor’s complaint and take the facts in a neutral but sympathetic manner rather than agreeing or disagreeing. They may be other information relating to the scenario of which you are not aware.

 Call a Verger or refer them to the Cathedral’s Main Office.

 Show good customer care to the Visitor to help ensure they are happy with the outcome and that they leave the Cathedral feeling that their complaint has been received, understood and resolved in a professional and caring manner.

Pastoral response to homeless people. If you are approached by a homeless person whilst on duty please refer them to the Vergers or the Canon in Residence. The

Hereford Cathedral’s policy relating to homeless people can be found in the Main

Cathedral Office. Please read and make yourself aware of this policy.

In the event of an accident or emergency

If a member of the public is taken ill or has an accident please contact the Vestry immediately. All of the Vergers, the Operations Director and some other members of staff are qualified First Aiders. Accident books are kept in the Cathedral’s Main Office and the Vestry, and all accidents must be recorded.

In the event of an emergency requiring evacuation, the Vergers will take control of the

Cathedral and will make an announcement if appropriate. Please direct the public from the building as instructed. Encourage members of the public to stay calm and to listen to instruction. Gather in the North East corner of Cathedral Close next to Cathedral Barn

(Elgar statue on the junction of Cathedral Close and St. John Street). Await further instruction from Cathedral staff.

If the Cathedral fire alarm sounds, please wait further instruction from the Vergers before directing members of the public in the Cathedral.

For those volunteers in the Exhibition, the Library/Archives staff will take control.

Gather on the grass by the West end of the Cathedral and await further instruction.

In the event of an emergency, telephones can be found in the following locations:

 The Vestry

 The Welcome Desk

 Cathedral Shop

 Main Office (5 College Cloisters)

 Exhibition Desk

 Chained Library

 Upper Library

To access an external line through the Cathedral’s telephone system please dial ‘9’ for an outside line. The emergency services is therefore ‘9’ ‘999’.

Health and safety issues

We are committed to providing a safe working environment for everyone at the

Cathedral and a copy of our Health and Safety Policy is available at the Cathedral Main

Office (Cloisters), the Welcome desk, the Shop, the Café, the Exhibition desk and the

Library. Please read this and make yourself familiar with the policy. Your Team Leader will advise you of the health and safety requirements related to your role as volunteer.

You must not take any action that could threaten the health and safety of yourself, or anyone else within the Cathedral.

All accidents and injuries should be reported in the accident book (Cathedral Main

Office or the Vestry Office in the Cathedral).

No alcohol and/or drugs are to be consumed on the Cathedral’s premises by volunteers whilst undertaking their volunteering duties.

Protecting children and vulnerable adults

It is the policy of the Dean and Chapter of Hereford Cathedral to take every effort to safeguard the welfare of all children, young people and vulnerable adults by particularly protecting them from physical, sexual and emotional harm.

It is expected by the Cathedral that all volunteers will observe the following:

 Respect a young person’s right to privacy.

 The safety of children and vulnerable adults is of the highest importance.

 Never put yourself in a situation where you are alone with a child or vulnerable adult.

 If a child approaches you in difficulty or distress seek the help of the Vergers or staff in the Main Cathedral office and stay in a visible public place.

 Do not attempt to deal with a safeguarding manner by yourself.

 Never take a photograph of a child without written parental consent.

 Do not engage in a conversation with a child or vulnerable adult concerning a safeguarding issue.

If anyone reports any safeguarding issue to you or makes an allegation of abuse you must report it immediately, and in confidence, to the Cathedral’s Safeguarding Officers.

They are Carolyn Harding and Andrew Piper who can be contacted via the Cathedral’s

Main Office on 01432 374200. If you are unable to contact them please call the

Cathedral’s Main Office where a Senior member of staff will be able to help you. Do not question or try to gain and further information from the person you are concerned about.

Equal opportunities

Hereford Cathedral is an equal opportunities employer and are committed to the principle of equality regardless of race, colour, ethnic or national origin, religious belief, political opinion or affiliation, sex, marital status, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, age or disability. We will apply policies that are fair, equitable and consistent with skills and abilities. Volunteers can assist by supporting us in implementing these policies to ensure equality of opportunity.

Hereford Cathedral will not tolerate any form of unlawful discrimination and personal harassment, and seek to ensure that the environment is sympathetic to all who operate within it.

Copies of our Equal Opportunities, Discriminatory/Harassment

Complaints/Safeguarding procedures are all available at the Cathedral’s Main Office, the Welcome Desk, the Shop, the Café, the Exhibition Desk and the Library. Please make yourself familiar with them before commencing your volunteering role with

Hereford Cathedral.


All staff, including volunteers, are subject to periodic appraisal.

Volunteer’s expenses

Whilst you're on duty, hot drinks can be purchased at a nominal price at the Cathedral

Café. At other times, a discount of 10% is given on all purchases in the Cathedral, Shop and Café, subject to production of a discount card, available from the Shop or Café.

Outside communication at the Cathedral

We expect our staff and volunteers to be loyal to the Cathedral and its people, to share corporate responsibility for the policies and procedures of the Cathedral, and to say and/or act in a manner that upholds the reputation of the cathedral. As a volunteer you should not make any statement to reporters from newspapers, radio, television or online media in respect of the Cathedral. Please refer your queries to the Main

Cathedral Office.

Unacceptable conduct

Examples of unacceptable conduct by a volunteer include, but are not limited to, theft, dishonesty, violence, obscene and/or offensive language, being under the influence of alcohol or drugs; damage to property belonging to the Cathedral, visitor, employee or other volunteers. Any such act may result in the immediate termination of the volunteer’s service.

Ending a Volunteer’s period of service

We hope that all volunteers will have a long and mutually rewarding relationship. We recognise that with the Cathedral, on occasion, it may be necessary to end a volunteer’s period of service. Individuals will always be consulted as part of the process and their views considered. The volunteer or the Cathedral may end their period of service at any time although it is good practice, where possible, to provide a period of notice.

Contact details for Hereford Cathedral

Clergy & Vestry

The Very Reverend Michael Tavinor Dean (01432) 374203

Gill Stanley Dean’s PA (p/t) (01432) 374252

The Reverend Canon Andrew Piper Precentor (01432) 374271

The Reverend Canon Christopher Pullin Chancellor (01432) 374273

Vestry (01432) 374234

Cathedral Office (01432) 374200

Julian Andrews Administrator & Chapter Clerk (01432) 374201

Mark Carter Operations Director (01432) 374206

Sally Hodge Finance Director (01432) 374205

Dominic Harbour Marketing Director (01432) 374251

Bernadette West Commercial Director (01432) 374204

Julie Anscomb Administration Officer (01432) 374212

Liz Kelso Visits & Administration Officer (p/t) (01432) 374202

Jenny Lewis Volunteers Officer (p/t) (01432) 374254

Chris Ammonds Communications Officer (p/t) (01432) 374255

Carolyn Harding Safeguarding Officer (p/t) (01432) 374221

Commercial/Visitor Service

Cathedral Shop (01432) 374 210

Cloister Cafe (01432) 374218

Exhibition Desk (01432) 374219

Welcome Desk (01432) 374236


Cathedral Library (01432) 374225

Education Office (01432) 374256

Partner organisations

Hereford Cathedral Perpetual Trust (01432) 374261

Friends of Hereford Cathedral via Cathedral Office

Map of the outside of Hereford Catheral with Fire Assembly points

Map of the inside of Hereford Cathedral with Fire Exit points

Volunteer Agreement

Volunteers are an important and valued part of Hereford Cathedral. We hope that you enjoy volunteering with us and feel a full part of our team.

As a volunteer with Hereford Cathedral you can expect:

 An induction on how the organisation works and your role within it.

 A supportive, safe and positive environment so that you enjoy your volunteering.

 To be treated fairly and courtesy.

 That your skills, dignity and individual wishes will be respected.

 Opportunities to undertake appropriate training.

 A named contact for support.

 Reimbursement of reasonable out of pocket expenses incurred in your course of volunteering.

 To be kept up to date and informed of possible changes.

 To be insured against injury you may suffer or cause due to negligence.

In return we ask that you:

 Support our aims and objectives.

 Work reliably to the best of your ability.

 Are open and honest in your dealings with us.

 Treat fellow volunteers with courtesy and respect.

 Give as much warning as possible whenever you cannot volunteer.

 Let us know if you wish to change the nature of your contribution.

 Follow Hereford Cathedral’s rules and procedures, including health and safety, equal opportunities and confidentiality.

 Let us know if we can improve the service and support you receive.

This agreement it is biding in honour only, is not intended to be a legally binding contract between us and may be cancelled at any time at the discretion of either party.

Neither of us intends any employment relationship to be created, whether now or at any time in the future.

I understand that by signing this Volunteer Agreement I am agreeing to have read and understood the content of the Volunteers Handbook and the associated Hereford

Cathedral Policies.

Signed ………………………………………………………… (Volunteer)

Signed………………………………………………………… (Hereford Cathedral)



CATHEDRAL OFFICE (Cloisters, Hereford Cathedral)
