WINONA STATE UNIVERSITY PROPOSAL FOR GENERAL EDUCATION PROGRAM COURSES Department __Global Studies & World Languages___________________________ _Germ 204____________ Course No. Date _2/14/2012____________ Special Topics in German Literature_______________________________ _______4______ Course Name Credits Prerequisites__None__________________________________________________________ GEP Goal Area(s):* CORE GOAL AREAS _____Goal 1: Communication _____Goal 3: Natural Science _____Goal 4: Mathematics/Logical Reasoning _____Goal 5: History and the Social and Behavioral Sciences __X_ Goal 6: The Humanities and Fine Arts THEME GOAL AREAS _____Goal 7: Human Diversity __X_ Goal 8: Global Perspective _____Goal 9: Ethical and Civic Responsibility _____Goal 10: People and the Environment * Courses may be submitted for up to two Goal Areas. Additional Requirement Categories: _____Intensive: _____ 1. Writing _____ 2. Oral Communication _____ 3. a. Mathematics/Statistics _____ b. Critical Analysis _____ Physical Development and Wellness Provide information as specified in the previous directions. Attach a General Education Program Approval Form. Department Contact Person for this Proposal: _Dr. Lilian Ramos_______________ Name (please print) __457-5168________ Phone ___lramos@winona.edu_________________ e-mail address [Revised 9-6-11] 1 WINONA STATE UNIVERSITY GENERAL EDUCATION PROGRAM APPROVAL FORM Routing form for General Education Program Course approval. Course GERM 204______________ Department Approval _________________________________ Department Chair ________________ Date Dean’s Recommendation _____ Yes _____ No* _________________________________ Dean of College ________________ Date ____________________________________________ e-mail address *If the dean does not approve the proposal, a written rationale shall be provided to the General Education Program Subcommittee. GEPS Recommendation _____ Approved _________________________________ General Education Program Director A2C2 Recommendation _____ Disapproved ________________ Date _____ Approved _________________________________ Chair of A2C2 Faculty Senate Recommendation _____ Disapproved ________________ Date _____ Approved _________________________________ President of Faculty Senate _____ Disapproved ________________ Date Academic Vice President Recommendation _____ Approved _________________________________ Academic Vice President Decision of President _____ Approved _________________________________ President _____ Disapproved ________________ Date _____ Disapproved ________________ Date Please forward to Registrar. Registrar _________________ Date entered Please notify department chair via e-mail that curricular change has been recorded. [Revised 7-13-11] 2 GEP CATEGORIES REQUESTED Goal 6: The Humanities and Fine Arts Application for GERM 204: Special Topics in German Literature to satisfy Goal Area 6: The Humanities and Fine Arts Note: Course already approved to satisfy Goal Area 8: Global Perspectives STUDENT COMPETENCIES, LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES, & ASSESSMENT PLAN Student Competencies Students will be able to: Demonstrate awareness of the scope and variety of works in the arts and humanities. Learning Activities & Opportunities Students will identify, describe and react to a wide variety of novellas from Germany, Austrian and Swiss culures. Students will identify and contextualize (period, artist, movement, or important dates, etc.) a wide range of works in the arts and humanities. Assessment Plan Assignment: In one section of an oral presentation, students will be asked to identify and contextualize (period, artist, movement, or important dates, etc.) a wide range of works in the arts and humanities. Sample Presentation Questions: a) Identify and contextualize a German Novella from the late 18th, 19th and early 20th Centuries. In order to contextualize this novella, you should provide as many details as possible (author, period, movement, important dates or other relevant information). Understand those works as expressions of individual and human values within a historical and social context. Students will describe and analyze novellas from the target culture within the works' historical and cultural contexts. Students will describe and compare works of literature from culturally distinct regions throughout the target culture. Students will explain how 3 different literary works in the arts and humanities are expressions of individual and human values within diverse historical and social contexts. Respond critically to works in the arts and humanities. Students will describe and analyze the ideas expressed in works of Germanic literature from the target culture. Students analyze diverse cultural forms of expression and communication in the target culture. 3 Assignment: In one section of an oral presentation, students will be asked to explain how 3 different works in the arts and humanities are expressions of individual and human values within diverse historical and social contexts. Sample Presentation Questions: a) Identify one novella and explain how the author used it to express an individual point of view for personal, social, or political reasons. b)Contextualize the literary work within its social, cultural, and/or political setting. Assignment: As part of written activity, students will be asked to provide critiques of a literary work in the arts/humanities. Students will be asked to include two references of previously published critiques (at least one of which must be a print-based Students will provide a critique of a work in the arts/humanities. source) and a personal critique. Students will interpret and respond critically to works from various cultures in the arts and humanities. Engage in the creative process or interpretive performance. Students will write creative compositions and presentations. Assignment: Students will be asked to write 3 creative compositions and do a creative group presentation. Articulate an informed personal reaction to works in the arts and humanities. Students will articulate oral and/or writen reactions to a variety of works of literature from the target culture. Assignment: As part of an oral presentation, students will be asked to include 3 ways in which their chosen literary work has influenced a specific culture, group of people, or period. These influences could be linked to the time when the chosen work was first created, or they could be linked to present/ongoing influences. Students will be asked to include 3 ways in which their literary work has influenced a specific culture, group of people, or period. COURSE OUTLINE: WEEK ONE A.Introduction and theory of the novella B.The Enlightenment 1.Philosophers 2.Rococo Literature (Anakreontik) C. Christoph Martin Wieland D.Love and Friendship by Wieland ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ WEEK TWO A.Sturm und Drang B.German Classicism C.Johann Wolfgang von Goethe D.Novelle by Goethe ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ WEEK THREE A.German Romanticism 1.Jena Romantics 2.Heidelberg Romantics 3.Berlin Romantics B. ETA Hoffmann D.The Marchioness of O by Kleist ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ WEEK FOUR A.Adalbert Chamisso B.Peter Schlemihl by Chamisso C.Composition #1 due ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4 WEEK FIVE A.The Young Germany Movement B.Georg Büchner C.Lenz by Büchner ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ WEEK SIX A.Biedermeier and Poetic Realism B:Annette von Droste-Hülshoff C.The Jew’s Beech by Droste-Hülshoff ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ WEEK SEVEN A.Adalbert Stifter B.Tourmaline by Stifter ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ WEEK EIGHT A.Eduard Mörike B.Mozart on the Way to Prague by Mörike C.Midterm Exam ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ WEEK NINE A.Gottfried Keller B.Clothes Make the Man by Keller C.Composition #2 due ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ WEEK TEN A.Theodor Storm B.The White Horse Rider by Storm ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ WEEK ELEVEN A.Cultural Pessimism in late 19th century Prussia B.Theodor Fontane C.Stine by Fontane ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ WEEK TWELVE A.Naturalism B.Gerhardt Hauptmann C.Heretic of Soana by Hauptmann ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ WEEK THIRTEEN A.Turn of the Century German Society B.Thomas Mann C.The Bajazzo by Thomas Mann D.Composition #3 due ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ WEEK FOURTEEN A.Expressionist literature of the early 20th century B.Franz Kafka C.The Hunger Artist by Kafka ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5 WEEK FIFTEEN A. Post-war Literature B. Werner Bergengruen C.Ordeal by Fire by Bergengruen ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ WEEK SIXTEEN Final Exam Week ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Learning outcomes for the course: The student in German 204 will: a. gain insight into several authors and novellas from representative periods of the 18th, 19th and 20 centuries. b. Understand the main concepts of such literary periods as Classicism, Romanticism, Biedermeier, Poetic Realism und Naturalism. c. Demonstrate through classroom discussions, oral presentations, short papers and examinations a good understanding of the primary themes of the assigned readings 6