POWER POINT PRESENTATION You may earn part of a point. Missing (N/A) 0 points Title Slide 4 Missing No title slide Periodic Table 4 Discovered 4 History of Element Name 4 Good N/A Fair 1 item included: Group Element is Found, What group heading says about element Poor 2 items included: Discovered By, Location, Place, Picture of Founder All 3 items included: Name of Element, Picture of Element, Name of presenter Excellent All 2 items included: Periodic Table, Element clearly identified Good N/A Fair Excellent Excellent All 2 items included: Group Element is Found, What group heading says about element Good 3 items included: Discovered By, Location, Place, Picture of Founder Excellent All 4 items included: Discovered By, Location, Place, Picture of Founder Poor Fair Good Excellent No How it was Discovered (may be on Discovered slide) Minimum amount of research demonstrated Fair amount of research demonstrated Adequate amount of research demonstrated Extensive amount of research demonstrated Missing Poor Fair Good Excellent 1 item included: language derived, meaning, sufficient explanation Missing No Key Info on Element Slide Key Info Slide – student created 4 Poor 1 item included: Discovered By, Location, Place, Picture of Founder 2 items included: Name of Element, Picture of Element, Name of presenter Fair 1 item included: Periodic Table, Element clearly identified N/A Good Excellent (N/A) 4 points Missing No History of Element Name Key info on Element 4 1 item included: Name of Element, Picture of Element, Name of presenter N/A Good (N/A) 3 points Fair Poor Missing No Discovered slide How it was discovered 4 N/A Missing No Group slide Fair (N/A) 2 points Poor Missing No Periodic Table slide Group 4 Poor (N/A) 1 point Poor 1 item included: Element name, Symbol, Atomic number, Atomic mass Missing No Key Info Slide or slide not created by student (copy and paste) Poor N/A N/A 2 items included: language derived, meaning, sufficient explanation Fair 2 items included: Element name, Symbol, Atomic number, Atomic mass Good 3 items included: Element name, Symbol, Atomic number, Atomic mass Fair Key Info Slide created by student (not copy and paste) but lacking in neatness, organization, or Good N/A All 3 items included: language derived, meaning, sufficient explanation Excellent All 4 items included: Element name, Symbol, Atomic number, Atomic mass Excellent Key Info Slide created by student (not copy and paste) and still neat, organized, clean cleanliness Key Info Quiz 4 Missing No Key Info Quiz slide Key Info Quiz Answers 4 Missing No Common Places Slide Totally Cool Facts 4 Fair N/A Missing No Isotopes Slide Presenter has answers appear AFTER a question is asked but not before answered (not a controlled click) Good N/A Excellent Quiz covers protons, electrons, and neutrons WITHOUT answers being shown Good N/A Excellent Presenter has answers appear AFTER a question is asked and answered (Presenter is in control of answer appearing) Poor Fair Good Excellent Minimum amount of research demonstrated on isotopes and when found/how used Fair amount of research demonstrated on isotopes and when found/how used Adequate amount of research demonstrated on isotopes and when found/how used Extensive amount of research demonstrated on isotopes and where found/how used Poor Fair Good Excellent N/A Model Image (copied and pasted) but not Bohr Model OR Bohr Model image but not a copy and paste Poor Fair Quiz covers protons, electrons, and neutrons but all answers are showing when asked (cheating) Quiz covers protons, electrons, and neutrons but some answers are shown (cheating) Poor Fair Missing No Lewis Dot Structure Slide Common places element found 4 Poor Missing No Bohr Model Slide Quiz Lewis Dot Structure 4 Quiz covers protons, electrons, and neutrons but some answers are shown (cheating) Missing No Bohr Model Image Slide Bohr Model Slide Quiz 4 Quiz covers protons, electrons, and neutrons but all answers are showing when asked (cheating) Missing No Isotopes Slide Bohr Model Image 4 Fair Missing No Key Info Quiz Answers OR Answers were shown before question was finished being asked Isotopes Slide 4 Poor N/A Lewis Dot Structure included but it is not created by student (as it is copy and paste image) N/A Image (copied and pasted) of Bohr Model Good N/A Excellent Quiz covers protons, electrons, and neutrons WITHOUT answers being shown Good N/A Excellent All 2 items included: Lewis Dot Structure, Created by student (not copy and paste) Poor Fair Good Excellent Minimum amount of research demonstrated of common places element is found in manmade objects with pictures OR NO pictures Fair amount of research demonstrated of common places element is found in manmade objects with pictures Adequate amount of research demonstrated of common places element is found in manmade objects with pictures Extensive amount of research demonstrated of common places element is found in manmade objects with pictures Poor Fair Good Excellent Minimum amount of research demonstrated to find 1-3 cool facts Fair amount of research demonstrated to find 13 cool facts Adequate amount of research demonstrated to find 1-3 cool facts Extensive amount of research demonstrated to find 1-3 totally cool facts Credits 4 Creativity on PPT 4 Oral Presentation 4 No Credit Slide or No credits listed Credits listed but only one source utilized Credits listed but minimum sources utilized AND crediting for images not included Minimum credits listed but crediting for images IS included Credits listed and extensive, including crediting for images No color usage or too much usage, no animation present, little to no images used to depict topic, disorganized Small amount of color usage, no animations, some organization, few images present, or cluttered slides N/A Good use of pictures, small use of animations, some color usage to vary the slides, sense of organization present Creative & unique, clean presentation, the slides are not cluttered, they are well organized, excellent use of animations, proper spacing & eye appeal, good use of color and visual aids Missing Poor Fair Good Excellent 1 of 4 exhibited: Prior knowledge of slides by presenter, Excellent speaking Skills, Lots of engaging with audience (eye-contact), Stayed on topic 2 of 4 exhibited: Prior knowledge of slides by presenter, Excellent speaking Skills, Lots of engaging with audience (eye-contact), Stayed on topic 3 of 4 exhibited: Prior knowledge of slides by presenter, Excellent speaking Skills, Lots of engaging with audience (eye-contact), Stayed on topic Apparent prior knowledge of slides by presenter, Excellent speaking Skills, Lots of engaging with audience (eye-contact), Stayed on topic Poor Fair Good Excellent Little to No Speaking during slide presentation Transitions 4 Missing No Transitions between slides Time Limit 4 N/A Missing Over Time Limit 4 Transitions used between slides throughout the presentation Poor N/A 3 Transitions used between slides throughout the presentation Fair N/A Good N/A 1-2 Transitions used between slides throughout the presentation Excellent Stayed within the time limit