School plan 2015 – 2017 Wooglemai EEC 5667 Planning template – V2.0 School background 2015 - 2017 School vision statement School context Our motto: “Experiences today, thoughts and actions for tomorrow”. Wooglemai Environmental Education Centre (WEEC) is one of twenty five Environmental and Zoo Education Centres (EZEC) operated by the NSW Department of Education and Communities (DEC). WEEC actively collaborates across this network to set directions and develop the organisation for environmental and sustainability education. WEEC programs are designed to address primary and secondary key learning areas including fieldwork and sustainability education as a cross-curriculum priority. The centre also provides for residential recreational based camps (including outdoor activities such as kayaking, archery and high ropes challenges) designed to improve social outcomes and personal development of students. WEEC is located at Oakdale, adjacent to Nattai National Park and the Greater Blue Mountains World Heritage Area. The centre is a 16 ha residential camp site catering for 7,500 students K-12 pa. As well as programs at Wooglemai, WEEC uses other sites, works in schools and presents at education events. Schools using the services of WEEC are drawn primarily from the Illawarra, Southern Highlands and Metropolitan South West areas. Teachers booking WEEC are offered support (including phone conversations, pre-excursion visits, written confirmation, program advice and online support via the WEEC website) to ensure the service we provide meets their needs. Communication covers logistics, special needs of students, syllabus links, learning experiences, resources and risk assessments. WEEC caters for Aboriginal students and/or students from areas of socio-economic disadvantage. WEEC also offers differentiated learning experiences for schools and communities of schools to provide for gifted and talented, intellectual and physical disadvantage and students at risk of disengagement. NSW DEC has a lease with Guntawang Catholic Youth Centres Incorporated for exclusive use of the Wooglemai site during school terms. Our vision: “Learning and working together for a more sustainable world.” WEEC provides visiting students with “hands on” quality student-centred learning experiences that build on their normal classroom lessons and experiences. We aim to ensure our students become successful learners, confident and creative individuals and active and informed global citizens and leaders. Our core purpose is to assist students to make sense of their changing world (with specific regard to sustainability issues) and to realise that we are all capable of contributing to positive changes in our families, communities and society. EZEC Vision: EZECs will provide educational experiences and opportunities that will engage and motivate all students to learn, discover and critically analyse their knowledge, to equip them to become informed citizens of the future who are socially, environmentally and culturally aware. School planning process WEEC teaching staff review and discuss previous school plans and the new school plan documentation and processes. Preview Melbourne Declaration on Educational Goals for Young Australians and the National School Improvement Tool. Await the publication of the Schools Excellence Framework as the key driver to the process. Discuss the planning process with other Wollondilly Network schools at meetings with Principal leadership Brad Mitchell. Discuss the planning process with EZEC Principals via video conferences including the notion of collaboration on a systems leadership based plan that can meet the needs of individual centres. Identify evidence to drive the planning process and articulate strategic directions. Evidence includes: Academic review of the EZEC network 2013-2014 Leadership Learning and Improvement project. Teacher evaluations of WEEC programs. Teacher evaluations from SEEDS sustainability network Student evaluations of academic and student welfare aspects of WEEC teaching programs. A shared EZEC survey of past WEEC visiting teachers (prepared by Observatory Hill EEC) to inform school service needs and inform school planning. Work with Leadership Principal Brad Mitchell to prepare WEEC school plan. Work with Education Director Public Schools NSW Wollondilly Margaret Turner during PARS meetings to monitor planning and implementation of new plan. Wooglemai Environmental Education Centre Page 2 Planning template – V2.0 School strategic directions 2015 - 2017 STRATEGIC DIRECTION 1 Improving learning outcomes for all students through consistent high standard educational practice Purpose: To provide educational experiences and opportunities that will engage and motivate all students to learn, discover and critically analyse their knowledge, to equip them to become informed citizens of the future who are socially, environmentally and culturally aware. STRATEGIC DIRECTION 2 STRATEGIC DIRECTION 3 Building stronger partnerships to achieve systems improvement Fostering excellence in positive values and student leadership Purpose: To build strong partnerships that will provide a range of varying expertise to support and enable systems to improve the quality of outcomes. Working collaboratively enhances organisational and individual health and wellbeing. Teaching staff in EZEC’s require collaboration overcome geographical and professional isolation. Purpose: To develop and facilitate student social skill programs that enable successful peer support and student leadership at school level, effective transition to high school, specialist programs for Aboriginal students, those at risk of disengaging with school and sustainability ambassador/ leadership programs for our Youth Environmental Network. Wooglemai Environmental Education Centre Page 3 Planning template – V2.0 Strategic Direction 1: Improving learning outcomes for all students through consistent high standard educational practice Purpose People Processes Products and Practices Why do we need this particular strategic direction and why is it important? How do we develop capabilities of our people to bring about transformation? How do we do it and how will we know? What is achieved and how do we know? Students: engaged in specialised, quality teaching programs developed in line with the new Australian curriculum having sustainability as core cross curricular priority Provide teacher professional learning to enhance the capacity of schools to deliver new Australian curriculum specifically to facilitate the integration of sustainability as a key crosscurricular priority area. To provide educational experiences and opportunities that will engage and motivate all students to learn, discover and critically analyse their knowledge, to equip them to become informed citizens of the future who are socially, environmentally and culturally aware. Improvement Measures Positive evaluation by visiting schools of pre and post visit material Increase in number of students actively engaging in sustainability programs Staff: build teacher capacity via ongoing, focussed professional learning that supports students to achieve outcomes Implement 21st Century Learning pedagogies such as SOLES and PBL Staff: model sustainability education programs on current examples of best practice. Collaboration with COS, Wollondilly Network of Schools, SEEDS and EZEC to develop model sustainability education programs Community partners: collaborate through EZEC on current and new programs that will facilitate best practice in sustainability education. Evaluation plan: Regular reporting against milestones. Community partners: develop and maintain partnerships with Aboriginal Communities, NSW OEH, local councils, Oz-green to maximise resourcing to support existing and new programs. Post visit teacher surveys on WEEC program quality/ delivery. Leaders: develop school capacity to implement NSWDEC Environmental Education Policy and to deliver curriculum/ sustainability outcomes via a range of professional learning networks (EZEC, Wollondilly Network, COS) A post visit continuum of feedback from students and staff about student progress in direct relation to learning experiences at WEEC. Post visit student surveys on WEEC program quality and delivery. Products: SEEDS membership increased Pre and post visit curricula that supports student learning Schools adopt global citizenship and sustainability pedagogy and practices What are our newly embedded practices and how are they integrated and in sync with our purpose? Practices: High quality teaching and learning practices demonstrated within WEEC programs EZEC consultation on programs. Teachers include WEEC visits into their excursion planning calendar. TPL delivered by WEEC staff is applied by teachers and implemented into teaching practice. SEEDS member feedback regarding level of support for sustainability from WEEC. Student surveys that reflect attitudes of learning experiences based around sustainability and citizenship. Wooglemai Environmental Education Centre Page 4 Planning template – V2.0 Strategic Direction 2: Building stronger partnerships to achieve systems improvement Purpose People Processes Products and Practices Why do we need this particular strategic direction and why is it important? How do we develop capabilities of our people to bring about transformation? How do we do it and how will we know? What is achieved and how do we know? To build strong partnerships that will provide a range of varying expertise to support and enable systems to improve the quality of outcomes. Working collaboratively enhances organisational and individual health and well-being. Teaching staff in EZEC’s require collaboration overcome geographical and professional isolation. Improvement Measures SEEDS attendance improved. Significant correlation between visitation and network participation. Visiting Teacher surveys show positive feedback based around program outcomes. Improvements in centre utilisation return visits as well as overall schools accessing WEEC services. Students: Engage either directly with partners (NGOs, Government Organisations, EZEC Community,) or the knowledge from partners to help facilitate quality learning experiences that support responsible and productive citizenship. Staff: WEEC staff utilise partners to draw upon current research, data, evidence and evaluation to inform planning and teaching practice. WEEC staff work in collaboration with NGOs, OEH, UWS and NSWDEC consultants to deliver lessons to students. WEEC staff assist schools to deliver services in an environmentally sustainable way. Networking with professional EZEC community Products: Strong authentic partnerships that improve student learning outcomes. Networking with NGO/GOs and other organisations outside DEC Engaging learning experiences centred around sustainability and citizenship. Networking with COS Improved systems within schools that can better help embed and support curriculum for sustainability. Evaluation plan: Regular reporting against milestones. EZEC Annual Conference/ Principal’s Conference attendance. SEEDS surveys. Evaluation of partnerships with external organisations. Community partners: Partners bring their knowledge and expertise to help build workforce capacity by engaging in and delivering professional learning that can be used to improve learning practices for students. What are our newly embedded practices and how are they integrated and in sync with our purpose? Practices: WEEC teaching staff actively contribute to professional dialogue, policy and products. WEEC actively pursues partnerships with schools, business, tertiary institutions, government and non-government organisations and the community to access human, physical and financial resources to enrich our programs and services to schools. Leaders: Facilitation of networking opportunities for leaders with EZEC, community of schools, Wollondilly Principals Network, SEEDS groups that will allow for collaboration to develop efficient systems and practices. Wooglemai Environmental Education Centre Page 5 Planning template – V2.0 Strategic Direction 3: Purpose Why do we need this particular strategic direction and why is it important? To develop and facilitate student social skill programs that enable successful peer support and student leadership at school level, effective transition to high school, specialist programs for Aboriginal students, those at risk of disengaging with school and sustainability ambassador/ leadership programs for our Youth Environmental Network. Improvement Measures YEN successfully endorsed (student attendance/ school numbers). Leadership camps successfully endorsed (student numbers). Fostering excellence in positive values and student leadership People How do we develop capabilities of our people to bring about transformation? Processes How do we do it and how will we know? Students: Challenge students to reflect on problem solving, personal interactions and social skills, critical thinking and decision making through challenge-based learning activities. Enable students to make choices and take responsibility for their own futures. Build specific knowledge of sustainability issues, presentation skills and foster active citizenship and leadership for better future outcomes. Are actively involved in volunteering, community projects and special events such as YES. Successful delivery of values based programs eg Peer support/ Leadership/ Transition to HS day and residential programs are evaluated favourably by client schools. Staff: Network with schools to develop programs based on the needs of schools. Provide professional learning for staff to develop capabilities to better teach sustainability and facilitate student leadership in schools. Evaluation plan: Regular reporting against milestones. Community partners: WEEC will collaborate with community partners to develop and deliver leadership programs that best suit schools and students (ie UOW, Oz-Green, COS, SEEDS). Community partners will be made aware of events and PL that supports leadership and learning for sustainability. Products and Practices What is achieved and how do we know? Products: Student projects developed (at a high standard) around the theme of sustainability. Impacts of projects analysed. Youth Environmental Network (YEN) camps fully subscribed and positively evaluated. Improved models for student leadership Special events attendance and feedback positive. Practices: Transition to HS school, peer support, special education and Links to Learning programs delivered successfully. Visiting staff surveys. Monitoring and reporting on student achievements (linked to a school program and assessment). Active representation at Sustainability events YES, Youth Enviro-Forum, etc. WEEC programs embed the DEC core values and develop student leadership through explicit, clinical teaching programs. WEEC leadership programs link school life, social skills, sustainability and opportunities for active environmental citizenship. Leaders: Network with all partners to support leadership and learning for sustainability. Wooglemai Environmental Education Centre Page 6 Planning template – V2.0