M A M EL-Morsy Optics II Interference phenomena 17- NEWTONS'S RINGS When a piano-convex lens of long focal length is placed on a plane glass plate, a thin film of air is enclosed between the lower surface of ' the lens and the upper surface of the plate. The thickness of the air film is very small at the point of contact and gradually increases from the centre outwards. The fringes produced with monochromatic light are circular. The fringes are concentric circles, uniform in thickness and with the point of contact as the centre. When viewed with white light, the fringes are coloured. With monochromatic light, bright and dark circular fringes are produced in the air film. S is a source of monochromatic light at the focus of the lens L 1 (Fig. 8.25). A horizontal beam of light falls on the glass plate B at 45°. The glass plate B reflects a part of the incident light towards the air film en closed by the lens L and the plane glass plate G. The reflected beam from the air film is viewed with a microscope. Interference takes place and dark and bright circular fringes are produced. This is due to the interference between the light reflected from the lower surface of the lens and the upper surface of the glass plate G. Theory. (i) Newton's rings by reflected light Suppose the radius of curvature of the lens is R and the air film is of thickness t at a distance of OQ = r, from the point of contact O. 74 M A M EL-Morsy Optics II Interference phenomena Here, interference is due to reflected light. Therefore, for the bright rings 2n 2 t cos Where n = 1, 2, 3, …… 1 (i ) 2 etc. Here is small, therefore cos = 1 and for air µ = 1 2 t 2n 1 2 (ii ) For the dark fringe 2 t cos n 2t n Where n = 0, 1, 2, 3, …… etc. In Fig. 8.26 EP x HE OE x 2 R OE But EP HE r , OE PQ t and 2 R t 2 R ( approximately ) r2 2 R t t r2 2 R Substituting the value of t in equations (ii) and (iii), For bright rings r2 r 2 n 1 R 2 2 n 1 R 2 For dark rings 75 M A M EL-Morsy Optics II Interference phenomena r2 n R n R r When n = 0, the radius of the dark ring is zero and the radius of the bright rings is R . therefore, the center is dark. 2 Alternately dark and bright rings are produced ( Fig. 8.27). Result. The radius of the dark ring is proportional to (i) n (ii) R . and (iii) Similarly the radius of the bright ring is proportional to (i) 2n 1 2 (ii) and (iii) R if D is the diameter of the dark ring D 2r2 n R Example 8.46. A thin equiconvex lens of focal length 4 metres and reflective index 1.50 rests on and in contact with an optical flat, and using light of wavelength 5460 A, Newton's rings 76 M A M EL-Morsy Optics II Interference phenomena are viewed normally by reflection. What is the diameter of the 5 th bright ring ? The diameter of the n th bright ring is given by 2 2 n 1 R Dn n 5 , 5460 x 10 8 cm f 400 cm , 1.5 1 1 1 R2 R1 R1 R , R2 R 1 f 2 1 R 1 2 1.5 1 400 R R 400 cm 1 f D 2 x 2 x 5 1 x 5460 x 10 8 x 400 0.627 cm Example 47. A piano-convex lens of radius 300 cm is placed on an optically flat glass plate and is illuminated by monochromatic light. The diameter of the 8 th dark ring in the transmitted system is 0.72 cm. Calculate the wavelength of light used. Example 48. In a Newton's rings experiment the diameter of the • 15 th ring was found to be 0.590 cm and that of the 5 th ring was 0.336 cm. If the radius of the piano-convex lens is 100 cm, calculate the wavelength of light used. 77 M A M EL-Morsy Optics II Interference phenomena Example 49. In a Newton's rings experiment, the diameter of the 5 th ring was 0.336 cm and Me diameter of the 15 th ring = 0.590 cm. Find the radius of curvature of the piano-convex lens, if the wavelength of light used is 5890 A. Fig. 8.30 18- REFRACTIVE INDEX OF A LIQUID USING NEWTON'S RINGS The experiment is performed when there is an air film between the planoconvex lens and the optically plane glass plate. These are kept in a metal container C. The diameter of the n th and the (n + m) th dark rings are determined with the help of a travelling microscope (Fig. 8.30): 78 M A M EL-Morsy For air Optics II Interference phenomena Dn2 m 4 n m R Dn2 4 n R (i) The liquid is poured in the container C without disturbing the arrangement. The air film between the lower surface of the lens and the upper surface of the plate is replaced by the liquid. The diameters of the n th ring and the (n + m) th ring are determined. For the liquid, 2 t cos n for dark rings 2 t n t but 2 r2 2 R r2 2 R n n R r2 D 2 4n R but r D2 Example 50. In a Newton's rings experiment the diameter of the 10 th ring changes from 1.40 cm to 1.27 cm when a liquid is introduced between the lens and the plate. Calculate the refractive index of the liquid. Example 51. In a Newton's rings arrangement, if a drop of water (µ = 4/3) be placed in between the lens and the plate, the diameter of the 10 th ring is found to be 0.6 cm. Obtain the radius of curvature 79 M A M EL-Morsy Optics II Interference phenomena of the face of the lens in contact with the plate. The wavelength of light used is 6000 A. Example 52. Newton's . rings are formed by reflected light of wavelength 5895 A with a liquid between the plane and curved su rfaces. If the diameter of the 5 th bright ring is 3 mm and the radius of curvature of the curved surface is 100 cm, calculate the reflective-index of the liquid. Example 53. In a Newton's rings experiment the diameter of the 15 th ring was found to be 0.590 cm and that of the 5 th ring was 0.336 cm. If the radius of the piano-convex lens is 100 cm, calculate me wavelength of light used. 80 M A M EL-Morsy Optics II Interference phenomena Example 54. In a Newton's rings experiment the diameter of the 12 th ring changes from 1.50 cm to 1.35 cm when a liquid is introduced between the lens and the plate. Calculate the refractive index of the liquid. D 2 D1 2 1.5 1.235 1.35 2 19- INTERFEROMETRY The phenomenon of interference has been used to test the planeness of surfaces and also to reduce reflecting power of the lens and the prism surfaces. Instruments based on the principle of interference of light are known as interferometers. Michelson designed an interferometer to determine the wavelength of light, thickness of thin strips and for the standardization of the metre. The instruments designed by Jamin and Rayleigh are used to determine the refractive index of gases and are known as refractometers. 20- MICHELSON INTERFEROMETER Michelson interferometer consists of two highly polished mirrors M1 and M 2 and two plane glass plates A and C parallel to each other. The rear side of the glass plate A is half silvered so that light coming from the source 81 M A M EL-Morsy Optics II Interference phenomena S is equally reflected and transmitted by it. Light from a mono chromatic source S after passing through the lens L, falls on the plate A. The lens L makes the beam parallel. The plate A is inclined at an angle of 45°. One half of the energy of the incident beam is reflected by the plate A towards the mirror M 1 and the other half is transmitted towards the mirror M,. These two beams (reflected and transmitted) travel along two mutually perpendicular paths and , are reflected back by the mirror Al} and M 2 . These two beams return to the plate A. The beam reflected back by MI is transmitted through, the glass plate A and the beam reflected back by M 2 is reflected by the glass plate A towards the eye (Fig. 8.37).The beam going towards the mirror M, and reflected back, has to pass twice through the glass plate A. Therefore, to compensate for the path, the plate i s u s e d between mirror M a nd A . T h e l i gh t b e a m go i n g t o w a r d s the mirror M, and reflected back towards A also passes twice through the compensation plate C. Therefore, the paths of the two rays in glass are the same. The mirror M1 is fixed on a carriage and can be moved with the help of the handle H. The distance through which the mirror M1 is moved can be read on the scale. The planes of the mirrors M1 and M2 can be made perfectly perpendicular with the help of the fine screws at tached to them. The compensating plate is a necessity for white light fringes but can be dispensed with, while using monochromatic light. 82 M A M EL-Morsy Optics II Interference phenomena If the mirrors M1 and M2 are perfectly perpendicular, the observer's eye will see the images of the mirrors M1 and M2 through A. There will be an air film between the two images and the distance can be varied with the help of the handle H. The fringes will be perfectly circular. If the path travelled by the two rays is exactly the same, the field of view will be completely dark. If the two images of M1 and M, are inclined (the mirrors M1 and M2 not perfectly perpendicular) the enclosed air film, will be wedge shaped and straight line fringes will be observed. When the mirror M 1 is moved away or towards the glass plate A with the help of the handle H, the fringes cross the centre of the field of view of the observer's eye. if M1 is moved through a distance X12, one fringe will cross the field of view and will move to the position previously occupied by the next fringe. 21- APPLICATIONS OF MICHELSON INTERFEROMETER Michelson interferometer can be used to determine (i) the wavelength of a given monochromatic source of light, (ii) the difference between the two neighbouring wavelengths or resolution of the spectral lines, (iii) refractive index and thickness of various thin transparent materials and (iv) for the measurement of the standard metre in terms of the wavelength of light. 22- DE T E R MI N AT IO N OF THE WA VE L E N G T H OF MONOCHROMATIC LIGHT The mirrors M1 and M 2 are adjusted so that circular fringes are visible in the field of view (Fig. 8.37). If M1 and M 2 are equidistant from the glass plate A, the field of view will be perfectly dark. The mirror M2 is kept fixed and the mirror M 1 is moved with the help of the handle of the micrometer screw and the number of fringes that cross the field of view is counted. Suppose for the monochromatic light of wavelength, the distance through which the mirror is moved = d and the number of fringes that cross the centre of the d field of view = n. Then, n 2 , because for one fringe shift, the mirror moves through a distance equal to half the wavelength. Hence , can be determined. 83 M A M EL-Morsy Optics II Interference phenomena Example 55. In moving one mirror in a Michelson interferometer through a distance of 0.1474 mm, 500 fringes cross the centre of the field of view What is the wavelength of light ? Example 65. Fringes of equal inclination are observed in a Michelson interferometer. As one of the mirrors is moved back by 1 mm, 3663 fringes move out from the centre of the pattern. Calculate . Example 57 . In a Michelson interferometer 200 fringes cross the field of view when the movable mirror is displaced through 0.05896 mm. Calculate the wavelength of the monochromatic light used. In a Michelson interferometer 84 M A M EL-Morsy Optics II Interference phenomena Example 58. A shift of 100 circular fringes is observed when the movable mirror of the Michelson interferometer is shifted by 0.0295 mm. Calculate the wavelength of light. Example 59. In a Michelson's interferometer 200 fringes cross the field of view when the movable mirror is displaced through 0.0589 mm. Calculate the wavelength of monochromatic light used. Example 60. In a Micheleon's interferometer 100 fringes cross the field of view when the movable mirror is displaced by 0.022948 mm. Cal culate the wavelength of the monochromatic light. 23- JAMIN'S REFRACTOMETER It is used to determine the refractive index of a gas at different pressures. A and B are two glass plates silvered at their back surfaces. The two plates are sufficiently thick and two identical glass tubes T1 and T2 are placed .in the path of the beams 1 and 2 respectively (Fig. 8.47). A source S is placed at the focal plane of 'the lens L and a parallel beam of light is incident on the front 85 M A M EL-Morsy Optics II Interference phenomena surface at the plate A. It is _divided into two beams by the plate A. The beam 1 is reflected by the front surface and the beam 2 is reflected by the back surface. The two beams are incident on the plate B and the beam 2 is reflected by the front surface and the beam 1 is reflected by the back surface. The emergent beams interfere and they are viewed by a telescope T which is focussed at infinity.' Interference fringes are obtained. Here, the planes of A and B are inclined at a small angle. Fig. 8.47. Jamin's Refractometer The tubes T1 and T 2 are evacuated and the fringes are observed in the field of view of the telescope. The gas is allowed to enter one of the tubes and the number of fringes that cross the centre of .the field of view is counted. Suppose, n fringes have crossed the field of view. If the length of the tube is L, the path difference introduced = ( µ - 1 ) L 1 L n Therefore, the refractive index of the gas at a desired pressure can be determined. In order to avoid the counting of fringes every time, two compen sating plates C 1 and C2 of equal thickness cut from the same piece, are introduced in the beams 1 and 2 as shown in Fig. 8.47. The plates C1 and C2 can be rotated about a common horizontal axis (at a fixed angle between them) with the help of a calibrated circular disc, D. When the disc D is rotated, the interfering beams passing through C and C2 are affected such that in one case the path increases and in the other case it decreases. The circular disc is calibrated by counting the number of fringes directly and is marked in terms of the refractive index and the number of 86 M A M EL-Morsy Optics II Interference phenomena wavelengths. Here, the tubes T 1 and T 2 are evacuated and using white light, the telescope is focused such that the central white fringe is in the field of view. The gas is introduced at a desired pressure an d temperature, into the tube T 1 The central fringe shifts. With the help of the circular disc D, the plate C 2 is rotated to bring the central fringe back to its original position. The reading on the calibrated circular disc directly gives me refractive index or me gas. 24- MACH-ZEHNDER REFRACTOMETER It is used to study slight changes in refractive index of various gases over a considerable region. Its principle is similar to Jamin's interferometer. The mirrors M and M 2 work like the glass plate A and the mirrors M3 and M4 simalar to the glass plate B of a Jamin's refractometer. Moreover, the change in the path difference takes place in the path of beam 1 (Fig. 8.48). The number of fringes that cross the field of view o f the telescope can beobserved. Suppose the length of the tube T is L and n fringes cross the field of view when the refractive index changes from µ1 to µ2 then 2 2 L 1 L n 1 n L 87 L n M A M EL-Morsy Optics II Interference phenomena Thus, the change in the refractive index can be calculated. This refractometer is particularly useful in studying the flow pattern in wind tunnels. Example 60. In a Jamin's refractometer, two evacuated tubes each of length 20 cm are placed in the two beams. A gas at a known tem perature and pressure is slowly admitted in one of the tubes and 100 fringes cross the centre of the field of view. Calculate (i) the refractive -index and (ii) the refractivity of the gas ( = 5460 A). L 20 cm , n 100 , 5460 x 10 8 cm 1 L n n 100 x 5460 x 10 8 refractivity 1 2.73 x 10 4 L 20 n refractive index 1 1 2.73 x 10 4 3.73 x 10 4 L Example 61. In a Mach- Zehnder refractometer, when one of the beams passes through a wind tunnel of length 10 metres, 120 fringes cross the centre of the field of view. Calculate the change in refractive index. = 5890 x 10-8 cm. L 10 m 1000 cm, n 120, 5890 x 10 8 cm n 120 x 5890 x 10 8 7.068 x 10 6 L 1000 88 M A M EL-Morsy Optics II Interference phenomena EXERCISES 1. Light from an extended source fails obliquely on a thin film of an optical medium. Find an expression for the effective path difference between a part of a ray reflected externally at the first surface and the part which suffers one reflection internally at the other face. Why does the film appear black in reflected light when it is excessively thin '? 2. How would you determine the wavelength of light with the Lloyd's mir ror experiment ? In what respect do the fringes in this case differ from those obtained with Fresnel's biprism.? How would you obtain achro matic fringes with this arrangement ? 3. Explain why different colours are exhibited by a thin film in white light. When seen by reflected lig ht, why an excessively thin film appears to be perfectly black ? With a suitable diagram, explain why a broad source of light is needed to observe the phenomenon mentioned above. 4. Give with necessary theory Newton's ring s method for the determination of the wavelength of monochromatic tight. Why is the centre of the rings dark and how can we. get a bright centre ? 5. Explain Inc colours ;n thin films, How will you determine the wavelength of Light by Newton's rings ? 6. How can Newton's rings be obtained in the laboratory ? How will you use them to measure the waveleng th of sodium light ? Prove the necessary formula. 7. Explain the colours of thin films. What are Newton's rings and how is the wavelength determined using Newtons's rings ? 8. State the conditions under. which light front two sources can i nterfere. Describe the Fresnels biprism method of producing interference fringes and determining the wavelength of light. 9. Account for the colours in thin films. Explain how from a study of these colours an estimate of the thickness of the film may be mad e. Prove any formula you may need in this connection. 10. What are coherent sources ? How are they realised in practice ? Describe a method for determining the refractive index of a gas using the interference phenomena. 89 M A M EL-Morsy 11. Optics II Interference phenomena What is interference of light ? How will you determine the wavelength of light using Fresnel's biprism ? 12. Describe Michelson interferometer and show how it can be used for measuring the wavelength of any line in a spectrum. 13. Describe Michelson interferometer How will you find the wavelength of monochromatic light with its help 7 Derive the formula you use. 1 4 Explain the working of Michelson interferometer. How will you produce circular fringes with it ? How will you measure the difference in wave length between the D lines of sodium light ? 15. Explain with necessary theory the Newton's rings method of measuring the wavelength of light. 16. (Punjab) Explain the principle of an interference refractometer. How would you use it ID determine the refractive index of gas at different temperatures. ? 17. Describe in detail how you would find-the wavelength of a monochromatic source using a Fresnel's biprism.(Mysore, Panjab, Agra) 18. Explain clearly the theory and the experimental arrangement of Newton's rings experiment. 19. . (Agra) Describe the construction and working of Michelson interferometer. How would you use it to measure the wavelength of a g iven line in the spectrum ? Under what conditions would you observe. the fringes in the Michelson interferometer with white light '? 21. Describe the construction of Michelson's interferometer and explain its working. Discuss the important applications of the interferometer. 22. Discuss the formation of colours in thin transparent film due to multiple reflection of light in these and show that with monochromatic light the interference patterns of the reflected and the transmitted light are complimentary. 23. Explain how Newton's rings are formed and describe the method for the determination of wavelength of light with their use. 24. — Give the theory of Newton's rings and describe a method of producing them. Explain how this phenomenon can be used to determine the radius of 90 M A M EL-Morsy Optics II Interference phenomena curvature of a plano-convex lens. 25. 26. Describe and explain the phenomenon of interference in thin films . What are Newton's rings and how are they formed ? How can the refractive index of a liquid be determined using these fringes ? What is the difference between these fringes and those produced by a biprism. 27. Describe Michelson interferometer and explain the formation of fringes in it. How was this interferometer used for the standardisation of the metre ? 52. Describe the principle and working of a Michelson interferometer. How can the instrument be used to determine the difference between the wavelength of the Iwo D lines of sodium ? 53. Explain how Newton's rings are formed and give a method for the determination of wavelength of light by Newton's rings method. 54. What are coherent sources and how are they realised in practice ? How can the wavelength of a monochromatic source of light be measured with the help of a Fresnel's biprism ? Give the theory of the arrangement of the apparatus. 55. Describe Michelson's interferometer. Explain how circular, straight and white light fringes are formed. 56. Discuss the conditions for interference. Describe Young's experiment and derive. an expression for (i) intensity at a point on the screen and (ii) fringe width. 57. Give the theory of Newton's rings and describe an experiment to de termine of light using these rings. 58. Explain with derivation of formula for tht. ff C. 71 z by monochromatic light reflected normally. Account for perfect blackness of the central spot. What is the difference between these fringes and those formed by a biprism 59. Describe the formation of fringes by Fabry-Perot interferometer and discuss the intensity distribution. 60. Explain the formation of Newtons's rings. How can these be used to determine the refractive index of a liquid ? 91 M A M EL-Morsy 61. Optics II Interference phenomena Show that the diameters of Newton's rings when two surfaces of radii R 1 and R2 are placed in contact, are related by the equation. 62. Explain the principle of Fabry-Perot etalon (or interferometer). Obtain an expression for the intensity of the transmitted light through this etalon and discuss the sharpness of fringes obtained. 63. What is interference of light ? Describe Fresnel's biprism method for the determination of wavelength of light. 64. Describe the construction and working of Michelson interferometer 65. What are coherent sources ? Explain the formation of colours in thin films. Why are interference fringes not observed in thick films ? Describe in detail an experiment to determine the wavelength of sodium light" with Fresnel's biprism 67. Describe Michelson's interferometer. How will you use it to standardize a metre in terms of wavelength of 68. What are coherent sources ? How can these be obtained ? 69. Give, with necessary theory, Newtons's rings method for the determi nation of the wavelength of monochromatic light. Why is the centre of the rings dark and how can we get a bright centre ? 70. How can the wavelength of monochromatic light be measured with the help of , a Freshet's biprism ? Give the theory and experimental arrangement. 71. What is interference of light ? On its basis explain the colour effects in thin films. 72. Write short notes on (i) Coherent sources. (ii) Fresnel's biprism. (iii) Lloyd's single mirror. (iv) Billet's split lens. (v) Achromatic fringes with white light. (p it Cnlovc n f th ; r, niare.S. (vii) Testing the planeness of surfaces. (viii) Newton's rings. (ix) Haidinger fringes. 92 M A M EL-Morsy Optics II Interference phenomena Brewster's fringes. (x) (xt) Non reflecting films. (xii) Michelson interferometer and its uses (.xiii) Standardisation of the metre. (xiv) Etalon. (xv) Jamin's refractometer (xvi) Mach-Zehnder refractometer. (xvii) Rayleigh's refractometer. Fabry-Perot interferometer. (xix) Lummer-Genrcke plate. (x;c) Interference fringes. Cu) Colour photography. (xxii) Testing of Optical planeness (xxii) Colours of thin films. (xxiv) Interference filters. 73. A Fresnel biprism having angle of 1" and refractive index forms interference fringes on a screen placed 80 cm from the prism. If the distance between the source and the biprism is 20 cm, find the fringe separation when the wavelength of light used is (a) 6900 A and (b) 4600 A [Ans. (a) 1.975 x 10-2 cm (b) 1.317 x 10-2cm] 74. In Fresnel's biprism experiment, on inserting a thin plate of glass in the path of the interfering beams, it is found that the central bright fringe shifts into the position previously occupied by the sixth bright fringe. If the wavelength of light used is 6 x 10-5 cm and the refractive index of the glass plate is 1.5 for this wavelength, calculate the thickness of the plate. [7.2 x 10-4cm] 75 - Newton's ring s are observed in reflected light of X = 5.9 x 10 -5cm. The diameter of the 10 th dark ring is 0.50 cm. Find the radius of cur vature of the lens and the thickness of the air film. [Ans. (i) 105.9cm (ii) 0.000295 cm] _ 76. Interference fringes are produced with monochromatic light falling normally on a wedge-shaped film of cellophane whose refractive index is 1.4. The angle of 93 M A M EL-Morsy Optics II Interference phenomena the wedge is 40 seconds of an arc and the distance between the successive fringes is 0.125 cm. Calculate the wavelength of light. Ans. 6.787 x 10-5 cm 2 p. 77. In an experiment with a Michelson interferometer, the distance through which the mirror is moved between two consecutive positions of maximum distinctness is 0.2945 mm. If the mean wavelength for the two components of the D lines of sodium light is 5893 A, deduce the difference between their wavelengths. 78. Describe Michelson's interferometer and explain the formation of cir cular and straight fringes with it. 79. Describe the construction and working a Fabry Perot interferometer. 80. Explain why coherent sources are required for interference. 81. What are coherent sources '? Give diagrams showing clearly how co herent sources are produced in (a) Newton's rings arrangement (b) biprism arrangement. 82. Describe an interference method for the measurement of radius of curvature of a piano convex lens of power less than one diopter. Deduce the formula used. 83. Explain the formation of Fringes in a Fabry Perot interferometer and discuss the effect of reflectivity on the sharpness of fringes. 84, What do you understand by coherent sources ? How are these obtained is practice ? Why is it necessary to have coherent sources for observing interference. of light 85. With the help of a neat utagiani produce Newton's rims by reflected sodium light. Prove that in reflected the diameter of the dark rings are proportional to the square root of the natural numbers. • Why is it necessary to have a convex lens of large radius of curvature for producing Newtons's rings 86. Calculate the displacement of fringes when a thin transparent plate is introduced is the path of . one of the interfering beams of monochromatic light. How is this method used for finding the thickness of a thin mica sheet. 87. Discuss die principle and' use of a Fabry Perot interferometer. 83. Explain Newton's rings method for determinin g the wavelength of 94 M A M EL-Morsy Optics II Interference phenomena monochromatic light_ Why is the centre of the rings dark and how can we get a bright centre ? 39. Describe Michelson's interferometer and discuss the conditions for obtaining (1) circular fringes. (ii) straight line fringes with this interferometer. 91. Derive the expression for the resultant intensity when two coherent beams of light are superposed. What is the visibility of fringes :(a) for two slits of equal intensities. (b) if intensity of one slit is 4 times the other ? What will he the intensity when the two sources arc in-coherent ? 92. Explain what happens to Newton's rings when :(i) The lower glass plate is rough and not plane. The lens is not in .contact with the_ glass plate. Some oil is placed between the glass plate and the lens. 93. (a) Explain the working of Michelson's interferometer. How will you produce circular fringes with it. (h) Explain what is meant by the terms partial and temporal coherence ? (c) Explain the term visibility of fringes. Obtain the expression for the visibility of fringes in the case of Michelson's interferometer. 94. What are the various conditions for observing sustained interference. Discuss, giving theory, the Newton's rings method for determinin g the wavelength of a beam of monochromatic light. 95. (a) Obtain Airy's formula for the intensity of the transmitted light in a Fabry Perot interferometer. (b) What do you mean by the term coefficient of finesse ? (c) Prove that the frin ges obtained with Fabry Perot interferometer are sharper than those obtained with Michelson interferometer. 96. (ci) Distinguish between spatial and temporal coherence. (b) What are coherence length and coherence time ? Why is it impos sible to observe interference between light waves emitted by independent sources ? 97. Give a complete description of Michelson's interferometer. Discuss how the 95 M A M EL-Morsy Optics II Interference phenomena wavelength of monochromatic radiation can be determined in the laboratory with the help.of this interferometer. 98. Discuss briefly the various methods for obtaining coherent sources of light in the laboratory. 99. Show that the distance between the two virtual coherent sources in Fres nel's biprisin arrangement is 2d(n 1)0 where d is the distance between the source and the biprism, 0 is the angle of the biprism and n is the refractive index of the material of the biprism. 96