here - COST-FP0903

Summary Report on National Activities about Air Pollution, Climate Change and
Forests (as off year 2012)
COST Action FP0903
Effects of artificial soil drought warming on conifers funded by the Austrian
Science Foundation (FWF)
Sophie Dillen
ECORISK (2012-2014) A decision support tool to manage climate change
risks to forest ecosystems. Objectives: to combine numerical weather and
climate models with the forest stand model ANAFORE. Funding: Belgian
Federal Science Policy (Belspo) within the Research Programme Science for
Sustainable Development
HYPERFOREST (2009-2012) Advanced airborne hyperspectral LiDAR remote
sensing to support forest management. Objectives: to improve data acquisition
and processing for better estimation of forest parameters by fusion of HS and
LiDAR data with focus on tree species composition, stand diversity and forest
vitality Funding: Belgian Federal Science Policy (Belspo) within the Research
Programme for Earth Observation
BIOSERF (2011-2015) Sustainability of tropical forest biodiversity and services
under climate and human pressure. Objectives: to explore the evolution of the
social-ecological system, with a focus on ecosystem services and assess their
sustainability in an area of evergreen tropical forest area under increasing
human pressure Funding: Belgian Federal Science Policy (Belspo) within the
Research Programme Science for Sustainable Development
KLIMOS Research Platform Climate Change and Development Cooperation
studies how the three major research themes energy, food security, forest can
be integrated in a sustainable way. Objectives: to develop and share a sound
knowledge base on the consequences of climate change in developing
countries. Funding: VLIR-UOS (Institutional University Cooperation)
CLIMAQS (2009-2012) Climate Impact and Air Quality Modelling for Policy
Support. Objectives: to improve and verify existing 3-D regional prognostic
atmospheric grid models, and to develop strategies for their effective
implementation as policy support tools. Funding: IWT-SBO agency for
Innovation by Science and Technology (Strategic Basic Research)
BIOHYPE (2009-2013) Biomonitoring of urban habitat quality with airborne
hyperspectral observations. Objectives: To develop, test and validate a
passive biomonitoring methodology based on airborne hyperspectral
observations. Funding: Belgian Federal Science Policy (Belspo) within the
Research Programme for Earth Observation
Bosnia &
Arne Sellin
Interactions between fluxes of carbon and water in ecosystems under the
influence of changing environment (SF0182732s06) (2006-2011) Estonian
Ministry of Education and Research. Aim: better understanding of
mechanisms behind primary production and carbon sequestration (at leaf,
whole-plant and ecosystem level), and improving predictions related to the
impact of the climate change. Ref: Anu Sõber
Molecular responses of birch and aspen to altered air humidity (2011-2014)
Academy of Finland. Aim: to study molecular mechanisms of changes taking
place in deciduous trees growing under increasing air humidity, predicted for
Northern Europe. Ref: Anu Sõber
Centre of Excellence in Environmental Adaptation (2011-2015) Estonian
Ministry of Education and Research. Aim: to understand the capacity of
ecosystems (including forest ecosystems) to adapt, focusing on globally
changing environmental drivers and feedbacks between soil, vegeta-tion,
and atmospheric processes, adaptation to abiotic and biotic stress factors and
their interact-tions under global change.Ref: Ülo Niinemets
Quantitative remote sensing of vegetation covers (SF0180009Bs11) (20112016) Estonian Ministry of Education and Research. Aim: Evaluation of the
role of terrestrial ecosystems (including forests) in the carbon budget. Ref:
Andres Kuusk
Impact of disturbances on wetland ecosystems in Estonia (SF0280009s07)
(2007-2012) Estonian Ministry of Education and Research. Aim: To study the
impact of disturbances on the structure and nutrient cycle of wetland
ecosystems, including swampy forest communities, in different stages of their
development. Ref: Margus Pensa
The effect of changing climate on forest disturbance regimes in temperate and
boreal zone (SF0170014s08) (2008-2013) Estonian Ministry of Education and
Research. Aim: to investigate the effect of projected climate change upon
several aspects of forest disturbance regime. Ref: Kalev Jõgiste
Production of biomass in forest ecosystems, its silvicultural and
ecophysiological bases (SF 0170021s08) (2008 – 2013) Estonian Ministry of
Education and Research. Aim: comparative analysis of ecophysiological and
morphological parameters of stands and trees and forest cultivation
techniques; to increase the production of wood-based biomass for the
generation of renewable energy. Ref: Malle Mandre
Effects of Climate Change on Air Pollution and Response Strategies for
European Ecosystems (Éclaire), EU FP7
Integrated non-CO2 Greenhouse gas Observation System (InGOS), EU FP7
Changing Permafrost in the Arctic and its Global Effects in the 21st Century
(PAGE21), EU FP7
SnowCarbo, EU Life+
Greenhouse gas management in European land use systems (GHG-Europe),
Climate change induced drought effects on forest growth and vulnerability
(Climforisk), EU Life+
Climate Change - Terrestrial Adaptation and Mitigation in Europe, EU FP7
CRAICC Cryosphere-atmosphere interactions in a changing Arctic climate,
Nordic Top-level Research Initiative
Prevention of health threats of fine particles from vegetation fires
Tekes – the Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation
Didier Le
French program ANR. Project “VULNOZ” “Vulnerability to ozone in
anthropized ecosystems. Which risks for 2020-2030?" 2009-2012. Coordinator
P. Dizengremel.
KBBE.2012.2.1-01 Improved water stress tolerance of crop plants . Project
WATBIO « Development of improved perennial non-food biomass and
bioproduct crops for water stressed environments », poplar, Coordinator : G.
KBBE-2011- FP7-ENV-2011. The impact of atmospheric pollution on
European land ecosystems and soil in a changing climate. ECLAIRE project
"Effects of climate change on air pollution impacts and response strategies for
European ecosystems" coordinator, MA Sutton, 2011-2015, 39 partners, 7 M€
KBBE-2007-1-2-05 Novel forest tree breeding "Noveltree” Novel tree breeding
strategies, coordinator C. Bastien, end 2012
KBBE-2008-1-2-06: Forecasting forest diversity under the influence of climatic
changes and the consequences for stability and productivity of forest
ecosystems. « BACCARA » Biodiversity And Climate Change, A Risk
Analysis; coordinator H. Jactel, end 2012
INFRA-2011-1.1.13. Research infrastructures for forestry research;
TREE4FUTURE « Designing trees for the Future », coordinator L. Pâques
INFRA-2007- Integrated Carbon Observation System. Research
infrastructures for forestry research « The terrestrial Carbon cycle under
Climate Variability and Extremes – a Pan-European synthesis; ICOS,
coordinator D. Loustau.
French program Laboratory of Excellence LABEX " ARBRE : Advanced
Research on the Biology of TRee and Forest Ecosystems", coordinator F.
Martin, 2012-2022, 10 M€.
French-Brazil cooperation between University of Lorraine and Federeal
University of Céara. Project SV68510 "Biochemical and molecular approaches
to understand the mechanisms of adaptation of plants to abiotic stresses.
Cordinator, Pr Y Jolivet, 2010-2013.
French program ANR : program "Agrobiosphere : Viabilité et adaptation des
écosystèmes productifs, territoires et ressources face aux changements
globaux" projet IMPEC " IMproving adaptation of forest Plantation
management to Environmental Changes- Modelling and manipulating biotic
interactions " coordinator C. Collet, submitted in March 2012
Meta-program INRA ACCAF “Adaptation of agriculture and forest to climatic
change”. Project ACCOZ "Adaptation of ecosystems to Climate Change under
OZone risk” . Keywords: ozone, drought, agro-ecosystems, forests,
detoxification, model, adaptation, vulnerability, gas exchange, stomata, water
relations. Poplar and wheat, Coordinators A. Tuzet and D. Le Thiec; not
accepted en 2011, next submission in july 2012, 2012-2015; 10 partners. +
international partners, 240 k€,
French program GICC “Gestion and Impact of Climatic Change”. Project
ACCOS “Adaptation to Climatic Change: ecosystems faced with Ozone and
drought”. Beech trees and wheat, Coordinators D. Le Thiec and A. Tuzet, 11
partners, 2012-2014, 350 k€, submitted, response in june
French program ANR : program “Adaptation” call in November 2012. poplar
trees, ozone and drought, coordinators : D. Le Thiec and Pr. Y. Jolivet
Climate Program Bavaria 2020 implemented by the Bavarian State Ministry for
Nourishment, Agronomy and Forestry in 2007, and ongoing, with the aim of
reducing release of greenhouse gases and supporting research on adaptation
(focus on hydrology). The two subprojects KLIP 13 and 15 are by R.
Matyssek, K.-H. Häberle (TU Munich) with partners E. Matzner, W. Borken
(University of Bayreuth) and by M. Baumgarten, R. Matyssek (TU Munich)
with partner H.-P. Dietrich (Bavarian State Institute for Forest Ecology and
Forestry, LWF), under the titles: Response of beech saplings to extreme and
repeated summer droughts; and The potential of beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) in
view of risks by drought and ozone impact as components of climate change –
Assessment at intensive forest monitoring sites (Level II) and research sites in
Bavaria/Germany (short title: Risks for Bavarian beech stands by ozone and
W37 (funded by the Bavarian State Ministry for Nourishment, Agronomy and
Forestry), entitled Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) and climate change
– does thinning prevent drought-induced damage ? by R. Matyssek, K.-H.
Häberle, T.E.E. Grams (TU Munich) with partner C. Ammer (University of
Bavarian research program KLIWA – Climate change and consequences for
water management/hydrology
Bavarian research program BayFORKAST – Climate effects on ecosystems
and strategies for adaptation and mitigation
Application and examination of new methods for an extensive evaluation of
tropospheric ozone impact on the biodiversity of terrestrial ecosystems. R.
Matyssek, M. Baumgarten (TU Munich) with partners H. Weigel, J. Bender
(vTI, Braunschweig), R. Stern (FU Berlin) and P. Builtjes (TNO/IfM
Utrecht/NL). Funding: German Federal Agency for Environmental Affairs
(UBA), through consortium project within UFOPLAN 2011 of the German
Federal Ministry for Environment, Research and Development
FO3REST: Ozone and Climate Change Impacts on French and Italian Forests:
Refinement of criteria and thresholds for forest protection (2011-2014) by IPPCNR
ÉCLAIRE - Effects of Climate Change on Air Pollution and Response
Strategies for European Ecosystems (2011-2015) by IPP-CNR
Monitoring Tropospheric Ozone at Remote Sites in China - CNR-CAF
(Chinese Academy of Forestry) agreement 2011-2013 by IPP-CNR
Participation in several programmes/networks dealing with effects of air
pollution and climate change on forests: ICP Forests, ICP Integrated
Monitoring, EMEP and ICOS.
European Social Fund's project "Importance of Genetic Factors on
Formation of Forest Stands with High Adaptability and Qualitative Wood “ by
Silava (No. 2009/0200/1DP/
Program “Human resources and employment” 2009-2012
Forest Sector Competence Centre Project "Methods and Technologies to
Increase the Value of Forests", Project activities "Adapting forest management
to climate changes" and "Methodological support for mitigating the impact of
forest management practices on the environment and developing
the related forest environment monitoring system " by Silava (2011-2015).
Wim de Vries
Continuous meteorological and CO2 flux measurements using the eddy
covariance method. Delta denuder system installed for N-deposition
Sasa Orlovic
Maria AnayaRomero
Rocío Alonso
and Miguel
Ángel de
measurements, based on Nitro Europe financing. An ozone sensor will be
installed to investigate the interaction CO2- ozone-climate.
Participation in several programmes/networks dealing with effects of air
pollution and climate change on forests: ICP Forests, ICP Integrated
Monitoring, EMEP and ICOS. Climate change and its effects on forests are
included in the research supported by the Research Council of Norway.
Infrastructure development at Tuczno site (Scots pine stand forest),
where integrated soil, plant, hydrological, microbiological and
atmospheric research are carried out. The main activity for near future
is apply O3 concentration monitoring in profile (7 levels) at selected
forests (ICOS infrastructure).
Critical loads of N deposition and long-term critical levels of atmospheric
ammonia for semi-natural Mediterranean evergreen woodlands based on data
from lichen functional diversity.
Spatial models based on PAHs intercepted by lichens to fingerprinting
multisource atmospheric pollution in a regional area.
The most intensive research on the impact of air pollution on forest
ecosystems was in the monitoring of forest ecosystems on level I and level II
on two sites (ICP-Forests.
Evaluation of the edaphic conditions in three most common types of oak
forests affected by different degree of drying.
Analysis of microclimatic conditions in poplar plantations.
Strategic Action of Energy and Climate Change included in the 2008-2011
National Plan for Research, Development and Innovation, includes actions to
increase carbon dioxide absorption in Spanish Forests, like reforestation,
agricultural lands forestation and Hydrologic-Forest restoration
Nacional projects:
2007-2012 Equipo de Investigación Multidisciplinar sobre Cambios Climáticos
Graduales y Abruptos, y sus Efectos Medioambientales. (GRACCIE)
CSD2007-00067. CONSOLIDER-Ingenio 2010.
2008-2013 “Spanish woodlands and global change: threats and
opportunities” (MONTES). CONSOLIDER CSD2008-00040.
2009 - 2012. Patrones regionales y procesos locales: Modelos de la dinámica
del bosque mediterráneo en respuesta al cambio global (INTERBOS).
CGL2008-04503-C03-03/BOS. INIA.
2009-2012. “Interacción entre Recursos Hídricos y Nutricionales en la
Restauración de Áreas Semiáridas Degradadas”. (LORAIN). Ministerio de
Ciencia e Innovación.
2009-2012. Análisis multi-escala, modelización y prospectiva del efecto
sumidero de los ecosistemas forestales arbolados en España ante un
escenario de Cambio Global. SUM2008-00004-C03-00. INIA.
2009-2012. Obtención de información espectral a diversas escalas para la
estimación de parámetros biofísicos de la vegetación mediterránea en el
contexto del Cambio Global. BIOSPEC. (CGL2008-02301/CLI) Ministerio de
Ciencia e Innovación.
2009-2012. Vulnerabilidad de la Cuenca Mediterránea al Cambio Global.
Estratégias de respuesta: Adaptación, Mitigación y Restauración
(FEEDBACKS). Programa PROMETEO. Generalitat Valenciana.
2010-2012. Efectos de la deposición de nitrógeno en encinares mediterráneos
(CGL2009-13188-C03-01,02 y 03). Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
2010-2012. Estudio del efecto del manejo del bosque y las perturbaciones
naturales y antropogénicas en las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero
de los bosques del Sistema Central (CGL2009-07031). Ministerio de Ciencia
e Innovación
2010-2012. ICOS SPAIN. Implementación 2010. Ministerio de Ciencia e
2010-2013 Compuestos Organicos Volatiles (BVOCS) Y Ecologia Del
Cambio Global (BOS) CGL2010-17172. Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
2011-2013. Red de Monitorización de los Flujos de Carbono en Ecosistemas
Mediterráneos Españoles- Cuantificación y Estudio de los Procesos
(CARBOREDII). CGL2010-22193-C04-02. Ministerio de Ciencia e
2012-2014. Estructura Espacial y Composición de los Ecosistemas como
Determinantes de su Resistencia y Resiliencia Frente a las Perturbaciones en
Montes Mediterráneos con Riesgo de Incendio (RESILIEN). Ministerio de
Ciencia e Innovación.
2012-2014. Vulnerabilidad de los bosques de Pino Carrasco Y de las
Especies Coexistentes en un Contexto de Cambio Climático: Efectos sobre el
Balance Hidrico, Supervivencia de la Especies (SURVIVE). Ministerio de
Ciencia e Innovación.
EU projects:
2008- 2012. COST 254/08 COST Action ES0805: The Terrestrial Biosphere in
the Earth System (TERRABITES).
2008-2012. Post-Fire Forest Management in Southern Europe
2008-2013 Research Networking Programme on “Climate Change –
Manipulation Experiments in Terrestrial Ecosystems” (CLIMMANI). European
Science Foundation.
2008-2013. Advancing the integrated monitoring of trace gas exchange
between biosphere and atmosphere (COST-ES0804).
2008-2013. Advancing the integrated monitoring of trace gas exchange
between biosphere and atmosphere (COST ES0804).
2008-2013. Integrated Carbon Observation System (ICOS). European
2009-2011. Further Development and Implementation of an EU-level Forest
Monitoring System (FUTMON) LIFE07 ENV/DE/000218.
2009-2012. Prevention and Restoration Actions to Combat Desertification. An
Integrated Assessment (PRACTICE). European Commission.
2009-2013 GREENCYCLESII - a Marie Curie Initial Training Network on
anticipating climate change and biospheric feedbacks within the Earth system
to 2200.
2009-2013. MOdels for AdapTIVE forest Management. (MOTIVE). FP7 EU
Collaborative project.
2009-2013. Spectral sampling tools for vegetation Biophysical Parameters
and Flux measurements in Europe (COST-ES0903).
2010-2013 "Estimate vegetation structure and biochemistry from remote
sensing in connection to carbon and water fluxes ." UE FP7-PEOPLE-2009IRSES, International Research Staff Excahnge Scheme.
2010-2013. Environmental quality and pressures assessment across Europe:
the LTER network as an integrated and shared system for ecosystem
monitoring (ENV Europe). LIFE08 ENV/IT/000339.
2010-2013. Forest fires under climate, social and economic changes in
Europe, the Mediterranean and other fire-affected areas of the world (FUME).
European Commission.,
2010-2013. Greenhouse Gas Management in European Land use systems
(GHG-EUROPE). European Commission.
2010-2014 The terrestrial Carbon cycle under Climate Variability and
Extremes -- a Pan-European synthesis (CARBO-EXTREME). European
Community‘s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013).
2010-2014. Climate Change integrated assessment methodology for crosssectorial adaptation and vulnerability in Europe (CLIMSAVE). FP7 EU Theme
ENV. 2009. Grant agreement 244031.
2010-2014. FUNctional significance of forest bioDIVersity in EUROPE
(FUNDIV Europe). ENV.2010.2.1.4-1.
2011-2014 EUROSPEC COST Action (ES0903). Spectral Sampling Tools for
Vegetation Biophysical Parameters and Flux Measurements in Europe.
2011-2015. Integrated non-CO2 Greenhouse gas Observation System.
INGOS. European Commission.
2011-2015. ACCENT-Plus Atmospheric composition change. The European
network.(Network of Excellence EU).
2011-2015. ECLAIRE (FP7-ENV-2011) -Effects of climate change on air
pollution impacts and response strategies for European ecosystems.
2012-2017. Catastrophic Shifts in drylands: How can we prevent ecosystem
degradation?. (CASCADE). European Commission.
The Swiss State Secretariat for Education and Research SER has approved
two projects that receive funding for their work within COST Action FP0903: 1.
"DendroNEP – Linking Dendrological Information with Net Ecosystem,
Productivity of Forest Ecosystems" (1 year); 2. "Seed-C: Carbon allocation to
fruits and seeds in European forests as a function of climate, atmospheric
deposition and nutrient supply" (since 2013). Swiss COST has reduced the
calls for national
projects from 2 to 1, but despite reduced funding there is good support for
Swiss participants in COST.
National forest surveys highlighted cases of decline due to environmental
factors (drought, pests and diseases) or human activity such as grazing.
Besides obvious deterioration, climate changes can provoke situations of
more subtle stress especially by increasing fire. Tunisia is highly susceptible
to climate change, and significant warming has already occurred in many
areas during the past decades.
Several experimental sites in different forest ecosystems are available in order
to understand the fate of Mediterranean ecosystems under extreme climatic
events, in terms of vegetation functioning and feedback on fire risk.
Concerning the air pollution, during the last decades, much of the work has
concentrated on the central part of the country. However in the northern part
air pollutants especially the photochemical ones can reach concentrations
likely to have adverse effects on forest vegetation.