2016 ILLINOIS GENERAL ASSEMBLY QUESTIONNAIRE Candidate Name: Party: Candidate for Senate District #: or Candidate for House District #: Campaign Name: Address: City: Zip: Phone: E-Mail: The statements and answers contained are submitted by my campaign and reflect my positions. All responses are confidential. Completed questionnaire must be received by January 4, 2016 to be considered for primary election endorsement. Please return to: Kady.McFadden@sierraclub.org ABOUT YOUR ENVIRONMENTAL BACKGROUND AND PRIORITIES A. Briefly describe any environmental accomplishments or projects in which you have been involved. Response: B. Are you planning to introduce legislation to address any environmental issues? Do you have particular environmental priorities, or see connections with other priorities for your community? If so, please identify those here. Response: A CLEAN ENERGY FUTURE FOR ILLINOIS Illinois’ dependence on fossil fuels has major negative impacts on our health and environment. Carbon pollution exacerbates climate change, threatens public health, and contributes to more frequent and more violent extreme weather that costs communities, cropland, the federal government, and our economy billions every year. The Clean Power Plan, finalized by the US Environmental Protection Agency in August 2015, presents a tremendous opportunity for Illinois to modernize its electric sector and create new jobs. 1. The Illinois Clean Jobs Bill (HB2607/SB1485) seeks to update and strengthen our current energy efficiency and renewable energy laws and put us on track to meet and exceed EPA’s carbon pollution standards. By fully embracing these measures in Illinois we can lower electricity costs and leave Illinois a better place for our children and grandchildren. At the same time, we can generate an estimated 32,000 new jobs per year in Illinois. Do you support passage of the Illinois Clean Jobs Bill (HB2607/SB1485)? If you know of stakeholders in your community we should engage in our efforts to grow the clean energy economy in Illinois, please share. Yes No Comment: 2. Do you believe is it important for Illinois to take action on climate change? Please share why. Yes No Comment: 3. Will you oppose any legislative attempts to prevent a strong and just Clean Power Plan in Illinois, or to minimize the role that clean energy will play in our state plan? Yes No Comment: 4. Do you agree that the time has come to put a price on carbon? Would you agree that this revenue stream should in part help support transition of coal communities with worker transition and tax base supplementation and spur clean energy growth? Yes No 1 Comment: 5. Minority and low-income communities bear a disproportionate burden of pollution. Waste disposal sites and sources of health-threatening pollutants are more likely to be concentrated in these areas. Would you support legislation to strengthen the role of the Illinois Environmental Justice Commission in ensuring that proposed state environmental and energy policies don’t adversely affect low-income communities of color? Yes No Comment: 6. Realizing job creation and consumer savings benefits from current state clean energy goals depends on full investment of several funds, including the Renewable Energy Resources Fund (RERF), Renewable Energy Trust Fund (RETF), Utility Energy Efficiency Portfolio Standard, and urban weatherization program funds. Do you support full use of these funds for their intended purpose and will you oppose any attempts to sweep, borrow, or cut these funds? Yes No Comment: 7. Would you oppose legislation that would provide state financial support and/or force Illinois customers to finance fossil fuel generation projects? Yes No Comment: 8. Illinois is one of few states that does not collect a coal severance tax. As coal production in Illinois has dramatically increased in recent years, it is estimated that a tax revenue could amount to as much as $5 billion by 2040. This money could be spent to support alternative economic development projects in central and southern Illinois communities impacted by mining and loss of mining jobs. Would you support legislation to impose a coal severance tax, with some of the funds being earmarked for economic development initiatives in coal communities? Yes No Comment: 9. Coal ash is a byproduct produced from burning coal. Coal ash contains high levels of harmful heavy metals such as arsenic, lead and selenium, and is known to be leaching into streams, rivers, lakes and groundwater throughout the state. Despite these risks, the owners of these sites are not required to provide financial assurances to protect communities against the inevitable cost of coal ash clean up. Would you support legislation to create financial assurances for every coal ash impoundment? Yes No Comment: PROTECTING ILLINOIS’ WATER Once a wetland rich state covered by wet meadows and marshes, great rivers like the Mississippi and Illinois are the lifeblood of our state. Clean water policies and investments enjoy broad public support in Illinois, but the infrastructure improvements and policy changes needed to deliver clean water are not automatic and require strong support from our public officials. 10. Nutrient pollution is Illinois’ most widespread water quality problem, contributing to increased costs for drinking water providers and negative impacts aquatic life and recreation. Methods such as requiring buffer strips along streams would help reduce nutrient pollution from agricultural land and granting counties the authority to adopt stormwater management plans, ordinances and fee programs could help reduce nutrient pollution from urban sources. Would you support legislation to reduce nutrient pollution from agriculture and urban sources using these and other methods? Do you support restoring state funding for the University of Illinois Extension and soil and water conservation districts, entities which help farmers in efforts to reduce nutrient runoff? Yes No Comment: 11. Local governments have detected toxic chemical runoff and health threats from coal-tar based pavement 2 sealants. Safer alternatives are readily available and in widespread use. Would you support legislation for a statewide ban of coal tar based sealants? Yes No Comment: PROTECTING ILLINOIS’ NATURAL HERITAGE Natural lands and water bodies provide important functions such as removal of air pollution, protecting and enhancing water quality, providing fish and game habitat, producing food, managing stormwater, providing flood control, and providing recreation and quality of life for our citizens. Nationally, Illinois ranks 48th in terms of open space and recreational areas available per citizen. Illinois has not had a bold open space funding initiative in years. 12. State investment in land conservation leverages funding from federal, local, private and non-profit sources. By attracting support from other sources, the state does not have to bear the entire cost burden and therefore maximizes its investment. Will you support including funding for IDNR land acquisition as part of capital spending plans considered by the General Assembly? In comments, please indicate any local open space protection plans you are interested in supporting. Yes No Comment: 13. Would you support legislation that protects open space funds (such as OSLAD and NAAF) from sweeps, borrowing or any use other than the intended use of the funds? Do you support a permanent, dedicated fund for open space purchases (beyond OSLAD and NAAF)? Yes No Comment: CLEAN, EFFICIENT TRANSPORTATION FOR OUR COMMUNITIES Public transportation and rail investments are powerful job creators, as well as help reduce energy consumption and unhealthy air pollution. Unfortunately, Illinois has seen a host of wasteful new road projects seeking support in recent years, including the Illiana expressway, Route 53, and Shawnee expressway proposals. These projects drain resources away from maintaining existing roads and transit infrastructure that will serve more citizens at lower cost. 14. Illinois transit authorities are anticipating significant shortfalls in revenue to address maintenance and operation. Do you support increased funding for public transit? Yes No Comment: 15. Investments in high-speed rail are cheaper per mile to build than highways and according to the USDOT require half the energy of cars or planes to move passengers. Do you support continued funding of increased Amtrak service and expansion of high-speed rail in Illinois? Yes No Comment: A HEALTHY ENVIRONMENT FOR ALL 16. Recent court decisions have weakened or eliminated the rights of citizens to compel state agencies to follow laws that have been enacted by the General Assembly. Do you believe Illinois citizens should have the right to judicial review of illegal or arbitrary agency actions that affect them, and would you support legislation to restore these rights? Yes No Comment: 3