Final Summon User Research Report

Prepared for NCSU Libraries by MoreBetterLabs, Inc.
Lead analyst: Abe Crystal, Ph.D.
Last updated: 4/13/10.
Contact: 919.593.6129 |
NCSU Libraries SUMMON User Research: findings and recommendations ....................... 1
Research overview .......................................................................................................... 2
Purpose of this research ............................................................................................. 2
Research methods ...................................................................................................... 2
Key findings ..................................................................................................................... 4
Overall impressions..................................................................................................... 4
User Experience .......................................................................................................... 5
Integration of Summon with library website redesign ............................................. 17
Next steps ..................................................................................................................... 18
Appendix A – recruiting screener ..................................................................................... 19
Appendix B – User Research Guide................................................................................... 21
Checklist of issues to observe ................................................................................... 27
Appendix C – information retrieval system relevance evaluation ................................... 27
Suggested method for relevance evaluation ................................................................ 27
The Libraries have been investigating ways to improve discovery and retrieval of library
resources, particularly for undergraduate students who can find the complex array of
databases and e-journals difficult to navigate. The “Summon” application, developed by
Serials Solutions, attempts to address these issues by providing a unified search
Summon simplifies the process of finding information in the Libraries. It searches
through a massive collection of books, scholarly journals, newspaper articles, ebooks, dissertations, conference proceedings, and numerous academic
databases. Rather than search for all of these things in separate databases,
Summon lets you find them all at once, quickly and easily. Even better, it's tied
directly to what is available through the NCSU Libraries, online or in print.
The purpose of this engagement was to evaluate how students use the beta
implementation of Summon, assess how well Summon supports library users, and
develop recommendations for improving its design, functionality, and integration with
other library websites and applications.
Research scope
We focused on assessing the strengths and weaknesses of Summon’s information
retrieval capabilities and user interface.
In particular, we sought to observe students interacting with Summon to complete a
variety of tasks, including:
Known item
o Find a textbook for a course you’re taking
o Find a favorite book or author
Citation lookup
o Get to the full text of an article from a properly formatted citation
Simple research
o Find articles from the most recent issue of a given journal
Complex research
o Find information for a real research assignment, ideally from a current
For the complete research guide and scenarios, see Appendix B. We developed the
guide based on input from the NCSU team, reviewing examples of syllabi and
assignments from NCSU classes, and tasks from previous user studies at NCSU.
We recruited ten student participants, with a range of backgrounds, academic interests,
and information literacy skills. See Appendix A, “Recruiting screener.”
Participant #
Pilot A
Pilot B
Academic standing
Political science
Food Science
Plant Pathology
Computer Science
Science Education
Eliciting background and context
Sessions began with a brief semi-structured interview, in which participants were asked
to provide background on their academic interests and goals and their use of the library.
These prompts led into discussion of the student’s research process and use of
resources in the library and on the Web. Based on the discussion, we identified a
particular research interest to focus on, such as an assignment in a current class for an
undergraduate, or a thesis topic for a graduate student.
Example research topics:
Effect of reniform nematodes on cotton plants
Role of memory in OCD
The TCP incast problem in datacenters
The effects of large dam-building projects in India
The knot strength of filaments for ropes
Usability testing
This qualitative research was structured to gather key insights on students’ experience
with Summon. Students were given considerable leeway to choose their own tasks,
explore Summon, experiment, and make mistakes. Because of this approach we did not
collect data on task efficiency or error rate, as these data would not be comparable
across individuals.
We asked students to use Summon to perform both directed tasks (e.g., find an article
based on this citation) and natural tasks (look for information on your research topic, as
you would on your own). We alternated between directed and natural tasks as time
allowed, seeking to have each participant use all of Summon’s key features. In some
cases, this required prompting students directly to use features they had not
discovered, such as “Save Items.”
Sessions were recorded in Morae and are available for review by NCSU staff.
Each participant was asked to answer seven assessment questions after having used
Here are selected answers to these post-test questions, chosen to represent typical
student impressions of Summon:
A. How would you describe Summon to your friends?
A new search engine for the library to bring resources together.
Like Google but for the library.
A fairly easy way to find full articles and books online.
B. Would you recommend your friends use Summon?
Definitely—just for the sheer convenience—that’s always a good thing.
Yeah—a lot better than trying to search the library website before.
C. What is the primary benefit you received from using Summon?
Having access to all library resources in one spot.
Saved items—that’s amazing.
D. What other sites would you compare Summon to? Why?
E. Do you plan to use Summon again for your own work? What would you most
likely use it for?
I will use it again, probably as a way to back up a philosophical paper with empirical
F. If you could change or improve anything about Summon, what would you
change or improve?
The ranking of results.
Make it easier to get the full text.
The subject terms weren’t always well-matched or relevant to me.
The preview article window was too small and hard to read.
G. Would you be disappointed if you could no longer use Summon?
Maybe a little.
Oh yeah.
Probably, because it’s roundabout to use the rest of the [library] website.
Overall, undergraduate students appeared to value Summon much more than graduate
students. Undergraduates’ nonverbal (tone, expressions) communication about
Summon was markedly more enthusiastic than graduates’, and they appeared more
likely to use Summon in their future work.
Information retrieval effectiveness and relevance ranking
Known-item queries
Students often need to retrieve the full text of an article based on a citation provided by
a professor, or a reference in an article they’ve read. Summon has all the technical
capabilities and interface features needed to support these known-item queries. We
observed students attempting to retrieve articles based on real citations (either from
their own reading, or provided by the researcher). Students’ success with these tasks
varied widely. Several students attempted to use extremely detailed citation
information—for example, entering the entire title of an article, even if was very long, or
copying-and-pasting an entire reference. These students were generally unsuccessful,
while more successful students adapted the reference information to Summon’s
metadata model, sometimes using the Advanced Search tool. From an overall user
experience perspective, going from either a printed or electronic citation to the full text
of the article isn’t easy or fluid for most students. Our impression is that motivated
students would persist past the initial difficulties and track down a needed article using
a combination of tools, including Summon, Google, and perhaps other databases that
they have been trained to use in class (e.g. Academic Search Premier).
Success in searching for books in Summon also varied widely. While some students
were able to locate specific textbooks and popular books readily, others struggled to
match their understanding of a book’s title to Summon’s model. For example, some
students tried to search for a specific edition of a book by entering “5th. ed.” or similar
qualifiers after a book’s title, which proved ineffective. In general, Summon appeared
considerably less forgiving of typos and partial matches than Google, which may have
confused students accustomed to Google’s extremely loose matching.
Finding the catalog record for a book often required using Summon’s filters to eliminate
book reviews and journal articles related to the book’s title. Only a minority of students
were sophisticated enough to navigate this process. Specific user experience issues with
the filters are discussed below.
Topical research queries
A key purpose of Summon is to provide relevant responses to queries—in particular, to
have high precision within the first page or two of results1. It is expected that many
students will compare Summon against their mental model of Web-scale search engines
such as Google and Bing, which often have very high precision on their first results page.
Conducting a detailed, quantitative evaluation of Summon’s relevance ranking
algorithms is beyond the scope of this study. (See Appendix C for recommendations for
assessing Summon’s relevance in a more rigorous way.) However, we developed
general impressions of Summon’s ranking capabilities based on observations of
participants searching on a variety of topics and research questions.
Precision of the entire result set is considered less important because students are unlikely to evaluate
more than a few dozen result listings before changing their query or moving to a different search strategy.
See for an explanation of
“Precision at n.”
In general, we observed students experiencing considerable difficulty finding
information that they considered relevant and useful to their interests. These
difficulties resulted from a complex interplay of students’ subject knowledge, specificity
of research topic, and information literacy/search skills, with Summon’s ranking and
user interface. In addition, most participants were inexperienced with Summon, either
using it for the first time or having limited experience with it.
With those caveats in mind, however, our overall qualitative assessment is that the
current implementation of Summon is only a first step toward the vision of a “Googlelike” experience for discovery of library resources.
As a case study, consider a sophomore psychology major who had a research
assignment and had chosen to focus on the relationship between memory and
obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). She had already been introduced to Summon in
one of her classes, and had started using it for her research before participating in this
Using Summon, she searched for ocd memory. The results included some promising,
but highly specialized articles – mostly from one journal, Behaviour Research and
Therapy. Example citation:
Hout, Marcel van den (03/01/2003). "Phenomenological validity of an OCD-memory
model and the remember/know distinction". Behaviour research and therapy (00057967), 41 (3), p. 369.
These articles would likely be quite difficult for a sophomore to read and synthesize, and
it would be challenging for her to get a general understanding of the role of memory in
OCD by reading such specialized articles.
In contrast, searching Google for ocd memory returns as the second result an article
from, “Is OCD Associated With Memory Problems?” . This article provides a clear,
succinct overview of the issue, and a reference to an authoritative scholarly review
article which is almost certainly more useful to a student than an array of specialized
Olley, A., Malhi, G., & Sachdev, P “Memory and executive functioning in obsessivecompulsive disorder: A selective review.” Journal of Affective Disorders 2007 104: 15-23.
Note that Summon did not return this review article in the first three pages of results.
This analysis is not meant to imply that Google is always preferable or that Google is
optimal. There are plenty of flaws in the results Google returns, including the first
result, which is almost useless. The point is simply that Summon’s use of standard
information retrieval algorithms to search on a vast corpus of extremely diverse
content, without the benefit of citation metrics or link-weighting algorithms (like
Google’s PageRank), often leads to results that aren’t well-suited to the research needs
of students. Summon does provide a “Content Type” filter to help control the diverse
result sets it returns. However, most students saw only modest improvements in their
results when they filtered by Content Type. Theoretically, students would be betterserved by metadata such as “Audience” (e.g. undergraduate, researcher, etc.) or
“Scope” (e.g., introduction, overview, synthesis of recent research, etc.), but
automatically generating such metadata is still difficult.
We are particularly concerned about students who need to find a general introduction
to or overview of a topic, rather than drilling down into a specialized line of research. To
be sure, this problem is not unique to Summon—most students would face similar
challenges using other databases such as Web of Science or Academic Search Premier.
Accessing full text
In general, students were able to use 360 Link function and retrieve the full text of
articles successfully. However, few participants were able to use 360 Link easily,
without confusion, frustation or hesitation (see additional points in “User interface,
Metadata and surrogates
Summon presents surrogates of results in its results listings (see screenshot). The
surrogates combine metadata with a snippet of full text (when available).
Displayed metadata fields include:
1. Title
2. Author
3. Reference information (journal/publication, ISBN / ISSN, date, page)
4. Subject terms
5. Text snippet
6. Availability
The primary information retrieval issue we observed with the surrogates is the relative
“opacity” of the results. In other words, the connection between the user’s query and
each surrogate often seemed unclear. For example, the example surrogate shown
above was retrieved by the query european union infringement on civil
liberties. The term “liberty” is shown in bold in the surrogate, which provides a
clue as to the system’s matching, but it’s still unclear as to why Summon considered this
article relevant to the entire query.
Common user behaviors indicating the effects of opacity included students who simply
scrolled down through the entire first page of results, without indicating much interest
in any of the surrogates—or saying explicitly “I don’t understand why this is here.”
User interface
Summon’s user interface (UI) has several major components. Observation of students’
interaction with these components revealed strengths and weaknesses in several areas.
The following sections summarize our observations.
Advanced search
 Participants expressed desire to control
search parameters beyond the content
type and subject filters, suggesting
Advanced Search functionality has value
 Some participants found Advanced
Search efficient and effective for
known-item retrieval
o Hard to discover this function—unclear
what “advanced” means
o Form layout is difficult to scan and parse
o Users expected “author” instead of
“written by”
o Some users struggled to map the citation
format they were working with to the
metadata fields
o Some users weren’t sure how much of the
title or journal field to fill out
o Summon modifies the query string after
the Advanced Search form is filled out,
which can be confusing for novice users
o Most participants looked for the ability to
specify article/title/journal in the filters
area, not in Advanced Search
Overall, students clearly understood and were able to use the left-rail filters. The
problem was that the metadata and filter UI, as currently implemented, weren’t
especially useful to students.
Refine your search
 Being able to limit to peer-reviewed
literature maps to many students’
assignments, particularly for
introductory classes2
o Long checkbox labels are effortful to scan
and read, and the first word in each label is
vague (“items” / “limit” / “exclude” /
o Most participants ignored this area of the
Content type
We did not control the tasks students perform to ensure they searched specifically for peer-reviewed
material. Most students seemed aware of this general issue, though they often used different
terminology. For example, one senior said he avoided newspaper articles because they “can be
 Some participants found the filters
appealing and engaging (e.g., “Hey, it’s
like eBay!”)
 Near real-time filtering provides a sense
of immediacy and control (dynamic
o No apparent order or structure to the list of
items, making it hard to understand
(participants didn’t pick up on sorting the
list by # of items retrieved)
o Similar-sounding content types can be
confusing (“journal” vs. “journal article”)
o Can be confusing to see a different set of
options for each query, especially when
expecting a particular option such as
“book” to be present
o Participants expected to be able to filter by
author/title/journal name
Subject terms
 Participants expressed desire to control
search parameters beyond the content
type, suggesting control of subject or
topic could have value
 Summon can return results from many
different fields/disciplines, which subject
terms can help to disambiguate
o Somewhat overwhelming number of terms
presented in a very long list
o Large variety of terms from different fields
and disciplines, without structure or
grouping to facilitate understanding
o Default sorting (by # of items) is difficult to
scan, and participants did not use the
alphabetical sort function
 Slider widget is engaging and easy to
o We observed little interest in or need for
this filter, across all participants
o Dropdown menus for choosing a specific
date are opaque and hard to interpret at
Article preview
 Some participants liked the preview and
said they would use it regularly
 Easier (cognitively and physically) than
clicking the link and loading a new page
Save items
o Often provide little or no additional
metadata beyond the surrogate, which can
be frustrating
o Hard to discover the feature—almost all
participants had to be prompted to try it
o The small size of the preview pane, and the
scrolling it requires, frustrated users
 Students love the capability to save
items (e.g., “awesome,” “cool”)
 Ability to email results fits with
students’ mental model and workflow
 Ability to format results in various
citation formats is valuable
o Confusion about persistent access to saved
items—most participants expected to log
in with their NCSU ID, which isn’t
o Hard to discover; no clear affordances
(such as a dedicated, always-visible pane,
or the ability to drag-and-drop items)
o RefWorks integration isn’t very elegant
o RefWorks tab doesn’t provide cues/help to
students who aren’t familiar with
Full text (360 Link)
 Participants love getting access to full
text online
 Summon UI makes it easier to ensure
you get full-text results (versus Google)
o Risk of tab overload during exploratory
research (many students opened 10+ tabs
within a few minutes of starting research)
o 360 Link screen is confusing, hard to scan,
lacks visual hierarchy4 and overall visual
coherence + polish
The 360 Link screen has been slightly revised since the Summon study was conducted—the size of the
PDF icon and article link have been increased (based on feedback gathered during the study).
See for a brief discussion of visual hierarchy.
In particular, this article states that “the best visual hierarchies lead users to take the action confidently,”
whereas we observed users of the 360 Link screen acting tentatively and lacking confidence.
A further goal of this research was identify directions for integrating Summon with the
new library website design.
In general, undergraduate students preferred the experience of using Summon to the
experience of using the current library website, and specific databases. This finding
suggests that Summon should be given prominence and made easily accessible to
undergraduates. However, this finding is strongly qualified by the numerous user
experience issues (including both information retrieval and user interface issues)
observed during the usability testing.
Given the frequent interaction problems we observed, we recommend that Summon be
placed in context, and design elements created to help students understand Summon
before they attempt to use it in a “Google-like” way and encounter problems. This
approach entails sensitivity to how Summon is described on the website, as well as
exploring the use of tours or introductions (described in Next Steps, below).
Many graduate students will likely prefer more powerful subject-specific databases and
tools (e.g. ACM Digital Library, Web of Science, PubMed, ERIC) to Summon. They should
not be encouraged too overtly to use Summon as it may not be the tool of choice for
many disciplines (in contrast, graduates with highly interdisciplinary research questions
may find Summon expands the breadth of material they can access).
Considering these issues, one approach would be offer different entry points to
Summon—for early undergraduates, advanced undergraduates, and graduate students.
This audience-specific approach might or might not influence the new home page
design, but could be integrated on subsidiary pages as needed. Regardless, wherever
Summon is presented, it should not be implied that it has the same flexibility of use, and
high first-page precision, as Google.
Some participants briefly used the current implementation of QuickSearch. These
participants preferred Summon to QuickSearch overall, with most comments referring
to QuickSearch’s “layout.” Participants found the current layout somewhat confusing
and unappealing. This suggest that QuickSearch could be a more effective component
of the library website if it was redesigned with a less complex layout, and a more
modern visual treatment.
In a typical user-centered design process, the goal of collecting usability feedback
(summarized above) is to inform future iterations of the user interface. Since the
Libraries don’t directly control the Summon UI, options for improving the user
experience include:
o Collaborate with Serials Solutions to improve current UI based on the
ideas developed during this research.
o Explore the process and resources that would be necessary to build a
custom UI on top of the Summon API.
o Explore systematic relevance evaluation (see Appendix C) to develop a
deeper understanding of how Summon’s relevance ranking works, and
what search strategies are needed to use it effectively.
o Consider adding an integrated feedback mechanism such as UserVoice
[], to gather additional user comments over time.
o Develop a lightweight “tour” that introduces new users to key aspects of
the Summon UI—this could help address some of its discoverability
issues. See AmberJack ( for an example of a tool
to support this type of tour. Facebook and Twitter also provide examples
of custom-designed introductory tours for new users.
o Develop an introductory tutorial (screenshot walkthrough; video;
slidecast) that provides an overview of how Summon works, gives
examples of effective search techniques, and demonstrates the key UI
features. See for
an example of a quick, slidecast-style tour.
o Provide stronger calls to action for help and reference assistance within
the UI ('Help' link in top right is fairly minimal).
o Incorporate training on Summon searching and its UI into library
o Reach out to instructors of key classes (English 101, Psychology 101, etc.)
to ensure they are familiar with Summon’s capabilities and can help their
students use it.
What name do you prefer to be called?
What is your gender? ___ Female ___Male
Age group?
Younger than 18
18 – 25
26 – 39
75 or older
Can you confirm your status on campus?
A. Undergraduate | Year? 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
B. Graduate Student | Are you also an instructor or research assistant? Y / N
C. Staff / Research Assistant / Grad
D. Faculty
What is your department or program of study?
6. About how much time per week do spend on the NCSU Libraries Web site?
Less than 1 hour a week
1-3 hours a week
4-10 hours a week
More than 10 hours a week
7. About how much per week do you spend doing anything online?
Less than 1 hour a week
1-3 hours a week
4-10 hours a week
More than 10 hours a week
8. About how much time per week do you spend in any of the NCSU campus libraries?
Less than 1 hour a week
1-3 hours a week
4-10 hours a week
More than 10 hours a week
9. What would you say is your main purpose for using the library?
10. Are you available next week to participate?
11. What are the best times to call you back to schedule an interview?
12. Can you give me a general idea what times would work best for you to meet with us?
1. Introduction and framing [0:02 minutes]
A. I’m Abe Crystal, a user experience researcher working with the library.
Thanks for coming in today! We’ll spend the few minutes talking about your
experiences using the library, and then we’ll spend approximately 45 minutes
going through several activities that will allow me to see your use of the
library’s online tools.
B. I’d like to emphasize that I’m not the Web designer for the library. I am a
neutral researcher, so nothing you say today will hurt my feelings. You can be
completely open and candid with me. This is about me learning from you so I
can help the library better serve students.
C. We are working to understand how the library can build its next generation
Web site and need to understand how you rely on the Web to achieve your
goals. This plays a key part in helping us think about to how better structure
the website to meet your needs. To that end, we’ll be recording today’s
D. Please stop me any time if you have questions.
2. Warm-up and background [0:03]
A. Could you tell me a bit about yourself…
i. Where are you from, what attracted you to NCSU?
ii. Class (freshman…)
iii. If upperclassman, what’s your major?
a. How did you choose this?
b. What attracted you to this subject?
iv. Do you have any particular aspirations for career or graduate school?
3. Guided tour of your library experience [0:10]
A. Now, I’d appreciate if you could help me familiarize myself with how you use
the library’s website.
i. Can you go to the library’s website?
ii. How familiar are you with this site? Would you say you use it almost every day,
once a week, a couple of times a semester, or…?
iii. Could you show me some of the things you normally do on the site?
iv. Academics
a. Can you walk me through the classes you’re taking currently?
 Review syllabi online
b. For each class… how have you used the library for this class?
 Prompt for use of
- Catalog
- Journal articles
- Databases
 What other tools have you used for research in this class? (It’s OK
to say Google, Wikipedia, etc. – I’m not evaluating you!)
v. Anything else you’d like to discuss?
4. Usability test [0:40]
A. Standard framing
You’re not being tested.
ii. Please think-aloud.
iii. Be open and candid.
B. Exploration and learnability
Go to
ii. First impressions?
iii. What do you think you’d use this for?
C. Known item – catalog
Find a textbook for a course you’re taking
a. First impressions of main Summon UI
ii. Who’s an author you like? Find a book by him/her.
a. Or: find The Tipping Point
D. Known item – journal
What’s a journal you’ve cited in your writing? Find the latest issue.
ii. Find the latest issue of the ‘Journal Of The American Chemical Society '
(either electronic or print copy).
E. Class research
Prompt to try to find info for one of the classes we discussed
a. Where are you in your research process for this class?
b. What would you do next on Summon as you try to find info for your
[can prompt for use of different features]
c. Citation lookup for an article cited in her class or in her previous
ii. Fallback or complement -- Prompt to try to find info based on one of a set
of standard research questions/tasks
a. Citation lookup
Properly formatted citation – can draw from a list from different
Political science
Shefter, Martin. "Institutional Conflict
over Presidential Appointments: The Case
of Clarence Thomas." PS: Political Science
& Politics 25.4 (1992): 676-79. Print.
Hodder, Alan D. "In the Glass of God's
Word: Hooker's Pulpit Rhetoric and the
Theater of Conversion." New England
Quarterly 66, no. 1 (1993): 67-109. (In
JSTOR, but not Summon)?
Dale T Adams. "Twice Convicted, Once
Executed: A Literary Naturalist's
Interpretation of Richard Brooks's Film in
Cold Blood." Literature/Film Quarterly
37.4 (2009): 246. Print.
Devine, P. G., & Sherman, S. J. (1992).
Intuitive versus rational judgment and the
role of stereotyping in the human
condition: Kirk or Spock? Psychological
Inquiry, 3(2), 153-159.
K.A. Nelson, R.J. Dwayne Miller, D.R. Lutz, and
M.D. Fayer, "Optical generation of turntable
ultrasonic waves," Journal of Applied Physics,
vol. 53, no. 2, Feb., pp. 1144-1149.
Humberto Blanco-Canqui, & R Lal. (2009).
Crop residue removal impacts on soil
productivity and environmental quality.
Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences, 28(3),
Chiu, H.-S., Chern, J.-C., and Chang, K.C. (1996a) "Long-term deflection control
in cantilever prestressed concrete
bridges. I: Control method and algorithm."
J. Engrg. Mech., ASCE, 122(6), 489-494.
Zhu, Y., Ye, S., and Li, X. 2005.
Distributed PageRank computation based on
iterative aggregation-disaggregation
methods. In Proceedings of the 14th ACM
international Conference on information
and Knowledge Management (Bremen, Germany,
October 31 - November 05, 2005). CIKM '05.
ACM, New York, NY, 578-585. DOI=
b. Simple research – draw from a pool of approaches, such as:
find a an article about global warming in a 'scholarly' journal.
Start with something simple like 'global warming' and maybe
then proceed to 'relationship between global warming and
hurricanes'. Walk through how they go about finding a
scholarly journal.
something about the planet saturn (as opposed to cars) - do
they use the facets vs changing the keyword
find a newspaper article from the new york times (or about a
topic) in the year / month you were born (this might test the
pubdate facet, newspaper article facet)
find three of the most recent papers written by an author
(professor might ask students to do this)
find the most recent articles on a given topic (sometimes hard
to find the most recent in Summon due to relevance ranking)
Is genetically modified "golden rice" safe?
What is the effect of advertising on adolescents?
What do America's bridges need re: repair and
Or, find an author who’s written a lot on a topic
F. Comparison
Starting on library home vs. QS home vs. Summon home
ii. Search on Summon directly vs. QuickSearch
5. Post-test interview [0:05]
A. How would you describe Summon to your friends?
B. Would you recommend your friends use Summon?
C. What is the primary benefit you received from using Summon?
D. What other sites would you compare Summon to? Why?
E. Do you plan to use Summon again for your own work? What would you most
likely use it for?
F. If you could change or improve anything about Summon, what would you
change or improve?
G. Would you be disappointed if you could no longer use Summon?
6. Explain next steps [0:01]
Thank you for your time and your valuable insights!
We’ll be using your feedback and ideas to improve the next-generation website.
Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with me if you have any questions.
[Present participant with cash].
Feature usage [can prompt to use if neglected]
o Facets
 Refine your search
 Content type
 Subject terms
 Publication date
o Advanced search
o Preview on hover
o Preview on icon
o Save this item
o Reference list and different citation formats
Does the student…
o End up with a peer-reviewed article?
o Look at the abstract?
o What criteria do they use to decide if an article/resource is likely to be
o Get to full text?
o Use the facets?
 Are they confused when facets disappear with a new search?
1. Develop a set of test documents and topic statements
Topical retrieval
We could develop topic statements by talking with reference librarians, students and
faculty, by reviewing class syallbi, and by reviewing logs from the current catalog.
Very rough draft example topic statements for NCSU Libraries...
What are the economic benefits of recycling tires?
What are the environmental consequences of the use of phosphates in laundry
How was Picasso's early work received in his own era?
Who were some of the key inventors in the development of semiconductors and
Known-item retrieval
An extension of this approach is to evaluate retrieval of known items, by using specific
resource names (e.g. book title, article title, call number, etc.) rather than topics.
2. Develop a sample of documents to be judged
Use the systems to be evaluated (e.g., NCSU Catalog and/or QuickSearch; EBSCO;
Summon) to search for each topic statement and download the results.
Pool the results from all systems to create a single set for relevance judging (typically,
we take the top 50 or 100 results from each system).
3. Judge the relevance of the documents retrieved for each topic
Multiple judges (could be librarians, faculty, and any other relevant stakeholders)
independently grade the relevance of each result in the pool for each topic. [This
process would require the largest time commitment from NCSU staff].
4. Evaluate the retrieval runs using standard measures
With all the relevance judgments for all of the topics in hand, we can calculate measures
of topical retrieval effectiveness, such as:
mean average precision
precision at ten retrieved documents
Or for known-item retrieval effectiveness, we can calculate...
mean reciprocal rank
success rate (% of queries for which the correct item appears in the first 10
5. Compare the test systems
With measures for each system completed, we can assess their relative effectiveness
using simple comparisons, as well as measures of statistical reliability and effect size.