Department: UCL Chemistry/Research Complex at Harwell

UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON and Research Complex at Harwell
Job Description
Job Title:
Research Associate in Catalytic Science
UCL Chemistry/Research Complex at Harwell
Reports to
Dr. Andrew Beale
The Project
To be hosted at the recently created UK Catalysis Hub of the Research Complex at
Harwell/UCL Department of Chemistry and involving the study of pre-formed catalyst
bodies under reaction conditions using X-ray diffraction computed tomography.
The project is funded through a BP grant and will involve a research stay at the
European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) in Grenoble, France.
Main Purpose
The postholder will be expected to assist in the development of new research apparatus
and methodologies for the execution of the project predominantly on the ID15 beamline
at the ESRF. They will be required to liaise closely with the other members of both the
Beale group and the ESRF team and to work with members of other universities and
institutions involved in the project.
For further information please see the following research articles: 1) S. D. M. Jacques et
al. Pair Distribution Function Computed Tomography, Nature Communications, 2013, 4,
doi:10.1038/ncomms3536. 2) S. D. M. Jacques et al. Dynamic X-Ray Diffraction
Computed Tomography Reveals Real-Time Insight into Catalyst Active Phase Evolution,
Angew. Chemie. Int. Ed., 2011, 50, 10148. doi: 10.1002/anie.201104604.
Location of work
The research associate will initially be based at the Research Complex at Harwell,
located at the Harwell/Rutherford Campus in Oxfordshire, UK and will also involve a
research stay at the ESRF, Grenoble, France .
Duties and Responsibilities
To utilise a previously constructed analytical setup to record X-ray diffraction
computed tomography data under various reaction conditions. To record, analyse
and write up the results of these calculations.
To contribute to the drafting and submitting of papers to peer reviewed journals.
To prepare periodic progress reports on research for BP as required.
To contribute to the overall activities of the research team and department as
To undertake a limited amount of teaching in relation to subject area.
To contribute to the induction and direction of other research staff and students
as requested.
Responsible for ensuring that equipment is safe and maintained in working order.
The job description reflects the present requirements of the post, and as duties
and responsibilities change/develop, the job description will be reviewed and be
subject to amendment in consultation with the post-holder.
The postholder will carry out any other duties as are within the scope, spirit and
purpose of the job as requested by the line manager.
The postholder will actively follow UCL policies including Equal Opportunities and
be expected to give consideration within their role as to how they can actively
advance equality of opportunity and good relations between people who share a
relevant protected characteristic and people who do not share it.
The postholder will maintain an awareness and observation of Fire and Health &
Safety Regulations.
To be aware of and act upon:
Disciplinary procedure and Disciplinary rules
Grievance procedure
Section 7 and 8 of the Health and Safety at Work Act
Department of Chemistry
Person Specification for the Post of Research Associate
a) Qualifications and Knowledge
PhD Degree in Chemistry, Physics, Materials Science or relevant subject
Knowledge of X-ray scattering/diffraction techniques
Heterogeneous catalyst testing
X-ray tomography
X-ray diffraction/scattering data analysis
b) Skills
Proven record of ability to conduct high quality research, as reflected by the
authorship of publications and other research output, in areas such as
heterogeneous catalysis, inorganic or materials chemistry.
Ability to analyse and present information clearly and effectively
Good interpersonal, oral and written communication skills.
Proven record of ability to manage time and work to strict deadlines.
Ability to work collaboratively and as part of a team both nationally and
Ability to supervise academic work by Batchelor, Master and PhD students.
Experience in delivering high-quality oral presentations of scientific work
Experience of working in a research environment
Experience of multi-disciplinary working
Experience of using spectroscopic and/or scattering techniques
d) Personal Qualities
 Commitment to high quality research
e) Other
 Recent publication output in high quality peer-reviewed scientific journals.
General Information
Terms & Conditions of Employment
The post is a UCL grade 7 post, the salary for which ranges from £29,541 to £36,298 per
annum (excluding London Allowance of £2,834 p.a.). Progression through the salary
scale is incremental. Cost of living pay awards are negotiated nationally and are normally
effective from 1st August each year. UCL’s non-clinical pay and grading structure is at
UCL’s terms & conditions for research staff are at
The full range of benefits is at
Equal Opportunities
UCL recognises that in our society, individuals and groups are discriminated against both
directly and indirectly on the grounds of: age, colour, disability, ethnic origin, gender, HIV
status, marital, social or economic status, nationality, race, religious beliefs, responsibility
for dependants, sexual orientation, trades union membership or unrelated criminal
To counteract discrimination, UCL is committed to actively opposing all forms of
discrimination, raising awareness and tackling the causes and consequences. It is
committed to providing a learning and working environment in which the rights and
dignity of all its members are respected and which is free from discrimination, prejudice,
intimidation and all forms of harassment including bullying; to making staff and students
feel valued, motivated and enabled to do their best work and to creating a safe,
welcoming working environment accessible to all.
UCL is working towards an Athena Swan Award and we support the Athena beliefs that:
The advancement of science, engineering and technology (SET) is fundamental
to quality of life across the globe.
It is vitally important that women are adequately represented in what has
traditionally been, and is still, a male-dominated area.
Science cannot reach its full potential unless it can benefit from the talents of the
whole population, and until women and men can benefit equally from the
opportunities it affords.
Further information on Athena Swan is at
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able to do this after you have clicked on the 'Apply now' button at the bottom of
the page.
Thank you for your interest in this post and the Department of Chemistry at UCL