Benefits of Acupuncture for Pregnancy

As an acupuncturist, I treat people for a wide range of ailments across the lifespan, from birth into old age. My clients come to see me not only to address specific
problems, but also to have me help them transition gracefully through life’s many stages. And no life stage has so many rapid transitions as pregnancy.
When women think of having an easy, pleasant pregnancy, they typically don’t see needles as a part of that picture. Unless, that is, they are using acupuncture as
a part of their health maintenance plan. For over 3000 years, acupuncture and Chinese Medicine have been used to help women transition through the stages of
pregnancy. Regular acupuncture visits can make for a more comfortable pregnancy, and a more ease-filled labor and delivery.
And I’m not just speaking from my experience as a practitioner when I say that. I also speak from my experience of being pregnant. My pregnancy with my
daughter was difficult; I felt ill and exhausted much of the time. However, once I incorporated regular acupuncture sessions into my schedule I felt much better. I
had more energy, better sleep, less illness and less pain.
Acupuncture can be useful throughout all stages of pregnancy – from pre-pregnancy sessions to increase fertility all the way through the third trimester, even
including treatments to ease the process of labor. Each stage of pregnancy presents different challenges, and these challenges differ from person to person. This
is part of the reason why acupuncture addresses these challenges so well. Treatments are specifically tailored to address each individual’s needs, depending on
how they are feeling from session to session. Just as with treatment for any other reason, treatment during pregnancy doesn’t focus on masking symptoms.
Acupuncture and Chinese medicine provide symptom relief by addressing the underlying cause of a specific set of symptoms. Health and well-being are attained
through the process of looking at the individual as a whole – physical, mental, emotional, and energetic components are considered. Treatment sessions are
about much more than just needles, and can include everything from massage and cupping therapy, to education on things such as relaxation and breathing
techniques, diet, nutrition and exercise from a Chinese Medicine perspective. Special sessions can even be arranged that include the woman and her birth
partner, teaching them acupressure and other coping strategies to use during labor and delivery.
For many women, the first trimester of pregnancy brings with it physical discomforts such as nausea, vomiting, and extreme fatigue. Many women who experience
such symptoms find that after acupuncture sessions, the symptoms can diminish or disappear all together. As pregnancy progresses, different challenges arise
and can be addressed. Digestive problems, sleep problems, high blood pressure, swelling, and pain are some complaints that my pregnant clients often look to
find relief from. And acupuncture doesn’t just address physical conditions. At any point during pregnancy, the mental and emotional challenges can outweigh the
physical. Especially as childbirth approaches, women can feel anxiety, fear and stress around the process. Acupuncture is extremely relaxing and very helpful in
assisting both the body and mind to de-stress, allowing the woman to feel more calm and empowered throughout the process.
I love my job – I find joy in my work on a daily basis. I feel truly privileged when I get to help my pregnant clients along their journey. Seeing the pregnancy cycle
through from start to finish, and knowing that my clients’ experience will be as ease-filled as possible is a great feeling. The best part, however, is getting to see
the new babies when mothers come back for a post partum visit – the beginning of a new phase of life.