Basic Math Review 1 Whole Numbers PLACE VALUE Ones Tens Hundreds , Thousands Ten thousands Hundred thousands , millions Ten millions Hundred millions , Billions Whole numbers are written with the digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. The number 66 has two digits. The number 24,070 has five digits. The value of a digit depends on its position in the number. Every position has a place value. The chart below gives the names of the first ten whole number places. The 6 at the left in 66 (66) is in the tens place. It has a value of 6 tens or 60. The 6 at the right (66) is in the units or ones place. It has a value of 6 ones or 6. The digit is still 6, but the value is different because of its position. The 2 in 24,070 is in the ten thousands place. It has a value of 2 ten thousands or 20,000. The 4 is in the thousands place. It has a value of 4 thousands or 4,000. The 7 is in the tens place. It has a value of 7 tens or 70. Notice that the value of the hundreds place and the value of the units place are both 0 in 24,070. EXAMPLE: Find the value of 8 in 2,840. 2,840 100 x8 800 Step 1 Step 2 Step 1: Tell the name of the place 8 is in. 8 is in the hundreds place. Step 2: Multiply 8 by the place name. Large numbers are usually separated in groups of three figures from the right to the left like this: 7,654,321 Numbers are read left to right by naming each group appropriately. In the number 4761, you would start from the right hand side of the number and mark off every three digits with a comma as follows: 4,761 The number is read “four thousand, seven hundred sixtyone.” In the number 3057010, you would start at the right hand side and mark off every three digits with a comma as follows: 3,057,010 The number is read “three million, fifty-seven thousand, ten.” 2 In the number 1357926183, the commas would appear as follows: 1,357,926,183 The number is read “one billion, three hundred fifty-seven million, nine hundred twenty-six thousand, one hundred eightythree. Note: The word “and” is not used when reading or writing whole numbers. It is used to indicate the placement of a decimal point. For example, 5,008 is read “five thousand eight,” not “five thousand and eight.” Note: Compound numbers from 21 to 99 are written with a hyphen, such as twenty-one and ninetynine. 1. Write 1954 in words: ________thousand, ________hundred ___________________ 2. 1917 is written as ________thousand, ________hundred ___________________ 3. 1812 is written as ________thousand, ________hundred ___________________ 4. 25,416 is written as ________thousand, ________hundred ___________________ 5. 14,703 is written as ________thousand, ________hundred ___________________ 6. 10,908 is written as ________thousand, ________hundred ___________________ 7. 12,100 is written as ________thousand, ________hundred 8. 12,008 is written as ________thousand, _______________ 9. 10,092 is written as ________thousand, _______________ 10. 123,456 is written as _________________thousand, ________hundred ____________ 11. 756,100 is written as _________________thousand, ________hundred 12. 1,658,325 is written as ______million, ____________________thousand, _____________hundred, _____________________ Write in figures: 13. one million, two hundred forty-three thousand, five hundred fifteen __________________________________ 3 14. two hundred ten thousand, six hundred twelve ___________________________________________________ 15. seven hundred forty-five _________________________ 16. fifty thousand, sixty-eight ______________________ 17. forty million, thirty-six ________________________ 18. five million, seven thousand, two hundred thirty-eight ____________________________________________________ 19. twelve billion, fifteen million ___________________ 20. three hundred thirteen million, seven hundred ten thousand __________________________________________ Answers: 1. one thousand, nine hundred, fifty-four 2. one thousand, nine hundred, seventeen 3. one thousand, eight hundred, twelve 4. twenty-five thousand, four hundred sixteen 5. fourteen thousand, seven hundred three 6. ten thousand, nine hundred eight 7. twelve thousand, one hundred 8. twelve thousand, eight 9. ten thousand, ninety-two 10. one hundred twenty-three thousand, four hundred fifty-six 11. seven hundred fifty-six thousand, one hundred 12. one million, six hundred fifty-eight thousand, three hundred twenty-five 13. 1,243,515 14. 210,612 15. 745 16. 50,068 17. 40,000,036 18. 5,007,238 19. 12,015,000,000 20. 313,710,000 4 ADDITION Addition with whole numbers is the basis for the other operations. Addition must be learned well before progress can be made in developing math skills. The digits are the symbols 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. The numbers that are added together are called the addends, and the answer to an addition problem is called the sum or total. 12 <----addend +5 <----addend 17 <----sum or total You must start with mastery of the following addition facts, because they are the foundation for further review. If necessary, go over them a second or third time. Speed is important, but accuracy must come first. 1) 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 9 1 2) 1 2 5 2 2 2 9 2 7 2 8 2 3 2 6 2 4 2 0 2 3) 1 3 3 3 5 3 7 3 9 3 2 3 4 3 6 3 8 3 0 3 4) 2 4 4 4 6 4 8 4 1 4 3 4 5 4 9 4 0 4 7 4 5) 9 5 7 5 5 5 3 5 1 5 8 5 6 5 0 5 4 5 2 5 6) 9 6 5 6 1 6 0 6 3 6 7 6 2 6 4 6 6 6 8 6 7) 8 7 4 7 6 7 2 7 0 7 7 7 9 7 5 7 1 7 3 7 8) 2 8 6 8 4 8 8 8 3 8 1 8 5 8 0 8 9 8 7 8 5 9) 5 9 3 9 4 9 2 9 9 9 1 9 0 9 7 9 8 9 6 9 Answers: 1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2. 3 7 4 11 9 10 5 8 6 2 3. 4 6 8 10 12 5 7 9 11 3 4. 6 8 10 12 5 7 9 13 4 11 5. 14 12 10 8 6 13 11 5 9 7 6. 15 11 7 6 9 13 8 10 12 14 7. 15 11 13 9 7 14 16 12 8 10 8. 10 14 12 16 11 9 13 8 17 15 9. 14 12 13 11 18 10 9 16 17 15 Adding Numbers With More Than One Digit To add numbers with more than one digit, write the numbers one under another with the ones’ column in a straight line; begin by adding on the right. First, add the numbers in the ones’ place (the right-hand number). Next, add the numbers in the tens’ place (the number second from the right). Then, add the numbers in the hundreds’ place (third from the right). Proceed in this way for as many places as there are in the number. The first problem in each row has been done as an example. 1) 32 25 57 41 38 23 45 21 32 63 36 34 50 2) 633 264 897 371 518 337 242 451 324 382 211 322 444 3) 327 342 669 432 263 216 432 534 425 274 211 322 552 6 4) 1256 2132 3388 8491 1504 6371 2322 1233 4731 5679 3110 1256 8613 5) 4536 3343 7879 3215 3584 4167 3522 3156 5732 7135 2564 1254 6325 6) 205 342 547 306 573 514 302 307 450 620 307 340 506 Answers 1. 57 79 68 53 99 84 2. 897 889 579 775 593 766 3. 669 695 648 959 485 874 4. 3388 9995 8693 5964 8789 9869 5. 7879 6799 7689 8888 9699 7579 6. 547 879 816 757 927 846 CARRYING IN ADDITION In the problems on the preceding page, the sum of each column as less than 10. Now we will review problems where the sum of a column is more than 9 and we must carry to the next column. Study the example in the box and work the problems that follow in the same manner. 538 374 912 Add the ones’ column: 8 + 4 = 12 Write the 2 under the 4; carry the 1 to the tens’ column: 1 + 3 + 7 = 11 Write the 1 under the tens’ column; carry the 1 to the hundreds’ column: 1 + 5 + 3 = 9 Write the 9 under the 3. 7 1) 525 356 881 338 243 516 247 429 354 354 237 536 245 2) 337 427 212 359 327 555 235 719 335 528 432 472 3) 234 139 234 358 217 374 249 515 235 518 225 226 4) 636 246 223 348 325 458 319 272 475 315 216 274 5) 356 428 579 316 328 643 312 178 354 217 159 321 6) 325 206 626 206 509 249 409 321 802 158 307 529 7) 475 336 329 584 347 486 735 398 616 595 534 497 Answers 1. 881 581 763 783 591 781 2. 764 571 882 954 863 904 3. 373 592 591 764 753 451 4. 882 571 783 591 790 490 5. 784 895 971 490 571 480 6. 531 832 758 730 960 836 7. 811 913 833 1133 1211 1031 8 Add: 1) 1 5 9 6 7 8 7 3 8 9 9 9 7 8 7 5 6 8 8 9 9 7 7 4 2) 57 14 35 42 29 34 39 43 75 57 34 18 3) 43 8 5 38 8 27 4 59 37 4 38 7 4) 764 457 391 509 745 985 794 529 645 727 264 337 5) 639 284 854 765 385 437 574 245 729 154 224 355 6) 1576 834 1497 943 1769 825 1398 745 7) 2415 1385 4014 3505 3052 4705 2345 1654 8) 5307 6099 7209 4095 4096 8405 3690 7059 9 Answers: 1. 21 25 35 27 31 27 2. 71 77 63 82 132 52 3. 51 43 35 63 41 45 4. 1221 900 1730 1323 1372 601 5. 923 1619 822 819 883 579 6. 2410 2440 2594 2143 7. 3800 7519 7757 3999 8. 11,406 11,304 12,501 10,749 SUBTRACTION Subtraction is the opposite of addition. It means to take from or take away. So, 7 - 5 means to take 5 from 7. In subtraction, the upper number is called the minuend; the lower number is the subtrahend. The answer to a subtraction problem is called the difference. 96 minuend -31 subtrahend 65 difference Below is a chart containing the basic subtraction facts that you should know. Subtraction Facts To use the chart to find an answer, such as 9 - 6, find the 9 on the left hand side and go along that row until you reach the column with 6 at the top of the chart. That number (3) will be the answer to 9 - 6. 10 The following exercise will help you master basic subtraction facts. As with the addition facts, speed is important, but accuracy must come first. Subtract: 1) 2 0 5 1 3 3 9 2 9 0 6 3 2 1 3 2 1 0 10 3 2) 10 2 7 0 4 3 3 1 5 3 8 2 4 0 8 1 2 2 9 1 3) 8 0 4 2 9 3 3 0 11 3 1 1 8 3 4 1 7 3 6 2 4) 6 1 5 2 6 0 7 1 10 1 0 0 11 2 7 2 12 3 5 0 5) 4 4 6 5 10 6 8 4 13 6 11 5 10 4 7 5 7 6 10 5 6) 15 6 14 6 6 4 5 5 12 6 13 4 13 5 9 6 11 4 14 5 7) 12 5 5 4 11 6 9 5 8 6 7 4 9 4 8 5 6 6 12 4 8) 9 7 11 9 8 8 11 8 7 7 12 9 16 9 14 7 8 7 14 9 11 Answers: 1. 2 4 0 7 9 3 1 1 1 7 2. 8 7 1 2 2 6 4 7 0 8 3. 8 2 6 3 8 0 5 3 4 4 4. 5 3 6 6 9 0 9 5 9 5 5. 0 1 4 4 7 6 6 2 1 5 6. 9 8 2 0 6 9 8 3 7 9 7. 7 1 5 4 2 3 5 3 0 8 8. 2 2 0 3 0 3 7 7 1 5 Sometimes one or more of the place numbers in the subtrahend are larger than those in the minuend. This makes borrowing necessary. Study the illustrations carefully to be sure you understand how to proceed with the practice problems that follow. 52 - 17 Borrow 1 ten from the 5 tens, leaving 4 tens 4 12 Add the 1 ten you borrowed to the 2 ones; you get 12 ones. 52 - 17 35 12 ones - 7 ones = 5 ones 4 tens - 1 ten = 3 tens Subtract: 1) 74 25 Answers: 1. 49 80 36 44 26 75 49 47 38 86 39 85 47 57 38 19 12 603 - 178 5 9 13 - 603 178 425 Since the 8 is larger than the 3 in the ones column we must borrow. But there is a zero in the tens place, so we borrow 1 from the 6 hundreds leaving 59 tens. We then have 13 in the ones column. 13 ones - 8 ones = 5 ones 9 tens - 7 tens = 2 tens 5 hundreds - 1 hundred = 4 hundreds Subtraction with borrowing: 1) 647 258 752 269 843 544 2) 616 487 3) 1,564 849 1,293 454 1,863 945 1,472 958 4) 3,714 2,319 7,413 3,249 5,604 2,395 4,317 2,809 5) 1,232 584 1,678 945 1,498 953 1,589 855 6) 1,677 734 1,776 942 1,265 452 6,415 2,329 754 275 1776 798 625 349 1396 479 513 234 635 247 1655 727 13 7) 73,050 27,455 46,940 24,946 19,053 8,954 23,006 4,999 8) 36,174 16,925 86,502 26,590 74,763 64,767 306,050 145,059 Answers: 1. 389 483 299 276 279 2. 129 479 978 917 928 3. 715 839 918 514 4. 1,395 4,164 3,209 1,508 5. 648 733 545 734 6. 943 834 813 4,086 7. 45,595 21,994 10,099 18,007 8. 19,249 59,912 9,996 160,991 388 MULTIPLICATION Suppose you walked 4 miles every day for one week. How far did you walk altogether? One way to find the answer to this question is to add: 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 = 28. However, an easier way to do this kind of ‘repeated addition’ is to multiply: 4 7 = 28. In a multiplication problem, the two numbers being multiplied are called factors. The answer to the problem is called the product. factor factor = product 4 7 = 28 Below is the multiplication table, showing multiplication facts from 1 through 9. You should memorize this table before doing the exercises on the following pages. Keep in mind that multiplication is a short-cut for addition. The questions immediately following the multiplication table should help you understand the relationship between addition and multiplication. This understanding will help in memorizing the multiplication facts. 14 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 3 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 4 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 6 0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 7 0 7 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 8 0 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 9 0 9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 9 0 9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81 Look at the rows in the table above: 1) Each number in the 9 row is how much more than the number before it? ______ 2) Each number in the 8 row is how much more than the number before it? ______ 3) Each number in the 5 row is how much more than the number before it? ______ 4) Each number in the 3 row is how much more than the number before it? ______ Now look at the columns: 5) Each number in the 8 column is how much more than the number above it? _____ 6) Each number in the 4 column is how much more than the number above it? _____ 7) 8) Each number in the 6 column is how much more than the number above it? _____ Each number in the 8 column is how much less than the number below it? ______ 9) Each number in the 9 column is how much less than the number below it? ______ Answers: 1.) 9 2.) 8 3.) 5 4.) 3 5.) 6.) 4 7.) 6 8.) 8 8 9.) 9 Once you have mastered the multiplication table, practice your multiplication facts by doing the following exercise. Work for accuracy first, then speed. When you have finished, check your answers with the table. 15 Multiply: 1) 5 2 7 2 9 2 5 3 5 4 6 3 6 4 9 4 7 2 3 5 7 3 2) 6 4 4 8 5 9 5 8 9 5 3 4 2 8 6 3 9 4 9 2 5 6 3) 5 4 7 5 3 7 4 6 9 5 3 5 5 8 7 3 7 2 4 8 5 6 4) 6 6 7 7 8 8 3 9 4 7 9 5 6 7 9 9 9 7 9 5 9 3 5) 8 2 8 4 8 6 8 8 9 6 8 9 6 5 6 7 7 8 4 9 7 5 6) 6 9 5 7 8 4 8 8 7 3 4 5 8 6 7 9 9 6 0 0 2 0 Answers: 1. 10 14 18 15 20 18 24 36 14 15 21 2. 24 32 45 40 45 12 16 18 36 18 30 3. 20 35 21 24 45 15 40 21 14 32 30 4. 36 49 64 27 28 45 42 81 63 45 27 5. 16 32 48 64 54 72 30 42 56 36 35 6. 54 35 32 64 21 20 48 63 54 0 0 MULTIPLYING WITH LARGER NUMBERS Once you have mastered the basic multiplication facts, you can proceed to multiplying with larger numbers. Study the following examples and explanations to review how it is done. 16 34 x 2 68 Multiply each digit of 34 by 2. 2 X 4 ones = 8 ones 2 X 3 tens = 6 tens number carried 316 x 4 1264 4 x 6 ones = 24. Put the 4 in the ones place and carry the 2 to the tens column. 4 x 1 ten = 4 tens, plus the 2 tens that were carried is 6 tens. 4 x 3 = 12 hundreds. Multiplying with one and two digit numbers: 1) 12 4 22 3 34 2 23 3 11 7 24 2 2) 21 7 31 6 41 8 53 3 64 2 83 3 12 12 Answers: 1. 48 12 13 23 23 33 33 42 21 61 11 66 68 69 77 48 2. 147 186 328 159 128 249 3. 144 156 529 1089 882 671 3) 17 21 x 32 42 63 672 2 ones x 21 = 42 ones, so the last digit of 42 is placed in the ones column. 3 tens x 21 = 63 tens, so the last digit of 63 is placed in the tens column. Now, add those products, making sure the 42 and the 63 are lined up properly: the 42 ends under the 2 of the 32; the 63 ends under the 3 of the 32. 1 2 1 327 x 402 654 000 1308 131454 numbers carried when multiplying by 4 number carried when multiplying by 2 2 ones x 327 = 654 ones 0 tens x 327 = 000 tens 4 hundreds x 327 = 1308 hundreds adding those products Multiplying with carrying: 1) 48 7 59 7 78 9 95 9 86 8 67 8 2) 649 9 769 8 825 6 892 8 483 9 536 7 3) 785 7 849 8 675 9 935 5 684 7 324 8 4) 53 25 46 47 90 58 19 39 38 28 37 57 18 5) 35 60 18 70 56 20 49 30 28 40 37 50 6) 845 69 497 18 936 37 764 46 354 55 319 23 7) 2675 128 9735 849 3629 436 5649 328 8) 1578 912 2815 715 6273 1085 51,763 605 Answers: 1. 336 413 702 855 688 536 2. 5841 6152 4950 7136 4347 3752 3. 5495 6792 6075 4675 4788 2592 4. 1325 2162 5220 741 1064 2109 5. 2100 1260 1120 1470 1120 1850 6. 58,305 8946 34,632 35,144 19,470 7337 7. 342,400 8,265,015 1,582,244 1,852,872 8. 1,439,136 2,012,725 6,806,205 31,316,615 19 DIVISION If you have mastered the multiplication skills, division should come fairly easily for you because division is the opposite of multiplication. For example, since 3 6 = 18, 18 6 = 3 and 18 3 = 6. The parts of a division problem each have a name: 6 3 1 8 divisor quotient dividend Remember that any number multiplied by zero equals zero. When zero is divided by any number, the answer is zero. So, 7 0 = 0 and 0 7 = 0. Be careful, though, of problems like 7 0! Since there is no number such that 0 (?) = 7, there is also no numerical answer to 7 0. Remember, division by zero is not possible! The following exercises are designed to help you develop your skill in division. The multiplication in the first column is put there to remind you that multiplication and division are opposites. So, if the question asks 56 7 = ?, think 7 ? = 56. 1. 4 8 = ______ 32 4 = ______ 32 8 = ______ 2. 2 8 = ______ 16 2 = ______ 16 8 = ______ 3. 5 7 = ______ 35 5 = ______ 35 7 = ______ 4. 3 9 = ______ 27 3 = ______ 27 9 = ______ 5. 5 8 = ______ 40 5 = ______ 40 8 = ______ 6. 3 6 = ______ 18 3 = ______ 18 6 = ______ 7. 4 9 = ______ 36 4 = ______ 36 9 = ______ 8. 5 9 = ______ 45 5 = ______ 45 9 = ______ 9. 4 7 = ______ 28 4 = ______ 28 7 = ______ 10. 5 4 = ______ 20 5 = ______ 20 4 = ______ 11. 50=0 0 5 = ______ 5 0 = ______ 20 12. 4 0 = ______ 0 4 = ______ 13. 5 30 3 24 4 20 5 25 4 24 5 15 14. 5 40 4 28 2 14 8 40 3 21 2 16 15. 3 27 2 18 4 32 5 45 4 36 39 16. 9 27 8 24 9 18 7 21 9 36 7 14 17. 5 45 7 42 7 63 7 49 7 28 6 42 18. 8 48 8 64 8 40 6 30 3 12 8 56 19. 9 54 8 72 9 81 9 45 9 63 9 72 Answers: 1. 32 8 4 2. 16 8 2 3. 35 7 5 4. 27 9 3 5. 40 8 5 6. 18 6 3 7. 36 9 4 8. 45 9 5 4 0 = ______ 21 9. 28 7 4 10. 20 4 5 11. 0 0 undefined 12. 0 0 undefined 13. 6 8 5 5 6 3 14. 8 7 7 5 7 8 15. 9 9 8 9 9 3 16. 3 3 2 3 4 2 17. 9 6 9 7 4 7 18. 6 8 5 5 4 7 19. 6 9 9 5 7 8 Here are a few problems that are more challenging. The first one is done as an example. Think: 7 x ? = 56 Think: 7 x ? = 7 81 7 567 20. 3 156 2 124 3 123 2 142 21. 3 189 4 168 4 324 5 155 22. 4 248 5 255 8 408 6 306 23. 7 147 9 180 6 186 5 355 24. 6 546 9 279 9 189 8 488 Answers: 20. 52 62 41 71 21. 63 42 81 31 22. 62 51 51 51 23. 21 20 31 71 24. 91 31 21 61 22 A. B. CARRYING IN DIVISION Sometimes, part of a division problem doesn’t come out even, which makes carrying necessary. Study the illustration on the next page to see how it is done. Divide 9,657 by 13. Step 1 How many 13's in 96? ( 7 ) Step 2 Multiply. ( 7 x 13 = 91 ) Step 3 Subtract. ( 96 - 91 = 5 ) Step 4 Bring down the 5 which is the next digit. Now, repeat the steps. How many 13's in 55? ( 4 ) Multiply. ( 4 x 13 = 52 ) Subtract. ( 55 - 52 = 3 ) Bring down the 7 which is the next digit. C. Repeat the steps again. 9 1 5 5 7 4 13 9,5 6 7 9 1 5 5 5 2 3 7 7 4 2 How many 13's in 37? D. 7 13 9,6 5 7 ( 2 ) Multiply. ( 2 x 13 = 26 ) Subtract. ( 37 - 26 = 11 ) R 11 13 9,6 5 7 9 1 5 5 5 2 3 7 2 6 1 1 Check your work. Multiply the divisor by the quotient. Add the remainder. 7 4 2 x 1 3 9 6 4 6 + 1 1 2 2 2 6 7 4 2 9 6 5 7 9 6 4 6 The result should equal the dividend. 23 Practice with Carrying The following problems will give you practice doing division problems that involve carrying. Some of these problems have remainders and some don’t. Be sure to check each problem. 1) 4 96 3 72 7 441 6 342 2) 5 443 7 591 9 2313 8 5224 3) 3 7372 6 1049 4 19089 4 15638 4) 23 391 41 943 47 2491 58 2088 5) 69 3249 75 4595 232 15080 314 20410 6) 23 23046 34 34102 503 302856 604 424652 7) 56 5836 59 16180 78 27080 401 17638 8) 66 3142 87 2763 75 51255 64 64155 24 Answers: 1. 24 24 63 57 2. 88 R3 84 R3 257 653 3. 2457 R1 174 R5 4772 R1 3909 R2 4. 17 23 53 36 5. 47 R6 61 R20 65 65 6. 1002 1003 602 R50 703 R40 7. 104 R12 274 R14 347 R14 43 R395 8. 47 R40 31 R66 683 R30 1002 R27 AVERAGES The average of a list of numbers is found by adding the numbers and dividing their sum by how many numbers there are in the list. Example: To find the average of 96, 88, 83, and 93, first add the numbers; then divide the sum by 4, which is how many numbers are in the list: 96 + 88 + 83 + 93 = 360 360 4 = 90 So, 90 is the average of the list of numbers. Here are a few problems to give you a little practice in finding averages. 1. Find the average of each set of numbers: a.) 3, 5, 7, 8, 4, 9 b.) 56, 48, 37, 28, 41 c.) 142, 139, 156, 187 2. If you receive scores of 79, 85, 96, 93, and 67 on your tests during the semester, what is your average score? 25 3. Six stores had the following prices on paper towels: $1.39, $1.28, $1.45, $1.53, $1.45, and $1.30. What was the average price of paper towels? Answers: 1. a) b) c) 2. 84 3. $1.40 6 42 156 SOLVING WORD PROBLEMS Before trying to solve a word problem, read the problem carefully and be sure you understand what the problem is asking. You may need to read the problem several times. Look for indicator words -words that indicate what operations will be necessary to solve the problem. Some of the most common indicator words are listed below. Addition plus more more than added to increased by sum total sum of increase of gain of Multiplication product double triple times of twice twice as much Subtraction less subtract subtracted from difference less than fewer decreased by loss of minus take away Division divided by divided into quotient goes into divide divided equally per 26 Equals is the same as equals equal to yields results in are After you have decided what calculations need to be done, estimate a reasonable answer. Then solve the problem. Finally, if the answer you get is reasonable, check your work to be sure your calculations are correct. If your answer is not reasonable, reread the problem and begin again. Here are some problems for you to try. They use all of the whole number operations you have been practicing in this review packet. Don’t forget to label your answers. 1.) Last year, the town of Montvale spent $16,593,650 for police and fire protection. The town spent $1,108,212 for welfare and health. How much more did the town spend for police and fire protection than for welfare and health? 2.) John, Tom, Bill, and Fred started a record store. At the end of one year, they had a profit of $27,936. They decided to share the profit equally. How much did each person get? 3.) Ezra Hicks died in 1978 after his 94th birthday. In what year was he born? 4.) Cheryl made a gross salary of $12,500 last year. Her employer deducted $2,518 from her salary. What was Cheryl’s net income last year? 5.) Sara bought 12 towels at a sale. She wanted to divide them equally among herself and her three sisters. How many towels did each of the sisters get? 6.) Bert Roberts is an auto mechanic. Last year, he made $16,456. Betty Roberts is a clerk. Last year, she made $11,294. Their son Henry works part-time at a grocery store. He made $3,367 last year. Find the combined income of the Roberts family last year. 7.) Sandy paid $63 for three pairs of jeans. What was the price of one pair of jeans? 8.) It costs about $1,850 a year to educate one student at Franklin High School. There are 230 students in the school. Find the total cost for educating all the students at Franklin High School for one year. 27 9.) In 1950, there were 14,273 people living in Elmford. In 1980, there were 8,498 more people living in Elmford than in 1950. How many people lived in Elmford in 1980? 10.) Mr. Schmidt ordered nine boxes of dress shirts to sell in his store. There were 12 shirts in each box. He sent two boxes of shirts back because they were the wrong colors. How many shirts did Mr. Schmidt keep? 11.) In 1975, there were 1,036,000 divorces in the U.S. In 1977, there were 1,091,000 divorces. How many more divorces were there in 1977 than in 1975? 12.) On weekends Karen works as a waitress. On Friday she made $63. On Saturday, she made $79. On Sunday she made $68. Find the average amount she made per day. 13.) Fred pays $12 for a gallon of paint. How much does he pay for 13 gallons of paint? 14.) Mount Hood is 11,239 feet high. Mount Whitney is 14,494 feet high. How much higher is Mount Whitney than Mount Hood? 15.) Al wants to split a board 102 inches long into six equal pieces. How long will each piece be? 16.) Oregon became a state in 1859. For how many years had Oregon been a state in 1980? 17.) The yearly budget for the town of Staunton is $150,000. By the end of June, the town had spent $89,480. How much money was left in the budget for the rest of the year? 18.) Mr. and Mrs. Wiley bought new furniture marked $650. They agreed to pay for the furniture by making 15 equal monthly payments of $52 each. How much more than $650 did the furniture cost them? 19.) In one month, the Simpsons spent $462 for utilities and mortgage payments, $436 for income taxes and Social Security, $194 for car payments and gasoline, $323 for food, and $245 for everything else. How much did they spend altogether that month? 20.) George makes $295 for a five-day work week. How much does he make each day? 21.) The Fulton County Stadium can hold 52,532 people. One Saturday afternoon, the stadium was full. The average price for a ticket was $4.00. Find the total price paid for tickets at the stadium that day. 28 22.) In 1970 there were 2,809,813 people living in Los Angeles, 715,674 in San Francisco, and 697,027 in San Diego. What was the total number of people living in the three cities? 23.) Mr. Seltzer ordered 3 cases of tomato soup, 4 cases of chicken soup, and 2 cases of bean soup for his store. Each case held 12 cans. How many cans of soup did he order altogether? 24.) Of the 432 students who graduated from Central High School, 184 went to college and 93 went into the army. How many of the graduates did not go into the army? 25.) On Thursday night, 1,129 people went to the All-City basketball tournament. On Friday night, 1,347 people went to the tournament. On Saturday, 1,406 people went. What was the average number of people per night at the tournament? Answers: 1. $15,485,438 16. 121 years 2. $6984 17. $60,520 3. 1884 18. $130 4. $9982 19. $1660 5. 3 towels 20. $59 6. $31,117 21. $210,128 7. $21 22. 4,222,514 people 8. $425,500 23. 108 cans 9. 22,771 people 24. 339 graduates 10. 84 shirts 25. 1294 people 11. 55,000 divorces 12. $70 13. $156 14. 3,255 feet 15. 17 inches 29 Fractions TERMS AND DEFINITIONS A. Fraction—is a statement, in numbers rather than in words, that an object, any kind of object, has been divided into equal parts. It represents a part of a whole object. B. Denominator—tells the reader into how many equal parts the object has been divided. C. Numerator—tells the reader how many parts of the divided object the fraction is representing. PARTS OF A FRACTION A. Denominator—is the bottom part of the fraction. Remember it tells you into how many equal parts an object has been divided. Hint: Denominator is “down,” it begins with a “d” just as “down” does. B. Fraction Line—is the line separating denominator from numerator. It says “divide” just as ÷ says “divide.” C. Numerator—is the top part of the fraction. Remember, it tells you how many parts of the divided object you are concerned with. Example: 1 2 1 →Numerator—we are concerned with one part -→Fraction Line—an object has been divided 2 →Denominator—an object has been divided into 2 equal parts 3 -5 3 5 →Numerator—we are concerned with 3 parts →Fraction Line—an object has been divided →Denominator—an object has been divided into 5 equal parts Assignment sheet #1-Parts of fractions 1. In the following fractions identify the numerator and the denominator. 3 →___________________ 4 →___________________ 5 8 →___________________ →___________________ 11 16 →___________________ →___________________ 2. Write the fractions to meet the following requirements. a. _______ A fraction has a numerator of 3 and a denominator of 10. b. _______A fraction has a denominator of 12 and a numerator of 7. 30 c. _______A fraction has a numerator of 13 and a denominator of 18. 3. A carpenter cuts a piece of lumber into three equal boards and uses them for shelves for a bookcase. a. _______Write the fraction that represents the part of the original piece of lumber that the carpenter used for one shelf. b. c. d. e. f. _______Which number of the fraction in (a) is the numerator? _______Which number is the denominator? _______What part of the original piece of lumber did the carpenter use for two shelves? _______What part of the original piece of lumber did the carpenter use for the entire bookcase? _______When numerator and denominator are identical, the fraction becomes the whole number 1, right? Answers: 1. a. 3 numerator 4 denominator b. 5 numerator 8 denominator c. 11 numerator 16 denominator 2. a. b. c. 3. a. 3 10 7 12 13 18 1 3 b. 1 c. 3 d. e. 2 3 3 3 f. right 31 Assignment sheet #2—Parts of fractions-Word problems Directions: Write a fraction which fits the requirements of each of the following statements. 1. A plumber had four equal lengths of pipe. He used three of them. A. _______What fraction of the total number of pipes did the plumber use? B. _______What part of the pipes was left? 2. The student’s tuition was divided into five equal monthly installments. A. _______What part of the tuition did the student pay the first month of school? B. _______After three months of school had passed, what part of the tuition had the student paid? C. _______What fraction was left to pay? 3. There are 12 inches in a foot. A. _______ Seven inches is what part of a foot? B. _______ What fraction represents the rest of the foot? 4. One $20 bill has the same value as twenty one-dollar bills. A. _______ $13 is what fraction of the $20 bill? B. _______What part of the $20 bill is left after you have spent $13? C. _______ You spend the rest of the $20. Write the fraction that represents all of the $20 which you have spent. D. _______Do you have any of your $20 bill left? When numerator and denominator are identical, the fraction is equal to 1, which is one $20 bill you have spent! Answers: 3 1. a. 4 1 b. 4 1 2. a. 5 3 b. 5 2 c. 5 7 3. a. 12 5 b. 12 13 4. a. 20 7 b. 20 20 c. 20 = 1 d. No 32 Test #1—FRACTION PARTS AND MEANINGS 1. Match these terms with the correct definition. _______a. Fraction _______b. Denominator _______c. Numerator _______d. Fraction line 2. In the fraction 9 1. Tells into how many equal parts an object has been divided 2. This says a division has taken place 3. This tells us an object has been divided into equal parts 4. Tells how many parts of a divided object we are concerned with , identify: 16 a. _______the numerator b. _______the denominator 3. Write the fractions that represent the following statements. a. _______I ate three of my five chocolates. What part did I eat? b. _______The instructor gave A’s to 17 of his 35 students. What part of the class had A’s? c. _______Only one of the nurse’s three patients got well. What fraction of the sick people died? d. _______The mechanic discovered that five of the spark plugs in the eight-cylinder engine needed to be replaced. What fraction of the plugs needed replacing? e. _______An interior decorator completed 9 of the 10 draperies required for the room’s windows. What fraction of the draperies were ready to hang? Answers: 1. a. 3 3. a. b. 1 c. 4 b. d. 2 2. a. 9 c. b. 16 d. e. 3 5 17 35 2 3 5 8 9 10 33 KINDS OF FRACTIONS Types Proper—a fraction with numerator smaller than denominator Examples: 4 2 11 9 3 12 Improper—a fraction with denominator smaller than numerator Examples: 6 7 14 4 3 9 Mixed number—a whole number with a fraction 1 5 12 Examples: 1 46 8 10 A FRACTION which is the equivalent of the whole number “1” has the same numerator and denominator. Examples: 3 15 1 3 15 1 EQUIVALENT FRACTIONS are two or more fractions which have different numbers and which are read differently, but which represent the same value. Equivalent fractions are a useful and necessary tool to solve problems. Examples: 1 2 2 4 8 4 8 16 = = = = 16 , etc. 32 Equivalent fractions are easy to understand with the use of a ruler. 1 inch (greatly magnified!) 1/16 1/8 2/16 1/4 2/8 4/16 3/8 6/16 1/2 2/4 4/8 8/16 5/8 10/16 3/4 6/8 12/16 7/8 14/16 16/16 8/8 4/4 2/2 34 ASSIGNMENT SHEET #3—PROPER AND IMPROPER FRACTIONS, MIXED NUMBERS, AND EQUIVALENT FRACTIONS 1. Name the following fractions by labeling “P” for proper, “I” for improper, and “M” for mixed number. _______a. 3 4 _______b. 1 _______c. _______d. 5 9 7 10 _______g. 8 5 9 4 _______h. 6 8 5 _______i. 9 7 _______e. 2 2. _______f. 1 _______j. 3 1 2 11 12 Using the “ruler” above, name one or more fractions that are equivalent to the given fractions. 1 a. 8 6 b. 8 2 c. 4 = = = d. 16 12 16 = 8 = 4 2 e. 1 = = 4 2 2 = 16 Answers: 1. a. P f. 10 16 = 8 = 16 8 f. I b. M g. I c. P h. P d. I i. M e. M j. P 2. a. 2 = 4 d. 6,3 b. 3 e. 4, 8, 16 c. 1, 8 f. 5 Test #2—KINDS OF FRACTIONS 1. Write three different fractions which are equivalent to the number “1.” ____________________ _____________________ _____________________ 35 2. Identify each of the following at “P” for proper, “I” for improper, “M” for mixed number. _______a. _______b. 9 8 1 8 13 _______f. 9 _______c. 3 _______d. ______e. 3 4 7 16 7 5 _______g. 12 11 _______h. 9 1 2 3. Write two different equivalent fractions for each of the following fractions. 1 = 2 12 = 16 = = 2 = 8 = 2 = 2 = Answers: 1. answers will vary 2. a. I b. P c. M d. P e. P f. I g. I h. M 3. answers will vary RAISING AND REDUCING FRACTIONS Change a mixed number to an improper fraction. (This operation is necessary to solve problems.) Multiply the denominator of the fraction by the whole number and add the numerator to the result. This result is the new numerator; the denominator remains the same. 36 1 9 2 2 4 = Examples: (4x2)+1 2 2 11 3 3 3 = = 9 (3x3)+2 2 3 = 11 3 Change an improper fraction to a mixed number. This operation is necessary to obtain an answer in the correct, or simplest form. Divide the denominator into the numerator, making a fraction of any remainder, using the divisor as denominator. 10 Examples: 3 =3 1 14 3 9 =1 5 9 Reduce a fraction to lowest terms. The fraction is in its lowest terms, or in the simplest form, if numerator and denominator cannot be divided evenly by any number except “1.” 3 Examples: 9 4 8 2 5 = = = 1 3 1 2 2 5 Divide both numerator and denominator by 3. Divide both numerator and denominator by 4. Numerator and denominator cannot be divided. ASSIGNMENT SHEET #4—RAISING AND REDUCING FRACTIONS 1. Raise each of the following mixed numbers to improper fractions. a. 3 b. 6 c. 1 d. 7 e. 4 1 2 2 3 3 4 2 25 1 3 f. 8 g. 2 h. 5 i. 3 j. 4 3 8 4 9 4 5 2 7 1 8 37 2. Convert each of the following improper fractions to mixed numbers. Reduce the resulting fraction if necessary. a. b. c. d. e. 12 f. 9 4 g. 3 6 h. 4 7 i. 5 18 j. 7 Answers: 7 1. a. 20 c. d. e. 2. 7 4 11 3 15 6 14 7 h. 4 177 25 13 3 1 a. 1 i. j. 67 8 22 9 29 5 23 7 33 8 f. 4 3 b. 1 1 g. 2 3 1 h. 3 2 d. 1 e. 2 9 g. 3 c. 1 8 f. 2 b. 32 2 i. 2 5 4 1 4 2 3 1 2 j. 2 7 38 TEST #3—RAISING AND REDUCING FRACTIONS 1. Raise each of the following mixed numbers to an improper fraction. a. 1 b. 7 c. 3 d. 5 2. a. b. c. d. e. 2 e. 2 3 5 f. 9 7 1 g. 1 4 1 h. 4 6 3 4 2 9 3 8 3 5 Convert the following improper fractions to mixed numbers, reducing the resulting fraction if necessary. 8 f. 4 9 g. 5 14 h. 3 12 i. 8 15 j. 9 11 7 7 4 6 6 8 3 22 5 Answers: 1. a. b. c. 5 3 54 7 13 4 d. e. f. 31 6 11 4 g. h. 11 8 23 5 83 9 39 2 2 a. 2 e. 1 3 4 b. 1 4 f. 1 5 7 2 c. 4 2 i. 2 3 2 j. 4 5 3 g. 1 3 4 1 d. 1 h. 1 2 MULTIPLYING FRACTIONS Multiplying fractions is the simplest of all fraction arithmetic operations. A. Multiply the numerators B. Multiply the denominators C. Reduce the result if necessary. Examples: 2 4 2𝑥4 8 a. x = = 3 5 3𝑥5 15 1 3 1𝑥3 b. x = 8 4 8𝑥4 6 1 6𝑥1 c. x = = = 3 32 6 = 2 7 3 7𝑥3 21 7 Cancel is a handy device used to reduce fractions before multiplying them so as to obtain smaller numbers to multiply. A. Examine both fractions to see if any pairs, diagonally (kitty-corner), or vertically (up and down), -NEVER horizontally (across)—can be divided evenly by the same number. B. Multiply the results. Examples: Cancel diagonally. 3 3 6 𝑥 4 and 6 can both be divided by 2 4 7 2 3 2 3 𝑥 = 9 7 14 Answer 40 1 5 7 𝑥 8 10 5 and 10 can both be divided by 5 2 1 8 7 𝑥 = 7 2 16 Answer 1 5 16 𝑥 4 5 and 5 can both be divided by 5 5 1 1 1 16 𝑥 4 1 4 4 1 1 1 𝑥 = 1 4 4 and 16 can both be divided by 4 Answer Example: Cancel diagonally. 3 6 9 𝑥 3 4 6 and 4 can both be divided by 2 2 1 3 9 𝑥 3 2 9 and 3 can both be divided by 3 3 1 3 3 1 1 1 𝑥 1 2 1 1 𝑥 = 2 2 3 and 3 can both be divided by 3 Answer Multiply mixed numbers and whole numbers. A. B. C. D. E. F. Convert the mixed number to an improper fraction. Give the whole number the denominator “1.” Cancel where possible. Multiply the resulting fractions. Convert the result to a mixed number. Reduce the result if necessary. 41 Examples: 1 2 𝑥3 4 9 3 27 4 1 4 x = =6 3 4 3 4 𝑥2 5 23 2 46 5 1 5 x = =9 1 5 2 3 𝑥3 9 1 29 3 29 9 1 3 x = 3 =9 2 3 Multiply mixed numbers. A. B. C. D. E. Convert all mixed numbers to improper fractions. Cancel where possible. Multiply the fractions. Convert results to mixed numbers. Reduce if necessary. Examples: 1 3 2 𝑥1 5 4 11 7 77 5 4 20 x = =3 17 20 2 1 3 𝑥4 3 8 11 11 33 3 1 x 8 = 121 8 = 15 1 8 1 2 5 𝑥2𝑥1 4 9 7 1 21 2 11 4 1 9 x 𝑥 2 3 = 77 6 = 12 5 6 42 ASSIGNMENT SHEET#5—MULTIPLYING FRACTIONS Directions: Multiply the following fractions and mixed numbers. Give the results in the lowest terms. 1. 5 6 9 𝑥 2. 4 x 20 5 4. 7 1 1 8 9 10 𝑥 4 27 6. 7 24 𝑥 4 8 9 Answers: 3 1. 8 1 2. 1 3. 72 4. 5. 6. 4 15. 7 8 1 6 1 7. 2 8. 10 9. 1 2 10 3 9 1 3 𝑥 7 8 4 2 3 𝑥8 𝑥 7 32 3 4 3 16 𝑥3 1 7 13. 2 2 1 2 1 14. 1 15. 3 10. 7 4 9 7 16. 2 4 15 1 14. 6𝑥 7 5 8. 12𝑥 13. 4 7. 5 𝑥 9 12. 21 16 8 11. 24𝑥 8 3 5. 𝑥 8 10. 3 𝑥2 16 3. 10 𝑥7 3 9. 𝑥 7 20 2 3 5 16 21 32 16. 6 7 8 11. 18 12. 14 27 43 TEST #4—MULTIPLYING FRACTIONS Directions: Multiply the following fractions and mixed numbers. Be sure the answer is in the lowest terms. 1 1 3 1 1. 2 𝑥1 6. 𝑥 8 5 4 2 4 2. 5 𝑥 2 7 3 8 3. 𝑥 1 2 3 5 3 6 4 7 5. 1 𝑥1 20 8 21 1 4 5 7 8. 5 𝑥1 1 4. 4 𝑥3 5 7. 𝑥 3 9. 9𝑥 10. 7 18 4 8 𝑥16 Answers: 11 1. 2 6. 20 2. 3. 4 7. 15 7 12 11 4. 14 5. 3 15 1 3 8 25 42 8. 8 9. 3 6 35 1 2 10. 8 4 DIVIDING FRACTIONS Dividing fractions A. Invert (turn over) the divisor (the number or fraction following the division sign). B. Change the sign to multiply. C. Cancel where possible D. Multiply the resulting fractions and give the result in the lowest terms. Example 1: 1 1 ÷ 2 4 2 1 4 2 𝑥 = =2 2 1 1 1 44 Example 2: 1 2 ÷ 3 5 1 5 5 × = 3 2 6 Dividing mixed numbers and whole numbers A. Convert the mixed numbers to improper fractions. B. Make each whole number into a fraction by giving it a denominator of “1.” C. Invert the divisor and change the division sign to multiply. D. Cancel where possible. E. Multiply the fractions and give the result in the lowest terms. Example 1: 1 1 2 4 1 3 4 3 2 ÷ 1 or 7 Or 2 ÷ = 7 2 4 1 7 =2 𝑥 1 4 7 =8 4 1 7 1 7 𝑥 = 2 4 8 Example 2: 1 4 5 ÷ 3 or 21 Or 5 1 5 3 1 4 = 21 5 3 1 = 21 3 1 7 2 ● 3 = 5 = 15 3 ÷ 1 7 21 1 𝑥 5 3 1 7 1 7 2 𝑥 = =1 5 1 5 5 Example 3: 1 3 ÷ 1 3 or Or 3 1 3 1 1 1 3 ÷ = 3 1 4 3 3 3 9 1 = 1 𝑥 4 = 4 = 24 4 3 3 3 9 1 𝑥 = =2 1 4 4 4 45 Dividing Mixed Numbers. A. B. C. D. Convert all mixed numbers to improper fractions. Invert the divisor and change the division sign to multiply. Cancel where possible. Multiply the fractions and give the results in lowest terms. Example 1: 1 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 ÷ 1 2 or 4 Or ÷ 3 = 4 3 3 2 4 2 8 = 3𝑥3 = 9 3 2 4 2 8 𝑥 = 3 3 9 Example 2: 3 2 18 ÷ 45 11 8 ÷ 22 5 or 3 8 2 4 5 1 11 8 22 5 = = 11 5 5 x = 16 8 22 1 11 Or 8 5 𝑥 22 2 1 5 5 𝑥 = 8 2 16 Example 3: 1 3 4 ÷1 5 4 21 5 7 ÷ 4 or 1 5 3 1 4 4 = 21 5 7 4 = 21 5 4 𝑥7= 12 5 2 = 25 3 Or 21 5 𝑥 1 4 7 3 4 12 2 𝑥 = =2 5 1 5 5 46 ASSIGMENT SHEET #6—DIVIDING FRACTIONS Directions: Divide the following fractions and mixed numbers and give the result in the lowest terms. 1 1 2 4 1. ÷ 11. ÷ 2 5 3 5 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 5 ÷1 6 9 10 7 3 16 3 9 13. 3 2 5 9 83 1 22 14. 5 ÷ 6 3 ÷1 ÷ 7 2 1 5 15. 1 ÷3 1 4 1 5 4 12 16. 6 ÷ 3 1 3 4 10 7. 2 ÷ 1 8. 12. 3 ÷ ÷3 8 2 ÷ 1 17. ÷ 10 1 3 2 10. 1 7 10 2 1 1 4 3 ÷ 1 5 1 2 9. 2 ÷ 7 1 3 ÷1 18. 13 1 42 1 3 Answers: 1. 2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1 2 3 8. 4 2 7 10 7 24 15 128 1 7. 3 5 9. 1 26 1 25 16 45 10. 1 11. 19 11 40 5 6 12. 3 6 7 47 13. 3 14. 15. 7 16. 1 15 7 8 1 4 17. 22 5 8 18. 27 3 40 TEST #5—DIVIDING FRACTIONS AND MIXED NUMBERS Directions: Divide the following fractions and mixed numbers. Be sure your results are in the lowest terms. 7 1 7 3 1. ÷ 7. 6 ÷ 1 9 3 8 8 2. 12 ÷ 2 3. 9 16 ÷8 5 8. 8 1 1 4 3 1 5 2 8 16 Answers: 1 1. 2 3 2. 3. 4. 5. 4 4 ÷ 1 9 24 5 1 4 1 1 4 2 12 6. 7. 8. 136 17 6 5 7 9 5 10. 6 ÷ 12 4. 10 ÷ 6 6. 8 ÷ 9. 25 ÷ 2 5. 25 ÷ 2 5 9. 10. 9 20 5 3 4 100 1 2 7 48 ADDITION OF FRACTIONS Addition of like fractions—those which have the same denominators. a. Add the numerators—these tell you how many parts of the divided object you are concerned with. b. Write the common denominator. Do not add the denominators—these tell you into how many equal parts an object or objects have been divided. c. Reduce the answer or express it as a mixed number. Examples: 1 1 2 1. + = 3 3 3 3 2 5 2. + = 7 7 7 4 7 11 2 3. + = = 1 9 9 9 9 Addition of unlike fractions—those which do not have the same denominators. A. Change the unlike fractions to like fractions by determining the lowest common 1 denominator. This is the same thing as “raising” a fraction to its equivalent (for example 2 = 2 ). You do this by determining a new denominator into which you can divide both denominators evenly. Sometimes you can use one of those you already have; sometimes you have to find a new one. 1 1 Example + 2 4 1 B. Raise to a fraction with a denominator of 4. 2 1 2 = (Four is the least common denominator.) 2 4 4 1 4 = 1 4 C. Add as like fractions. 1 2 = 2 4 + 1 1 = 4 4 3 4 Addition of mixed numbers. A. Turn the fractions into like fractions if necessary. B. Add them. Be sure the resulting fraction is a proper fraction reduced to its lowest terms. If the result is an improper fraction, turn it into a mixed number. C. Add the whole numbers. D. Combine the results you obtained in B and C. 49 1 5 36 + 26 Example 1: 1 36 5 +2 6 6 56 = 5+1=6 2 3 Example 2: 2 5 + 1 10 2 4 2 5 = 2 10 3 3 + 1 10 = 1 10 7 3 10 2 3 Example 3: 4 3 + 1 4 2 8 4 =4 3 12 3 9 + 1 4 = 1 12 17 5 5 5 12 = 5 + 1 12 = 6 12 ASSIGNMENT SHEET #7—ADDING FRACTIONS Directions: Add the following fractions and mixed numbers. Be sure the results are in the lowest terms. 2 1 7 1 1. + 6. 6 + 1 5 5 8 8 2. 4 5 + 3 4 2 7 3 9 3. 2 + 7 4. 2 5. 3 7 3 16 + +4 1 7 2 1 3 5 7. 9 + 5 1 4 8. 1 2 + 1 3 5 1 6 4 9. 6 + 5 10. 2 5 + 4 5 50 7 11. 8 3 12. 3 13. 5 + 3 20 + 6 1 16. 7 +2 3 9 4 2 18. 7 5 1 1 6 2 4 1 2 2 3 14. 5 +1 +5 15. 5 +6 8 9 7 2 8 3 3 +4 17. 4 + 3 + 1 2 2 3 5 10 19. 10 + 12 20. 20 + 1 1 1 3 11 Answers: 1. 3 11. 1 5 11 2. 1 3. 10 4. 6 20 4 9 7 16 13. 1 56 9 10 6 35 7 14. 12 12 7 1 15. 12 6 6. 8 16. 1 7. 14 5. 8. 9. 4 12. 5 41 13 15 5 18. 1 6 12 10. 1 17. 8 1 12 1 5 13 24 1 6 7 19. 22 10 14 20. 21 33 51 Test #6—ADDING FRACTIONS Directions: Add the following fractions and mixed numbers. Be sure the results are in the lowest terms. 1 1 1 6 5 1. 7 + 5 + 2 7. 8 + 8 9 2 3 7 8 2 5 7 7 1 1 5 2 2. 9 + 1 3. 5 + 6 4. 5 5 +9 16 5 1 8 1 1 1 2 3 4 + 7 1 3 1 1 3 6 4 4 16 7 21 9. 4 + 2 5. 4 + 6 + 4 6. 2 8. 7 + 2 + 8 1 1 2 16 10. 5 +2 11. 2 12. 2 +4 3 10 +1 2 3 3 5 7 8 Answers: 17 1. 14 18 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 11 11 18 9. 7 10. 7 11. 4 1 21 1 12 1 12 1 8. 56 7 16 15 17 7 10 14 27 7. 12. 7 1 3 9 16 7 40 4 15 SUBTRACTION OF FRACTIONS Subtraction of like fractions—those which have the same denominators. A. Subtract the numerators—these tell you how many parts of the divided objects you are concerned with. B. Write the common denominator. Do no subtract the common denominators—this tells you into how many equal parts an object or objects have been divided. C. Reduce if necessary. 52 Examples: 1. 2. 3. 7 11 5 8 11 − − − 1 = 6 11 11 3 2 1 = 8 9 8 = = 2 4 = 1 16 16 16 8 Subtraction of unlike fractions—those which do not have the same denominators. A. Change the unlike fractions to like fractions by determining the lowest common denominator. You do this by determining a new denominator into which you can divide both denominators evenly. Sometimes you can use those you already have; sometimes you have to find a new one. 2 6 (This is similar to “raising” a fraction to its equivalent. Example: = . ) 3 9 5 1 Example: − 8 4 5 Since four will divide evenly into 8, we can use 8 as our common denominator. Therefore, 8 5 can remain . 8 1 However, needs to be raised to 8ths. 4 1 4 𝑥 2 2 = 2 8 B. Subtract as like fractions. 5 5 = 8 8 1 2 = 4 8 = 3 8 Subtraction of mixed numbers. A. Borrowing not necessary 1. First turn the fractions to like fractions if necessary; then subtract them. Be sure the result is reduced to its lowest terms. 2. Subtract the whole numbers. 3. Combine these two results. 53 Example 1: 5 1 8 2 4 −1 5 5 8 8 4 =4 1 2 = Example 2: 4 1 =1 - 3 7 1 9 9 3 −1 3 −1 8 1 8 7 9 1 9 6 2 =2 =2 9 3 B. Borrowing necessary 1. Turn the fractions into like fractions if necessary. 2. If the number to be subtracted is larger than the number to be subtracted from (if the lower numerator is larger than the upper numerator), you must borrow one from the whole number. Change this “1” into an equivalent fraction with the same denominator as the converted fractions. Remember that a fraction with the same numerator and denominator is equal to 6 3 “1”. (Example: 6 = 1, 3 = 1 3. Add this borrowed fraction to the converted fraction. 4. Now you can subtract—fractions first, then whole numbers. Be sure the result is in the lowest term. 1 3 Example: 1. 12 3 − 8 4 1 3 12 = 12 3 - 84 = = 4 12 12 4 16 = 11 + 12 + 12 = 11 12 - 8 3 9 12 7 12 54 ASSIGNMENT SHEET #8—SUBTRACTING FRACTIONS Directions: Subtract the following fractions and mixed numbers. Be sure the answers are in the lowest terms. 7 3 7 3 1. − 11. 42 − 9 8 8 8 16 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 3 4 − 7 16 7 11 2 3 7 8 7 9 4 7 − − − − − − 1 4 1 16 3 11 1 2 3 4 2 3 1 3 5 1 6 3 9. 8 − 6 11 10. 11 12 −8 1 4 9 12. 13 13. 10 − 4 14. 24 15. 10 − 10 16. 8 − 7 17. 4 − 3 18. 8 − 5 19. 11 − 2 20. 25 − 21 10 − 9 3 4 1 1 3 2 1 16 − 8 3 4 5 7 6 12 7 15 8 16 1 2 6 3 3 1 4 6 1 1 2 3 3 4 4 5 Answers: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1 2 1 2 3 8 4 11 1 6 1 8 7. 8. 9. 1 9 5 21 2 10. 3 1 2 2 3 11 11. 33 16 12. 4 3 20 55 13. 5 5 17. 6 5 14. 15 16 15. 16. 1 2 18. 3 1 19. 9 4 15 20. 3 16 7 12 1 6 19 20 TEST #7—SUBTRACTING FRACTIONS Directions: Subtract the following fractions and mixed numbers. Be sure the results is in the lowest terms. 7 2 1 1 1. − 6. 7 − 4 11 11 3 5 1 2 7 3 5 5 8 8 2. 9 − 3 3. 3 − 2 4. 5. 5 6 − 1 2 3 3 4 7 −1 9− 6 8. 8 −6 9. 3 3 7. 3 4 4 7 1 9 3 − 1 5 10. 11 − 7 5 8 Answers: 1. 5 11 2. 5 3. 1 4. 5. 10 21 6. 3 7. 2 8. 2 1 2 5 9. 11 12 2 15 1 4 4 9 11 20 10. 3 3 8 56 FINAL TEST—FRACTIONS 1. Identify the following as either proper or improper. 2 _______a. _______d. 3 3 _______b. _______e. 2 9 _______c. 8 7 8 4 5 2. Reduce these fractions to the lowest terms. a. b. c. 4 =__________ 8 5 15 3 21 d. = _________ e. 15 75 6 9 = _________ =__________ =_________ 3. Write the following improper fractions as mixed numbers. Reduce the results if necessary. 7 15 a. =___________ d. =__________ 5 2 b. c. 32 31 17 14 =__________ e. 12 10 =___________ =_____________ 4. Write the following mixed numbers as improper fractions. 1 1 a. 3 2 = __________ d. 1 4 = __________ 1 b. 2 3 = __________ c.15 1 e. 9 2 = __________ 4 = _____________ 7 5. Write equivalent fractions by filling in the blanks. 1 21 2 c. = a. = 3 3 9 b. 5 = 10 20 d. 10 12 = e. 4 5 = 40 6 57 6. Add the following fractions and mixed numbers. Reduce the answers. 1 1 a. + = 3 4 b. c. 1 2 3 4 2 3 + 15 = 4 1 d.3 e. 1 + = 4 1 +2 = 6 1 3 2 8 5 +4 = 7. Subtract the following fractions and mixed numbers. Reduce the answers. 5 1 a. − 12 3 b. 3 4 − 1 c. 2 d. 4 1 2 − 5 6 7 1 8 4 1 −1 5 7 e. 10 16 − 3 8 8. Multiply the following fractions and mixed numbers. Reduce the answers. 1 1 a. x 5 3 1 1 b. 2 2 x3 4 c. 1 d. 1 2 5 7 x2 x3 1 4 1 2 1 1 e. 2 5 x 3 9. Divide the following fractions and mixed numbers. Reduce the answers. 1 1 a. ÷ 3 3 58 1 b.2 2 1 c. 3 d. e. 3 5 7 7 8 1 ÷3 4 1 ÷2 ÷3 4 1 2 ÷3 Answers: Final Test 1. a. P e. 1 b. I c. I 4. a. d. P b. e. P 2. a. b. c. d. e. 1 c. 2 1 d. 3 1 e. 7 1 7 2 7 3 109 7 5 4 19 2 b. 10 2 c. 63 3 d. 5 2 3. a. 1 5 c. 1 5 5. a. 6 5 b. 1 1 1 31 3 e. 50 6. a. 7 12 b. 1 14 d. 7 1 c.16 2 1 2 5 d. 5 12 59 7 e. 9 8 7. a. b. c. 3 1 e. 1 12 2 1 e. 4 8. a. 11 15 9. a. 1 b. 5 10 13 8 6 1 7 c. 1 16 d. 15 1 b. 8 8 8 d. 2 5 c. 1 12 d. 3 e. 13 27 10 49 7 24 60 Decimals A decimal number is related to a fraction in that it also is a statement that an object has been divided into parts. However, decimal notation is based on the number “10,” all parts of a decimal number indicating a division by 10 or a multiple of 10, such as 10, 100, 1000, etc. Therefore, decimal numbers are sometimes simpler for students to understand than are fractions. Place Value In the decimal number 0.576143 every digit has a place name. 1. the 0 indicates that there is no whole number. 2. The 5 means tenths. An object has been divided into 10 parts, and we are concerned with 5 5 of them. It is read “five tenths.” Its fraction equivalent is 10. 3. The 7 means hundredths. Combined with the preceding 5, this indicates an object is divided into 100 parts, and we are concerned with 57 of them. IT is read “fifty-seven hundredths.” 57 It fraction equivalent is 100. 4. The 6 means thousandths. Combined with the preceding 5 and 7 this indicates an object has been divided into (a) ________parts and we are concerned with (b) ______ of them. It is read (c) _____________. Its fraction equivalent is (d) _____________. 5. The 1 means ten thousandths. Combined with the preceding 5, 7 and 6 this indicates an object has been divided into (e)_________________parts, and we are concerned with (f) _____________ of them. It is read (g) _____________. Its fraction equivalent is (d)____________. 6. The 4 means hundred thousandths. Combined with the preceding 5,7,6 and 1, this indicates an object has been divided into (i) ___________parts, and we are concerned with (j) ____________ of them. It is read (k) ______________. Its fraction equivalents is (l)______________. 7. The 3 means millionths. Combined with the preceding 5, 7, 6, 1, and 4 this indicates that an object has been divided into (m) ________parts, and we are concerned with (n) __________ of them. It is read (o) _________. Its fraction equivalent is (p) ________________. Answers: 4) a. 1000 b. 576 c. five hundred seventy-six thousandths 5) e. 10,000 f. 5,761 g. five thousand seven hundred sixty-one ten thousandths 5761 h. 10,000 6) i. 100,000 j. 57,614 61 k. fifty-seven thousand six hundred fourteen hundred thousandths 57,614 l. 100,000 7) m. 1,000,000 n. 576,143 o. five hundred seventy-six thousand one hundred forty-three millionths 576,143 p. 1,000,000 Decimal notation for fractions Fractions with a denominator of 10 or a multiple of 10 – such as 100, 1000, 10,000, etc. – may be easily written as decimals. There will be as many decimal places as there are zeros in the denominator. Place a decimal point before the numerator and eliminate the denominator. Examples: 3 = 0.3 10 3 1000 27 100 = 0.27 = 0.003 (Zeros may be needed as place holders. They are important. Do not omit them!) Mixed numbers (whole numbers with fractional parts) are written with the whole number first, then the decimal point, and then the fractional part. Examples: 75.175 6.03 29.5 Reading and writing decimal numbers Fractions only 1. Write the numbers first, no decimal point yet. 2. Determine the number of places necessary for the place value written at the end of the number word. Example: Nine hundred thirty-five ten thousandths a. Write 935 b. Determine 4 places for ten thousandths, counting them from right to left. ←4 ←3←2←1 9 3 5 c. Place the decimal point where the 4th arrow reached. (Remember to add a zero as a place holder. You must have 4 places.) .0 9 3 5 62 d. Write a 0 to indicate there is no whole number. 1. 2. 3. 0.0935 Mixed numbers In a mixed number the word “and” or the word “point” indicates the decimal point. Number words before “and” or “point” are whole numbers. Number word after “and” or “point” are decimal fractions. Example: (Whole number) (Decimal point) Fraction (2 places) Sixty-five and thirty-nine hundredths 65 . 39 65.39 Try it! Three hundred five and ninety-six thousandths _____________ Answer: 305.096 Assignment sheet #1—Decimals 1. Write equivalent decimal fractions for the following. 7 _______a. 5 10 _______b. 71 91 100 3 _______c. 1000 27 _______d. 483 100 3 _______e. 7 10 85 _______f. 1000 1 _______g.23 1000 _______h.645 45 100 913 _______i. 1000 71 _______j.9 100 2. Write each of the following as a decimal number. ______a. Five and seven tenths ______b. Five and seven hundred fifty-six thousandths 63 ______c. Seven hundred and fifty-six hundredths ______d. Forty-one thousand and forty-one thousandths ______e. Fourteen thousand six and sixty-six hundredths ______f. One thousand twenty-five ten thousandths ______g. Sixty-five hundred thousandths ______h. Six hundred sixty-six hundred thousandths Answers: 1. a. 5.7 b. 71.91 c. 0.003 d. 483.27 e. 7.3 f. 0.085 g. 23.001 h. 645.45 i. 0.913 j. 9.71 2. a. 5.7 b. 5.756 c. 700.56 d. 41,000.041 e. 14,006.66 f. 0.1025 g. 0.00065 h. 0.00666 Test #1 Decimals 1. write the name of the place value of each of the digits in this number—0.671985 64 2. Write these numbers in decimal notation. 3 ________________a. 93 100 67 ________________b. 8 100 9 ________________c. 56 10 71 ________________d. 41000 17 ________________e. 38 10,000 3. Write each of the following decimal numbers in words. a. 81.3 ______________________________________________________ b. 7.55 ______________________________________________________ c. 0.009 _____________________________________________________ d. 0.0083 ____________________________________________________ e. 0.00056 ___________________________________________________ Answers 1. a. millionths b. hundred thousandths c. ten thousandths d. thousandths e. hundreths f. tenths 2. a. 93.03 b. 8.67 c. 56.9 d. 4.071 e. 38.0017 3. a. eighty-one and three tenths b. seven and fifty-five hundredths c. nine thousandths d. eighty-three ten thousandths e. fifty-six hundred thousandths 65 If you are not satisfied with your results or if there is something you do not understand, ask the instructor for more explanation and for more exercises. Rounding decimals—When complete accuracy is not essential, decimal numbers are rounded to a specified place. Look at the digit in the place immediately to the right of the specified place. If the digit to the right of the specified place is less than 5, drop it and all following digits. Leave the other digits unchanged. If the digit to the right of the specified place is 5 or larger, drop it and all following digits, and increase the preceding digit by 1. Examples: 1. 6.7 to the nearest whole number is 7 2. 0.73 to the nearest tenth is 0.7 3. 0.925 to the nearest hundredth is 0.93 4. 0.4399 to the nearest thousandth is 0.440 (the zero to the far right is necessary because the instruction said to the nearest “1000”) 5. 2.03456 to the nearest hundredth is 2.03 6. 14.39652 to the nearest thousandth is 14.397 Assignment sheet #2—Rounding decimals 1. Round the following numbers to the nearest whole number. ___________a. 75.63 ___________b. 3.1274 ___________c. 0.98931 2. Round the following numbers to the nearest tenth. __________a. 43.333 __________b. 7.787 __________c. 0.7531 3. Round the following numbers to the nearest hundredth __________a. 63.632 __________b. 123.935 __________c. 0.678 66 4. Round the following numbers to the nearest thousandth __________a. 231.3875 __________b. 0.5802 __________c. 44.4444 Answers: 1. a. 76 b. 3 c. 1 2. a. 43.3 b. 7.8 c. 0.8 3. a. 63.63 b. 123.94 c. 0.68 4. a. 231.388 b. 0.580 c. 44.444 II. Arithmetic operations Adding decimals 1. Write the given numbers in a column. 2. Be sure the decimal points are directly under each other. To avoid confusion you may add zeros so that each number has the same number of places, but be sure that the decimal points are in a straight line. 3. Then add the columns as for regular numbers. Be sure the decimal point in the answer is directly under the decimal points in the columns. Example: add 96.3 + 7.62 + 14.076 + 381 96.3 7.62 14.076 381. 498.996 or 96.300 7.620 14.076 381.000 498.996 Subtracting decimals 1. Write the given numbers in a column 2. Be sure the decimal points are directly under each other. To avoid confusion you may add zeros so that each number has the same number of places, but be sure that the decimal points are in a straight line. 3. Then subtract the columns as for regular numbers. Be sure that the decimal point in the answer is directly under the decimal points in the columns. 67 Example: Subtract: 79.36 – 62.134 79.36 -62.134 17.226 or 79.360 -62.134 17.226 4. To check your result add your answer to the number that you subtracted. The sum should be the same as the top number. Check: 17.226 + 62.134 79.360 Multiplying decimals 1. Write the given numbers the same as you do with whole numbers. In multiplying, the decimal points need not be directly beneath each other. 2. Multiply as with regular numbers. 3. Count the number of decimal places—those numbers to the right of the decimal point— in both factors being multiplied. 4. Locate the decimal point in the answer by starting at the extreme right digit in the answer and counting off as many places to the left as the total you determined in Step #3. Zeros may be added at the left if there are not enough digits to fulfill the requirements of Step #4. Examples: a. Multiply 32.61 x 0.06 32.641 x 0.06 (5 places) 195846 000000 1.95846 (answer) b. Multiply 1.23 x 0.018 1.23 x 0.018 984 1230 00000 0.02214 (5 places) (answer) Multiplying by 10, 100, or 1,000: A short-cut method when multiplying by a power (or multiple) of 10 is simply to move the decimal point in the number to be multiplied as many places to the right as there are zeros in the multiplier (10, 100, etc.) 68 Examples: 75.6 x 10 75.6 x 10 000 7560 756.0 (1 place) or 75.6 x 10 = 756 (answer) 39.16 x 100 39.16 (2 places) x 100 0000 00000 391600 3916.00 (answer) or 39.16 x 100 = 3916 40.5 x 1000 40.5 (1 place) x 1000 000 0000 00000 405000 40,500.0 (answer) or 40.5 x 1000 = 40,5000 Dividing decimals 1. Dividing a decimal by a whole number (This is the easiest division.) a. Place the decimal point in the quotient (the answer) directly above its location in the dividend (the number to be divided). b. Divide as with whole numbers. Continue to divide until the answer comes out even or until you reach the number of decimal places required by the instruction. Round to the place required by the instruction. (See rounding decimals). c. Check your result by multiplying the divisor and the answer. Example: 2.35 ÷ 5 0.47 5)2.35 20 35 35 0 Answer Check 0.47 x 5 2.35 0.963 ÷ 7 (round answer to nearest hundredth) 69 0.137 ÷ 7 = 0.14 answer 7)0.963 7 26 21 53 49 4 (remainder) Check 0.137 x 7 0.959 + 4 (remainder) 0.963 2. Dividing a decimal by a decimal. It is not possible to divide a decimal by another decimal until some preliminary work has been done. a. Move the decimal point in the divisor to the end of the divisor. b. Move the decimal point in the number to be divided the same number of places that you moved the point in the divisor. Sometimes you will need to add zeros to the dividend in order to move the point the required number of places. Be sure to do this. (In effect you have multiplied each number by 10, 100, etc., and thus have not changed the value of your result; you have simply made it possible to solve the problem.) c. Immediately place the point in the answer directly above the new point in the number to be divided (the dividend). d. Divide as with whole numbers. Examples: 3.6 ÷ 0.6 6. Answer 0.6)3.6 36 0 Check: 6 x 0.6 3.6 0.36 ÷ 0.06 6 Answer 0.06)0.36 36 0 Check 0.06 x 6 0.36 0.36 ÷ 0.006 70 60 0.006)0.360 Answer 36 00 Check 0.006 x 60 0.360 3. Dividing a whole number by a decimal (This is a combination of the other two operations.) a. Place a decimal point at the end of the whole number in the divisor. b. Move the decimal point in the divisor to the right of the divisor. c. Count the number of places you moved the decimal point. d. Move the point in the dividend the same number of places, adding zeros as necessary. e. Place the decimal point in the answer immediately above the newlylocated point in the dividend. f. Divide as with whole numbers. Examples: 36 ÷ 0.6 60 0.6)36.0 Answer 36 00 Check 60 x 0.6 36.0 36 ÷ 0.06 6 00 0.06)36.00 Answer 36 000 Check: 600 x 0.06 36 71 36 ÷ 0.006 6 000 Answer 0.006)36.000 36 0 000 Check: x 6 000 0.006 36.000 4. Dividing by 10, 100, 1000, etc. A short-cut method when dividing by a power (or multiple) of 10 is simply to move the decimal point of the number to be divided as many places to the left as there are zeros in the divisor (10, 100, 1000, etc.). Examples: 75.6 ÷ 10 7.56 Answer or 75.6 ÷ 10 = 7.56 10)75.60 70 (move decimal point in 75.6 one place to the left) 56 50 60 60 0 39.16 ÷ 100 0.3916 Answer or 39.16 ÷ 100 = 0.3916 100)39.1600 (move the decimal point in 39.16 two places to the left) 30 0 9 16 9 00 160 100 600 600 0 Assignment sheet #3-Review of decimals A. Number words and rounding 1. Write the decimal numbers for the word numbers. ________a. Six and nine hundred sixteen thousandths ________b. Five and six-tenths ________c. Ninety-three ten-thousandths 72 2. Round to the nearest whole number. ________a. 53.1 ________b. 97.8 3. Round to the nearest tenth. ________ a. 101.87 ________ b. 213.09 4. Round to the nearest hundredth. ________ a. 0.049 ________ b. 1.173 5. Round to the nearest thousandth. ________ a. 08743 ________ b. 0.0706 B. Add: 1) .62 43.7 9.584 2) 843.794 0.9041 85. 4) 394 + 6.72 + 0.183 C. Subtract: 1) 89.745 - 31.231 4) 74 – 57.93 D. Multiply: 1) 6.435 x 0.82 3) 684.1 74 9.037 5) 0.89 + 6.043 + 0.0791 2) 15.97 - 8.894 3) 645.7 - 69.3 5) 100 – 76.52 2) 0.376 x 0.04 4) 43.61 x 100 3) 187.2 x 0.354 5) 0.8976 x 1000 E. Divide 1) 0.12)144 2) 12)0.144 4) 7 ÷ 8 5) 6.205 ÷0.25 3) 1.2)0.144 73 6) 76 ÷ 100 7) 0.693 ÷3.5 8) 96.7 ÷ 10 Answers: A. 1. a. 6.916 2. a. 53 3. a. 101.9 4. a. 0.05 5. a. 0.874 B. C. D. E. 1) 53.904 1) 58.514 1) 5.2767 1) 1,200 7) 0.198 b. 5.6 b. 98 b. 213.1 b. 1.17 b. 0.071 c. 0.0093 2) 929.6981 3) 767.137 2) 7.076 3) 576.4 2) 0.01504 3) 66.2688 2) 0.012 3) 0.12 8) 9.67 4) 400.903 4) 16.07 4) 4361 4) 0.875 5) 7.0121 5) 23.48 5) 897.6 5) 24.82 6) 0.76 Test #2 Decimals 1. Write this word number as a decimal numeral. seven and one hundred twenty-five thousandths______________________ 2. Round each of the following as indicated. a. To the nearest whole number ________1) 27.3 ________2) 8.72 b.To the nearest tenth ________ 1) 0.51 ________ 2) 6.97 c. To the nearest hundredth ________ 1) 0.008 ________ 2) 1.284 d.To the nearest thousandth _________1) 48.14876 _________2) 0.00521 3. Add: a. 16.7 + 0.03 + 9 4. Subtract a. 867 – 721.42 b. 0.875 + 214.6 + 23 b. 16.931 – 10.37 74 5. Multiply a. 6.834 x 0.25 b. 0.1073 x 89.1 6. Divide: a. 169 ÷ 0.13 b. 1.69 ÷ 1.3 c. 0.21 ÷ 14 d. 7 ÷ 16 (round to nearest hundredth.) Answers: 1. 7.125 2. a. b. c. d. 3. a. b. 4. a. b. 5. a. b. 6. a. b. c. d. 1) 27 1) 0.5 1) 0.01 1) 48.149 2) 9 2) 7.0 2) 1.28 2) 0.005 25.73 238.475 145.58 6.561 1.7085 9.56043 1300 1.3 0.015 0.44 Percent and Proportion I. Numbers with percent signs are also related to common fractions and to decimal numbers in that they, too, make a statement that an object has been divided into parts. However, percents differ significantly from fractions and decimals in that the objects to which they refer have always been divided into 100 parts. (The word itself means “by the hundred.”) This fact gives percents special meaning and really makes them simpler to deal with than fractions and decimals. Because percents are based on “100,” the numbers always represent parts of 100. The percent sign replaces the decimal point in a two-place, or hundredths, decimal number. II. There are three types of percent problems. All of them can be solved by one method, the proportion. Of course, there are other methods, but why bother with three different methods when one will do the job? a. Find a certain percent of a number. i. Example: what is 15% of 95? b. Find what percent a certain number is of a given number. i. Example: 6 is what % of 92? c. Find the number when a percent of it is given. i. Example: 6 is 20% of what number? 75 III. One of the simplest methods of solution of percent problems is the proportion method. a. A proportion is a comparison of two equal ratios. Example 1: 1 2 1. 2 = 4 1 2 and 4 are ratios. They tell us that 1 has the same relationship to 2 that 2 has to 2 4. We can prove this by multiplying 1 x 4 and 2 x 2. Both multiplications give us the same result – 4. That proves our proportion is true. Example 2: 2 6 = 3 9 2 x 9 = 18 3 x 6 = 18 Example 3: 5 10 = 10 20 5 x 20 = 100 10 x 10 = 100 Assignment sheet #1 Proportions Directions: Supply the missing numbers in these proportions. Multiply the number to prove your answer. 2 ? 1. 4 = 8 This is like “raising” fractions to their equivalents.) 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1 3 5 6 9 8 ? 6 = = = = ? = 7 15 ? 3 ? = = ? 6 10 ? 18 ? 10 30 2 14 3 5 9 12 76 Answers: 1. 4 2. 2 3. 12 4. 16 5. 2 6. 1 7. 25 8. 4 b. Replace the “?” with an “x.” (An “x” represents what we do not know.) 49 𝑥 = 98 7 1) Multiply 98 ● x = 98x 49 ● 7 = 343 2) Set up the equation—an equation is a statement that says two things are equal to each other. 98x = 343 This equation says that 98 multiplied by some number, which we do not know yet is equal to 343. Because we had to multiply to write this equation, we will divide to solve it. 98𝑥 98 = 343 98 x = 3.5 Answer 3) Try another one 1.5 𝑥 = 4 9 a. Multiply 4 ● x = 4x 1.5 ● 9 = 13.5 b. Write the equation 4x = 13.5 c. Solve by dividing both sides by 4 4𝑥 13.5 = 4 4 𝑥 = 3.375 Answer 77 4) Try this one 60 15 = 10 𝑥 a. Multiply 60 ● x = 60x 10 ● 15 = 150 b. Write the equation 60x = 150 c. Solve (divide both sides by 60) 60𝑥 60 = 150 60 x = 2.5 Answer Notice that if we reduce the first ratio, we save ourselves some work, and the result is the same. When you are solving proportions, always check to see if you are able to reduce one of the ratios. 6 60 15 = 10 𝑥 1 6x = 15 x = 2.5 Answer Assignment Sheet #2 Proportions Directions: Solve for “x” in the following proportions. 1. 2. 3. 4. 1 2 = 3 4.5 9 7 5 5. 𝑥 = 6 𝑥 𝑥 = 14 2.3 4 = 6. 7. 𝑥 8 8. 𝑥 21 𝑥 18 17 𝑥 3 𝑥 13.5 = 27 65 = 90 153 = = 382.5 19 57 Answers: 1) 2) 3) 4) 10 9 18 4.6 5) 6) 7) 8) 10.5 13 42.5 9 78 C. Solving story problems using proportions. Example 1: The readout on an exercise machine says if you exercise for 24 minutes, you will burn 356 calories. How many calories will you burn if you exercise for 30 minutes? Solution: Step 1: write a proportion with labels 24 𝑚𝑖𝑛 356 𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑠 = 30 𝑚𝑖𝑛 𝑥 𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑠 Notice like quantities are in the numerator and like quantities are in the denominator. Step 2: Solve by cross multiplying (drop the labels at this point) 24x = 10680 Step 3: Divide both sides by 24 24𝑥 10680 = 24 24 x = 445 Step 4: Answer the question 445 minutes Example 2: Jason bought 8 tickets to an international food festival for $52. How many tickets can he purchase with $90? Step 1: Write a labeled proportion 8 𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑘𝑒𝑡𝑠 $52 = 𝑥 𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑘𝑒𝑡𝑠 $90 Step 2: Cross multiply and drop labels 52x = 720 Step 3: Solve by dividing 52𝑥 52 = 720 52 x = 13.8 79 Step 4: Answer question Since we can’t buy a part of a ticket and don’t have enough money for another whole ticket, we must round down. Answer: 13 tickets Example 3: Mary bought a new car. In the first 8 months, it was driven 10,000 miles. At this rate, how many miles will the car be driven in 1 year? Step 1: Write the labeled proportion 8 𝑚𝑜𝑛𝑡ℎ𝑠 10,000 𝑚𝑖𝑙𝑒𝑠 = 1 𝑦𝑒𝑎𝑟 𝑥 𝑚𝑖𝑙𝑒𝑠 Note: we do not have like quantities in the numerator. Therefore, we must write 8 𝑚𝑜𝑛𝑡ℎ𝑠 12 𝑚𝑜𝑛𝑡ℎ𝑠 = 10,000 𝑚𝑖𝑙𝑒𝑠 𝑥 𝑚𝑖𝑙𝑒𝑠 Step 2: cross multiply and drop labels 8x = 120,000 Step 3: Solve by dividing 8𝑥 120,000 = 8 8 Step 4: Answer question 15,000 miles Problems: 1. An 8 lb. turkey breast contains 36 services of meat. How many pounds of turkey breast would be needed for 54 servings? 2. A bookstore manager knows that 24 books weight 37 lbs. How much do 40 books weigh? 3. Bill uses 3 gallons of paint to cover 1275 ft2 of siding. How much siding can Bill paint with 7 gallons of paint? 4. A doctor orders 225 mg of a drug. The drug is available in 75 mg per ml vials. How many ml will the nurse administer? 5. A dog is to receive 20 units of insulin twice a day. The insulin comes in a 1000u/10ml container. How many days will the container last? 80 Answer: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 12 lbs 61 2/3 lbs 2975 ft2 3 ml 25 days D. It’s time to apply this knowledge to percent problems. All three types of percent problems can be solved by means of a proportion. In a percent proportion the first ratio is the number ratio; the second ratio is the percent ratio. 100, which represents 100% of the whole object, is always the fourth term of the proportion. (There, one-fourth of the work is already done for you!) Number ratio % ratio _____________= _____________ 100 1) Look at the first type (II-A) of percent problems. Find a certain percent of a given number. What is 15% of 95? a. We know what percent we are dealing with, so 15 is the third term of the proportion. It goes above the 100. = 15 100 b. Now you must match the first ratio to the second. Because “100,” which is on the bottom, is the whole object, the bottom of the first ratio must also represent the whole object. In this problem that number is 95. (whatever comes after the word “of” is the whole) 95 = 15 100 c. We don’t know the number that is 15% of 95, so “x” (which represents what we don’t know) goes on the top part of the ratio. 𝑥 15 = 95 100 d. Solve the proportion. 81 100𝑥 1425 = 100 100 x = 14.25 15% of 95 is 14.25 Answer 2) The second type (II-B) of percent problem. Find what % a certain number is of a given number. 8 is what % of 80? = 100 a)This time we don’t know the % of “x” goes above the 100. 𝑥 = 100 b) 80 represents the whole (note it comes after of); it must match the 100, so it goes on the bottom of the number ratio. 𝑥 80 = 100 c) 8 represents the part; it goes above the 80. 8 80 𝑥 = 100 d) Now solve: 80𝑥 800 = 80 80 x = 10% (remember we’re looking for a percent, so don’t forget to put the % sign after the 10) 8 is 10% of 80 Answer 3) The third type (IIC) of percent problem. Find the number when a percent of it is given. 6 is 20% of what number? = 100 82 a)We know the percent. 20 = 100 b) We know that 6 is part of the whole object. 6 20 = 100 c) We do not know the whole number since what comes after “of” is not known. 6 𝑥 20 = 100 d) Solve: 20𝑥 600 = 20 20 x = 30 6 is 20% of 30 Answer Assignment sheet #3 Percent and proportions Direction: Solve each of the following by means of a proportion. 1. 25% of 40 is _____________. 2. 80% of 45 is _____________. 3. 28% of 92 is _____________ to the nearest tenth. 4. 48 is ____________% of 80. 5. _________% of 60 is 30. 6. 64 is ____________% of 80. 7. ___________% of 65 is 13. 8. 175% of 30 is _____________. 9. ¾% of 100 is ______________. 10. 1 is ______% of 1,000. 83 11. 70% of ______________is 28. 12. 140% of ____________is 35. 13. 219 is 12% of _________. 14. 5 is ½% of ____________. Answer: 1. 10 9. .75 2. 36 10. .1% 3. 25.76 11. 40 4. 60% 12. 25 5. 50% 13. 1825 6. 80% 14. 1000 7. 20% 8. 52.5 E. In another type of percent problem you are required to find a percent of increase or decrease. These are always set up as follows: 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑎𝑚𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑖𝑛𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑜𝑟 𝑑𝑒𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑥 = 𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑎𝑚𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡 100 Examples: 1. Last year your income was $10,000. This year it is $12,000. What is the percent of increase? This requires a two-step solution. First find the amount of increase. Then set up a proportion to find the percent of increase, putting the figure for last year in the whole number place in the number ratio. - $12,000 10,000 $ 2,000—amount of increase (𝑖𝑛𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒)2,000 (𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙)10,000 10,000𝑥 10,000 𝑥 = 100 200,000 = 10,000 X = 20% Income increased by 20% Answer 2. Last year your income was $10,000. This year it is $9,000. What is the percent of decrease? - $10,000 9,500 500—amount of decrease 84 1 (𝑑𝑒𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒)500 (original)10,000 𝑥 = 100 20 (see how much simpler it is when you reduce one of the ratios) 20x =100 x=5% Income decreased by 5%. Answer Story Problems 1. A restaurant typically sells 250 desserts in an evening. On an especially busy evening they sold 350 desserts. What was the percent increase? 2. Joe’s September electric bill was $105. In October it dropped to $73.50. Find the percent decrease in his electric bill. 3. A nurse calculated the flow rate on an IV to be 25gtt/min. Later she discovered it had to be increased to 33gtt/min. Find the percent increase. 4. By using only cold water in the washing machine, a family with a montly fuel bill of $78 can reduce their bill to $74.88. Find the percent decrease. 5. A part-time salesperson earns $9800 one year and gets a 9% increase the next year. What’s the new salary? 6. The population of Stanton increased from 1500 to 3600. Find the percent increase in population. Answers: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 40% 30% 32% 4% $10,682 140% Test—Percent and Proportion Directions: Solve the following percent problems. 1. 50 is what percent of 200? 2. 143 is 130% of what number? 3. 45% of 200 is ___________? 4. 37% of 86 is ____________? 85 5. 25% of what number is 6? 6. What percent of 720 is 180? 7. 37 is what percent of 60? (to the nearest whole number) 8. 65% of what number is 19.5? 9. 6% of 24 is_________? 10. What percent is four hundred twenty of one hundred twenty? Answer: 1. 25% 6. 25% 2. 110 7. 62% 3. 90 8. 30 4. 31.82 9. 1.44 5. 24 10. 350% 86 The following pagers are general information for you to be familiar with. Common fraction, decimal, and percent equivalents. Fraction Decimal Percent ½ .50 50% ¼ .25 25% ¾ .75 75% 1/8 .125 12 ½% or 12.5% 3/8 .375 37 ½% or 37.5% 5/8 .625 62 ½% or 62.5% 7/8 .875 87 ½% or 87.5% 1/16 .0625 6 ¼ % or 6.25% 3/16 .1875 18 ¾% or 18.75% 5/16 .3125 31 ¼% or 31.25% 7/16 .4375 43 ¾% or 43.75% 9/16 .5625 56 ¼% or 56.25% 11/16 .6875 68 ¾% or 68.75% 13/16 .8125 81 ¼% or 81.25% 15/16 .9375 93 ¾% or 93.75% 1/3 .33 1/3 33 1/3% or 33.33% 2/3 .66 2/3 66 2/3% or 66.67% 1/6 .16 2/3 16 2/3% or 16.67% 5/6 .83 1/3 83 1/3% or 83.33% 1/12 .08 1/3 8 1/3% or 8.33% 5/12 .41 2/3 41 2/3% or 41.67% 7/12 .58 1/3 58 1/3% or 58.33% 11/12 .91 2/3 91 2/3% or 91.67% 1/7 .14 2/7 14 2/7% or 14.29% 2/7 .28 4/7 28 4/7% or 28.57% 3/7 .42 6/7 42 6/7% or 42.86% 4/7 .57 1/7 51 1/7% 5/7 .71 3/7 71 3/7% 6/7 .85 5/7 85 5/7% 87 Fractions, Decimals, and Percents Fractions, decimals, and percent all represent parts of a complete quantity. They are interchangeable. Sometimes it is more convenient to use one form rather than either of the other two. Because all three are interchangeable, it is necessary to know a few rules for changing from one to another. I. To change any decimal to a percent, move the decimal point two places to the right and add the percent sign. Example: .25 1.04 .005 II. = = = 25% 104% .5% or ½% To change a percent to decimals or whole numbers, move the decimal point two places to the left and drop the percent sign. Example: 32% 110% .5% ½% = = = = .32 1.10 or 1.1 .005 .5% or .005 III. To change a percent to its fractional equivalent, change it directly to a decimal, and then write the decimal fraction as a common fraction. Reduce it to its lowest terms. A decimal fraction will have a multiple of ten as a denominator, such as 10,100, 1000, etc. IV. To change a fraction to a decimal, divide the denominator into the numerator; carry the quotient to as many places as necessary to come out even, or as required by the problem being solved. .1875 3 Example: 16 = what as a decimal? 16)3.0000 88 Divisibility of integers You can divide by 2 If The last digit is 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 3 The sum of the digits is divisible by 3 4 The integer named by the last two digits is divisible by 4 5 The last digit is 0 or 5 7 From the right, group the digits by threes, and mark these groups alternately positive and negative; then total the signed groups. Is the sum divisible by 7? 9 The sum of the digits is divisible by 9. 10 The last digit is 0. 11 Mark the digits alternately positive and negative fro the right; then total the signed digits. Is this sum divisible by 11? 13 Compute the sum as in the test for 7. Is this sum divisible by 13? 89