EE 536 Spring 2011: Term Paper CDMA over Optical Fiber Camerin Hahn, Hector Reyes, Ahmed Rabbi, and Waqas Ahmad Depart of Electrical Engineering University of North Dakota Grand Forks ND 58203-7165, USA Phone: 701-770-6266 Email: Abstract Spread spectrum multiple access communication, known commercially as CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access), is a driving technology behind the rapidly advancing personal communications industry [1], providing greater bandwidth efficiency and multiple access capabilities. The applications of CDMA range from cellular mobile to wireless data transmission as well as from personal computing to RF engineering. The increased robustness against various kinds of interferences, such as multipath fading and narrow band interference are the prominent features of CDMA. In this project, digital communication using CDMA over fiber will be investigated. The goal of the project is to investigate the benefits and shortcomings of this method in fiber optic communications as compared to other techniques. Besides the literature survey and through study, attempts will be made to demonstrate the system for communication between two devices. 1. Introduction Code Division Multiple Access, CDMA, is a driving technology behind the rapidly advancing personal communications industry [1]. The applications of CDMA range from cellular mobile to wireless data as well as satellite communications. The term CDMA must not be confused with the mobile standards cdmaOne and CDMA2000 that use CDMA in their underlying levels to distribute the access to the channel. CDMA is used in other systems such as IEEE802.11, Bluetooth, Zigbee, UMTS and in satellite navigation systems like GPS, Glonass, and Galileo. The success of CDMA in wireless communications awakened the interest of applying it to optical fiber communications. Another reason is the high bandwidth available in fiber-optic medium. The Spread Spectrum Technique can take advantage of this huge bandwidth as the required processing gain to provide multiple access capability to the network [2]. An intensive research work on optical CDMA (OCDMA) started two decades ago [3]. This work is mostly related with the application of OCDMA to LAN (Local Area Network) networks since this technique, CDMA, is more flexible and scalable than WDM (Wavelength Division Multiplexing) in these kinds of scenarios, LAN. 1 EE 536 Spring 2011: Term Paper Code Division Multiple Access is a technique that allows several users to share the spectral resources of a medium. This is accomplished by assigning special codes to each one of the users. These codes have special properties that make it possible to differentiate the users sharing the same channel. There several kinds of codes employed in CDMA systems such as msequences, Gold Codes and Hadamard-Walsh orthogonal codes [3]. These codes are used along with the Spread Spectrum Technique to allow many users to communicate more effectively. In fact, CDMA is an important application of the Spread Spectrum technology. 2. Implementation and verification of the CDMA over fiber optics circuit 2.1. CDMA Hardware The CDMA over fiber optics was implemented by means of a Xilinx Spartan FPGA demo board and an external XOR IC 74LS86. The FPGA was used to generate the spreading and the de-spreading codes at the receiver and at the transmitter respectively. The spreading and despreading codes are 8 bits long and are entered to the system by means of external switches. There 16 external switches, 8 switches for the transmitter and 8 switches for the receiver. The FPGA circuit basically acts as parallel to serial converter allowing many custom spreading codes. This circuit is described in VHDL by using the ISE 9.2i software. The bits of the spreading code are called chips in order to differentiate them from the bits of the information sequence; therefore, we have Rch and Rb, being the first the chip rate and the second the bit rate. The VHDL description of the circuit sets the bit rate of the spreading at frequency about 8 times bigger than the bit rate of the information. The figure 1 shows the transmitter. Figure 1. Transmitter 2 EE 536 Spring 2011: Term Paper The XOR (74LS86) gate spreads the information sequence Rb with the spreading code. Then the spread information is sent on the optical system (This is the experimental kit found in the Lab). The spread information, now converted to the optical domain, arrives in the receiver system. In the receiver, the information sequence in recovered by mean of the de-spreading code, which should coincide with the spreading code for proper dispreading. Figure 2 shows that the receiver has the same structure as the transmitter. The XOR gate recovers (de-spreads) the information sequence as mentioned before. Figure 2. Receiver used with copper wire 2.2. Fiber Optics Kit In order to verify the CDMA transmission through optical fiber, we used KOP-100 fiber optics kit. It has the capability of modulating the data using pulse-width modulation (PWM) and intensity modulation (IM). For PWM data transmission, the input signal (Vin) is fed to a modulator which generates a train of constant frequency, constant amplitude, duty-cycle modulated rectangular pulses. These pulses are converted to light pulses by a LED and transmitted along the fiber. The photodetector signal is fed into a current to voltage converter, the output of which feeds a demodulator. The demodulator output signal’s amplitude (Vout) and pulse width are proportional to the input signal [4]. PWM modulation can be chosen using the ‘mod’ switch on the fiber optics kit. For IM transmission, the input signal (Vin) directly modulates the LED current and therefore the optical signal. The photodectector then converts the optical signal to a current 3 EE 536 Spring 2011: Term Paper which is fed into a current to voltage converter. This output drives a loudspeaker [4]. IM transmission can be chosen using the ‘dir’ switch on the fiber optics kit. The key difference between the two systems is that the amplitude of the electrical signal driving the LED is a constant in the case of PWM but is variable for the direct (IM) transmission [4]. 2.3. Implementation and verification In order to test the system, the transmitter and the receiver were first connected by means of a copper cable instead of an optical fiber. The objective of this test was to see if the transmitter and the receiver were working and if it was possible to recover the information once it was spread in the transmitter. For this test, a pulse generator was used as information source. The first step was to test the system by using the same code at the transmitter and at the receiver. Figure 3 shows the results. As one can see when the spreading code (number 1) is equal to the despreading code (number 2), the signal obtained at the receiver (number 4) coincides with the information sequence. Figure 3. Results with spreading code equal to de-spreading code with a copper wire connecting TX and RX 4 EE 536 Spring 2011: Term Paper Figure 4. Results with spreading code different from de-spreading code with a copper wire connecting TX and RX On the other hand, figure 4 shows that when the spreading code and the de-spreading codes are different, the signal obtained at the receiver is different from the information sequence; therefore, under these circumstances, it is impossible to recover the signal at the receiver. Figures 3 and 4 were obtained by means of a Tektronix TDS 2024B Four Channel Oscilloscope. Figures 3 and 4 also allow us to see the difference in frequency between the spreading code and the information. The spreading code frequency is greater than the information frequency as required in any CDMA system. In figure 4, it is possible to see that when the information is not recovered, the signal obtained at the receiver has a frequency close to the spreading code frequency. After knowing that the system was working with a copper cable, this copper was substituted by the optical system as in figure 1 and 2. Because some undesired high frequency components were obtained at the output signal, the receiver circuit was modified as in figure 5 in order to filter out those components. In the receiver, two 2.2 μF send the undesired high frequency components to ground. The XOR gate, with one of its inputs connected to logical 0 helps to recover the shape of the pulse, because it eliminates the fluctuations of the voltage. Figure 6 shows the signal obtained at the receiver when the spreading and the de-spreading codes coincide. Although, the shape of the signal is not as good as in figure 3, the data signals were recovered satisfactorily. On the other hand, figure 7 shows that when the spreading and despreading codes are different, the signal obtained at the receiver is totally different from the original data. This circuit was tested under the next conditions: Rb= 30 bps RCH = 250 chips/sec 5 EE 536 Spring 2011: Term Paper The rate that travels through the fiber was 250 chips/sec. It was attempted to send higher RCH; however, the signal obtained was not acceptable. Because of that, it was necessary to reduce RCH in order to obtain an acceptable signal as in figure 6. Probably, this limitation is imposed by the LED and the photo detector of the optical system. Because there was no documentation of the optical system, we found out this limit empirically. Figure 5. Receiver used when the optical fiber was connecting TX and RX Figure 6. Results with spreading code equal to de-spreading code with an optical fiber connecting TX and RX 6 EE 536 Spring 2011: Term Paper Figure 7. Results with spreading code different from de-spreading code with an optical fiber connecting TX and RX 3. Application of CDMA over Fiber Technology CDMA over fiber is a method of spreading the bandwidth across many simultaneous users cannel. By setting the Chip Rate at the maximum bit rate, one can then efficiently spread the transfer speed across many users, without using extra channels. This method allows many users to share the same bandwidth without a complex sharing scheme; simply mixing the signals will allow the desired results. Along with the benefit of multiple accesses to the same single, the use of CDMA allows for additional security. If multiple users are allowed to communicate ate the same time on the same channel, this means that all users will have access to the parts transmitted on those lines. With CDMA both sides must have the same spreading code to decrypt the data. Without the proper codes, the fact that user has access to the raw data will not affect the security of the transmission. The combination of these advantages makes the CDMA technology ideal for Fiber Optic communication. Due to a high bit rate allowed in fiber optics, the chip rate can be made very high. Earlier the fact that a chip rat must be much higher than the data bit rate. By spreading the spectrum using CDMA, this high data rate can be shared amongst many users. 4. Conclusion and Future Work In this project, we used 8 bit numbers. Therefore, the system can detect one bit error. However, we have done anything on error detection or correction due to time constraint. The formula for error detection in a CDMA transmission system is given below. 𝑛 𝑡 = 4−1 where, 𝑡 = no. of errors and 𝑛 = 8, 16, 64 … 7 (1) EE 536 Spring 2011: Term Paper Table 1. shows the number of bits and corresponding error detection and correction capacity. The more the bit numbers the error detection capacity increases. For our implementation, it would be possible to incorporate error detection and correction for single bit. For 64 bit system, the error detection and correction capacity increases to 15 bits. Table 1. Number of bits and corresponding error detection and correction bit number n (bits) t (number of error correction bits) 8 1 16 3 64 15 Our CDMA system functions at very low frequencies. The highest operating frequency of our CDMA system is limited by the speed of the transmission and receptions diodes. The current transmission and reception diodes only function in the audio frequency domain. This limits our transmission rates to that of a few kbs. With more work, and high frequency diodes, this system could function much faster. At that point the limitation would be contained in the chip generator, in our case the FPGA. A faster chip generator must be used to make the CDMA system work well over a fiber system. The final short coming of our system is the chip synchronization system. This system is designed to align the receiving chip generator to the received encoded data. If the transmission and reception chips are not aligned the signal will not be decoded, much like when the wrong code is used to decrypt the data. 8 EE 536 Spring 2011: Term Paper Appendix A.1. The VHDL code for the FPGA parallel to serial converter: library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.ALL; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL; entity NRZI is port(clk: IN std_logic; A: IN std_logic_vector (7 downto 0); B: IN std_logic_vector (7 downto 0); Y: OUT std_logic; Z: OUT std_logic); end NRZI; architecture Behavioral of NRZI is signal onesecond_clk:std_logic; signal code:std_logic:='0'; signal codeB:std_logic:='0'; begin -- This process is a clock divider -- This divider provides a 250 hz clock p1:process(clk) variable cnt: integer; begin if rising_edge(clk) then If cnt = 50000 then onesecond_clk <= not onesecond_clk; cnt := 0; else onesecond_clk <= onesecond_clk; cnt := cnt +1; end if; end if; end process; -- This process performs the Parallel to serial conversion to -- provide the spreading code. p2: PROCESS (onesecond_clk) variable i: integer:=0; BEGIN IF rising_edge(onesecond_clk) THEN if i=7 then IF A(i)='0' THEN code <= '0'; ELSE code<='1'; END IF; i := 0; ELSE 9 EE 536 Spring 2011: Term Paper IF A(i)='0' THEN code <= '0'; ELSE code<='1'; END IF; i := i+1; END IF; Y<=code; END IF; END PROCESS; -- This process performs the Parallel to serial conversion to -- provide the de-spreading code. p3: PROCESS (onesecond_clk) variable i: integer:=0; BEGIN IF rising_edge(onesecond_clk) THEN if i=7 then IF B(i)='0' THEN codeB <= '0'; ELSE codeB<='1'; END IF; i := 0; ELSE IF B(i)='0' THEN codeB <= '0'; ELSE codeB<='1'; END IF; i := i+1; END IF; Z<=codeB; END IF; END PROCESS; End Behavioral; REFERENCES [1] A. J. Viterbi. CDMA, Principles and Applications. Addison-Wesley 1995. [2] I. Fridyes. CDMA in Optics. Invited Paper. IEEE Ninth International Symposium on Spread Spectrum and Applications. 2006. [3] I. Fridyes. CDMA in Optics. Invited Paper. IEEE Ninth International Symposium on Spread Spectrum and Applications. 2006. [4] S. Zahedi, J.A. Salehi,” Analytical Comparison of Various [4] KOP-100 fiber optics kit manual. [5] Fiber-Optic CDMA Receiver Structures, Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol 18, No. 12, December 2000. 10