SALE RING – It can be set up with the hog wire panels and shavings

8:00pm MT
Conference Call
The meeting was called to order by Jim Ashmore 8:05PM MT.
Attendees:Paul Lewis, Harry Owens, Jim Ashmore, Jane Patton and Stephanie Payne
There were not enough Board members on the call to constitute a quorum.
Stephanie received checks for 6 membership dues and 2 seminar registrations. The checks have not
been deposited as of yet.
Jane said there are 14 registered for the seminar
Jane went over the e-mailed update below
Friday (5/22) – 4 pm sale & seminar sheep may arrived
Saturday (5/23) – 8:30am – 5:00pm Educational seminar
– 12:00 pm seminar lunch
-- 6:00 pm Business Meeting & Dinner at Casa Ramos
9:00 am Show Dorper and White Dorper yearling
Ram classes
8:00 am preview sale sheep
12; 00pm Lunch
1:00 pm Sale
3:00 pm Load out
PENS – Chico State has 30 pens. I think we will have to rent a few more depending on final entry count. They are $7.50 per
pen plus hauling from Orland Fair and then back to Anderson Fair. They insist on hauling because they are all racked on the
truck. (pens are 6X6)
PANELS FOR ALLEY WAYS – Chico State has quite a few hog wire 16 Ft panels that are reinforced on top and bottom to
make alley ways from the pens to the sale ring and make a show ring. Can also set up alleys to load out with.
BEDDING – Chico State will buy 2 pallets of shavings. We will put out ½ bag per pen and then breeders can buy additional
bags at $7.50 each. The WSDA will also need to buy some for the sale ring.
(Chico State will by a pallet and we will pay for what we use)
SHOW RING – We can set up a show ring for the yearling rams inside the pavilion or show out on the lawn. There is a really
nice lawn area with trees right outside the pavilion. We can decide when we get the sale pens set up and see how things fit. We
could set up a show ring outside but hopefully everyone can keep hold of their rams halters for the show.
SALE RING – It can be set up with the hog wire panels and shavings right in front of the auction block.
AUCTION BLOCK – Chico State has a nice raised block with room for the auctioneer and clerk.
PA SYSTEM – Chico State has a good one that will work for the sale and the seminar.
POWER POINT EQUIPMENT/SCREEN – Dr. Phillips suggested we do the power point presentation in a classroom which is
right next to the Pavilion.
It will be easier to see the screen and the classroom will hold about 60 people. The afternoon seminar with the animals can held
in the Pavilion or in the Beef Barn across the road. Lunch will be served in the classroom.
OFFICE – Susan Taylor can use a classroom or just a table in the Pavilion which ever works best for her and the consignors
and buyers.
LUNCH SATURDAY – Dr. Phillips and crew will order and pick up sandwiches from a local bakery and will provide water,
ice tea and lemonade all day Saturday and Sunday morning. They have all the equipment necessary.
RING MEN – There are two experienced students at Chico State and Mark Eidman has helped us out each year in that capacity.
We have two people who have agreed to handle phone bids that have done a great job at past sales.
LUNCH SUNDAY – Dr. Phillips and the crew will prepare the lunch. She is looking into having the legs smoked at the Meats
lab and will be pricing various sources for legs. She has a great way to prepare the asparagus on the grill. The asparagus is
donated by a lady who comes to help with the sale. She often brings strawberries also. There is a kitchen in one corner of the
Pavilion so it be relative simple.
DESERT – Cookies
(Discussion as to how much to charge for the luncheon. We want to make sure that they make their money and then some)
LOAD OUT – Paul Lewis has been in charge and the consignors and Kurt Rainer help. Chico State has two loading chutes that
will work for pickups or higher rigs.
VENDORS – Shauls Sheep Equipment and Live Wire Fence Products (Neither of these vendors are Associate Members of our
association. Jane will talk to them.)
CLEAN UP – all we need to do is pick up trash. Chico Crew will take down pens and remove shavings.
There are 109 tentative entries. 19 Dorper Rams
Susan Taylor will charge $500 in order to run the sale
The Auctioneer will be $500.
The lady that will be clerking is $100.
We also need to make a donation to the University for use of their facilities
Jane ran a ½ page ad in the Dorper Report
Jim asked Jane to get the board a break down of all costs
We need to get costs on plaques for the Ram classes
Sellers advertising that their animal has been Codone tested need to provide proof of those results
Meeting be adjourned at 8:49PM MT
Next Meeting 15th of April
Respectfully submitted by
Stephanie Payne