CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS STUDENT RESEARCH PRESENTATION COMPETITION College of Health Sciences Grand Rounds and 22nd Annual Research Day Friday, April 15th, 2016 Wyoming Union 2nd Floor ALL University of Wyoming College of Health Sciences (CHS) registered students (Undergraduate, Master’s level and Doctoral level students) are invited to participate in a research competition to be held at this year’s CHS Grand Rounds and 22nd Annual Research Day. Awards will range from $50-$250. Research summaries (see below for details) will be evaluated by the CHS Research Committee. The Committee will make a preliminary decision regarding the impact/quality of the research described. Those submissions receiving the highest ratings (Top 3) will be considered further as oral presentations; the remaining submissions will be considered in a poster competition. Awards will be given for all oral and the top-3-ranked poster presentations: Oral 1st, 2nd, 3rd will receive $250, $200, and $150 respectively; Poster 1st, 2nd, 3rd will receive $150, $100, and $50 respectively. Submissions are due by March 4th, 2016 at 5:00 pm. Research Summary Submission Guidelines 1. All CHS registered students (undergraduate, Master’s level and Doctoral level students) are eligible to participate. See eligibility guidelines for further details. 2. One first-author submission is allowed per student. 3. Posters should be recent research projects not previously presented at this event. 4. Complete the Submission Form (next page) and return it with your Research Summary (750 words or less) as two separate attachments to your email. 5. Research summaries should include: a) Introduction/Purpose b) Methodology c) Results d) Discussion e) Implications For those Students Selected for Competitive Oral Presentations 1. Students selected for the competitive oral presentations will be notified by March 25, 2016 2. Time for the oral presentation will be 15 minutes, followed by a 5 minute Question and Answer period. Times will be strictly adhered to. The talk should be organized so as to cover: Introduction/Purpose, Methodology, Results, Discussion, and Implications. 3. On the day of the oral presentation: a. Presentations (PowerPoint) need to be loaded into the lap-top computer in the Family Room on the second floor of the Wyoming Union using a flash-drive. b. Set-up will occur from 7:30 to 9:00 am on Friday, April 15th, 2016. c. Students should be prepared to present their research during the Student Symposium which will take place in the morning of research day. Order of presentations will be determined by the Research Committee who will judge and rank the oral presentations (1st, 2nd, 3rd) at that time. Announcement of awards will be made at the end of the Poster session that will commence immediately following the Student Symposium. d. Students giving oral presentations may also want to present their research in a poster format (perhaps because they are obligated to present their research at a national meeting in a poster format); however, this is not mandatory. Students wishing to also submit their research in a poster format will not be eligible for competing for the Poster Award. For those Students Selected for Competitive Poster Presentations Students selected for the competitive poster evaluation must submit their posters electronically to Qin Zhu ( by April 1st, 2016 (5 pm), for evaluation by the CHS Research Committee. Please use the following filename format for your submission: xxxxxxxx-stu-compet-pstr-16. 1. Posters being generated specifically for Grand Rounds can be up to a maximum of 4 ft. x 4 ft. in dimension. Only posters that have been submitted previously (or are to be simultaneously submitted to scientific meetings requiring a larger format up to 4 ft. x 8 ft.) can be of a dimension greater than 4 ft. x 4 ft. This restriction on poster size is mandated by the number and size of our display boards. 2. Display boards will be provided (eight 4 x 4 and six 8 x 4 foot double-sided boards, thus, a maximum of 40 posters if all are 4 x 4 ft. in dimension, but only 20 posters if all are 4 x 8 ft. in dimension). 3. You will need double-sided tape to attach your poster to the boards as pins or thumb-tacks are not allowed. Your poster should fit on a 4 foot x 4 foot board (see points 2 and 3 above). 4. Two days before Grand Rounds (April 13th, 2016 @ Surge area, 4th floor of CHS building): You will be asked to verbally present a concise summary (~5 min) of your poster to the CHS Research Committee, and then respond to questions posed by members of the committee (10-15 min). The committee will then evaluate and rank your poster. The specific time for each student poster evaluation will be communicated by email to all student competitors. 5. On the day of the Grand Rounds (April 15th, 2016 @ Wyoming Union): a. Posters will be displayed from 8 am to 4:00 pm in the Yellowstone Ballroom. b. Set-up will occur from 7:30 to 8:00 am or in the afternoon of the previous day if possible. c. You should be prepared to present your posters on two occasions to answer questions on your research: 12:00-1:00 pm during the lunch-hour 2:00 to 3:00 pm during the Poster session 6. Decisions on awards will be announced by Dean Steiner at the end of Grand Rounds day. Oral and Poster Evaluation: Each student’s submission will be evaluated using the following weighting on two components: 1. THE SUBMITTED RESEARCH SUMMARY ------------- 30% Members of CHS Research Committee will score (0-4 pts) on each required content of research summary (Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Implications) based on the research quality and written clarity (total possible is 20 pts), and the mean score will be calculated for each submission. 2. THE ACTUAL PRESENTATION ---------------------------- 70% The following rubrics will be used for evaluating the actual Oral and Poster presentations Oral Presentation: Poster Presentation: Submission Form _______Yes, I wish to participate in the 2016 CHS Student Research Competition. Submit title of presentation, author and coauthors, affiliation(s) and research summary (maximum of 750 words) to Qin Zhu via email at by March 4th, 2016 (two separate attachments with your email; see below). Title: ___________________________________________________________________________ First Author (yourself), Co-authors and Affiliation(s) __________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Eligibility Criteria I am a full-time registered CHS student (please check the appropriate student category) ____ Undergraduate ____ Masters ____ Doctoral Name: ________________________ Advisor: ___________________________ CHS department/division: ___________________________________________ Phone/email_______________/_______________________________________ To be considered for this competition you must have participated in at least 3 (Undergraduate), 4 (Master’s level) or all 5 (Ph.D students) of the following criteria– please check those that apply: _____ Development of the original research idea (study). _____ Development of the study design and/or methodology. _____ Collection and analysis of the data. _____ Interpretation of the significance of the findings/data. _____ Preparation of the research summary. Student signature verifying eligibility ________________________________________ Mentoring faculty signature confirming student eligibility ________________________ When you submit your required materials to me via email, please use the following filename format for your two required attachments: firstly the submission form (this page) attachment: xxxxxxxx-stu-compet-form16. The second attachment is your research summary. The filename should be similarly formatted: xxxxxxxx-stu-compet-summary-16. Obviously your last name will replace the xxxxxxxx above. These attachments should be submitted from the student’s email account so that I have the student’s email address for all future correspondence.